Oasis Church Birmingham: Talks



Podcast by Oasis Church Birmingham


  • 4. Wisdom in Uncertainty - Adrian Hurst

    04/09/2022 Duration: 33min

    The Bible offers us 'Wisdom for Life' - a way of living well in the world which means that even when times are difficult, we can know Christ, the wisdom of God, with us on the journey. This theme particularly comes through the book of Proverbs - short, snappy statements that encourage us to meditate on God's word and all it to shape how we live and act and think. This week, Adrian looks at how we know wisdom in times of uncertainty - when everything around us is confusing and unclear, how do we know which way to go? To help us with this, we think through the practice of pausing, centering and continuing; a framework that helps us keep our eyes fixed on God and lean into Him when we're not sure which way to go.

  • 3. Words Matter - Adrian Hurst

    21/08/2022 Duration: 16min

    The Bible offers us 'Wisdom for Life' - a way of living well in the world which means that even when times are difficult, we can know Christ, the wisdom of God, with us on the journey. This theme particularly comes through the book of Proverbs - short, snappy statements that encourage us to meditate on God's word and all it to shape how we live and act and think. This week, Adrian explores how our words matter - particularly this week in the context of celebrating Child Dedications, but also as something which is applicable to all of us throughout our lives! How can we be using our words in a way that is gentle, considerate and life-giving?

  • 2. Wisdom's Beginning - Rich Bowpitt

    07/08/2022 Duration: 20min

    The Bible offers us 'Wisdom for Life' - a way of living well in the world which means that even when times are difficult, we can know Christ, the wisdom of God, with us on the journey. This theme particularly comes through the book of Proverbs - short, snappy statements that encourage us to meditate on God's word and all it to shape how we live and act and think. This time, Rich looks at Wisdom's beginnings - what it means when Solomon tells us that it is the "fear of the Lord" which stands as the foundation of all knowledge and understanding. Together, we explore how the fear of the Lord isn't a negative thing that causes us to shy away from God, but when rightly understood is an incredibly freeing way of living that enables us to draw near to God and learn to walk in his ways.

  • 1. Wisdom for Life - Mike Blaber

    24/07/2022 Duration: 27min

    In the first of our new series exploring the book of Proverbs, Mike looks at how the Bible offers us 'Wisdom for Life' - a way of living well in the world which means that even when times are difficult, we can know Christ, the wisdom of God, with us on the journey. This talk is from an all-age meeting, so along with a journey through the Bible, stopping at Solomon, the book of James, and 1 Corinthians 1, there are also some games, quizzes and giveaways (sadly not available on catchup!).

  • 5. A Meal to be Present - Will Mckemey

    17/07/2022 Duration: 28min

    In the Gospels, Jesus had some of his most profound encounters with different individuals whilst sharing a meal. What do these encounters teach us about Jesus, his invitation to us, and the opportunity to open our tables to others? This week, Will explores Jesus at Mary & Martha's house - looking at Jesus is someone who is always fully present with His Father and with those around Him. His invitation to us is to be those who act the same, present to God and present to those around us.

  • 4. A Meal Of Seeing - Adrian Hurst

    10/07/2022 Duration: 28min

    In the Gospels, Jesus had some of his most profound encounters with different individuals whilst sharing a meal. What do these encounters teach us about Jesus, his invitation to us, and the opportunity to open our tables to others? This week, Adrian takes us through Jesus's encounter with Zacchaeus - a man who is completely transformed by being seen by Jesus. Together, we look at what it is that Jesus SEES us, invites us to CENTRE on him, and then calls us to SHARE all we have known with others.

  • 3. A Meal for All - Alice Gray

    03/07/2022 Duration: 23min

    In the Gospels, Jesus had some of his most profound encounters with different individuals whilst sharing a meal. What do these encounters teach us about Jesus, his invitation to us, and the opportunity to open our tables to others? This week, Alice unpacks Jesus' feeding of the 5000 (plus!), exploring how the simple offering of a boy's packed lunch demonstrates that whatever our situation, whatever we are living with, Jesus is enough.

  • 2. A Meal of Honour - Rich Bowpitt

    26/06/2022 Duration: 32min

    In the Gospels, Jesus had some of his most profound encounters with different individuals whilst sharing a meal. What do these encounters teach us about Jesus, his invitation to us, and the opportunity to open our tables to others? This week, Rich explores a conversation at the house of a pharisee which is all about HONOUR. Together, we look at what honour is, how it's fundamentally about the question "Who am I, and how should I live?", and what Jesus teaches throughout the conversation about how we get to be those who live receiving, enjoying and offering honour.

  • 1. A Meal Of Welcome - Adrian Hurst

    19/06/2022 Duration: 32min

    In the Gospels, Jesus had some of his most profound encounters with different individuals whilst sharing a meal. What do these encounters teach us about Jesus, his invitation to us, and the opportunity to open our tables to others? In the first message, Adrian explores the story of Jesus' encounter with a sinful woman in Luke 7 - how he is revealed as the ultimate host, and the contrasting pictures of welcome and sharing that are portrayed by the different individuals present.

  • The Spirit Of Truth - Adrian Hurst

    12/06/2022 Duration: 26min

    This week, we take some time to explore the person of the Holy Spirit - learning together how Paul speaks about the Spirit from Romans 8, and all it means for us today.

  • 4. Hospitality With Justice And Mercy - Mike Blaber

    29/05/2022 Duration: 27min

    In the final part of our series exploring the practice of hospitality, Mike looks at how the call to hospitality is a call to lives lived showing justice and mercy to those most in need in our community.

  • 3. Hospitality To Our Neighbour - Adrian Hurst

    22/05/2022 Duration: 37min

    In the next part of our new series exploring the practice of hospitality, Adrian unpacks our call to show hospitality to our neighbour - not shutting ourselves in, but pouring ourselves out for the good of others.

  • 2. Hospitality To One Another - Rich Bowpitt

    15/05/2022 Duration: 27min

    In the next part of our new series exploring the practice of hospitality, Rich explores the call of hospitality to one another - how God is building His church to be a place of unique welcome, reflecting the welcome He has shown to humanity since the dawn of creation.

  • 1. The God Of Hospitality - Adrian Hurst

    08/05/2022 Duration: 29min

    In the first of our new series exploring the practice of hospitality, Adrian takes us through the whole story of the Bible to enable us to encounter a God of Hospitality - one who both REVEALS and EMBODIES the hospitality that we are to know and offer.

  • 13. The Restoration - Adrian Hurst

    01/05/2022 Duration: 34min

    In John 10:10, Jesus declares that He came in order that we might know LIFE IN FULL, and over the course of the rest of the Gospel of John, he begins to unpack what that life looks like and how it is to transform us. In this final part of our series exploring the Gospel of John, Adrian takes us through the charcoal breakfast - a moment when Jesus brings restoration to Peter and in doing so demonstrates the restoration that He is longing to bring to each of us.

  • 12. The Reunion - David Gooding

    24/04/2022 Duration: 37min

    In John 10:10, Jesus declares that He came in order that we might know LIFE IN FULL, and over the course of the rest of the Gospel of John, he begins to unpack what that life looks like and how it is to transform us. This week, David delves into the story of Jesus's reunion with Thomas. Just as the risen Christ meets Thomas in his doubt and grief and brings comfort, peace and wholeness, so too is He here with us to bring the same, whatever our situations.

  • 11. The Resurrection (Easter Sunday) - Alice Gray

    17/04/2022 Duration: 11min

    In John 10:10, Jesus declares that He came in order that we might know LIFE IN FULL, and over the course of the rest of the Gospel of John, he begins to unpack what that life looks like and how it is to transform us. On this Easter Sunday, we celebrate Jesus's resurrection from the grave, as Alice helps us unpack why this amazing news changes everything for us - just as it did for Mary, the first person to encounter the risen Christ.

  • 10. The Crucifixion - Adrian Hurst

    10/04/2022 Duration: 33min

    In John 10:10, Jesus declares that He came in order that we might know LIFE IN FULL, and over the course of the rest of the Gospel of John, he begins to unpack what that life looks like and how it is to transform us. This week, we consider the crucifixion - Jesus' death on the cross, and the unique way that John presents this momentous event. Together, we explore the layers of meaning and the depth of significance to what Jesus does in giving himself over to death, and how it's to shape our lives both in this Holy Week and beyond.

  • 9. The Heart of Jesus - Rich Bowpitt

    03/04/2022 Duration: 32min

    In John 10:10, Jesus declares that He came in order that we might know LIFE IN FULL, and over the course of the rest of the Gospel of John, he begins to unpack what that life looks like and how it is to transform us. This week, Rich takes us through Jesus' arrest in the garden and interrogation before Annas and Pilate in John 18. As we explore the chapter together, we take some time to consider what is revealed about the hearts of Judas, Annas, Peter and Pilate, before finally looking at what it reveals about the heart of Jesus himself.

  • Baptisms: Housewarming Party - Adrian Hurst

    27/03/2022 Duration: 18min

    This week, we celebrated baptisms together! As we did that, Adrian shared about how baptism is like a housewarming party - a celebration of a move from an old life to a new - and unpacks the key features of the new life in the new house that we are to enjoy in Jesus.

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