Sermons From Myers Park Presbyterian Church



Myers Park Presbyterian Church offers four worship services each Sunday, September through May. We also offer a number of special worship services throughout the year to enrich your faith life. People from a wide range of denominational backgrounds have found a home worshipping with us. Since each service has unique features, come experience them firsthand and see which is best for you.


  • Spirit


    Consider whether we as Christians operate more as a rowboat or a sailboat. Rowboats are fueled by mere human effort. We row and row and row. Functioning as a sailboat requires the Holy Spirit.

  • Heaven


    Glimpse a birds-eye view of heaven. Who gets in and who stays out? Is heaven real or make believe? Find out what the Bible has to say, and why we as disciples need answers as we apply faith to life.

  • Witnesses


    Look in the mirror and consider whether your actions and words truly reflect the presence of Jesus Christ. Is there a way to make love, joy, forgiveness and kindness more evident in your daily life?

  • Go


    Focus on why the Christian life requires coming in and going out. Our faith is not all about us. We are called to share the love of God. Do we reflect that in our lives?

  • Doubt


    Determine how we as disciples can know and do the will of God. When we say, “thy will be done,” do we truly mean it?

  • Forgive


    Mull over the true meaning of forgiveness. It is not cheap grace. It is not indulgence. It is not a casual pardon. Instead true forgiveness comes from a place of love, in our relationship with God.

  • Emmaus


    Gain a fresh perspective of God at work in our lives. We have all experienced disappointment and defeat, but often those are the times God’s amazing plan is revealed. Those are true Emmaus moments.

  • Risen


    Reflect on the contrasting views of death and resurrection. Medicine says, “it’s over.” Technology says, “it can’t happen.” Yet we have “Risen!” on our hearts. The love of God defies logic and reason.

  • Donkey


    Discover why the donkey, a symbol of humility, epitomizes the upside-down view of status that Jesus represents. Often in our search for power, we overlook the true victory.

  • Will


    Determine how we as disciples can know and do the will of God. When we say, “thy will be done,” do we truly mean it?

  • Hypocrite


    Consider why hypocrisy is an irreparably damaging landmine on the discipleship journey. When we as Christians are hypocrites, it damages us and the church. Hear how Christ can help remove the mask.

  • Worry


    Distinguish how to push through worry and lean into trust and faith through Christ. Find out why so many of our anxieties circle back to material possessions. When is enough, enough?

  • Masters


    Understand why it is impossible to serve two masters, and how Christ can help you distinguish where the wrong master is being served, so you can live a life of true purpose.

  • Treasure


    Think through the meaning of treasure. The love of earthly treasures has divided families, started wars and keeps our prisons full. What if we learn to treasure what God treasures and value what God values?

  • Pray


    Recognize why prayer tools cannot replace simply stopping and resting in the presence of God. How can we “pray without ceasing” when we also have to eat, sleep, work and live?

  • Give


    Focus on how Christ uses giving to allow your spirit to flourish. Gifts given for the right reasons have an unending ripple-effect, elevating the human spirit and inspiring hope.

  • Law


    Realize why the word law is not a term of oppression, but a life-giving force. Jesus came to write on our hearts, not on tablets of stone. Find out how Christ embodies the law and helps us fulfill it through him.

  • Salt


    Understand what it means to be the “salt of the earth.” Learn how we as Christians can bring flavor to life, keep things from going bad, and inspire others through the way we live.

  • Kingdom


    Discover why you need permanent residence in the kingdom of God and not just a mailbox. With every act of Christ’s love we show others, we “bring the kingdom come.”

  • Follow


    Rethink what it means to follow Christ. It is not about getting into heaven, it is having heaven get into you. It is a privilege, not a burden; true freedom, not restriction; an opportunity, not a sacrifice.

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