Preston Trail Community Church Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 55:46:38
  • More information



Preston Trail Community Church is on a mission: helping people find and follow Jesus Christ. Were a church of imperfect, non-religious people learning how to follow Jesus and help others along their own journey of faith. We invite you to come check us out and let us help you discover your next right step at Preston Trail.


  • It’s All About Jesus


    When we focus only on the weird and worrisome parts of Revelation, we've missed the point--because it's all about Jesus.

  • The Crown


    When the gift of power is rightly understood, it is a blessing. When abused, it can become an idol.

  • This Is Us


    The impact of a father is life-changing, reaching through generations in ways that both build up and tear down.

  • The Good Place


    Everybody wants to go to Heaven, but we’re a little less clear when it comes to what really makes the Good Place so good, and who actually gets to go there.

  • Friday Night Lights


    “Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose”—it’s the rallying cry for the Dillon Panthers, but what does it take to truly win?

  • Creating a Lasting Legacy


    Each day, we’re all creating a legacy. Do what it takes to create a legacy that lasts.

  • Creating a Vocational Legacy


    Much more than punching a clock or killing time, your work is meant to add value in the world and create a legacy that matters.

  • Creating a Family Legacy


    Creating a family legacy isn’t about doing everything right. It’s about learning from your mistakes and taking the next right step.

  • Creating a Financial Legacy


    Creating a financial legacy isn’t about amassing a fortune. It’s about investing in the things that yield the greatest return.

  • What if I Miss God’s Will?


    If nobody's perfect, does that mean we're all just one bad decision away from missing God's will? What happens next?

  • How Do I Find God's Will?


    God's will isn't unknowable, but finding it is meant to happen in the context of a relationship with him.

  • What is God's Will?


    Understanding God's will starts with understanding the Way of Wisdom he's already revealed.

  • Serve Somebody


    When Jesus lived on earth, he embodied the fullness of God--and yet his life was devoted to the service of other people. Following Jesus means we will follow his example and serve somebody.

  • Do Life Together


    Jesus has only ever known community--first with the Father and the Spirit, then with the people in his life. For Jesus followers, that means community with others is the only way to live.

  • Stop Worrying


    For Jesus followers, "to live is Christ, and to die is gain." That means we can stop worrying, because the universe is a perfectly safe place to be.

  • Love Everyone


    Perhaps the most radical part of following Jesus in the real world is obeying his command to love everyone--yes, everyone. Always.

  • Do What He Says


    Following Jesus means much more than mental agreement. It means we actually have to obey him in our real, everyday life.

  • Share the Story


    Knowing God's Big Story means we know it's too wonderful to keep to ourselves. We were created to share The Story with others.

  • Know the Story


    In order to live The Story we were created to live, we need to know the framework of the larger story we all inhabit: God's Big Story.

  • You Can Have a New Spouse, It Just Needs to be You


    So your marriage needs a new spouse? Great! Focus on the only spouse you can change: you.

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