Firmware: Proxy



Isaac Sarason is a skilled hacker formerly employed by British Telecom-Sprint.With his health failing, Isaac did the only thing he could think of: He ran.He found a haven in a working class district of the City known as Little Russia.There Isaac took on a new name: Ishmael.Within hours of his arrival, he was embroiled in the affairs of a brutal member of the Lomidze organized crime family known as Leo.Convinced by a longtime friend, Frankie, to flee from his commitments to the Lomidze family, Isaac found himself hunted by the ruthless Leo.On a rooftop, far from witnesses, Leo murdered Frankie.Only through the use of his skills as a hacker was Isaac able to drive Leo off.Now wounded, alone, and far from help, Isaac depends of the kindness of strangers.What do you do when the only way to save those you love is through the use of Proxies?First Serialized by


  • Firmware: Proxy Episode 06

    06/08/2013 Duration: 16min

    11   I worked my way through my recording of my phishing expedition through the BTS phone network....  12  I woke with a pounding headache. The room was blurry. A wall of gray lace blocked my view of the room....  13  I reestablished my link to the network using a path even more complicated than before, though I still terminated in the Red Square switch.... 

  • Firmware: Proxy Episode 05

    05/08/2013 Duration: 15min

    10  The City is an organism made of over a quarter billion people.... 

  • Firmware: Proxy Episode 04

    04/08/2013 Duration: 14min

    8  Days passed as I recovered the tools I needed from the brotherhood forums....  9  “Leo has Nona,” Fahran said, as he brought me my evening meal.... 

  • Firmware: Proxy Episode 03

    03/08/2013 Duration: 17min

    7  Hacking is much like being a spy.... 

  • Firmware: Proxy Episode 02

    02/08/2013 Duration: 20min

    5   I was playing with the Opemipo-null when Fahran entered....  6   So I lied to them. I hadn’t seen Nona since I spotted her through the security cameras over a week before.... 

  • Firmware: Proxy Episode 01

    01/08/2013 Duration: 19min

    1  My life became a series of dark rooms; windows painted over, ever-present dust, never a gleam of sunlight or breath of wind. My only companion the flickering glow of the Opemipo-null in my glasses....  2  Lentils.  Lentils and eggs....   3  “You are awake. Good.” The speaker had a strange voice....   4  I attended St. O’hea’s School for Boys from pre-school through the completion of my matriculation exams, but never thought of myself as religious....  

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