Sweet Stella's Guided Meditations



Guided meditations written and spoken by Shannon Moyer-Szemenyei, Owner and Doula at Sweet Stella's. Themes include awareness, pregnancy, anger, postpartum, self love, guilt, grief, deep rest, courage, compassion, bravery and more.


  • Advanced Awareness

    24/12/2015 Duration: 10min

    Today's practice is for achieving an advanced state of awareness. It is best done in a busy place where you will need to find willpower and discipline to give your full attention to the practice, and quiet your mind to all that surrounds you.

  • Guilt

    14/12/2015 Duration: 13min

    There are many times throughout life when guilt creeps in and makes us doubt ourselves. It's not a very gentle or kind feeling, and often is driven from a place of holding ourselves to too high of an expectation. Know that you are enough. Know that it is ok. Give yourself permission to be who and what you are. Let go of guilt.

  • Be Kind To Yourself

    08/12/2015 Duration: 11min

    A meditation for mothers. Whenever you are doubting yourself, feeling less than perfect as a mother, come to this podcast and meditation. Be kind to yourself. Hold yourself with gentle compassion. You are enough.

  • Abundant Happiness

    30/11/2015 Duration: 07min

    Have you felt rather down lately, or lost without sense of direction? This meditation for abundant happiness draws on your previous experiences and memories to trigger feeling of happiness and calm.

  • Mental Clarity

    24/11/2015 Duration: 07min

    This meditation uses an audible breath technique and visualization in order to clear your mind of thought and gain peace. You may find yourself tired during this meditation, and it is perfectly okay to fall asleep. Your subconscious will be in tune with the words, and you will still benefit from the practice.

  • Self Love

    23/11/2015 Duration: 07min

    As women, we are the first to criticize ourselves, and the last to love ourselves. We doubt our abilities, our inner strength and lose a sense of who we are when we fail to love all that we are. Use this meditation in times where you find your self esteem and confidence lacking, and open your heart to loving yourself.

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