Rolling Hills Community Church Sermon Series



This podcast is dedicated to the Sunday morning teaching series happening each week at Rolling Hills Community Church in Franklin, TN.


  • Week 2 | The Impact of Family Dynamics

    10/06/2018 Duration: 35min

    God is working in all of us. Yet, through the journey of life, there will be conflict. Conflict is what God can use to forge us–refine us. Nonetheless, it is difficult when the conflict comes from our own family, like it was for Joseph. How we handle this conflict develops our character. This is the refining process as God is shaping us to be more like Jesus. By God’s grace, as we handle conflict in a godly way, we can impact our family for generations. God wants to shape us and use us to make a difference for Christ right where we are today.

  • Week 1 | When God Gives You a Dream

    03/06/2018 Duration: 37min

    Dreams are crazy. Think about it — your subconscious keeps working when you’re sleeping, revealing your true thoughts and feelings, but in bizarre ways that rarely make sense on the surface. You could be riding on a roller coaster or being chased by spiders or even flying (or worse, falling). It’s nuts! And yet God still speaks to us, even through our dreams. Maybe it’s because one of the only times we actually stop to listen is when we’re asleep. This week, take a minute to think about what God has been trying to say to you — whether through your dreams, through His Word or through the advice of friends and family. Is God leading you toward a new goal? A new career? A new ministry? Whatever it is, it might seem scary and overwhelming. But just remember that when God is guiding, you can always trust that He will take care of the details.

  • Finish Well

    27/05/2018 Duration: 38min

    It is not how you start, but how you finish. We all get one shot at life. One opportunity. How will we finish? With his last letter, the apostle Paul challenges and encourages Timothy to finish well. And, through this letter in the Bible, God challenges and encourages us to do the same. How are you planning to finish well? Where will you invest your time, energy and resources in order to further God’s Kingdom a legacy that will long outlive you? Let’s finish well!

  • Recognition

    20/05/2018 Duration: 35min

    As followers of Christ, we have been charged with raising up the next generation of believers. To prepare them for the trials and difficult times that are coming, by being an example in what we say and do. For, “what we say most, communicates what should matter most.”

  • Persistence

    13/05/2018 Duration: 37min

    This is the apostle Paul’s last letter. Paul is in prison in Rome for being a Christ-follower, and he knows he is about to die for the Gospel. Therefore, Paul writes this letter to Timothy, his spiritual son in the faith, and he tells him how to finish his life well. Paul points Timothy to the importance of dedication, hard-work and focus in his Christian faith. Paul wants Timothy to leave a legacy for Christ that will impact future generations. Today, God is speaking to us through this amazing letter. What legacy will you leave? How are you planning to finish well?

  • Courage

    06/05/2018 Duration: 35min

    How many projects have you started, having no idea how you were going to finish? And how many of those projects did you abandon halfway through? There’s a reason for that! Not having the end goal in mind makes it much harder to finish. Yesterday, we started our new series, Finish Well, based on the book 2 Timothy and Paul’s final instructions at the end of his life. If anyone in history could claim to have finished well, it would be Paul, a man who put everything on the line for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Through Paul’s challenge in 2 Timothy 1, we’re reminded how the spirit of God can take away our fear while granting us power, love and self-discipline in the process. Paul also speaks to Timothy of the importance of living boldly for Jesus and how we should never feel ashamed to share the Gospel. No matter where you are in the race of life, if becoming like Jesus is your end goal, you’re more likely to reach your full potential and finish well.

  • The Impact

    29/04/2018 Duration: 38min

    God calls His people to be brave. There are times when we must stand up for what we believe. Christianity is not a passive faith. This is our time to truly be bold and to invest our lives in what matters. God uses men and women to accomplish His will, but, our faith is not simply in one another, but rather in God. He is Sovereign - He is in control - and that should give us amazing peace and confidence. Let’s live our lives for His glory in our day and age. Let’s be brave!

  • The Climax

    22/04/2018 Duration: 39min

    God has called for us to be obedient. However, how can we be obedient when there isn’t a clear path to follow? It’s simple, just knock. We knock by making a plan for the things we care about and believe in. As Esther showed us, God opened a door for us but not before she went knocking. So first, make a plan that seeks to accomplish God’s revealed will in Scripture. Then execute the plan in community, along with prayer, fasting and accountability. Lastly, Trust God and His sovereignty with the results of the plan. “If I perish, I perish” or “if I’m embarrassed, I’m embarrassed,” for in the end God is sovereign and it’s all part of His plan. So what is your plan?

  • The Plot

    15/04/2018 Duration: 35min

    It takes bravery to be a hero. We are followers Christ living in a pagan world. This world is not our home. Therefore, we will experience conflict and persecution, if we truly live our lives for Christ. Sometimes, the persecution is small - someone may not understand why we pray, go to church or invest in God’s work. Other times, the persecution is big - many Christ-followers around the world put their lives on the line. Through it all, we are called to be brave. Faith requires risk, and heroes emerge from conflict. Are you living a life of fear or faith? Are you boldly living the Christian life? Step out and be brave - God is with you and for you!

  • The Backstory

    08/04/2018 Duration: 39min

    Esther is an incredible story of God’s Sovereign will in protecting His people. Although God’s Name is not mentioned in the entire book, His fingerprints are all over it. God is always at work redeeming and restoring. And, God wants to use His people as a part of His Redemptive story. Whatever platform God has given us, may we use it to further His Kingdom, and not simply our own. God used Esther, and God wants to use each of us to impact many others for His glory.

  • His Purpose

    01/04/2018 Duration: 41min

    God is inviting us into His Easter Story. He is drawing us to Himself and asking us to make Easter personal. God is not simply interested in religion, but He wants a personal relationship with you. Not your parent’s faith, or your church’s faith, but your faith – a committed relationship with the God of all creation through His Son, Jesus Christ. Easter is about the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and the relationship we can now have with God for eternity as a part of His forever family. Easter allows us to come alive in Christ! It is personal, unconditional, transformational and eternal. Receive His Gift and live in His love. God is here for you!

  • His Passion

    25/03/2018 Duration: 42min

    Jesus’ passion took Him to the cross. The Passion of Christ is the period of Jesus’ life from the Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem to the Cross on Calvary. What took Jesus to the cross was His love for you and me. We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, and the wages of our sin is death – eternal separation from God. But, Jesus came in love to reconcile us to God. Jesus paid the price that we deserved to pay. Jesus died for us. What are you willing to die for? Will you die to your own life and live for Christ? You really don’t know what you are alive for, until you know what you are willing to die for. Jesus died for you. Will you live for Him?

  • His Vision

    18/03/2018 Duration: 53min

    Jesus has a very clear vision – He came to “seek and to save that which was lost.” When we were dead in our sin and transgressions, God sent His Son, Jesus, to us. Jesus came to reconcile us to God. How awesome to think that God came to us! Do you remember your salvation experience? Never lose the joy of your salvation. And, as a follower of Christ, our calling becomes inviting others to Jesus. Only Jesus can change a heart and a life. He specializes in making things new, and miracles still happen today as God changes hearts. Praise God for the grace, love and the reconciliation we receive through Jesus!

  • His Mission

    11/03/2018 Duration: 32min

    Jesus was able to give us the command to go through His authority. But for many the fear of people keeps people from full-filling His mission. Knowing that He never sends us where He is not we can have the courage and motivation to live out His mission.

  • His Message

    04/03/2018 Duration: 36min

    Jesus came with a very clear Message. Into a world of fear, hopelessness and hate, Jesus came with a Message of love. Not simply a love that is a feeling, but a self-sacrificing, unconditional love. Jesus calls all His followers to love God and to love others. Jesus not only said it; He lived it. And, He calls all His disciples to live a life of love. How are you at love? Every day are you growing in your love for God and in your love for others? Do you love your spouse, children, friends, neighbors, co-workers and even your enemies? The overarching ambition of our life should be to live out the Message of Jesus – to love. Let’s grow in our love this week.

  • Aligning Your Priorities

    25/02/2018 Duration: 34min
  • Aligning Your People

    18/02/2018 Duration: 36min

    God loves all people. As His disciples today, we must be growing in His Word and pursuing His heart. Moses lived out God’s purposes in his day, and he prepared Joshua to lead God’s people after Moses was gone. We must all pour into those who come behind us. Who is your Joshua? If you have children, then they are your answer. In addition, it might also be those you lead in Community Group, teach on Sunday mornings or even your nieces and nephews. Raising up disciples of Christ must be on the forefront of your mind. Pointing people to Christ and teaching people His Word is the call of all His disciples. Are we preparing those who come behind us to lead our families, churches and communities? Moses did this well – will we?

  • Preparing for Prosperity

    11/02/2018 Duration: 37min

    Our God has blessed each of us in amazing ways. Just by virtue of where we live, we are prosperous. Our God has given us so much, and He wants us to enjoy it. However, sometimes we can fall more in love with the blessings than we do with the God who gives them. We must keep God first. Generosity is the only antidote to greed. God wants to bless us, but He wants us to steward what He entrusts to us for His glory. We must determine how we define success and choose to put God above anything this world has to offer. Commit your life to Christ today.

  • The Renewal of the Covenant

    04/02/2018 Duration: 39min

    Sovereign God enters into a covenant relationship with us through His Son, Jesus Christ. God takes the initiative and comes to us even when we are in our sin. In this covenant relationship, Jesus pays the price for our failures and mistakes. Our call is to accept His grace and to live our life for His glory. Putting Christ first impacts everything. Will you align your priorities and put Christ first today? Don’t get distracted by this world. Stand firm in Christ and live for Him.

  • Looking Forward to Where We are Going…

    28/01/2018 Duration: 35min

    Anniversaries are a great opportunity for us to do three things: to remember what God has done, to evaluate where we are in the journey, and to look forward to all that is to come. This is important in our marriage, our work, and in His Church. Together, as God’s church here at Rolling Hills, we are so blessed to be a part of an incredible 15 years. But, God is not finished with us yet! Our God is calling us to grow deeper in our faith, to reach out in love to those around us, and to give our lives for His glory. How can you join God in what He is doing in 2018? What “Next Steps” is God calling you to take? Maybe it is being baptized, joining the church, being a part of a Community Group or going on a mission trip. Whatever it is, let’s continue to give our all for the glory of our great God together!

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