Northside Church - Sydney

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 220:17:05
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Northside Community Church Podcast, preaching, music and more..


  • Success or Significance? Week 4: The X Factor


    Speaker: Sam Haddon – Success | Significance? Week 4: The X Factor. If keeping just one New Year’s resolution (instead of ten) had the potential to enhance every relationship you currently have, would you be interested in trying it out? Join us to find out more… Reading: 1 John 4:7-21 (NIV)

  • Dear God, If Only – Week 4: …my FAITH was stronger


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – Dear God, If Only Week 4: …my FAITH was stronger. I once heard a man say his greatest fear when facing the Lord in Heaven would be to be told what he could have achieved if he’d had more faith! This message from Graham will outline ways of deepening our faith and strengthening our reliance on God. Reading: Mark 2:1-12 (GNT)

  • Success or Significance? Week 3: Unfathomable Stereotype


    Speaker: Sam Haddon – Success | Significance? Week 3: Unfathomable Stereotype. He’s a great accountant, she’s a great teacher. Often success dictates who we become. How could your life look different if the pattern were the other way around? Reading: 1 John 3:1-10 (NIV)

  • Dear God, If Only – Week 3: …my BURDENS were lighter


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – Dear God, If Only – Week 3:… my BURDENS were lighter. A New Year dawns but sadly many people will carry burdens from 2011 into 2012: unresolved conflict, financial worries, health issues and a whole lot more. We can never be free of worry but wouldn’t it be great if we could manage our stress more effectively?

  • Success or Significance? Week 2: Conquering Consistency


    Speaker: Sam Haddon – Success | Significance? Week 2: Conquering Consistency. It’s time for resolutions… and yet the ones from last year seemed to have been filed away in a box somewhere? What will it take to conquer consistency this year? Reading: 1 John 2:3-14 (NIV)

  • Dear God, If Only – Week 2: …my FEARS were smaller


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – Dear God, If Only Week 2: …my FEARS were smaller. Someone has said “Fear is the darkroom where negatives are developed!” It’s natural to experience fear and apprehension in various areas of our lives, but God does not want us to be bound by our fears. His love for us is designed to cast out all fear (1 John 4:18). Reading: 1 John 4:13-21 (GNT)

  • Success or Significance? Week 1: New Beginnings


    Speaker: Sam Haddon – Success | Significance? Week 1: New Beginnings. Each New Year brings the dawn of new opportunities and possibilities. Success and significance are both something we all desire… the question is how will you define them?Reading: 1 John 1:1-4 (NIV)

  • Dear God, If Only – Week 1: …my VISION was bigger


    Speak: Graham Agnew – Dear God, If Only – Week 1: …my VISION was bigger. God has always achieved His purposes through people of vision but sometimes our vision of what He can achieve is somewhat limited. If Only we could broaden our view of what’s possible in His church and in our lives! Reading: Nehemiah 2:11-18

  • Moments of Decision


    Speaker: Sam Haddon – Moments of Decision Dec 31|Jan 1. Two dates, another day. Yet, this transition often means so much for so many, as the New Year begins. New Hopes, New opportunities, New Starts, New Choices. Jesus was always presenting moments of decision, and he didn’t wait until the New Year. What decisions will you make, as we stand at another fork in the road?Reading: John 1:43-50.

  • Makin' A List & Checkin' It Twice – Week 3: Expect to be Invited


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – Makin’ A List & Checkin’ It Twice Week 3: Expect to be Invited Choosing Christmas Expectations Christmas is all about making lists: gift lists, invitation lists, holiday check lists etc. The one list most people forget to draw up is the one relating to their expectations of this amazing Season – but that’s the most important one of all! Reading: Luke 2:8-20 (GNT)

  • HIStory Week 5: Jesus: The Wiki-Leak


    Speaker: Sam Haddon – HIStory Week 5: Jesus: The Wiki-Leak In 2011, the term “Wiki-Leak” became part of household vocabulary. It was the first time some of the most secretive information in the world, was revealed publicly on a widespread scale… or was it? In this message, we’ll discover that Jesus Christ is history’s greatest wiki-leak. The public revelation of the most precious information in the universe! Reading John 1:16-18 (NIV)

  • HIStory Week 4: Jesus: The God. Personified


    Speaker: Sam Haddon – HIStory Week 4: Jesus: The God. Personified Have you ever wondered what God looks like? What he would do in certain situations? It’s a question that has plagued humanity for centuries, and many of the world religions to this day…. except one. In this message we’ll uncover the answers to those questions, and see Christianity’s empowering uniqueness. Reading John 1:14 (NIV)

  • Makin' A List & Checkin' It Twice – Week 2: Expect to be Challenged


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – Makin’ A List & Checkin’ It Twice Week 2: Expect to be Challenged Choosing Christmas Expectations Christmas is all about making lists: gift lists, invitation lists, holiday check lists etc. The one list most people forget to draw up is the one relating to their expectations of this amazing Season – but that’s the most important one of all! Reading: Matthew 1:18-24 (GNT)

  • HIStory Week 3: Jesus: The Lifeguard


    Speaker: Sam Haddon – HIStory Week 3: Jesus: The Lifeguard. Who said Bondi Rescue was the only story of a lifesaver plucking people from danger ? When the problem is far greater than a few waves, what do we do? Reading John 1:9-13 (NIV)

  • Makin' A List & Checkin' It Twice – Week 1: Expect to be Surprised


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – Makin’ A List & Checkin’ It Twice Week 1: Expect to be Surprised. Choosing Christmas Expectations. Christmas is all about making lists: gift lists, invitation lists, holiday check lists etc. The one list most people forget to draw up is the one relating to their expectations of this amazing Season – but that’s the most important one of all! Reading: Luke 1:39-49 (GNT)

  • HIStory Week 2: Jesus: The One


    Speaker: Sam Haddon – HIStory Week 2: Jesus: The One A recent television show called “The ONE”, is gaining large popularity across our nation. In it, various contestants seek to bring meaning, to the insights and aspects of stranger’s lives. In a world that is constantly looking to make sense of daily life, why can some of us still end up feeling just as mystified? Are you looking for the right “ONE”?? Reading John 1:3-5 (NIV)

  • Dark | Light


    Speaker: Sam Haddon – Dark | Light The difference between dark and light can seem like worlds apart, yet years ago, God flicked on the switch and bridged that gap. Are you living a life of light, or is it time to come out of the dark? Reading: John 1:3-5 (NIV)

  • HIStory Week 1: Jesus: The Reason


    Speaker: Sam Haddon – HIStory Week 1: Jesus: The Reason. “His story”, the story of Jesus, is one that changed the direction of human history. No person has ever been talked about, nor shaped the course of cultures, nations and the world the way He has. Join us this new 5 week series as we uncover HIStory. Reading: John 1:1-13 (NIV)

  • Stop. Revive. Survive. – Week 5: Psalm 139


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – Stop. Revive. Survive. – Psalm 139. Psalm 139 speaks of the close, intimate relationship we can enjoy with God, our Heavenly Father. In that relationship, we can know a deep sense of freedom and release because the God we know so imperfectly, knows us through and through; the God we search for has sought us and found us. This is the kind of relationship available to all through Jesus Christ. Reading: Psalm 139:1-12 (GNT)

  • Guest Speaker: Steve Hodgson


    Speaker: Steve Hodgson Steve balances his time between fresh Hope Youth, working with youth and young adult ministries across Churches of Christ in NSW in training, equipping and resourcing leaders, and also working as a local Youth Pastor at Epping Church of Christ. Steve desires to see the youth and young adults of our nation to step up into all that God has invited them to be alongside Him. He is passionate about developing young leaders and raising up and releasing the next generation of Kingdom influencers for the church in Australia. Steve also desires to see those who follow Jesus step into the adventure of deep discipleship as they are shaped by Christ moment to moment.

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