What Christians Should Know



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  • Episode 7.1: The Wisdom of Proverbs (1:1-7)


    WCSK series seven is an expositional verse-by-verse study of the book of Proverbs. This episode serves as an introduction to the series. Here, Dr. Sadaphal explains what a proverb is, how to read Proverbs, and the benefits the Christian can expect from studying the book. The big theme of Proverbs is wisdom. So what is it, how do you get it, and how does it help you skillfully navigate life and make good choices? This introduction provides clarity and meaningful answers, including seven features of wisdom. Our Scripture focus will be Proverbs 1:1-7.

  • Episode 6.23: The Book of Romans (1:16-17)


    WCSK series six is an expositional verse-by-verse study of the book of Romans. In this episode, Reverend Sadaphal begins to explain four reasons why Paul is not ashamed of the gospel. In doing so, he explains that the gospel is the power of God onto salvation to everyone who believes. He also begins to explain a core doctrine upon which the Church stands: justification by faith alone. The only way a man can "get right" with God is by being perfectly righteous. But, it is beyond any person's ability to be perfectly righteous. How then does a man "get right" with God? Our Scripture focus will be Romans 1:16-17.

  • Shorts: Feelings Are Not Facts (Romans 10:1-3)


    WCSK shorts equip you with practical wisdom based on a brief Bible passage. In this episode, Dr. Sadaphal explains that how you feel is never the ultimate barometer of reality; in other words, feelings are not facts. Zeal without knowledge is actually very dangerous. So how does the Christian rely on the facts of faith and not feelings? Dr. Sadaphal provides three practical answers. Our Scripture focus will be Romans 10:1-3.

  • Episode 6.22: The Book of Romans (1:16-17)


    WCSK series six is an expositional verse-by-verse study of the book of Romans. In this episode, Reverend Sadaphal begins to explain the gospel or the good news. The gospel is good news because there is bad news. So what is the bad news? If God is good then how can He justly forgive sinners? How can a man who is not right with God "get right" with the Lord? If the gospel is "good news" for all people then why are so many ashamed of it? This episode provides clarity and meaningful answers. Our Scripture focus will be Romans 1:16-17.

  • Shorts: Beware of Saying Without Doing (Luke 6:46)


    WCSK shorts equip you with practical wisdom based on a brief Bible passage. In this message, Dr. Sadaphal encourages all Christians to be doers of the Word because genuine faith begets genuine works. We must all take heed to say and not do because this is a sure mark of not being a member of the family of God. Our Scripture focus will be Luke 6:46.

  • Episode 6.21: The Book of Romans (1:13-15)


    WCSK series six is an expositional verse-by-verse study of the book of Romans. In this episode, Reverend Sadaphal talks about how God prevents us from moving in particular directions in life; that is, He shuts one door in order to re-direct us. He also discusses the biblical principle of stewardship, or the idea that we are gifted so that we can give. Finally, Dr. Sadaphal explains that all Christians are called to be a prepared people, because a prepared people are a ready people, and a ready people are always eager to serve. Our Scripture focus will be Romans 1:13-15.

  • Shorts: Why Forgiveness is Better (Matthew 6:14-15)


    WCSK shorts equip you with practical wisdom based on a brief Bible passage In the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) Jesus says many things that blow your mind and throw you for a loop. He describes forgiveness (c.f. Matthew 18:21-35) as a response to what God has done for us. So, because God forgives His own, we are now free to forgive. But let's face reality: oftentimes forgiveness is hard because we may not feel like it. So how do we forgive and what are the benefits of forgiveness? This episode provides clarity and meaningful answers. In the end forgiveness is better because it is God's way and His way is the way of life and freedom. Our Scripture focus will be Matthew 6:14-15.

  • Why the Bible Matters: Two (II Timothy 3:16-17)


    The Reformers (of the Protestant Reformation) lived by the mantra, "Sola Scriptura" which means "Scripture alone." This communicates the simple idea that the Bible alone is the ultimate authority on all Scriptural matters. Christians may ascent to this idea with words but do they actually believe this idea as evidenced by what they believe and how they live? Our Scripture focus will be II Timothy 3:16-17.

  • Shorts: Why Unforgiveness is Spiritual Suicide (Matthew 6:14-15)


    WCSK shorts provide crucial answers to critical questions. In the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) Jesus says many things that blow your mind and throw you for a loop. He seems to suggest in Matthew 6 that human unforgiveness leads to being forsaken by God. This begs the question: if unforgiveness is so dangerous, then why is it so popular? If unforgiveness is in fact spiritual suicide, then why do so many people believe the lie that unforgiveness is beneficial? Our Scripture focus will be Matthew 6:14-15.

  • Why the Bible Matters: One (II Timothy 3:16-17)


    The Reformers (of the Protestant Reformation) lived by the mantra, "Sola Scriptura" which means "Scripture alone." This communicates the simple idea that the Bible alone is the ultimate authority on all Scriptural matters. Christians may ascent to this idea with words but do they actually believe this idea as evidenced by how they live? Our Scripture focus will be II Timothy 3:16-17.

  • Shorts: If You Don't Forgive, God Won't Forgive You? (Matthew 6:14-15)


    WCSK shorts provide crucial answers to critical questions. In the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) Jesus says many things that blow your mind and throw you for a loop. He seems to suggest in Matthew 6 that divine forgiveness is conditional on human forgiveness. Is this interpretation correct? And, when we search the Scriptures for a complete biblical answer, do we arrive at the same conclusion? Here, Dr. Sadaphal explains what forgiveness is in general and what forgiveness is not. Our Scripture focus will be Matthew 6:14-15.

  • Shorts: Can Women Be Deacons? (I Timothy 3:8-13)


    WCSK shorts provide crucial answers to critical questions. In this episode, Reverend Sadaphal corrects a prior inaccurate interpretation and explains why he has changed his mind. In doing so, he answers the question as to whether or not the Bible allows for women to hold the office of deacon. Our Scripture focus will be I Timothy 3:8-13.

  • Episode 6.20: The Book of Romans (1:11-12)


    WCSK series six is an expositional verse-by-verse study of the book of Romans. In this episode, Reverend Sadaphal talks about the only means by which a Christian may be "established" or well-grounded:  the Word of God. This "establishment" matures a person and also makes believers resistant to false doctrine. Our Scripture focus will be Romans 1:11-12.

  • Episode 6.19: The Book of Romans (1:10)


    WCSK series six is an expositional verse-by-verse study of the book of Romans. In this episode, Reverend Sadaphal talks about prayer: What does praying without ceasing mean? Why do we even bother with prayer if God is in control of everything anyway? What is God's will and is it normal for Christians to experience setbacks and roadblocks in life? Additionally, Dr. Sadaphal also makes a connection to I Thessalonians 5:15-22, where the apostle Paul gives "marching orders" for practical Christian living. Our Scripture focus will be Romans 1:10.

  • Shorts: Even Death Creates (Ecclesiastes 7:1-2)


    WCSK shorts equip you with practical wisdom based on a brief Bible passage. Under God's providential care, He provides His children instruction even in the midst of one of life's most dark times: the death of a loved one. Christians ought not to think of death as merely destructive; rather, the wisdom of Ecclesiastes tells us that even death creates: new understanding, new vision, and new life. Our Scripture focus will be Ecclesiastes 7:1-2.

  • Episode 6.18: The Book of Romans (1:10)


    WCSK series six is an expositional verse-by-verse study of the book of Romans. In this episode, Reverend Sadaphal talks exclusively about prayer: What is it? How do we do it? and Why do we even bother with prayer if God is in control of everything anyway? In this lesson, Dr. Sadaphal ends us describing seven characteristics of biblical prayer. Our Scripture focus will be Romans 1:10.

  • Shorts: How to Grieve with Hope (I Thessalonians 4:13-14)


    WCSK shorts equip you with practical wisdom based on a brief Bible passage. All humans grieve but there is a biblical way to grieve: with hope. So what does grieving with hope look like in real life? Dr. Sadaphal first explains by teaching what grieving without hope looks like. He then explains how—even when it's really tough—Christians can experience severe distress while having a concrete expectation of God to strengthen, comfort and infuse new vitality. Our Scripture focus will be I Thessalonians 4:13-14.

  • Episode 6.17: The Book of Romans (1:9-10)


    WCSK series six is an expositional verse-by-verse study of the book of Romans. In this episode, Reverend Sadaphal explains what biblical worship is: it is not an event, but rather a pattern of life that is an active response to God and His revealed truth. Dr. Sadaphal also begins speaking about what prayer is: a critically important part of our lives. Prayer is so important that any form of spiritual growth is impossible without it. Our Scripture focus will be Romans 1:9-10.

  • Shorts: Sometimes Reality is Not Supposed to Make Any Sense (Habakkuk 2:3-4)


    WCSK shorts equip you with practical wisdom based on a brief Bible passage. Oftentimes Christians may look around them, read about current events or hear about catastrophes on the other side of the world and think to themselves, "God, this doesn't make any sense." What this podcast sets out to do is explain that oftentimes in the moment, life is not supposed to make any sense because the ultimate meaning of right now cannot be determined right now. To explain this point, Dr. Sadaphal will take a look at the prophet Habakkuk at a time when reality did not seem to make any sense: when God was going to raise up "the bad guys" (the Chaldeans) to judge "the good guys" (the people of Judah). Our Scripture focus will be Habakkuk 2:3-4.

  • Episode 6.16: The Book of Romans (1:8)


    WCSK series six is an expositional verse-by-verse study of the book of Romans. In this episode, Reverend Sadaphal explains that knowing God is the only way a person can truly love, and that without God, love does not actually matter. Also discussed are how Christian maturity begets increased degrees of gratitude and thanksgiving; what the pastoral heart looks like; how genuine faith not only advertises itself but is something to talk about; and how Christians are called to make God look good to other Christians. Our Scripture focus will be Romans 1:8.

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