Grattan Institute



Our podcasts cover a range of public policy topics focusing on the main issues facing Australia. We aim to further the debate, sometimes by presenting controversial viewpoints. Our podcasts concentrate on the current Grattan Programs, but also go more broadly on occasion.


  • What the interest rate rise means for homeowners

    08/05/2022 Duration: 15min

    There are three words that strike fear into the heart of any homeowner, and those are: interest rate rise. On Tuesday, the RBA raised the official cash rate by 0.25% to 0.35% and signalled there was more to come. This was swiftly passed onto homeowners, with several banks raising their interest rates on the same day. But should you be worried? Well, it depends on who you are. Join Joey Moloney, Alex Ballantyne, in conversation with Kat Clay, on what the interest rate rise means for homeowners. Articles discussed in the podcast:

  • What are the rules for political advertising?

    01/05/2022 Duration: 15min

    The federal election is on. Billboards are plastered with party slogans, campaign ads are all around us, and our social media feeds are flaring up with political spin. Political advertising is a major feature of Australian election campaigns. But sometimes it can be difficult to separate facts from scare campaigns, or even to distinguish a government ad from a party ad. Kat Clay is joined by Deputy Program Director Kate Griffiths, and associate Anika Stobart, to discuss political advertising rules in Australia. Further reading:

  • Is cutting fuel excise the best way to bring down petrol prices?

    03/04/2022 Duration: 14min

    One of the big winners of last Tuesday’s federal budget were motorists, when Josh Frydenberg announced a 22 cent per litre cut in fuel excise. But what really is the fuel excise tax, and what is it used for? Was it the right economic choice to cut back on fuel excise while petrol is expensive? Kat Clay, Head of Digital Communications, discusses fuel excise and what governments could do to bring down petrol prices with Marion Terrill, Transport and Cities Program Director, and Lachlan Fox, Associate. For more information, visit:

  • Budget 2022 wrap-up with Danielle Wood and Kate Griffiths

    31/03/2022 Duration: 19min

    It’s been a big week in federal politics with Treasurer Josh Frydenberg handing down his fourth budget on Tuesday night. Listen to Kate Griffiths, Deputy Director Budgets and Government, as she examines the Budget with Grattan's CEO, Danielle Wood.

  • Steering clear of pork-barrelling in transport projects

    20/03/2022 Duration: 21min

    Everyone knows a politician loves a hard hat photo. And no more are hard hat photos - and pork-barrelling - seen than in the world of transport projects. The winners are often concentrated in a single electorate, whereas the losers are taxpayers dispersed across the state or country. Listen to Marion Terrill discuss her latest report with Kat Clay, about why there should be stronger guardrails on federal transport spending. For more information, visit:

  • How to fix temporary skilled migration

    15/03/2022 Duration: 27min

    Australia is squandering the potential benefits of temporary skilled migration. Politically unpopular, politicians often restrict visa sponsorship to fewer, low-skill, low-wage jobs. Instead, governments should be evaluating how best to improve the system to attract global talent, boost the budget, and reduce exploitation. Join Henry Sherrell, Deputy Director, Migration, Will Mackey, Senior Associate, and Kat Clay, Head of Digital Communications, as they discuss the new Grattan report on how to fix temporary skilled migration. For more information, visit:

  • How to reduce out-of-pocket healthcare costs

    06/03/2022 Duration: 13min

    Australia has an enviable universal healthcare system, but there are still gaps where people miss out. Listen to Anika Stobart, Linda Lin, and Kat Clay in conversation on how to reduce out-of-pocket healthcare costs in Australia and create a fairer health system for those who need it most. Read the report:

  • Orange Book 2022: Policy priorities for the federal government

    27/02/2022 Duration: 36min

    Australia needs bold policy reform to build back better after the COVID recession. Our 2022 Orange Book maps out a policy blueprint to reignite wages growth and boost Australians’ living standards. Listen to our CEO and Program Directors discussing their recommendations for the next federal government - whether Coalition or Labor - from the Orange Book 2022.

  • Why it’s time for a national shared equity scheme

    20/02/2022 Duration: 18min

    Home ownership rates are falling fast, especially among the young and poor. For those without access to the Bank of Mum and Dad, buying a home is now an impossible dream, one which has impacts well into retirement. But what if the government could help level the playing field? Join Kat Clay, Head of Digital Communications, with Brendan Coates, Economic Policy Program Director, to talk about his latest piece of research on why it’s time for a national shared equity scheme.

  • Why are the unemployment figures so low?

    14/02/2022 Duration: 19min

    Australia’s unemployment rate is at 4.2% - the lowest in more than a decade. And it’s not too far off slipping below 4%, something that hasn’t happened for half a century. But who deserves the credit? Economic management during pandemic by the Prime Minister and Reserve Bank governor? Or to quote ACTU Secretary Sally McManus in her tweet, that “the reason why unemployment rates are low is because the borders are closed.” Senior associates Alex Ballantyne and Will Mackey fact check these assertions on the podcast, using rigorous data evaluation. Hosted by Kat Clay, Head of Digital Communications. Read the article:

  • Prime Minister’s Summer Reading List 2021

    06/02/2022 Duration: 01h31min

    Listen to CEO Danielle Wood, with renowned writer Benjamin Law, as they discuss Grattan's top six thought-provoking, compelling, and relevant books from 2021. It was an extraordinary year, and these are extraordinary reads – not only for the Prime Minister, but for all Australians interested in public policy. With introduction by Angharad Wynne-Jones from State Library Victoria, this podcast features discussions with four of the authors, Kate Holden, Rick Morton, Paige Clark, and Brendan James Murray. The full list includes: The Winter Road: A Killing at Croppa Creek, by Kate Holden The School: The Ups and Downs of One Year in the Classroom, by Brendan James Murray Truth-Telling: History, Sovereignty, and the Uluru Statement, by Henry Reynolds On Money, by Rick Morton System Error: Where Big Tech Went Wrong and How We Can Reboot, by Rob Reich, Mehran Sahami, and Jeremy M. Weinstein She Is Haunted, by Paige Clark For more information visit:

  • How to make time for great teaching

    30/01/2022 Duration: 24min

    For many parents, the pandemic has brought into sharp focus the role of teachers, and just how much work they do. Not only are teachers expected to teach their core subjects, but supervise lunchtimes and after-school activities, support students’ mental health, and complete a large amount of administration work – and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. For our latest report, Making time for great teaching, our staff surveyed more than 5000 Australian teachers and school leaders, about the impact of these responsibilities on teachers’ time. The results are dramatic – and here to dig into what they mean for education in Australia, are the authors of the report: Program Director Jordana Hunter, Deputy Program Director Julie Sonnemann, and Associate Rebecca Joiner. Hosted by Kat Clay, Head of Digital Communications. Read the report:

  • The next steps to improve home care

    12/12/2021 Duration: 16min

    In May 2021, the Federal Government announced a $18 billion package in response to the findings of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. Eighty thousand additional home care packages were announced to help reduce the significant waiting lists. But has this been enough to help provide care to some of our most vulnerable community members? Kat Clay, Head of Digital Communications, and Stephen Duckett, Health and Aged Care Program Director, discuss his new report on how to further improve home care.

  • John Button Oration: The Next Generation’s Australia

    28/11/2021 Duration: 48min

    The John Button Oration provides the opportunity for a prominent Australian to give a talk on policy in honour of the legacy of John Button. This year the oration was given by Grattan CEO, Danielle Wood, on the topic of The Next Generation’s Australia. We are grateful to the University of Melbourne and the Melbourne School of Government for hosting this event, and Professor John Howe for his introduction. To read the full text of Danielle's speech, visit:

  • Should we be worried about inflation?

    22/11/2021 Duration: 26min

    After years where inflation has been low and stable, suddenly there’s lots of talk about inflation. But how worried should we be? And what does it mean for the Australian economy, for interest rates and for Australian workers’ wages? Join Brendan Coates, Economic Policy Program Director, Alex Ballantyne, Senior Associate, and Kat Clay, Head of Digital Communications, as they tackle whether or not we should be worried about inflation.

  • COP26: what went down, and what it means for Australia

    19/11/2021 Duration: 34min

    At COP26, 197 countries signed the Glasgow climate pact, which aims to phase down unabated coal power throughout the world. Find out what happened at COP26 and the impact these decisions will have on Australian climate policy, in a conversation with Tony Wood, Energy and Climate Change Program Director, Alison Reeve, Deputy Program Director, and James Ha, Associate. Read the Towards Net Zero report series:

  • Net zero: where to start?

    01/11/2021 Duration: 33min

    Last week, the Federal Government released their plan to meet Australia’s commitment to net zero emissions by 2050. It’s a major breakthrough in Australia’s climate war, but is it enough? Just in time for the Glasgow climate conference COP26, Grattan’s climate change and energy team have released the last report in their report series, Towards net zero: A practical plan for Australia's governments. On this podcast are Alison Reeve, Deputy Program Director, and James Ha, Associate, and Kat Clay, Head of Digital Communications, discussing where Australia’s governments should start in the quest for net zero. To read the report series visit:

  • Why the Federal Government needs to introduce an emissions ceiling on new cars

    24/10/2021 Duration: 25min

    Australians have a passionate love affair with cars. We use them to travel this vast and wide country, to visit friends and family, and carry our tools. Not to mention, do burnouts. But cars and their by-products also have a detrimental effect on our environment, health and wellbeing. And reducing our emissions from cars is just one of the puzzle pieces in reaching net zero by 2050. So, what policies can government put in place to make sure Australians can continue to enjoy cars, while reducing the negative social and environmental effects? To hear about their new report, The Grattan car plan: practical policies for cleaner transport and better cities, join Ingrid Burfurd, Senior Associate, and Lachlan Fox, Graduate Associate, with Kat Clay, Head of Digital Communications, on the Grattan podcast.

  • Why it's about to get harder to borrow for a mortgage

    18/10/2021 Duration: 25min

    Earlier this month, The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority, or APRA for short, wrote to home loan lenders across the country to recommend strengthening mortgage lending assessments. The reason for this? The explosive and rapid increase in housing prices due to extended lockdowns and low-interest rates, and a rapid growth in bank lending to buy them. Households are borrowing more money than ever to reach the extraordinary prices needed to secure a home. But is this the right move? Who does it help and who does it hurt? And will it be enough to restrain a market that doesn’t show signs of slowing down any time soon. Or are there more changes yet to come? Join Kat Clay, Grattan's Head of Digital Communications, in conversation with Brendan Coates, on how to rein in property prices in Australia, and whether we should.

  • How to offset carbon emissions in Australia

    11/10/2021 Duration: 23min

    Net zero emissions. It’s the target everyone is talking about, from the Federal Government, to foreign governments, and from boardrooms to broadsheets. Although achieving net zero emissions globally is essential for limiting climate change, the target and how we get there are not very well understood. And one of the most contentious issues is offsetting: can we really pay others to reduce their emissions, or pay to suck carbon out of the atmosphere, to balance out our own emissions? Join Tony Wood, the Director of Grattan’s Energy and Climate Change Program, and Alison Reeve, Deputy Director, as they discuss their latest net zero report with co-author, James Ha, Associate.

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