Cedar Hills Community Church - Cedar Rapids, Iowa

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 83:06:14
  • More information



Sermons and special events of Cedar Hills Community Church in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Join us for worship Sundays at 8:30am and 11am. Classes for all ages at 9:45am. Children's worship for 3yrs-3rd grade available at 11am. Nursery for ages 0-2yrs at 11am. Follow us on twitter @cedarhillscr


  • Greed

    20/03/2022 Duration: 35min

    LENT 2022: Glittering Vices: Greed - Pastor Kent LandhuisTHEME - Sin destroys our souls. Jesus restores our souls on the cross.TEXTS - Matthew 10:17-26 James 1:12-15OUTLINETo what is your soul most attached?A. What ground rules guide us? James 1:12-15.1. Own your own sin.2. No secret sin.3. Confession brings hope.B. What keeps us from Jesus? Matthew 10:16-22. 1. Greed: Inner attachment to wealth and possessions.2. Now I had discovered the great pearl. To buy it, I had to sell everything that I had; and I hesitated. (Augustine, Confessions)3. What good is it to gain the whole world and lose your soul? (Matthew 16:26)C. What draws us toward Jesus? Matthew 10:23-26.1. God does the impossible.2. Salvation brings life to the dead soul.3. Sanctification wakes the sleeping soul.D. Next Steps 1. Look at your own soul.2. What inner attachments keep you from Jesus?3. Confess your greed.4. Go live in freedom!SUPPORT THE MINISTRY OF CEDAR HILLSwww.cedarhillscr.org/give

  • Gluttony

    13/03/2022 Duration: 38min

    LENT 2022: Glittering Vices: Gluttony - Pastor Kent LandhuisTHEME - Sin destroys our souls. Jesus restores our souls on the cross.TEXTS - James 1:12-15, Matthew 4:1-4, Psalm 36:1-10OUTLINEAre you seeking the real thing or settling for a cheap substitute?A. Sin: Not the way it’s supposed to be.1. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth - and it was good. (Genesis 1)2. Cursed is the ground because of you. (Genesis 3:17a)B. Ground Rules: James 1:12-151. Own your own lust.2. Your lust is not a secret.3. Confessing lust brings hope.C. Gluttony: A disordered desire to consume. 1. A glutton raids the icebox to cure spiritual malnutrition. (Fredrick Buechner)2. It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’ (Matthew 4:4)3. Taste and see that the Lord is good! (Psalm 34:1-10)D. Next Steps 1. Look at your own soul.2. Where do you settle for cheap substitutes?3. Confess your gluttony.4. Go live in freedom!SUPPORT THE MINISTRY OF CEDAR HILLSwww.ceda

  • Lust

    06/03/2022 Duration: 27min

    LENT 2022: Glittering Vices: Lust - Pastor Kent LandhuisTHEME - Sin destroys our souls. Jesus restores our souls on the cross.TEXTS - Galatians 5:19-25, James 1:12-15, Matthew 5:27-30OUTLINEWhat is the state of your soul?A. Ground Rules: James 1:12-151. Own your own sin.2. No secret sin.3. Confession brings hope.B. Ground Rules: Matthew 5:27-301. Own your own lust.2. Your lust is not a secret.3. Confessing lust brings hope.C. Next Steps 1. Look at your own soul.2. Confess your sins - particularly lust - to God.3. Confess your sins - particularly lust - to a trusted friend.4. Go live in freedom!SUPPORT THE MINISTRY OF CEDAR HILLSwww.cedarhillscr.org/give

  • Epistles: Letters About Jesus

    21/11/2021 Duration: 28min

    Epistles: Letters about Jesus – Pastor Kent LandhuisTHEME - The churches received love letters to help them grow as followers of Jesus. TEXT - Romans 15:1-7OUTLINERecap: The Bible tells one story through five key literary types. 1. Narrative - History.2. Poetry - Passion.3. Prophecy - Warning and Encouragement.4. Gospel - Jesus.5. Epistles - Letters.1. Who received letters? The people we love.2. Why write letters? To show our love.3. What difference can a letter make?Living in love transforms us.NEXT STEPS 1. Dig deeper at Bibleproject.com.2. Write a letter to someone you love.

  • Gospel: The Jesus Story

    14/11/2021 Duration: 29min

    Bible Recap: Gospel - the Jesus Story. – Pastor Kent LandhuisTHEME - The Gospels announce the good news that Jesus is the Savior. TEXT - Mark 1:1-11OUTLINE * Recap: The Bible tells one story through five key literary types. * Narrative - History. * Poetry - Passion. * Prophecy - Warning and Encouragement. * Gospel - Jesus.Epistles - ?1. Eyewitness testimony about the one. * Matthew, Mark, Luke and John - John 1 & Luke 4. * John the Baptist - John 1:29-30. * Peter - Matthew 16:13-17 * The Centurion - Matthew 27:50-542. Miraculous signs of the one. * Signs and belief - John 20:29-31 * Healing the man born blind - John 9 * Blindness and the one - Isaiah 35 & 42.3. True faith and the one. * Is Jesus the one? Matthew 11:3-5 * Who do you say Jesus is?NEXT STEPS 1. Answer the question: Is Jesus the one?2. Dig deeper at Bibleproject.com.3. Tell the gospel story: Tell the story of Jesus.

  • Prophecy: Messages from God

    07/11/2021 Duration: 26min

    JESUS ON EVERY PAGE: Prophecy – Steve PooleTHEME - Biblical prophecy is a message from God.TEXT – Daniel 2:31-45OUTLINERecap: The Bible tells one story through five key literary types. · Narrative - History.· Poetry - Passion.· Prophecy – Warning and Hope· Gospel -?· Epistles -? 1. Biblical Prophecy is about warning and hope. · Consequences for unfaithfulness (Hosea 4:12-13)· Unjust with the poor/needy. (Hosea 12:7-8) 2. HOPE = God is faithful to demonstrate mercy and forgiveness even when His people are unfaithful· God will protect a remnant and bring them through exile. (Jeremiah 23:3-6)· The promise of a coming Messiah. (Ephesians 2:8-9)· Jesus is our ultimate hope!3. The Apocalypse· Means "unveiling" - Type of biblical literature that emphasizes the lifting of the veil between heaven and earth and the revelation of God and his plan for the world.· Nebuchadnezzer’s Dream (Daniel 2:31-45)· The Kingdom of

  • History: God's Special People

    24/10/2021 Duration: 29min

    Jesus on Every PageHistory - God’s Special People – Pastor Kent LandhuisTHEME - Biblical narrative is history. The narrative tells us about God’s character and God’s plan for us. TEXT - Joshua 1:1-9OUTLINE1. The Bible uses hundreds of stories to tell one story. * Narrative * Poetry * Prophecy * Gospel * Epistles2. The narrative portions of the Bible are history. * God is the hero of the story. * These stories are true. * Stories tell what happened. * Stories are incomplete. * Stories are descriptive, not prescriptive.3. God keeps his promises.“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9NEXT STEPS 1. Dig deeper at Bibleproject.com2. Be encouraged - God is in control of history.

  • Songs of Praise

    01/08/2021 Duration: 31min

    SONGS OF PRAISE - Psalm 134 – Pastor Kent Landhuis; THEME - Pilgrims overcome roadblocks to worship.OUTLINEWe face three roadblocks to worship:1. I am not good enough. * Trouble and restlessness send us out to find peace. (Shalom) * Everyone needs a blessing. * God blesses us! * Psalm 120.2. I still have too far to go. * The journey is long. * Everyone is on the road. * God blesses us on the road! * Psalm 122-133.3. I don’t feel it. * Feelings don’t run the show. * Everyone has mixed feelings. * God blesses us even when we don’t feel it. * Psalm 134 and 150. NEXT STEPS1. Read Psalm 134 every day this week with some fellow pilgrims.2. Lift your hands in worship!SUPPORT THE MINISTRY OF CEDAR HILLSwww.cedarhillscr.org/give

  • Songs of Unity

    25/07/2021 Duration: 28min

    SONGS OF COMMUNITY - Psalm 133 – Gary SagerTHEME - Togetherness is where God will pour out blessing.OUTLINE1. Life Together (vs. 1) * Togetherness is where God will pour out blessing. * When families are left to their own devices, we fight. * We cannot achieve unity; we must receive it. * The book of Acts describes the early church and its remarkable unity. (Acts 2:42-47)2. Blessing Running down (vs. 2) * Life together is a gift based on the mercy of God. * The oil running down on Aaron’s head, running down on his beard, and running down on his collar, is a picture of the blessing of God descending upon his people. * The atoning sacrifices made by priests were a reminder of our sins and the need for God’s mercy. (Exodus 19:6, 1 Peter 2:9) * The followers of Christ are holy and set apart for priestly service to the King of kings and Lord of Lords. * By seeing each other as God's anointed one, our relationships are profoundly affected!3. Life-Giving Water (vs. 3a) * Think of the new life that would burst for

  • Songs of Trust

    18/07/2021 Duration: 30min

    SONGS OF TRUST - Psalm 132 – Pastor Kent Landhuis; THEME - Love grows strength and trust.OUTLINE1. Love grows the strength to stand. * David swore an oath to the Lord. (vs. 2). * Strength to commit. (Psalm 132:1-5) * Strength to dance. (2 Samuel 6:13-15) * Strength to stand in faith. 2. Love grows the courage to leap. * The Lord swore an oath to David. (vs. 11) * Courage to trust. (Psalm 132:11-16) * Courage to follow Jesus. (Luke 1:32, 2:11) * Courage to take a leap of faith. (Romans 5:8)NEXT STEPS1. Read Psalm 132 every day this week with some fellow pilgrims.2. What love inspires you?3. Follow Jesus.

  • Songs of Humility

    11/07/2021 Duration: 30min

    SONGS OF HUMILITY - Psalm 131 – Steve PooleTHEME - Psalm 131 lauds humble contentment in God and His sufficiencyOUTLINE1. “Lord, my heart is not proud; my eyes are not haughty…” (vs. 1) * We strive as David is surely doing to be humble and content. * We have been justified...however, we still live in physical bodies riddled with sin * 1 Corinthians 9:272. “Instead, I have calmed and quieted my soul…” (vs. 2) * Calm instead of obsessing over details. * Content in every situation. (Phil 4:11-12) * Anxious for nothing. (Phil 4:8) * Crucifying the flesh. (Gal. 5:24-25)3. “Put your hope in the Lord…” (vs. 3) * An invitation to do as David has done. * The “Three Trees Story” - meaning and purpose to the glory of God.NEXT STEPS * Read Psalm 131 every day this week with some fellow pilgrims. * Evaluate: Confess any pride and ask God to help you grow in humility. * Evaluate: Do you desire worldly things more than God? * Pray and invite God to help you discover His abundant life plan for you.

  • Songs of Despair

    04/07/2021 Duration: 27min

    July 4 - SONGS OF DESPAIR - Psalm 130THEME - When we confess our sins, God forgives our sins.OUTLINEL:1. Confess trouble. - In times of trouble we need: - A God who listens. - A God who watches. - A God who delivers.- Psalm 18- Psalm 42- Psalm 77 2. Confess Sin. - When we sin we need: - A God who listens. - A God who watches. - A God who delivers.Psalms of Repentance (penitential) Psalm 6,32,38,51,102,130, 1341 John 1:9 - If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. NEXT STEPS:Read Psalm 130 every day this week with some fellow pilgrims.Confess your sins and receive forgiveness.

  • Songs of Deliverance

    27/06/2021 Duration: 31min

    June 27 - SONGS OF DELIVERANCE - Psalm 129 – Steve PooleTHEME: Sharing Stories of God’s DeliveranceOUTLINE1. God faithfully and repeatedly delivers His people (vs. 1-4) There is POWER in telling and retelling stories of God’s faithful and repeated deliverance throughout our lives and history. o Deuteronomy 4:9-14o Deuteronomy 6:7, 20-25o Deuteronomy 11:19, 2-5Yearly festivals to remember God’s faithful deliveranceo Exodus 12:24-27 2. God limits the success of the enemies of His people (vs. 5-8)Last year a Christian was killed for their faith every 110 secondsHebrews 11:32-38The ultimate end of the wicked is feeling empty--all their hard work comes to naught. Spurgeon puts it this way: “Thus do the wicked come to nothing. By God's just appointment they prove a disappointment. Their fire ends in smoke; their verdure turns to vanity; their flourishing is but a form of withering. No one profits by them, least of all are they profitable to themselves. Their aim is bad, their work is worse, their end is wo

  • Songs of Blessing

    20/06/2021 Duration: 38min

    SONGS OF BLESSING - Psalm 128 - Pastor Kent LandhuisTHEME: God blesses his children.OUTLINE1. What blessings can we expect?-Genesis 1:28, 12:2-3-Deuteronomy 28-Ephsians 1:3-5-God blesses all of life.2. Why expect a blessing?-Deuteronomy 28:1-6-Exodus 34:5-7-Psalm 103-God's steadfast love drives God’s blessing.3. When will blessings come? -Psalm 128:1-3-Philippians 4:4-13-God chooses when to bless us.4. Who gets a blessing?-Psalm 128:4-6-Revelation 21-God blesses God’s children.NEXT STEPSRead Psalm 128 every day this week with some fellow pilgrims.Count your blessings

  • Songs of Success

    13/06/2021 Duration: 37min

    SONGS OF SUCCESS - Psalm 127 - Pastor Kent LandhuisTHEME: God is in control and we are blessed.OUTLINE1. Winning at Work.*Psalm 127:1-2*Ecclesiastes 1:1-11, 2:17-26*Anxious toil is meaningless. God’s work is vital. 2. Winning at Rest.*Psalm 127:2-5*Proverbs 6:6, 6:13, 19:14, 20:4, 21:25*Deuteronomy 5:12-15*Laziness is bad. Rest is good.3. Winning at Life. *Ecclesiastes 12:13-14*1 Kings 1:15-21, 3:1-3, 11:14-20*Fear God and keep God’s commandments.NEXT STEPS:Read Psalm 127 every day this week with some fellow pilgrims.Evaluate how you measure success in work and life.Give thanks for God’s work in your life.

  • Songs of Joy

    06/06/2021 Duration: 24min

    SONGS OF JOY - Psalm 126 - Pastor Kent LandhuisTHEME: What makes Christians joyful?OUTLINE1. Look Back and Remember.• Egypt - Exodus 15• King David - 2 Samuel 22• Exile - Nehemiah 8 2. Look Forward and Anticipate.• Joy when it rains after a drought. Isaiah 55• Joy from the harvest at the end of the season. Matthew 13• Joy when the bridegroom comes for the bride. Revelation 19.3. Be glad. • We are Glad. Psalm 126:3• Why are you so joyful?NEXT STEPS• Read Psalm 126 every day this week with some fellow pilgrims.• Rejoice.• Throw a party!

  • Songs of Security

    30/05/2021 Duration: 30min

    SONGS OF SECURITYPsalm 125Steve PooleTHEME What does our security in God in look like?OUTLINE1. The TRUTH is we ARE secure in God• Sometimes our feelings don’t match the truth of Scripture.• We must submit out feelings to the truth.• God’s Word is the ultimate authority, not our feelings.2. Emotional roller coaster does NOT invalidate our security in God• We are established ‘like Mount Zion’ (Psalm 125:1)• Scepter of Wickedness/Rod (Psalm 125:3)• Isaiah 10:24-253. Defeat does NOT invalidate our security in God• Defeats will come, but they are temporary.• His steadfast, covenantal love never waivers and never fails• It’s good to pray for justice.4. Injustice doesn’t invalidate our security in God• We live in a world corrupted by sin.• We fight injustice from the high ground of our identity in Christ.NEXT STEPS• Read Psalm 125 every day this week with some fellow pilgrims.• Declare “Peace be upon Cedar Hills” – a promise for those secure in God.• Where you feel defeat, failure, or despair, pray “Shalom be upon_

  • Songs of Rescue

    23/05/2021 Duration: 32min

    SONGS OF RESCUE - Psalm 124 - Pastor Kent LandhuisTHEME - Danger lurks all around us. Without God, we would be destroyed.OUTLINE1. God chooses us. * Deuteronomy 7:7-9 * Isaiah 8:9-10 * God promises to be faithful to us in every circumstance. 2. Danger stalks us. * Isaiah 43:1-3 * John 16:31-33 * Danger threatens to overwhelm us.3. God frees us. * Hebrews 11:32-40 * Galatians 2:20, 5:1 * We have escaped like a bird from the fowler’s snare; the snare has been broken,and we have escaped.NEXT STEPS1. Read Psalm 124 every day this week with some fellow pilgrims.2. Celebrate the freedom that comes from being rescued from the snare.3. After you fall into a snare, keep your eyes open to not go there again.

  • Songs of Mercy

    16/05/2021 Duration: 28min

    SONGS OF MERCY - Psalm 123 - Pastor Kent LandhuisTHEME - Contempt calls for Mercy.OUTLINE1. Look up, not down. * Nehemiah 4:1-4 * Hebrews 12:1-3 * When we face contempt, we keep our eyes on the prize.2. Seek mercy, not satisfaction. * Jeremiah 18:1-5 * 2 Corinthians 12:8-10 * When we face contempt, we ask for grace not to strike back. 3. Give compassion, not revenge. * Matthew 5:38-48 * John 13:12-17 * When we face contempt, we show mercy.NEXT STEPS1. Commit to taking the “Songs of Ascent” journey.2. Read Psalm 123 every day this week with some fellow pilgrims.3. Love someone who despises you.

  • Songs of Rejoicing

    09/05/2021 Duration: 29min

    SONGS OF REJOICING - Psalm 122 - Pastor Kent LandhuisTHEME - Share the joy!OUTLINE1. Leap for Joy When You Arrive. * Psalm 63:1-5 * Psalm 105:1-6 * Share the joy of worship.2. Leap for Joy When We Arrive. * Psalm 149:1-5 * Zephaniah 3:14-17 * Share the joy of belonging. 3. Leap for Joy When Everyone Arrives. * Isaiah 2:1-5 * Jeremiah 29:4-9 * Share the joy of peace..NEXT STEPS1. Commit to taking the “Songs of Ascent” journey.2. Read Psalm 122 every day this week with some fellow pilgrims.3. Share joy with someone.

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