Renewing Your Mind Minute With R.c. Sproul



Since 1994, Renewing Your Mind with Dr. R.C. Sproul has provided accessible, in-depth Bible teaching to millions around the world. In these brief segments derived from his most popular teaching, R.C. Sproul provides short insights on Reformed theology and the life-changing truths of historic Christianity.


  • Blessed to Believe

    08/03/2024 Duration: 04min

    It is not ultimately by intelligence or ingenuity that we recognize Jesus as the Son of God. Even our faith is a gift of grace. In this episode, R.C. Sproul speaks on the blessing that is required for someone to become a Christian believer. A donor-supported outreach of Ligonier Ministries. Donate: Explore all of our podcasts:

  • Forget Not All His Benefits

    06/03/2024 Duration: 01min

    It's easy to go about our day-to-day lives without paying much thought to the awesome fact that we have been forgiven in Christ. In this episode, R.C. Sproul recalls the importance of remembering the Lord's saving mercy in our lives. A donor-supported outreach of Ligonier Ministries. Donate: Explore all of our podcasts:

  • In Christ, Our Debt Is Paid

    04/03/2024 Duration: 06min

    Sin leaves us with a debt before God that we cannot satisfy. But out of His free mercy, God sent His Son to pay the price in full. In this episode, R.C. Sproul marvels at the redemption that Jesus accomplished in the atonement. A donor-supported outreach of Ligonier Ministries. Donate: Explore all of our podcasts:

  • The Treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge

    01/03/2024 Duration: 03min

    Is theology relevant to our everyday lives, or would it be better to spend our time studying something else? Today, R.C. Sproul teaches that all knowledge and all truth finds its ultimate significance in Jesus Christ. A donor-supported outreach of Ligonier Ministries. Donate: Explore all of our podcasts:

  • Knowing the Will of God for Your Life

    28/02/2024 Duration: 07min

    How can you know the will of God for your life? In this episode, R.C. Sproul reveals that learning God's will may actually be simpler than we realize. A donor-supported outreach of Ligonier Ministries. Donate: Explore all of our podcasts:

  • Is Man the Measure of All Things?

    26/02/2024 Duration: 03min

    In order to truly understand ourselves, we must learn more about our Creator. Today, R.C. Sproul shows that the Christian faith, rather than the empty philosophy of humanism, provides the answer to the question of human identity. A donor-supported outreach of Ligonier Ministries. Donate: Explore all of our podcasts:

  • No Such Thing as a Neutral Education

    23/02/2024 Duration: 02min

    All education is religious--it will either instill values that align with the truth of God or create a worldview that subverts it. In this episode, R.C. Sproul warns against the myth of a neutral education. A donor-supported outreach of Ligonier Ministries. Donate: Explore all of our podcasts:

  • The King Reigns

    21/02/2024 Duration: 05min

    The kingdom of God is a concrete reality with a reigning King and a clear mission. Today, R.C. Sproul encourages Christians to heed Christ's command to bear witness to His kingdom. A donor-supported outreach of Ligonier Ministries. Donate: Explore all of our podcasts:

  • Trust God’s Promises, Not Your Passions

    19/02/2024 Duration: 04min

    God is with His people through the preaching of His Word whether we have a sense of His presence or not. In this episode, R.C. Sproul exhorts us to trust in the promises of God, not in our feelings. A donor-supported outreach of Ligonier Ministries. Donate: Explore all of our podcasts:

  • The Foundation of All Truth

    16/02/2024 Duration: 02min

    God is the foundation of all truth. Therefore, the only way we can know anything is through His divine revelation. Today, R.C. Sproul explains the importance of recognizing God as the source of all knowledge. A donor-supported outreach of Ligonier Ministries. Donate: Explore all of our podcasts:

  • God Needs Nothing

    14/02/2024 Duration: 04min

    The infinite and omnipotent God has no lack and no need. In this episode, R.C. Sproul teaches that knowing God's all-sufficient power helps us better understand creation, redemption, and the Christian life. A donor-supported outreach of Ligonier Ministries. Donate: Explore all of our podcasts:

  • Since God Is Sovereign, Why Evangelize?

    12/02/2024 Duration: 05min

    Since God has sovereignly chosen which people will be saved, why should Christians be engaged in evangelism? In this episode, R.C. Sproul identifies one reason why we should tell others about the gospel of Jesus Christ. A donor-supported outreach of Ligonier Ministries. Donate: Explore all of our podcasts:

  • Rescued by the Savior

    09/02/2024 Duration: 02min

    The term "Savior" is commonly used among Christians. But what does it truly mean that God has given us the gift of a Savior? Today, R.C. Sproul considers the marvelous deliverance that Jesus brings to all who trust in Him. A donor-supported outreach of Ligonier Ministries. Donate: Explore all of our podcasts:

  • Honoring God as God

    07/02/2024 Duration: 03min

    God deserves nothing less than to be honored for who He is and all that He has revealed about Himself. Today, R.C. Sproul teaches on the need to resist our natural inclination of twisting the truth of God into falsehood and idolatry. A donor-supported outreach of Ligonier Ministries. Donate: Explore all of our podcasts:

  • Limited Atonement

    05/02/2024 Duration: 04min

    Is it wrong to say that Jesus' work of atonement is limited in some way? In this episode, R.C. Sproul clarifies that the doctrine of limited atonement addresses what Christ accomplished on the cross according to the eternal decree of God. A donor-supported outreach of Ligonier Ministries. Donate: Explore all of our podcasts:

  • Unconditional Election

    02/02/2024 Duration: 01min

    God chooses to save His people not based on their own merit but on the good pleasure of His gracious will. In this episode, R.C. Sproul shows how the doctrine of unconditional election gives all glory to God in our redemption. A donor-supported outreach of Ligonier Ministries. Donate: Explore all of our podcasts:

  • Obedience and Legalism

    31/01/2024 Duration: 06min

    Is it legalistic for Christians to seek earnestly to keep the moral law of God? Today, R.C. Sproul clears up common misunderstandings about legalism and helps us understand the place of obedience in the Christian life. A donor-supported outreach of Ligonier Ministries. Donate: Explore all of our podcasts:

  • Worship Is More than Music

    29/01/2024 Duration: 03min

    Something is wrong if we think our worship involves the words we sing to God but not the Word of God preached to us. In this episode, R.C. Sproul addresses our need for a biblical understanding of worship that has God at its center. A donor-supported outreach of Ligonier Ministries. Donate: Explore all of our podcasts:

  • Why Do Christians Make People Uncomfortable?

    26/01/2024 Duration: 05min

    There is a reason why unbelievers grow uneasy or agitated by Christians: we are redeemed representatives of the Holy One. Today, R.C. Sproul illustrates this discomfort and explains its relationship to the gospel. A donor-supported outreach of Ligonier Ministries. Donate: Explore all of our podcasts:

  • That’s Your Interpretation

    24/01/2024 Duration: 02min

    When we disagree with someone about the Bible's teaching, we cannot simply say, "That's your interpretation." In this episode, R.C. Sproul reminds us that serving the God of truth involves a concern for understanding His Word correctly. A donor-supported outreach of Ligonier Ministries. Donate: Explore all of our podcasts:

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