Tanner-price Ame Church



Tanner-Price AME Church


  • See, Know, Consider, and Understand - Audio

    09/11/2008 Duration: 2097h00s

    See, know, consider, and understand - These are four things that God said people would do upon witnessing aforementioned signs and revelations, and they are also actions we, the people of God, must take in response to God's word. Join Rev. Thomas as she breaks down how to examine the biblical text through these four actions.

  • By Faith - Audio

    02/11/2008 Duration: 1947h00s

    Bible scholars and seasoned Christians typically like to quote Hebrews 11:1 when defining faith, but perhaps a more powerful way of thinking about faith is to think about what happened when you first gave your life to Christ and the change that occurred in your life after this monumental event. Reflect with Pastor Cylar on your conversion experience, if you have one, the resulting manifestation of faith in your spirit upon that experience, what you did with that manifestation, and what you must do to get that hunger back that developed from that experience.

  • Has Anybody Seen the Lord? - Audio

    19/10/2008 Duration: 1503h00s

    When Isaiah saw the Lord, he was inspired to a greater level of service and personal commitment to God and His people. Have you ever seen the Lord? If you have, what kind of change did it spark in your life?

  • Seeking God's Face...Serving God's People (cont.) - Audio

    12/10/2008 Duration: 1886h00s

    Join Pastor Cylar as he thoroughly explains the vision and mission for Tanner-Price AME Church, locally and abroad.

  • Seeking God's Face...Serving God's People - Audio

    05/10/2008 Duration: 2857h00s

    Join Pastor Cylar as he thoroughly explains the vision and mission for Tanner-Price AME Church, locally and abroad.

  • What Would You Do: It Could Have Been Me - Audio

    28/09/2008 Duration: 2342h00s

    What would you do if someone of an alternative lifestyle or one you would not usually find in the house of God were to enter the sanctuary? Would you welcome them with the love of Jesus, or would you, in judgment, cast them to the side and treat them in such a way that they would never even dream of returning? The Bible tells us how we're supposed to live our lives, but that doesn't give us freedom to look down upon the downtrodden or upon those whom we think do not measure up to our standard of living because we still have many souls to reach. Listen as Pastor Cylar gives a new mandate for evangelism in this 21st century.

  • Stir Up the Gift - Audio

    21/09/2008 Duration: 1096h00s

    What has God gifted you to do? Are you using it for the kingdom, or are you giving your best to the world and shortchanging God's people of your God-given gifts?

  • Are You Listening? - Audio

    14/09/2008 Duration: 1435h00s

    Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. This fundamental law of physics certainly applies as it pertains to our ability to hear the Word of God. Satan's agenda directly opposes God's agenda and is established for you to fail and not hear God's Word. Listen as Pastor Cylar breaks down these forces that prevent you from hearing and responding to the Word of God over your life.

  • What's The Point? - Audio

    07/09/2008 Duration: 1253h00s

    What's the point of coming into the house of God Sunday after Sunday? What's the point in participating in any kind of ministry for God's people? If God's glory and the unification of His people under His name are collectively not the point, then what are you doing?

  • What's Love Got to Do with It? - Audio

    31/08/2008 Duration: 2420h00s

    What's love got to do with it? It's got everything to do with it! You can have all the gifts and charisma in the world, but if you don't have the love of Christ and do not reflect His love to all people, you will make the kingdom of God look bad, and you will find yourself highly unsuccessful in drawing others to Him. Join Pastor Cylar as he denounces ministerial double-mindedness and re-asserts the primacy of lifestyle holiness for effectiveness in ministry.

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