Equipping University



Lessons from our Wednesday evening Equipping University Classes.


  • The Bible and the Koran

    16/05/2007 Duration: 49min
  • The Beliefs of Muslims

    16/05/2007 Duration: 47min
  • The Atonement: Limited or Unlimited? Part 1

    16/05/2007 Duration: 58min

    Did Christ die for everyone? Again, for many of us, the question is ridiculous: "Of course He did." However, there are many throughout history and today who would answer in the negative. The difference in thought on this matter has led to much controversy in the church and on some occasions, division. Several books have been written on both sides of the issue and both sides have been guilty of over-statement and caricature. In this chapter, we will attempt to discuss the issue openly, honestly, biblically, and in brotherly love. As teacher, I will take my cues from John Newton, the famous pastor/theologian who wrote "Amazing Grace." He once wrote that he had "been thirty years forming my own views . . .; how unreasonable within me to expect all this should take place in another person; and that, in the course of a year or two." Newton patiently taught doctrine to his church for years at a time. We will attempt to understand this most controversial of doctrines in one chapter! God help us all!

  • Did Christ Descend into Hell?

    09/05/2007 Duration: 01h01min

    It is important to realize that the phrase "he descended into hell" does not appear in the Bible. Instead, the words are found in the Apostles' Creed, where we read that Christ "was crucified, dead, and buried, he descended into hell; the third day he rose again from the dead." The question before us is this: "What does it mean that Christ "descended into hell"?   For an updated study of this topic go here for handouts and the audio recording.

  • The Historical Views of the Atonement

    02/05/2007 Duration: 47min

    A study of the atonement brings a rich meaning to the work of Christ on the cross. The Bible uses a multitude of descriptions and motifs to describe this work. The variance in terminology within Scripture has consequently led to numerous theories of the atonement in an attempt to encapsulate the entirety of the cross-work of Christ into a single emphasis. In choosing to land on a single understanding, proponents reveal their views in other areas of doctrine (such as the doctrine of man and sin and even the doctrine of God). In this chapter, we will look at the differing views put forth by men and held dearly by believers throughout the history of the church.

  • God's Calendar

    28/04/2007 Duration: 33min
  • The New Testament

    25/04/2007 Duration: 55min
  • The Nature and Results of Atonement

    25/04/2007 Duration: 48min

    The atonement is the crucial point of the Christian faith. The importance of the cross is reflected in part by the attention given by Scripture to Christ's death. Matthew devoted a full third of his gospel to the final week of Christ's life. Similarly, Mark allotted 37 percent, Luke 25 percent and John an amazing 42 percent. Leon Morris wrote that "The atonement is the crucial doctrine of the faith. Unless we are right here it matters little, or so it seems to me, what we are like elsewhere." How can this sin be forgiven? Job posed the questions thousands of years ago, asking, "How can a mortal be righteous before God?" (Job 9:2). The answer is found in the nature of God the Father and in the significance of Christ's life and death.

  • The Old Testament

    18/04/2007 Duration: 48min
  • The Cause and Necessity of the Atonement

    18/04/2007 Duration: 50min

    The atonement is the crucial point of the Christian faith. The importance of the cross is reflected in part by the attention given by Scripture to Christ's death. Matthew devoted a full third of his gospel to the final week of Christ's life. Similarly, Mark allotted 37 percent, Luke 25 percent and John an amazing 42 percent. Leon Morris wrote that "The atonement is the crucial doctrine of the faith. Unless we are right here it matters little, or so it seems to me, what we are like elsewhere." How can this sin be forgiven? Job posed the questions thousands of years ago, asking, "How can a mortal be righteous before God?" (Job 9:2). The answer is found in the nature of God the Father and in the significance of Christ's life and death.

  • The Atonement and the New Testament

    11/04/2007 Duration: 47min

    The cross is everywhere! You see crosses all over TV in backgrounds and hanging around the neck of Hollywood stars and entertainers. It is used as a prop in concerts. It is on professional athlete's hats and helmets and uniforms and ear lobes and necklaces. In this day and age, crosses can be spotted on everyone from professional athletes to celebrities to teenage girls trying to look cool. In the general public, the cross has been emptied of meaning. The cross is not a peripheral issue or a secondary theme; it is the central, indeed crucial doctrine of the faith. The doctrine of the cross is the doctrine of the atonement and it is found throughout the Scriptures. Indeed, the whole of the Bible points to the atonement - the work of Jesus Christ on the cross.

  • The Atonement in the Old Testament

    04/04/2007 Duration: 51min

    The cross is everywhere! You see crosses all over TV in backgrounds and hanging around the neck of Hollywood stars and entertainers. It is used as a prop in concerts. It is on professional athlete's hats and helmets and uniforms and ear lobes and necklaces. In this day and age, crosses can be spotted on everyone from professional athletes to celebrities to teenage girls trying to look cool. In the general public, the cross has been emptied of meaning. The cross is not a peripheral issue or a secondary theme; it is the central, indeed crucial doctrine of the faith. The doctrine of the cross is the doctrine of the atonement and it is found throughout the Scriptures. Indeed, the whole of the Bible points to the atonement - the work of Jesus Christ on the cross.

  • God Sets His Clock

    28/03/2007 Duration: 33min
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