Living Word Church



Thanks for checking out our podcast! This is where you can find weekly messages from Living Word Church in Hauppauge, New York. Our mission is to help people center their lives around Jesus. We meet every Sunday at 9:30AM, 11:30AM and 7PM. Please check out our website for more info.


  • Out of My Control (Part 4)


    Join us as we wrap up our series talking about something that is truly out of our control: the future. We’ll dive deep into a powerful story that gives us hope for the future instead of worry and anxiety!

  • Out of My Control (Part 3)


    Check out part 3 of our series "Out of My Control"

  • Out of My Control (Part 2)


    There are many things in life that we cannot control. One of the most challenging things out of our control is how people treat us. But, just because it's out of our control, does that mean we are hopeless? Join us for Part 2 of our Series "Out of My Control" as we talk about this and more!

  • Out of My Control (Part 1)


    What do we do with all the things that are out of our control? The future, the stock market, how others treat us, struggles in our relationship with God…? Join us for encouragement and answers in our new series, Out of My Control.

  • How Are You, Really? (Part 3)


    Do you ever feel like busyness is getting in the way of the important relationships in your life? What about in your time with God? Join us for part 3 of our series, "How Are You, Really?" as we talk about the changes we can make to our busyness to make room for what matters.

  • How Are You, Really? (Part 2)


    Have you ever felt like you have to use a filter when you talk to God? You better not be real with Him, right? You have to throw in a few “thee’s” and “thou’s” or it doesn’t count, does it? You can’t actually tell God what you’re feeling and struggling with, can you? Join us for Part 2 of our series as we celebrate the truth that God wants to know how we are - really!

  • How Are You, Really? (Part 1)


    Isn’t it funny how when someone asks us how we’re doing we almost automatically say, “good”. Meanwhile we may be hurting tremendously inside. What do we do with that? How do we change that? What does God think about this? Join us for part 1 of, How Are You Really?

  • Guest Speaker: Bill Paige


    Check out this one-part message from our guest speaker, Bill Paige!

  • The Stone


    Have the difficulties of life hardened your heart and made it difficult to believe in a loving Savior who died for you? Does your mind struggle to believe that Jesus could have risen from the dead? Join us for our Easter celebration as Doug talks to our hearts and our minds in a 1 part message called, The Stone

  • Good Friday 2022


    Join us for our Good Friday service!

  • The Humble Heart of Jesus


    Check out our Palm Sunday service as we celebrate the humble heart of Jesus!

  • Wait


    Are you tired of walking in circles? Making a big decision and not sure what God thinks about it? About to make a move and unsure if it’s God’s will for you? Exhausted from day-to-day life? Join us for a one-part message called, Wait.

  • Chapter Break (Part 3)


    What do we do when condemnation creeps up in our heart? Join us today as we answer that question in the last part of, Chapter Break!

  • Chapter Break (Part 2)


    Does it ever feel like temptation owns you? Have you ever been tempted to fill a legitimate need in an illegitimate way? What do we do about those short cuts we sometimes take instead of doing the things God wants us to do? Join us as we talk about how security in God helps us overcome some of our greatest temptation.

  • Chapter Break (Part 1)


    Join us as we kick off our new series, Chapter Break!

  • Tear The Roof Off


    Sometimes our passion for God can feel almost nonexistent. There are needs in our lives that we know we should bring to Him with faith and expectation but we struggle to do it. Some of us feel like there are barriers between us and Jesus. Others of us have great passion for Jesus, but we want more! Join us we talk about all of this in a one part message called, Tear the Roof Off!

  • Worship (Part 3)


    Join us as we close our series, Worhsip.

  • Worship (Part 2)


    Join us as we continue our Worship series with a message from our Youth Pastor, Joey Leuci

  • Worship (Part 1)


    Join us as we kick off our new series, Worship.

  • (Part 4) Who What When Where Why


    Why do we put all of our time and energy into helping people center their lives around Jesus? Why are our hearts most satisfied when they are centered around Jesus? Join us as we wrap our series and answer these vital questions!

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