Kettlebrook West Bend

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 77:57:06
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Messages from the Kettlebrook West Bend site...


  • Free in the Spirit, Romans 8:1-11

    11/03/2018 Duration: 36min

    Questions for discussion: 1. Have you ever been in a ‘game changing’ situation? What was it? How was the situation entirely changed for you? 2. For context, read Romans 7:14-20. Have you ever experienced anything like that? Can you relate to what Paul is saying in any way? Explain. 3. What does Romans 8:1 mean to you? What is your emotional response to this news? Verse two says that we have been ‘set free.’ Have you ever been set free from anything? How does that feel? 4. How is the Holy Spirit a ‘game changer’ in the life of the believer (Read Romans 8:5-11)? What do you think our role is in all of this? 5. Read verse 9-11. List all the things these verses say are true of anyone who has the Spirit living in them. What are they and why are they important? 6. There are no commands in all of Romans 8. So what difference do these verses make to you on Monday-Friday? What is our appropriate response?

  • Free as God's Children, Romans 8:12-17

    04/03/2018 Duration: 31min

    Questions for Reflection/Discussion: 1. Share a time when you felt like you had an angel and a devil on your shoulder and you were in the middle. Which of those two voices do you find to make the better case and why? Who is at the center of the dialogue and what are the implications? 2. Read Romans 8:12-17. What sticks out to you as your read this passage? 3. According to the text, being led by God’s Spirit includes an obligation, an identity, and an inheritance. Which of these three elements do you connect with most easily? Which is most difficult for you to connect with? Why? 4. Share a time when you believe you were led by the Spirit instead of the flesh. How would you describe it and how does it reflect the three above elements? 5. What is the inheritance Paul mentions from this text? Why is suffering part of that inheritance? How does this look in your own life? 6. What is one area in your life that you desire to be led by the Spirit and not the flesh and why? What is one way that you can

  • Free from Sin, Romans 6:14-23

    18/02/2018 Duration: 32min

    Questions for Reflection/Discussion: 1. When you hear the term “slavery”, what comes to mind? 2. Paul uses the phrase “slaves of sin” a number of times in today’s passage. Why do you think he uses this imagery? 3. Is there anything in your life that you feel like you are currently a slave to? 4. Can you think of a recent situation where sin has led to more sin? What was that like? 5. Read Romans 6:14-23. Paul compares two masters and two wages. What are they and how do they compare? 6. Which “master” do you find yourself most often offering yourself to? 7. How is Jesus as master good news? What are the “wages” Paul describes in that scenario? Why does Paul not use the word “wage” in this case? 8. Have you truly offered yourself to God? If not, what is holding you back?

  • Free to Live, Romans 6:1-14

    11/02/2018 Duration: 32min

    Questions for Reflection: 1. What has been one of your most profound experiences of being set free? Have you seen that dramatized in a movie that really stuck with you? (12 years a slave, Shawshank redemption, Les Misérables) or your own experience? What do you think that was like for either the character or for yourself? 2. Have you ever thought of yourself of being ‘set free?’ What have you been set free from? What might your life have looked like if Christ did NOT set you free? 3. Why do you think the picture of baptism is so important? Read verses 3-4. What is baptism a picture of? 4. What implications are there for you personally if it is indeed true that you have been “set free from sin?” (verse 7) What does that infer or imply? 5. What do you think it means to ‘not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires?’ (verse 12). Do you think you have a choice to sin or not? 6. How do you think these truths of Romans 6:1-14 would change your life and the way you

  • Gospel Speaking, Ephesians 4:29

    04/02/2018 Duration: 35min

    Questions for Reflection/Discussion: 1. Based on your life experiences, when you hear the phrase “unwholesome talk” what comes to mind for you and why? 2. Read Ephesians chapters 4 and 5. Identify every time Paul is concerned with our words or what we say. Why do you think Paul brings this up so often? 3. If you did a self-assessment with respect to Paul’s exhortation in Ephesians 4:29, what would you conclude as to how you are doing? Would others agree? 4. Which of the three “levels” of speaking discussed today do you find yourself operating in most often? Why is this the case? What steps could you take to move towards the third level? Who can help you with this? 5. It was stated that “When our words are not wholesome, it’s because we are not whole.” When you use “unwholesome” words, in what ways are you not whole? 6. How can the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ specifically speak grace into your answer to question #5? If you are discussing in a group, the group might be able to do th

  • Gospel Narrative, 1 Corinthians 15:1-8

    28/01/2018 Duration: 28min

    Questions for Discussion / Reflection 1. Have you ever been held hostage by someone who had a Jesus agenda? How did that feel? 2. What keeps you from naturally, normally talking about Jesus with others? 3. If someone were to ask you “what is the gospel?” how would you reply? 4. Read 1 Corinthians 15:1-8. What, according to Paul, are the elements of the gospel? Why do you think it is important that he includes the phrase “according to the scriptures” twice? 5. What did Mike say are the five movements of God’s Story? Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not? 6. Read Acts 13:13-39 and Acts 17:16:34. How are these two gospel presentations different? Why do you suppose that is? What is similar about them? 7. This week, see if you can go through the five movements of God’s story on your own and pray that God would give you an opportunity to appropriately share with someone in the next month.

  • Gospel Identity, 1 Timothy 1:12-17

    21/01/2018 Duration: 30min

    Questions for Reflection / Discussion: 1. When you think about others sharing their story, who or what is usually the hero? 2. Read Philippians 3:4-8 – were Jesus not your hero, what accomplishments might be the hero of your story? Why is Jesus a better hero? 3. Talk about a time where Jesus wasn’t the hero of your story? Talk about how God has changed you to where Jesus is now the hero. 4. Share your story of 1 Timothy 1:14 in your life. 5. Why is Paul’s attitude of seeing himself as ‘the worst of sinners’ (v.15) important to Jesus continuing to be the hero of his story? How does it enable him to disciple others towards Jesus being the hero of their story? 6. What is one area were you not intentional, Jesus could stop being the hero of your story? 7. What is one way God is speaking to me and one thing I will do as a result?

  • Gospel Listening, Luke 2:40-47

    14/01/2018 Duration: 33min

    Questions for Reflection/Discussion: 1. What is your experience with other people asking questions and listening? How would you rate yourself in this area? 2. Who is the best listener you know? What is it like when you are with them? 3. Who is the worst listener you know? What is it like when you are with them? 4. What barriers keep you from asking good questions and being a good listener? 5. Read Proverbs 20:5. In what ways might you grow in becoming a person of understanding? How is Jesus the ultimate example of Proverbs 20:5? 6. Pick one of the four gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke or John) and skim it looking for where Jesus is asking questions. What did you discover? 7. What is one way you can take time, listen and ask questions this week? How might this better equip you in gospel fluency?

  • Gospel Fluency

    07/01/2018 Duration: 36min

    Questions for Discussion: 1. What languages and or topics would you consider yourself “fluent” in? 2. What elements do you think are necessary when learning a language? Why is this the case? 3. Read Ephesians 4:11-16. Highlight recurring themes. What sticks out to you and why? 4. Do you tend more towards “speaking the truth” or “loving”? Why do you think this is the case? 5. What is one area of your life that you need good news in? How is the gospel of Jesus Christ good news to this? 6. Jesus says, “For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.” If this is true, what does your mouth reveal about your heart? 7. What steps will you take this week to begin becoming more fluent in the gospel?

  • Letting Jesus Make Us

    31/12/2017 Duration: 26min
  • Christmas Eve

    24/12/2017 Duration: 26min
  • The Crown: 1 John 5:1-5

    17/12/2017 Duration: 36min

    Questions for Reflection: 1. If you were to sum up this Christmas season in a couple of words, which words would you use and why? 2. Do you feel burdened at Christmas? If so, why do you think that is, and where does it come from? 3. Read 1 John 5:1-5. What sticks out to you from this text? What questions do you have as you read it? 4. Despite what John writes in 1 John 5: 3 about God’s commands not being burdensome, do you sometimes feel like God’s commands are burdensome? Why and how do you think John would challenge this? 5. What crowns are you trying to wear in your own life? How might your burdens be caused by this? 6. What is one burden you are bearing, or one crown you are wearing that you can bring before the True King this Christmas?

  • The Cross: 1 John 4:9-12

    10/12/2017 Duration: 31min

    Questions for Reflection: 1. Have you ever used a telescope? If so, share your experience(s). 2. Did you grow up with a nativity set? If so, any memories you would reflect upon and/or share? 3. Everyone magnifies someone or something with our life. Based on your thoughts, words, and actions, what is your life magnifying and why? 4. Read 1 John 4:9-13. What sticks out to you? What questions do you have of the text? What might be one thing God might be asking you through this text? How will you respond? 5. In what ways might you need to confess that you are guilty of the microscope magnification of your life as described in the message? 6. What might be one way for you to emphasize Jesus as sacrifice and savior (rather than sentiment) this Christmas? 7. What is one way you might commit to magnifying God this Christmas season?

  • Cradle: 1 John 1:1-4

    03/12/2017 Duration: 31min

    Questions for Discussion: 1. What is your favorite part about the Christmas season? What is your least favorite? Why? 2. Do you have any favorite nativity scenes from your childhood? What do you remember about them and why might they be important to you? 3. When did the meaning of the manger/nativity become important to you? When did it really make sense? 4. Read 1 John 1:1-4. What part of that scripture is important to you and why? What was John’s purpose for writing (see vs. 3)? 5. Why is it important that Jesus appeared in the flesh and the disciples were able to see, hear, and touch him? What does that tell us about God? 6. Why is the prophetic name for Jesus: ‘Emmanuel’ significant? Where do you need Jesus to be ‘Emmanuel’ for you this Christmas season?

  • Compelling Change Titus 3:3-8

    26/11/2017 Duration: 31min

    Questions for Reflection: 1. Define philanthropy in your own words. 2. When you think of a philanthropist, who comes to mind? What makes them one? 3. In Titus 3:2, Paul encourages the followers of Jesus to show true humility toward all men. Are there people that you try to avoid? Why is that? 4. In Titus 3:3 Paul writes a list of things that describe some of the things that described the followers of Jesus in the past. Look over the list. In what ways have you also been guilty of living like this? 5. In Titus 3:8 Paul comments that verses 4-7 is what Titus is to stress to the followers of Jesus. How would verses 4- 7, if fully grasped, motivate people to be ready to do whatever is good and to engage in doing what is good? 6. In what was can you stress verses 4-7 in your own life to yourself? To others? 7. How is Jesus “philanthropy” in the truest sense of the word? How is this true in your own life? 8. How can you specifically engage others in the philanthropy of Jesus Christ this week?

  • Compelling Grace, Titus 2:11-14

    19/11/2017 Duration: 33min

    Overview Video of Titus (from The Bible Project): Questions for reflection/discussion: 1. What does the word Christian mean to you? 2. What are 1 or 2 positive experiences you’ve had with Christians? What are 1 or 2 negative experiences you’ve had with Christians? 3. How does the hope of Jesus influence our communal life? 4. Who is one person or group of people (maybe representing a cause/viewpoint) that you have wrongly made an enemy, and therefore excused yourself from the responsibility to love? 5. What does Jesus need to remind you of in order for you to be able to show and share the love of Jesus with that person/group?

  • Compelling Living, Titus 2:1-10

    12/11/2017 Duration: 32min

    Overview Video of Titus (from The Bible Project): Questions for Discussion 1. Have you ever had an experience with someone/anyone who has been a turn-OFF for Jesus? What was that like and how did that happen? 2. Understand that in the following verses (Titus 2:1-9), Paul wants to minimize those kinds of experiences for people who don’t follow Jesus. Why do you think that is important? 3. Read Titus 2:2. Have you ever met a man like that and who might that be in your life? How would you describe that person and what character qualities in Titus 2:2 do you see in that person? 4. Read Titus 2:3-5. What parts in those verses are easy for you to agree with? What parts are more difficult and why? 5. Verses 9-10 are talking to slaves in Paul’s day but they could very easily be talking to employees in our day. Based on these verses are you a compelling employee? Why or why not? 6. What is Paul’s main concern throughout all these verses

  • From Corrupt to Compelling, Titus 1:9-16

    05/11/2017 Duration: 34min

    Overview Video of Titus (from The Bible Project): Questions for Reflection/Discussion: 1. Who do you know that lives a life that is compelling? What is compelling about it/them? 2. Did God use someone else’s compelling life to draw you to Himself? If so, please reflect upon (and if applicable share) the story. 3. Read Titus 1:9-16. What is the trustworthy message the Paul refers to? 4. The Christ followers on Crete lived in a very chaotic culture, and were apparently, ripe for rules to combat chaos. In what ways might you be similarly tempted? 5. Paul describes some as being “corrupted.” In what ways have you found yourself to be corrupted? How is the gospel good news to this corruption? 6. In what ways might you, like some in the Cretan church, “Profess to know God, but by your deeds, deny Him”? What is Paul’s suggested solution for you? 7. Ask someone who knows you well this week to give you honest feedback as to whether or not

  • Compelling Leadership, Titus 1:5-9

    29/10/2017 Duration: 32min

    Overview Video of Titus (from The Bible Project): Questions for Discussion: 1. What has been your experience with either good or bad leadership? What made it a good or what made it a bad experience? 2. What role do you think leadership has on an organization, a group, or a movement? Why? Can you explain how that dynamic works? 3. Why do you think it is so important for the church to have good and healthy leadership? 4. Read Titus 1:5-9. What qualities stand out to you as being significantly important? Which ones puzzle you? Why? 5. In verse eight, the word for ‘hospitable’ literally means ‘love for strangers.’ Why do you think this is important for a leader in the church? 6. The list in these verses could also be used to describe any faithful follower of Jesus. Which quality do you want to see the Holy Spirit grow and develop in your life?

  • Worldfest Sunday

    22/10/2017 Duration: 41min
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