Beyond Belief



Series exploring the place and nature of faith in today's world


  • Sunni and Shia Islam

    08/02/2011 Duration: 27min

    Ernie Rea chairs Radio 4's discussion programme in which guests from different faith and non-faith perspectives debate the challenges of today's world.Each week a panel is assembled to represent a diversity of views and opinions, which often reveal hidden, complex and sometimes contradictory understandings of the world around us. Producer: Karen Maurice.

  • Celebrity Culture

    31/01/2011 Duration: 27min

    Ernie Rea chairs Radio 4's discussion programme in which guests from different faith and non-faith perspectives debate the challenges of today's world.Each week a panel is assembled to represent a diversity of views and opinions, which often reveal hidden, complex and sometimes contradictory understandings of the world around us. In this programme, Ernie asks his guests whether the values of celebrity culture are at odds with their own religious values. Why are we fascinated by the rich and famous and have we always been? Why do we care about the personal antics of footballers, pop stars, TV personalities and actors? Has celebrity replaced religion in society?Joining Ernie to discuss celebrity culture is Dr Kristin Aune, senior lecturer in Sociology at the University of Derby and co-author of "Reclaiming the F World: The New Feminist Movement; Vicki Mackenzie, journalist and Buddhist and author of Cave in the Snow; and Miriam Berger, Rabbi from the Finchley Reform Synagogue.Producer: Karen Maurice.

  • Ayodhya

    24/01/2011 Duration: 24min

    Ernie Rea chairs Radio 4's religious discussion programme in which guests from different faith and non-faith perspectives debate the challenges of today's world. Each week a panel is assembled to represent a diversity of views and opinions, which often reveal hidden, complex and sometimes, contradictory understandings of the world around us. In the programme, Ernie and his guests discuss the disputed site of Ayodhya in India. Hindus and Muslims have been in conflict for more than a century over the Babri mosque in Ayodhya, a town in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh. Hindus claim the site was the birthplace of one of their most revered deities, Lord Ram, and that a mosque was built after the destruction of a Hindu temple by a Muslim, Babur, in the sixteenth century. After decades of legislation, an Indian court ruled last year that the site should be split three ways between Hindus, Muslims and the Nirmohi Akhara Hindu sect. Beyond Belief examines why this site is important to both Hindus and Muslims and as

  • Egypt

    17/01/2011 Duration: 24min

    Ernie Rea chairs Radio 4's discussion programme in which guests from different faith and non-faith perspectives debate the challenges of today's world.Each week a panel is assembled to represent a diversity of views and opinions, which often reveal hidden, complex and sometimes contradictory understandings of the world around us. In this programme, Ernie Rea and guests discuss the religious history and make-up of Egypt: what is Coptic Christianity? How do Christians, who make up about ten per cent of the population, live alongside their fellow Egyptian Muslims? What is distinctive about Egyptian Islam? How have the two faiths co-existed for 1,400 years and how do we make sense of recent tensions between the two communities?Producer: Karen Maurice.

  • Suicide

    10/01/2011 Duration: 27min

    Ernie Rea chairs Radio 4's discussion programme in which guests from different faith and non-faith perspectives debate the challenges of today's world.Each week a panel is assembled to represent a diversity of views and opinions, which often reveal hidden, complex and sometimes contradictory understandings of the world around us. In this programme, Ernie and guests discuss how suicide is understood in Christian, Muslim and Hindu communities. Why do people want to take their own lives? What do the faiths say about suicide? And why does having a faith make you less vulnerable to suicide, as the evidence suggests it does? Joining Ernie to discuss suicide is the Rev Dr Mike Parsons, principal of the West of England Ministerial Training Course and author of "Suicide and the Church"; Raana Bokhari, doctoral student in the Department of Religious Studies at Lancaster University; and Dr Chetna Kang, a consultant psychiatrist and Hindu pastor. The panel hear from the Reverend Alan Smith, an Anglican priest, whose daug

  • Translating sacred texts

    03/01/2011 Duration: 27min

    Ernie Rea chairs Radio 4's discussion programme in which guests from different faith and non-faith perspectives debate the challenges of today's world. Each week a panel is assembled to represent a diversity of views and opinions, which often reveal hidden, complex and sometimes contradictory understandings of the world around us. As 2011 marks the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible, Ernie Rea and guests discuss how sacred texts, such as the Bible, Koran or Guru Granth Sahib, the Sikh Holy book, should be translated. Are translations given equal consideration by followers as the original text? Does it matter whether you understand the language of your Holy book? Is there a place for contemporary interpretations such as the comic book Bible? Joining Ernie to discuss translating holy books is Jasjit Singh, a doctoral researcher from the Department of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Leeds; Dr Sahib Bleher, a professional translator who is currently working on a translation of the Qur'a

  • The three wise-men

    27/12/2010 Duration: 27min

    Ernie Rea chairs Radio 4's theological discussion programme in which guests from different faith and non-faith perspectives debate the challenges of today's world. Each week a panel is assembled to represent a diversity of views and opinions, which often reveal hidden, complex and sometimes contradictory understandings of the world around us. In this programme, Ernie Rea and guests discuss the story of the visit of the Magi, or Wise-men to the infant Jesus told in St Matthew's account of the Nativity. Who could the Magi have been? From where did they travel, having seen a star in the east and why would they have recognised it as a significant sign? Is there more to this story than a colourful image on a Christmas card and the inspiration for a well known carol?Producer: Karen Maurice.

  • Philanthropy

    20/12/2010 Duration: 27min

    Ernie Rea chairs Radio 4's discussion programme in which guests from different faith and non-faith perspectives debate the challenges of today's world. Each week a panel is assembled to represent a diversity of views and opinions, which often reveal hidden, complex and sometimes contradictory understandings of the world around us. In this programme, Ernie Rea and guests discuss whether faith inspires philanthropy and asks if greater personal wealth comes with greater responsibility to help others, less fortunate. Producer: Karen Maurice.

  • The Supernatural

    13/12/2010 Duration: 27min

    Ernie Rea returns with a new series of Radio 4's discussion programme in which guests from different faith and non-faith perspectives debate the challenges of today's world. Each week a panel is assembled to represent a diversity of views and opinions, which often reveal hidden, complex and sometimes contradictory understandings of the world around us. In this programme, the first in a new series, Ernie and guests discuss the supernatural and ask whether there are always rational explanations for the apparently inexplicable. Why does belief in the supernatural appear to have increased in recent years? Can it be explained by an increase in visibility in books, television and the internet or could our fascination with ghosts, spirits and the hereafter be filling a void left by organised religion. The panellists hear from a medium and paranormal investigator who claims to have daily visions and has helped police forces solve murder cases. Joining Ernie to discuss the supernatural are Gordon Smith, one of Britain

  • Islam in America

    04/10/2010 Duration: 27min

    Ernie Rea is joined by three guests who discuss how their own religious tradition affects their values and outlook on the world, often revealing hidden and contradictory truths. In this programme Ernie Rea and his guests explore the history and place of Islam in America, following recent tensions over plans to build an Islamic cultural centre close to Ground Zero in New York. Confusion over whether the building will be a mosque or a community centre have fuelled suspicions over the motivation of those behind the plans and given rise to a wave of Islamophobia across the USA. In the countdown to the mid-term elections in November, is such anti-Muslim rhetoric politically motivated or are Americans having a long overdue conversation about the place of Islam in their society? Joining Ernie to discuss this are Robert Salaam a former US Marine who converted to Islam and is now the editor of The American Muslim: Dr Hussein Rashid, Lecturer at Hofstra University in New York and associate editor of Religion Dispatches

  • Religion in prison

    27/09/2010 Duration: 27min

    Ernie Rea is joined by three guests who discuss how their own religious tradition affects their values and outlook on the world, often revealing hidden and contradictory truths. In this programme, Ernie Rea and his guests discuss the statutory provision of religion in prison. What is the history and role of prison chaplains? Should the state make provision for prisoners to worship and practice their own faith inside prison. Is radical Islam being propagated within the prison system and what is being done to combat extremist views. Discussing religion in prison is the Rev Christopher Jones, a former prison chaplain and now Home Affairs Policy Adviser for the Church of England's, Archbishop's Council; Rashad Ali from Centri, a counter extremist organisation; and Frances Crook, the director of the Howard League for Penal Reform. Producer: Karen Maurice.

  • The Charedi (ultra orthodox) Jewish communities

    20/09/2010 Duration: 27min

    In Beyond Belief, Ernie Rea and his guests explore the place of faith in our complex world. Ernie is joined by three guests who discuss how their own religious tradition affects their values and outlook on the world, often revealing hidden and contradictory truths. In this programme, Ernie and his guests explore the beliefs, practices and lifestyles of the fastest growing group within Britain's Jewish community - Ultra Orthodox or Charedi Jews. Much of its rapid growth is down to a high birth rate - they average around seven children per family - but they are also attracting members from other Jewish communities. In Israel they play a key role in electoral politics. But what is their impact in this country? What do they believe? How do they practice? And how do they interact with those who sit outside their community?Joining Ernie to discuss Charedi Jewry is Rabbi Avraham Printer, Principal of the Yesodey Hatorah Senior School for Girls, Mrs Henya Myer, a member of the Hasidic Congregation in Manchester, and

  • Cardinal Newman

    13/09/2010 Duration: 27min

    In Beyond Belief, Ernie Rea and his guests explore the place of faith in our complex world. Ernie is joined by three guests who discuss how their own religious tradition affects their values and outlook on the world, often revealing hidden and contradictory truths. In this edition, Ernie and guests discuss the life, beliefs and enduring legacy of Cardinal Newman, who will be beatified by Pope Benedict XVI in the Archdiocese of Birmingham during his state visit. John Henry Newman converted from Anglicanism to Catholicism and went on to become a Cardinal in 1879. He was the founder of the Oratories of St Philip Neri, in Birmingham (where he lived until his death on August 11 1890) and in London. Newman's aim was to describe and inspire the Christian mind. His vocation was to help modern people realise the demands of thinking and acting with the mind of Christ and his Church. And it is this legacy which endures today. Newman will become the first non-martyr saint in England since the Reformation, and de facto th

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