Holiday A Day



Featuring holidays, festivals, celebrations and remembrances from around the world.


  • May 5, 2015 Cinco de Mayo and Children's Day (Japan)

    05/05/2015 Duration: 02min

    Cinco de Mayo - The fifth of May is celebrated in the United States but not for the reason most Americans think. This is a Mexican holiday mostly in the state of Puebla, when on May 5th, 1862 the Mexican Army defeated the French Army in a battle that looked to be in favor of the French, this is not Mexican Independence Day which is in September. The battle had little real impact in the conflict between France and Mexico other than boosting the moral of the Mexican soldiers. Today it is seen as an event that Mexico can take pride in, when their much smaller force were able to defeat the much larger, better trained French force but it is not a national holiday. The observance of Cinco de Mayo in the United States goes back to 1860 when the Mexican gold miners in California heard the news of the battle and celebrated. The day continued to be celebrated in California continually since 1863 as a day of pride for those of Mexican ancestry. In the 1950’s and 1960’s the celebration began to go to other parts of the U

  • May 4, 2015 - The Restoration of Independence of Latvia, Remembrance of the Dead and Star Wars Day

    04/05/2015 Duration: 02min

    The Restoration of Independence of Latvia - Annexed by the Soviet Union in 1940, the independent nation of Latvia declared their independence in 1980. It announced it would reinstate the constitution of 1922 and keep laws in force the had been established during the occupation while a new constitution was written. One of the Baltic states that made up the Iron Curtain during the time of the Soviet Union, this helped establish those countries as independent nations with their own cultural histories that they would take back.   Remembrance of the Dead (The Netherlands) - Originally a day set aside to remember those Dutch people who died during World War II, the day now remembers all those from The Netherlands who have died since in conflicts since then. Two minutes of silence are observed throughout the country at 8:00PM, even public transportation is stopped for this. There are ceremonies throughout the country as well, with members of the Royal family and high ranking government officials in attendance. Star

  • May 3, 2015 Constitution Day in both Japan and Poland

    03/05/2015 Duration: 02min

    Constitution Memorial Day(Japan) - Part fo the the Golden Week festival in Japan. This is the day that in 1947 the current constitution came into effect. It is a day to reflect on democracy and the government of Japan. Constitution Day(Poland) - The Polish constitution was ratified in 1791 and has been called the first of it’s kind in Europe. The King of the time, who is considered to have written it even though many people had influence on it, said it took the best parts of the American and British documents while leaving out the worst parts. Only in force for 18 months, it nonetheless has inspired the peoples of Poland to continue to look for an independent nation. It has been the inspiration for years after as and used this day as a day to stage demonstrations against which ever outside group held power at the time. The day did not become an official holiday till the fall of communism in 1990. Even outside of Poland the day is celebrated, such as the parade in Chicago that is held on the same day.

  • May 2, 2015 Teacher’s Day Bhutan and Iran. Indonesia National Education Day and Kentucky Derby

    02/05/2015 Duration: 02min

    Indonesia National Education Day - Started in 1908 by the founder of the present educational system in Indonesia where his philosophy “we can help others learn by coaching and mentoring”   Teacher’s Day Bhutan and Iran - For Bhutan this is the birth anniversary of the King Jigme Dorji Wangchuck, who instituted modern education system in Bhutan. In Iran this originally marked the day when Abulhassan Khan'ali, a teacher who was martyred in front of the National Parliament in 1961. It has since changed to representing the day that Dr.Morteza Motahhari was martyred. Kentucky Derby - While this may seem to be just another horse race it is a time when people will come together and have a huge party, over 100,000 people attending. The culture of the race brings people together of all walks of life from people tailgating to the upper crust where the best suits and dresses. The race has been run every year since 1875.

  • May 1, 2015 May Day, Law Day and Lei Day

    01/05/2015 Duration: 03min

    May Day - Around the world May 1st has come to represent one of two different things or a combination of them. Through out much of Europe, prior to the Christian dominance this was a time of year to celebrate the summer. Often a fertility festival there are still rights that are observed today. In parts of England there is the Map Pole which will have people dance around it and the crowning of the May Queen. This was a time of year when most of the planting would be done and a good time to give the workers a day off to celebrate. This time off was one of the reasons to also make May 1st a workers holiday. Looked at around the world as a Labor Day, when those who are workers are celebrated and recognized.   Law Day(United States) - Established by President Eisenhower to counter Labor Day, as May first is know throughout much of the rest of the world. It is intended to remind people that we must use the rule of law and not the rule of force to govern society. Today, if it is recognized, is used by law and bar

  • April 30, 2015

    30/04/2015 Duration: 02min

    Children’s Day (Mexico) - Classes set aside this day for the children often suspending lessons for games and other activities. The children will also bring food to share with classmates. Parks and other facilities will have special activities for them and parents will often give them presents. The day started in 1925. Reunification Day or Black April (Vietnam) - Depending on your perspective this is either a day to celebrate or mourn. The fall of Saigon happened on April 30, 1975 and marked the end of the war in Vietnam. This lead to the country being restored to one nation. For those who supported South Vietnam this is a day that many people feel they were exhaled or suffered for their support for supporting the south. For those in favor of the north this is a day they celebrate for joining the country as one. As the north were the victors there are many festival surrounding this day in the country.

  • Xicolatada

    16/08/2014 Duration: 01min

    Hello and welcome to Holiday a Day, your daily dose of Holidays, festivals, celebrations and remembrances from around the world.   I’m Jeffrey Johnson   On August 12th 2014 we celebrate   Xicolatada   Years ago August 15th was a festival day (not sure what for or why) in Catalonia and the people would drink to excess. A local merchant said that hot chocolate was the best cure for hangovers and offered them to the town folks.  This turned into a tradition that has lasted for over 300 years.   Happy Xicolatada!   If I have missed anything for this date or if you think I might miss a future holiday let me know by emailing me at or you can tweet me @holidayaday. Remeber to subscribe to the podcast at “Holiday a Day” in iTunes or Stitcher or you can just visit so you won’t miss out on any celebrations And remember to have a great day because there is a holiday out there somewhere.

  • Gwangbokjeol (South Korean Independence Day)

    15/08/2014 Duration: 01min

    Hello and welcome to Holiday a Day, your daily dose of Holidays, festivals, celebrations and remembrances from around the world.   I’m Jeffrey Johnson   On August 15th 2014 we celebrate   Gwangbokjeol (South Korean Independence Day)   Celebrating the day when Korea was liberated from Japan in 1945. It is also the day when South Korea became its own country 3 years later.  Along with speeches being given by important politicians, most museums and public transportation are free this day. People are encouraged to fly the nations flag.   Happy Gwangbokjeol!   If I have missed anything for this date or if you think I might miss a future holiday let me know by emailing me at or you can tweet me @holidayaday. Remeber to subscribe to the podcast at “Holiday a Day” in iTunes or Stitcher or you can just visit so you won’t miss out on any celebrations And remember to have a great day because there is a holiday out there somewhere.

  • Independence Day Pakistan

    14/08/2014 Duration: 01min

    Hello and welcome to Holiday a Day, your daily dose of Holidays, festivals, celebrations and remembrances from around the world.   I’m Jeffrey Johnson   On August 14th 2014 we celebrate   Independence Day Pakistan   August 14th, 1947, Pakistan received its independence from Great Britain along with separating from India. The day is now celebrated with the flag being displayed throughout the country, the President and Prime Minister broadcasting speeches to the nation, 31 gun salute in the capital, as well as parades and the traditional fireworks.   The weeks prior to the celebration are filled with sports and cultural festivals as well.   Happy Independence Day Pakistan!   If I have missed anything for this date or if you think I might miss a future holiday let me know by emailing me at or you can tweet me @holidayaday. Remeber to subscribe to the podcast at “Holiday a Day” in iTunes or Stitcher or you can just visit so you won’t miss out on any celebrations And remember

  • Awa-Odori Folk Dance Festival

    13/08/2014 Duration: 01min

    Hello and welcome to Holiday a Day, your daily dose of Holidays, festivals, celebrations and remembrances from around the world.   I’m Jeffrey Johnson   On August 13th 2014 we celebrate   Awa-Odori Folk Dance Festival   A festival of both dancing and music, held in Tokushima, it is said to have originated in 1587 when the lord of the land wished to celebrate the building of his new castle. The sake flowed so freely that the whole town became drunk and started to dance in an unsteady gait. Today the people will split into groups of men and women and dance throughout the town to drums and gongs. The dance consists of moving the left arm with the left leg and the right arm with the right leg while saying “It’s a fool who dances and a fool who watches! If both are fools, you might as well have fun dancing!”   Happy Awa-Odori Folk Dance Festival!   If I have missed anything for this date or if you think I might miss a future holiday let me know by emailing me at or you can tweet me @holidayad

  • Torch Festival Yi people of China

    12/08/2014 Duration: 01min

    Hello and welcome to Holiday a Day, your daily dose of Holidays, festivals, celebrations and remembrances from around the world.   I’m Jeffrey Johnson   On August 12th 2014 we celebrate   Torch Festival Yi people of China   The current celebration started in 1993 and consists of wrestling, horse racing, dance shows and a beauty contest. Historically it is to remember the the wrestler Atilaba who drove away a locust plague using torches. Celebrated by the Yi people, one of the 55 ethnic minority groups in China. A culture of 8 million people, they have their own written language that dates back some 3,000 years as well as their own religious practices.   Happy Torch Festival!   If I have missed anything for this date or if you think I might miss a future holiday let me know by emailing me at or you can tweet me @holidayaday. Remeber to subscribe to the podcast at “Holiday a Day” in iTunes or Stitcher or you can just visit so you won’t miss out on any celebrations And remem

  • Independence Day Chad

    11/08/2014 Duration: 01min

    Hello and welcome to Holiday a Day, your daily dose of Holidays, festivals, celebrations and remembrances from around the world.   I’m Jeffrey Johnson   On August 11th 2014 we celebrate   Independence Day Chad   Chad, a country in central Africa, received its independence from France in 1960. As early as 9,000 years ago the area in what is now the northern part of Chad became a good place for human habitation. Having several different empires and cultures living in the area since that time till the 1920s when, during Frances colonizing time, secured control of the area.   Happy Independence Day Chad!   If I have missed anything for this date or if you think I might miss a future holiday let me know by emailing me at or you can tweet me @holidayaday. Remeber to subscribe to the podcast at “Holiday a Day” in iTunes or Stitcher or you can just visit so you won’t miss out on any celebrations And remember to have a great day because there is a holiday out there somewhere.

  • Melon Day

    10/08/2014 Duration: 01min

    Hello and welcome to Holiday a Day, your daily dose of Holidays, festivals, celebrations and remembrances from around the world.   I’m Jeffrey Johnson   On August 10th 2014 we celebrate   Melon Day   Celebrated in Turkmenistan since 1994, the day is set aside for the muskmelon or Turkmenbashi melon (named after the first president of Turkmenistan). Turkmenbashi mean leader of the Turkmen, and is what the first president liked to be called. He established the day to celebrate many of the great things about the country and used the melon as a symbol of this. There are displays to the fruit of course but also music and dancing festivals as well.   Happy Melon Day!   If I have missed anything for this date or if you think I might miss a future holiday let me know by emailing me at or you can tweet me @holidayaday. Remeber to subscribe to the podcast at “Holiday a Day” in iTunes or Stitcher or you can just visit so you won’t miss out on any celebrations And remember to have a

  • National Day Singapore

    09/08/2014 Duration: 01min

    Hello and welcome to Holiday a Day, your daily dose of Holidays, festivals, celebrations and remembrances from around the world.   I’m Jeffrey Johnson   On August 9th 2014 we celebrate   National Day Singapore   Celebrating the day when Singapore gained its independence from Malaysia in 1965, the day will have a parade, a speech from the Prime Minister and fireworks at night.   Happy National Day Singapore!   If I have missed anything for this date or if you think I might miss a future holiday let me know by emailing me at or you can tweet me @holidayaday. Remeber to subscribe to the podcast at “Holiday a Day” in iTunes or Stitcher or you can just visit so you won’t miss out on any celebrations And remember to have a great day because there is a holiday out there somewhere.

  • Name Day the Queen of Sweden

    08/08/2014 Duration: 01min

    Hello and welcome to Holiday a Day, your daily dose of Holidays, festivals, celebrations and remembrances from around the world.   I’m Jeffrey Johnson   On August 8th 2014 we celebrate   Name Day the Queen of Sweden   Through out the year in Sweden there are a number of flag days, where it is traditional to fly the flag in recognition. The name day of Queen Silvia of Sweden is one of them. The longest serving Queen consort of Sweden, been enthroned since 1976.   Happy Name Day Queen Silvia!   If I have missed anything for this date or if you think I might miss a future holiday let me know by emailing me at or you can tweet me @holidayaday. Remeber to subscribe to the podcast at “Holiday a Day” in iTunes or Stitcher or you can just visit so you won’t miss out on any celebrations And remember to have a great day because there is a holiday out there somewhere.

  • Yamagata Hanagasa Matsuri

    07/08/2014 Duration: 01min

    Hello and welcome to Holiday a Day, your daily dose of Holidays, festivals, celebrations and remembrances from around the world.   I’m Jeffrey Johnson   On August 7th 2014 we celebrate   Yamagata Hanagasa Matsuri   A new festival (by Japanese standards) started in 1964 in Tohoku, it is now one of the four major festivals of the area.   A parade that now has up to 10,000 individual dancers wearing hanagasa (a hat decorated with artificial flowers) originally had them doing the same choreography. Today the 100 different groups, who are all dressed the same will have their own interpretation of the dance.   Happy Yamagata Hanagasa Matsuri   If I have missed anything for this date or if you think I might miss a future holiday let me know by emailing me at or you can tweet me @holidayaday. Remeber to subscribe to the podcast at “Holiday a Day” in iTunes or Stitcher or you can just visit so you won’t miss out on any celebrations And remember to have a great day because there i

  • Independence Day Bolivia

    07/08/2014 Duration: 01min

    Hello and welcome to Holiday a Day, your daily dose of Holidays, festivals, celebrations and remembrances from around the world.   I’m Jeffrey Johnson   On August 6th 2014 we celebrate   Independence Day Bolivia   Bolivia, a nation in South America, declared its independence on August 6th, 1825, after years of being ruled by Spain.   The day starts with Congress meeting in the same hall that the Declaration of Independence was signed, Casa de la Libertad. Speeches are given and as are calls for unity within the country. The president will also give a speech though the tradition that it be done in this location has recently changed. It was decided in 2010 that the president will visit different cities to make this much more inclusive.   The celebrations in the different locations mostly consist of parades though there are also cultural festivals around the nation.   Happy Independence Day Bolivia.   If I have missed anything for this date or if you think I might miss a future holiday let me know by emailing m

  • Aomori Nebuta Matsuri and Hirosaki Neputa Matsuri

    07/08/2014 Duration: 01min

    Hello and welcome to Holiday a Day, your daily dose of Holidays, festivals, celebrations and remembrances from around the world.   I’m Jeffrey Johnson   On August 5th 2014 we celebrate   Aomori Nebuta Matsuri and Hirosaki Neputa Matsuri   In both the Aomori and Hirosaki areas this festival has been celebrated since the 800s. A parade of bamboo and wooden frames covered with paper illustrations depicting famous historical persons as well as samurai warriors. The images will also sometimes have animals as well.   Happy Aomori Nebuta Matsuri and Hirosaki Neputa Matsuri!   If I have missed anything for this date or if you think I might miss a future holiday let me know by emailing me at or you can tweet me @holidayaday. Remeber to subscribe to the podcast at “Holiday a Day” in iTunes or Stitcher or you can just visit so you won’t miss out on any celebrations And remember to have a great day because there is a holiday out there somewhere.

  • Akita Kanto Matsuri

    07/08/2014 Duration: 01min

    Hello and welcome to Holiday a Day, your daily dose of Holidays, festivals, celebrations and remembrances from around the world.   I’m Jeffrey Johnson   On August 4th 2014 we celebrate   Akita Kanto Matsuri   One of the three main festivals of the Tohoku region in Japan, the festival is dedicated to the five grains; wheat, rice, beans, foxtail millet and Chinese millet.   During the festival bamboo poles, reaching over 26 feet in height with 46 paper lanterns shaped like rice bags are carried by young people. These kanto, as they are called are used to drive away evil spirits. Weighing up to 130 pounds, the kanto are paraded through the town by people wearing short jackets, hachimaki headbands, white tabi socks and sori straw sandals while not using their hands.  The poles are supported using hips shoulders and foreheads.   Happy Akita Kanto Matsuri!   If I have missed anything for this date or if you think I might miss a future holiday let me know by emailing me at or you can tweet me

  • Independence Day Niger

    03/08/2014 Duration: 01min

    Hello and welcome to Holiday a Day, your daily dose of Holidays, festivals, celebrations and remembrances from around the world.   I’m Jeffrey Johnson   On August 3rd 2014 we celebrate   Independence Day Niger   A country in west central Africa that received its independence on August 3, 1960. Throughout the country there are festivals celebrating the independence but the day has also been repurposed to be an arbor day as well. Every person in the country is supposed to plant a tree to help fight desertification.   If I have missed anything for this date or if you think I might miss a future holiday let me know by emailing me at or you can tweet me @holidayaday. Remeber to subscribe to the podcast at “Holiday a Day” in iTunes or Stitcher or you can just visit so you won’t miss out on any celebrations   And remember to have a great day because there is a holiday out there somewhere.

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