Eve Plews' Podcast



Eve delivers current relevant science on food, nutrients and health. Learn what causes did-ease and lifestyle choices that can protect health !


  • Antibiotic Resistance

    20/06/2012 Duration: 48min

    The new guidelines have been released for the use of antibiotics perscription that are given for sinus infections. Unfortunately, they don't really work! Tune in to Eve Plews, L.N.C, to find out why!

  • Neurological Imbalances

    20/06/2012 Duration: 45min

    As we navigate the maze it takes to get to optimal health we want to look at the idea of neurological imbalances because imbalances in the nervous system not only affect the NS, but also the hormone and immune function. Learn more about your nervous systems and ways of staying in balance.

  • High Fructose Corn Syrup vs. Cane Sugar

    20/06/2012 Duration: 01h04min

    Sugar is the currency of energy in every living thing. However, the average American is consuming 888 calories a day from sugar alone. No wonder the Nation's obesity level is soring with sweeteners in everything. In fact, the American weight gain exactly corrolates to the amount of sugar that is consumed. Find out more from Eve Plews, L.N.C.

  • Prioritize Your Sleep

    04/01/2012 Duration: 45min

    Did you know that 30% of Americans are getting less than 6 hours of sleep a night? Okay, now why is that bad? Well, lack of sleep leads to memory impairment, decreased alertness, and it also greatly contributes to high blood pressure. Tune in to Eve Prang Plews, L.N.C, to learn ways to increase and better your sleep.

  • Foods for the New Year

    04/01/2012 Duration: 49min

    When we look at the Western diet, which is generally defined as a diet consisting of lots of meet, lots of processed foods, and lots added fat and sugar, as well as plenty of refined grains- everything except fruits, vegetables, and whole grains- we see what can create these Western diseases, like obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Listen to Eve Prang Plews, L.N.C, to learn ways to avoid these deadly diseases and live optimally for this new year and the rest of your life.

  • Take a Trip with Tryptophan

    04/01/2012 Duration: 49min

    What is Tryptophan? How does it work? In what way does it relate to sleep? Listen to Eve Prang Plews, L.N.C, as she discusses the answers to these questions.

  • Oh No Obesity

    03/01/2012 Duration: 01h00s

    Here's some facts for you: 75+% of men are overweight, 64+% of women are overweight, 5.7% of all Americans have grade 3 obesity, and 31% of children are overweight. So why would we bring up these shocking statistics 2 weeks before Christmas? Well, we eat more candy, cookies, eggnog, and junk during this holiday season more than any other time of the year. When we see this prevalence of metabolic syndrome, it's important to talk about the risk factor reduction. Tune in to Eve Prang Plews, L.N.C, as she talks about what this is and ways to achieve it.

  • The Sugar Season

    02/01/2012 Duration: 49min

    What is sugar? It’s the currency of energy of all living things. Sucrose, fructose, lactose, maltose- all different names for different kinds of sugars. And the truth of the matter is that each one works in very different ways. Tune in to hear Eve Prang Plews, L.N.C, as she discusses these differences and ways to substitute the most harmful sugars with healthier ones.

  • Diet Crazes and Healthy Eating

    02/01/2012 Duration: 45min

    We know about food and its effect on the body more than ever, but why is it then that the world is so unhealthy with countless people suffering from obesity, high cholesterol, diabetes, etc. You'd think that this abundance of food that has been vastly available for the past 200 years or so would produce the healthiest generation, but it hasn’t. Tune in to Eve Prang Plews, L.N.C, to learn why this is so and ways to prevent disease.

  • Death by Vitamins? Don't Believe the Myth

    28/12/2011 Duration: 48min

    If you don’t think there is a worldwide movement to control natural medicines and foods, wake up and smell the organic coffee. Big Pharma is attempting to take over, but when we begin to look at the statistics, it shows that American medicine causes more harm than good. According to the United States Poison Control Center ratings, the number of people hospitalized from having adverse drug reactions to prescribed medicine is 2.2 million a year. And what is the number of deaths from natural medicine and vitamins? Zero. Tune in to Eve Plews, L.N.C, to hear the truth of these false claims

  • Mitochondria Biogenesis

    02/08/2011 Duration: 40min

    Increase energy, improve exercise performance, reduce body fat, improve lean muscle mass, increase cognitive function, slow down rate at which you deteriorate, and increase life span- What if you could do all these things just by increasing the amount of a little cellular organ called the mitochondria. Well you can! Tune in to Eve Plews, L.N.C, to learn more.

  • Getting a Good Night's Sleep

    02/08/2011 Duration: 46min

    Tune in to Eve Plews, L.N.C, and learn about ways to better your sleep patterns and the truth about light and its effect on melatonin production.

  • Mindless Eating

    02/08/2011 Duration: 39min

    Join Eve Plews, L.N.C, and learn how external clues in the way that we think and external cues in the environment that we are in make us over eat.

  • Bacteria, Disease, Infections, and Agribuisness

    18/07/2011 Duration: 48min

    Join Eve Plews, L.N.C, and her monthly guest, Dr. Fred Harvey, as they dicuss the effects of the agribusiness, the chemical industry, and the pharmaseutical industry on public health.

  • The Holistic View Point

    15/07/2011 Duration: 46min

    Join Eve Plews, L.N.C, as she discusses foundational principles of Yin and Yang and the holistic view point, which believes that all the components of the body are integrated and exist on social, physical, mental and spiritual levels.

  • Cell Signaling and Healthy Aging

    15/07/2011 Duration: 47min

    Join Eve Plews, L.N.C, and learn a little bit about the ways we can prevent what's become all too common, which is seniors in this country taking 4-6 medications without knowing their interactions.

  • Drugs of America

    23/06/2011 Duration: 46min

    As we look at the health care revolution of what we are trying to accomplish in Washington, everyone keeps talking about managed care, care that just gets dulled out; but nobody talks about what Eve Plews, L.N.C, believes is the primary issue, which is the fact that we spend twice as much in this country than any other civilized country in the world on health care, and we don’t get twice as much bang for our buck. We are not the healthiest country. Tune in to find out why!

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