Grace Clarksville



Grace Community Church is a church within Clarksville, TN that is dedicated to biblical truth, spiritual formation, and cultural renewal. Subscribe and don't miss a single Sunday morning message.


  • The Greater Story "The End and The Beginning" 2/20/2022

    21/02/2022 Duration: 42min

    One day this world will end — and then what comes next? In this sermon, we look at what happens after God judges the world and brings and end to evil and how that can shape our lives today. Key Verses: Revelation 21:1-7 Key Words: end of the world, new heavens, new earth, heaven, afterlife 

  • The Greater Story "Judgment" 2/13/2022

    14/02/2022 Duration: 38min

    In Revelation, we discover that judgment becomes a necessary part of The Greater Story. The promised judgment will reveal the moral qualities of God and encourage us to trust him wholly. We are trusting him to banish every form of evil from eternity and begin the process to make all things new.  Key Verses: Revelation 20:11-15 Key Words: Greater Story, Revelation, Judgment, Trust

  • The Greater Story "Enduring Our Days" 2/6/2022

    07/02/2022 Duration: 37min

    How do we keep our relationship with God alive when life is full of hardships? In this sermon, we look at how we can grow in our abilities to endure our lives, with God’s great love and help. Key Verses: Romans 5:1-5 Key Words: suffering, pain, endurance, patience, hope, salvation, 

  • The Greater Story "Our Life In Christ" 1/30/2022

    31/01/2022 Duration: 37min

    How do we cooperate with God’s story of redemption in our lives? In this sermon, we look at God’s sustaining work on our behalf, our continuing work with God’s help, and the promised mystery of how we grow.   Key Verses: Romans 6:4,12-14   Key Words: justification, sanctification, growth, spiritual formation, Romans

  • The Greater Story "And God Still Blesses" 1/23/2022

    24/01/2022 Duration: 39min

    Despite our sinfulness, God still blesses his people. In this sermon, we look at what God’s blessing actually means, why we need it, and how we can access it in our lives today, because of Jesus.   Key Verses: Genesis 12:1-5   Key Words: blessing, grace, mercy, faithful living, growth

  • The Greater Story "The Goodness of Creation, And Its Fall" 1/9/2022

    10/01/2022 Duration: 40min

    The Bible is first and foremost a story about God and his great and patient love for his people. In this sermon, we explore how this story begins, what went wrong, and why we need to continue to look towards it in our lives today. Key Verses: Genesis 1:1-3, 31 Key Words: creation, fall, salvation, redemption, story, meaning, purpose 

  • Stand Alone Message "Walking with God" 1/2/2022

    03/01/2022 Duration: 41min

    Life is a run. We run through life being led by so many different things that we think will give us what we ultimately want, but end up tired, dirstracted, and lost. Life is a run, but it was meant to be walked with God. How do we get back to the place of walking with God, and what can happen to our souls when we walk with God? Key Verses: Psalm 23 Key Words: walk, religion, Christianity, psalm 23, shepherd, sheep, soul

  • The Promised One "A Great Light Will Come" 12/19/2021

    20/12/2021 Duration: 32min

    God promises to give us light in the midst of our darkness and freedom in the midst of our slavery. In this sermon, we see how we need God’s light and freedom, and how God brings them into our lives through Jesus. Key Verses: Isaiah 9:2-7 Key Words: light, freedom, hope, waiting, Christmas, Advent, grace

  • The Promised One "Hope for Salvation" 12/12/2021

    13/12/2021 Duration: 38min

    As we celebrate Christmas, we are looking at the ancient promises about Jesus in the book of Isaiah. In this sermon, we discover the hope we have in the active presence of Immanuel and how that reshapes our thinking, attitudes, and heart. Isaiah shows us that true believers of the promised Messiah can wait expectantly with transcendent hope. Key Verses: Isaiah 8:11-17 Key Words: hope, advent, patience, salvation, Christmas, Jesus

  • The Promised One "The God Who Is With Us" 12/5/2021

    06/12/2021 Duration: 38min

    As we celebrate Christmas, we are looking at the ancient promises about Jesus in the book of Isaiah. In this sermon, we see how God promised he would be with us, especially in uncertain times, and this promise can be sign of his work in our lives today.   Key Verses: Isaiah 7:10-14 Key Words: salvation, advent, Christmas, hope, faithfulness, grace  

  • Galatians "The Results of the True Gospel" 11/28/2021

    29/11/2021 Duration: 42min

    Over the first 5 chapters of Galatians, Paul has clearly shown that the gospel cannot be earned by any work or keeping of the law, contrary to what the false teachers were leading people to believe. In chapter 6, he wraps up his letter by sharing some practical implications of believing the true gospel.  Key Verses: Galatians 6:1-18 Key Words: Jesus, gospel, law of Christ, communion, eternal life, bearing burdens, reaping and sowing, Galatians  

  • Galatians "The Fruit of the Spirit" 11/21/2021

    22/11/2021 Duration: 39min

    How do we really change? In this sermon, we see that real growth does not come from fear of being punished or pride from being good, but rather from something powerfully growing inside of us — the fruit of the Spirit. Key Verses: Galatians 5:22-35 Key Words: fruit of the spirit, growth, change, love, 

  • Galatians "Walking by the Spirit" 11/14/2021

    15/11/2021 Duration: 40min

    How do we become better people? In this sermon, Paul shows us where true growth comes from, why it’s so difficult, and how we can make real progress in our lives today.   Key Verses: Galatians 5:16-26 Key Words: new life, sanctification, growth, change, Holy Spirit

  • Galatians "Standing Firm in God’s Grace" 11/7/2021

    08/11/2021 Duration: 32min

    Paul encourages his readers to remain centered on God’s great freedom and to avoid a return to their old way of living. In this sermon, we look at why we need to hear this encouragement still today, and how we can honor God’s gift of freedom through a new way of living. Key Verses: Galatians 5:1-15 Key Words: grace, resilience, gospel, justification, freedom

  • Galatians "The Promise of Freedom" 10/31/2021

    01/11/2021 Duration: 37min

    Paul admonishes his readers to “become like him.” What does he mean? In this sermon, we see how connects his experience of freedom with two famous Old Testament stories, and how we can experience the same sense of freedom today. Key Verses: Galatians 4:8-31  Key Words: freedom, Abraham, promise, weakness, strength, hope

  • Galatians "Part of the Family" 10/24/2021

    25/10/2021 Duration: 37min

    We all have a family and for some those feelings we have toward our families are good, warm, happy, but for some they are heavy, difficult, and troubling. For all of us though our families are a mixture of both. Families are complicated. The family of God can feel complicated too, but Paul in Galatians 4:1-7 likens salvation to being part of the family of God through adoption, so how do go from being in God’s family to being part of His family? Key Verses: Galatians 4:1-7  Key Words: rules, law, obedience, faith, justification, grace, submission, salvation, freedom, sacrifice, intimacy, Holy Spirit, family

  • Galatians "The Purpose of the Law" 10/17/2021

    18/10/2021 Duration: 39min

    If God promises to forgives us and love us, no matter what do, then what was the point of all of the rules — or the “law” — in the Old Testament? In this sermon, we look at why God gave his people the law, what it tells us about ourselves, and how it fits into God’s grace today. Key Verses: Galatians 3:15-29  Key Words: rules, law, obedience, Abraham, faith, justification, grace

  • Galatians "Faith from Start to Finish" 10/10/2021

    10/10/2021 Duration: 36min

    Paul continues his relentless appeal for the Galatians to fully believe that God will do all He has promised. Paul clarifies the issues at stake for the Galatians as they attempt the unthinkable: attempting to finish the Christian journey by their flesh rather than by the Spirit.  Key Verses: Galatians 3:1-14  Key Words: faith, personal experience, theology, promise, Abraham

  • Galatians "A New Way to Live" 10/3/2021

    04/10/2021 Duration: 37min

    After confronting Peter about his hypocrisy, Paul explains — again — the power of God’s free gift of grace. In this sermon, we explore Paul’s experience with grace, his theology of grace, and his life through grace. Key Verses: Galatians 2:11-21  Key Words: grace, power, growth, hypocrisy, new life 

  • Galatians "The Two Sides of Salvation" 9/26/2021

    27/09/2021 Duration: 39min

    What does it mean to be inside of God’s saving love? In this sermon, we continue to explore this question with Paul. He shows us that God’s salvation both frees us and binds us to a new way   of living. Key Verses: Galatians 2:1-10  Key Words: freedom, salvation, gospel, courage, calling, compassion 

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