North Peace Mb Church



Sunday sermons from North Peace MB Church in Fort St. John, BC


  • Our Glorious Future


    Oftentimes when we think about heaven we think of a disembodied spiritual existence somewhere up in the clouds. In 1 Corinthians 15 the Apostle Paul stresses the importance of our future resurrection. Eternity with Jesus will be a physical existence forever! This is great news!

  • The Gospel


    In this sermon we look at the first 11 verses of 1 Corinthians 15. In it, the Apostle Paul lays out what the gospel is. How do we remember the gospel and hold fast to it? Can we have assurance that the resurrection of Jesus actually happened? And how does the gospel drive our worship?

  • Mercy Instead of Judgement


    In this message Pastor Andrew wraps up our advent series. What is the significance of the birth of Jesus? How did Jesus bring mercy instead of judgement?

  • Hope in the Despair


    In this sermon Pastor Andrew talks about what biblical hope looks like. How did the coming of Jesus bring us hope? And how do we walk in that hope today?

  • Light in the Darkness


    In this sermon Pastor Andrew talks about how Jesus came to bring light into our darkness.

  • Peace in the Chaos


    In this first week of Advent, Pastor Andrew talks about the world Jesus brings. When Jesus came to earth he brought peace into our chaos. How do we walk in that kind of peace as citizens of the age to come?

  • What Happens When We Gather


    In 1 Corinthians 14, Paul addresses the church gatherings going on in Corinth. Their gatherings had turned into chaotic displays of how spiritual they were. In this chapter, Paul lays out what our gatherings should look like. They should be edifying, understandable, evangelistic and orderly.

  • The Power of Love


    In this sermon we cover the famous "love" chapter in 1 Corinthians. Why does Paul talk about love in the midst of his arguments about spiritual gifts? In this section Paul shows us the necessity of love, the characteristics of love and the superiority of love as we use our gifts in the church.

  • One Body, Many Members


    In this passage the Apostle Paul talks about unity and diversity in the body of Christ. As members of the church, we are one because of the Holy Spirit. Because of this we can't have too high of a view or too low of a view of our spiritual gifts. A proper view of spiritual gifts combats pride in the church.

  • Spiritual People


    What makes someone a "spiritual" person? The Corinthian church was convinced if someone spoke in tongues, that made them more spiritual. In this passage Paul tries to correct some of their faulty thinking by showing them all Christians are spiritual, there are a variety of gifts, and spiritual gifts are given for the common good.

  • Table Manners


    In this section Paul addresses concerns over the Corinthians meal times together as a church. Their behaviour at their feasts denied the gospel they proclaimed to believe in. In this passage we see how social distinctions are contrary to the gospel.

  • Head Coverings


    In this sermon Pastor Andrew explains one of the most confusing and highly debated passages in the bible. In it, Paul tells men to uncover the heads and women to cover their heads in the church gatherings. Is this a universal practice for all time? Or are there principles that can be applied without the physical practice?

  • Wisdom in the Grey Zones


    In this passage Paul wraps up a bunch of loose ends concerning meat sacrificed to idols. Pastor Andrew talks about living in the freedom Jesus has paid for all the while looking to the good of your neighbour. How do we have wisdom as followers of Jesus to participate in things and abstain from others things?

  • Inconsistent, Demonic and Offensive


    In this sermon Pastor Andrew talks about why Christianity cannot mingle with idolatry. Some people in the church at Corinth wanted to follow Jesus but keep participating in idol feasts at the temple. Paul lays out why idolatry is inconsistent, demonic and offensive.

  • Finishing the Race


    How will followers of Jesus persevere to the end? In this section of 1 Corinthians, Paul talks about the Christian life being a life of discipline and uses Israel as examples of what not to do.

  • Barriers


    In this sermon Pastor Andrew talks about barriers to people hearing the gospel. Paul says he becomes all things to all people so that by all means he might win some of them. What would that look like for the church today? What barriers do we place in front of people that prevent them from coming to Jesus?

  • Lay It Down


    In this sermon, Pastor Andrew walks us through the first 18 verses of 1 Corinthians chapter 9. In it, we see the Apostle Paul using his own life as an example of laying down rights and freedoms for the sake of others. Are there things in our life that hinder the gospel? Would we be willing to lay them down?

  • What are we here for?


    In this sermon, Pastor Andrew walks us through the mission and vision of North Peace MB Church. As a church we are about making disciples of Jesus. We do this by gathering together, growing in our knowledge and love of Jesus, and going with the gospel into our neighbourhoods.

  • Thunderstruck


    In this sermon, Pastor Andrew wraps up our Summer in the Psalms series. In Psalm 29 we see David comparing the voice of the Lord to a thunderstorm. We must hold the bigness of God with the nearness of God in tension in order to have a proper view of him.

  • Psalm 133


    In this sermon, Stanley Troyer walks us through Psalm 133.

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