University Of Virginia Health System



UVA Health System includes a 604-bed hospital, level I trauma center, nationally recognized cancer and heart centers and primary and specialty clinics throughout Central Virginia.


  • Reducing Stroke Risk in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation


    A common heart rhythm disorder, atrial fibrillation also increases patients’ risk of stroke. Learn more about the options available for atrial fibrillation patients to reduce their stroke risk from a UVA specialist in heart rhythm disorders.

  • Surgical Options for Breast Cancer


    Patients with breast cancer have an increasing number of surgical options to treat their disease. Learn more about these options – including breast conserving surgery – from a UVA specialist in breast cancer surgery.

  • How to Determine the Best Knee Replacement Option


    Patients considering knee replacements are faced with a steadily increasing number of treatment options. Which one is best for you? Learn what to consider when thinking about a knee replacement from a UVA specialist in knee replacement surgery.

  • Having Brain Tumor Symptoms Without a Tumor


    Pseudotumor cerebri can cause symptoms that resemble a brain tumor. Learn the differences between the two conditions, the symptoms and the treatment options from a UVA neurosurgeon who specializes in pseudotumor cerebri.

  • When to Consider a Hip Replacement


    What symptoms should lead you to consider a hip replacement? What is the surgery and recovery process like? Learn more from a UVA orthopedic surgeon who specializes in hip replacements.

  • Treating External Iliac Arteriopathy in Avid Bicyclists


    External iliac arteriopathy is a serious vascular condition that primarily affects high-performance cyclists. Learn more about what causes this condition and how it can be repaired from one of the nation’s leading experts in treating this condition.

  • When Children May Benefit from Robotic Surgery


    Robotic surgery has increasingly become a minimally invasive option for adults in recent years, but what about for children? Learn when robotic surgery may be a choice for pediatric patients from a UVA specialist in pediatric urology surgeries.

  • Streamlining Weeks of Cancer Treatment to One Day


    A team at the UVA Cancer Center is streamlining treatments for patients with tumors that have spread to the bone from weeks to a single day. Learn more about how the treatments work and which patients may benefit from a UVA radiation oncologist who specializes in improving radiation therapy.

  • Diagnosing Neuromuscular Disorders


    Neuromuscular disorders include a range of diseases from muscular dystrophy to ALS, or Lou Gehrig’s disease. Learn more about how these diseases affect your body and how they are diagnosed from a UVA neurologist who specializes in neuromuscular disorders.

  • Spotting and Treating Aortic Aneurysms


    For patients with aortic aneurysms, symptoms often don’t begin until the aneurysm ruptures, which can be fatal for patients. Learn more about the risk factors and treatment options from a surgeon at the UVA Heart and Vascular Center who specializes in treating aortic aneurysms.

  • Sarcomas: A Rare, Serious Cancer


    A rare but serious form of cancer, sarcomas often have no symptoms or non-specific symptoms and can affect almost any part of the body. Learn more about symptoms and the treatment options available from a UVA Cancer Center specialist in sarcomas.

  • When to Be Concerned About Your Child’s Stomach Pain


    Young children will sometimes have tummy aches, but when do they signal a potentially serious problem? Learn more from a UVA Children’s Hospital specialist in children’s gastrointestinal conditions.

  • Signs and Symptoms of Dementia


    While memory loss is the best known symptom of dementia, it’s not the only symptom – and memory loss alone doesn’t mean you have dementia. Learn more from a UVA specialist in dementia and other memory disorders.

  • Reducing Your Risk for Ovarian Cancer


    U.S. women have a 1 in 72 chance of developing ovarian cancer, according to the American Cancer Society. Learn the most common risk factors and how to reduce your risk for ovarian from a UVA specialist in gynecologic cancer.

  • Helping Children Address Issues with Communicating and Eating


    Children with developmental disorders, traumatic brain injury or throat deformities may have difficulties communicating or problems swallowing and eating. Learn about the treatment options available for children dealing with these conditions from a UVA specialist in speech language pathology.

  • Heart Health at Home


    For patients recently discharged from the hospital with serious conditions such as heart failure, preventing them from being readmitted to the hospital is an important goal. Learn how UVA works to keep heart failure patients living safely at home from a heart failure specialist who works in UVA’s Heart Health at Home program.

  • Should You Get Screened for Vascular Disease?


    Millions of Americans are at risk for vascular diseases, which can lead to serious health conditions such as a stroke. Learn from a UVA expert in vascular surgery if you should consider getting screened for vascular disease.

  • Advances in Heart Failure Treatment


    For patients with heart failure, recent years have brought an increasing number of treatment options for this serious condition. Learn more about the latest treatment options from a UVA specialist in heart failure.

  • How a Pediatric Orthopaedist Can Help Your Child


    When could your child benefit from a pediatric orthopaedist? Learn about some of the common conditions treated by specialists in pediatric orthopaedics, as well as the ways they can help your child

  • Helping Adolescents Live with Epilepsy


    Being an adolescent can be challenging enough, but being an adolescent while dealing with epilepsy can be even tougher. Learn more about the unique challenges faced by adolescents from a UVA specialist, who discusses a unique clinic set up just for these patients.

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