Lois Wetzel, Mfa -mystical Teachings

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 84:17:00
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Lois J Wetzel is the author of "Akashic Records: Case Studies" available on Amazon/Kindle and "EDINA: Energy Medicine from the Stars!" as well as "Sacred Journeys & Vision Quests." In doing this show, Lois' intent is to create a FREE LIBRARY of spiritual information for all Seekers on the Path, who are guided here. Feel free to browse the archives and find what resonates with you! Sometimes Lois will be the one teaching, more often, it will be others telling what they know and/or what they do. Following guidance, Lois has been hosting this radio show since May of 2009.Lois does Intuitive Consultations and Past Life Readings/Life Mission Readings from the Akashic Records in addition to writing her books. With over twenty-five years' experience in this field, she has been published in numerous magazines in addition to the books mentioned above.Lois works with clients all over the globe. She would be happy to work with you as well! lois (at) hotpinklotus.comWebsite: Hot Pink Lotus.comEDINA Healing Temple.com


  • Lois Talks about "Reincarnation"

    13/02/2014 Duration: 53min

    Today Lois will be talking with good friend Becky Hannah about Lois' upcoming book which was just sent off to the editor to be polished up a bit. The book is entitled, "Reincarnation: Past Lives and the Akashic Records." It is Lois' second book on this topic, and her fourth book overall.  Come have a listen! If you have questions about reincarnation in general, or the Akashic Records, please call in. 

  • Mystery in the Dreamhouse: Michael R. Hathaway

    03/01/2014 Duration: 57min

    My returning guest today is hypnotherapist and author Michael R. Hathaway, Michael will be talking about his latest book about the past lives of one of his clients whom he hypnotized several times over about a 20 year period. The trigger was repeating dreams she'd had about a little girl and a strange grey stone house which turns into a paranormal adventure spanning 200 years. The book is written about the mysterious girl and the house and what actually happened to the girl and to the client and how they were entwined historically. Michael is the author of several books in the "Everything" series. He is also one of the most respected hypnotherapists in America as well as the Director of the White Mountain Hypnosis Center in Madison, New Hampshire. His website is www.michaelhathaway.com

  • Current Events - The Lion's Gate and More

    09/08/2013 Duration: 43min

    Today Lois will be talking about what is going on right now, from the opening of the Lion's Gate which occurrs each August,, to the ongoing radioactive pollution coming from Fukushima and polluting the entire west coast of the Americas (Canada to Chile)--and what to do about it. She will also discuss ways to protect your energy field and methods to draw energies down into your form from the cosmos, as well as practical ways to protect from the radioactive water still coming from Fukushima.

  • Joan Walker - Channeling Archangels

    19/07/2013 Duration: 01h00s

    Joan Walker has been channeling Archangels for many years now, and doing so behind the scenes for famous spiritual leaders. Now she has her own website where these channelings are offered as part of classes she and husband John Walker teach. The classes focus on helping students find out who they really are, how to respond at choice rather than just reacting, how to find balance in life, and how to reclaim their personal power. JOAN AND JOHN WALKER.com "Discovering your true Self is the key to your liberation from the pain, stress and anxiety of trying to fit all that you are into a 3-D container. The tools that are being offered through us include short yet profound teachings that you can listen to on the go, easy, guided meditations by one of the Archangels or Masters, and practical ways to incorporate what you learn into your everyday life. Our goal is to help you know the beauty that is you in its fullest expression. As you embark on this joyful exploration of your true nature, you will discover that y

  • Elaine Ireland on the Tarot

    14/06/2013 Duration: 01h00s

    Today's guest is Elaine Ireland. We will be talking about the Tarot, and how the meanings of the cards have changed as the world itself has changed! And whatever else Spirit guides us to talk about. Elaine says of herself, "I've been working as a practicing psychic for over forty years. That works has included teaching various levels of Tarot and psychic development, meditation, doing radio and television shows, participating in and producing psychic fairs, lectures and workshops across the nation." Over the years Elaine has had the honor of helping families and police departments search for loved ones. Has this been a challenging gift? She says it has. Elaine also says sometimes it is a frightening gift, but that she would never change a single moment of service.  She is humbly grateful for the opportunity to have helped the clients who were led to her and her Guides for assistance. Host Lois Wetzel has written three books which are on Amazon.com - Akashic Records: Case Studies, EDINA: Energy Medicine fr

  • EDINA: Energy Medicine from the Stars!

    12/04/2013 Duration: 30min

    Today Lois will be reading from her book about EDINA Energy Medicine, which is available on Kindle and will soon be coming out in paperback.  If you want a copy in PDF to read on your computer or to learn more about EDINA, please go to the webiste: EDINA Healing Temple.  Or email lois at hotpinklotus.com for instructions on how to purchase a PDF of the book. EDINA is a form of energy medicine which works directly on the Lightbody and is shamanism for the 21st Century and beyond. The source of this energy medicine is a group of Lightbeings from Sirius-B.

  • Science of Law of Attraction - Greg Kuhn

    01/03/2013 Duration: 01h01min

    Come listen as I talk with Greg Kuhn about his book, "Why Quantum Physicists Don't Fail." Greg is known as the Law of Attraction Science Guy.  This promises to be a very enlightening segment! Greg Kuhn's books are on Amazon/Kindle.

  • "Sacred Journeys"- Lois' new book

    25/01/2013 Duration: 40min

    Today I am reading from my new book, "Sacred Journeys and Vision Quests" which will be uploaded to Kindle in February. Come have a listen!  

  • Science, Mysticism and Current Solar Events

    14/12/2012 Duration: 46min

    Something the physicists and solar scientists do not understand is happening to our sun, Helios, right now.  I will be talking about how certain scientists/physicists are viewing this current strangeness.  I'll also touch on what the mystics are saying. I will be talking about the ideas of Dr. Claude Swanson, Gregg Braden, and more. Click here to sign up for my free newsletter. I offer discounts on my readings and in my little ETSY shop to the people who are signed up for my newsletter that no one else knows aobut. If you sign up to follow my BlogTalk Radio show, you will get reminders of the shows right before they air.  Want to ask a question about what we are discussing? Call me on this show.   Reminder: I have written books on energy medicine and the Akashic Records on Amazon.com  

  • Astrological Aspects - Melissa Lockwood

    07/12/2012 Duration: 46min

    Today's show will be Lois talking with Melissa Lockwood about the amazing over-abundance of astrological aspects in our skies. These are indeed amazing times in so very many ways. Come have a listen!

  • New Moon Eclipse, Pluto, and a whole lot of SCORPIO

    16/11/2012 Duration: 30min

    Come have a listen as Lois talks today about the recent new moon eclipse and its potential to affect us all.   Lois is the author of "Akashic Records: Case Studies" and "EDINA: Energy Medicine from the Stars!" available on Amazon/Kindle. To learn more about Lois Wetzel and her Past Life Readings, Consultations and Long Distance Healing Sessions, please go to her primary website: Hot Pink Lotus.com To learn more about EDINA Energy Medicine: GO HERE

  • Relocation and Bilocation

    09/11/2012 Duration: 35min

    Today we will be talking about two things.  Relocation, as in, moving somewhere else...or else an internal shift of great enough proportions to move us profoundly in our lives--as though we had relocated physically. The other thing we will be discussing is bilocation, or being in more than one place at a time.  This is possible through remote viewing. Come have a listen as Lois talks about both these topics today. Please call in if you have questions! Lois J Wetzel, Master of Fine Arts', primary website is Hot Pink Lotus.com Her books can be found on Amazon/Kindle.  These include her book on past life readings she has done over the past 20 years, "Akashic Records: Case Studies," and her book on energy medicine, "EDINA: Energy Medicine from the Stars!" Lois is considered an expert in both these fields. Lois is still doing phone consultations,  past life readings and remote healing sessions. Visit Hot Pink Lotus.com for more information and scheduling a reading or healing.

  • Connecting with Your Spirit Guides

    28/09/2012 Duration: 39min

    Today Lois talks about various ways to connect with your spiritual guidance. If you need a quick answer or feel like you just want some spiitual level of advice, or simply want to check in and find out what your guides would like to tell you...how  do you do that? There are many ways. Come have a listen as Lois discusses several different ways to do this yourself. Readings from others can be helpful, but it is also very important to be able to get answers for yourself. Hot Pink Lotus - Lois' website where there is a lot of "Free Stuff" LAXMI's JOY - ETSY shop (pendulums, crystals, etc.)

  • Lois is Back from Europe

    14/09/2012 Duration: 45min

    Come have a listen as I talk about whatever comes to mind about the trip and why I went to Glastonbury, England, (unplanned).  Call in and chat or ask a question if you like.    

  • Bosnian Pyramid Project 2012 - Lois Reporting

    17/08/2012 Duration: 32min

    Lois is currently in Visoko, Bosnia, researching for a book on the largest pyramids in the world which were discovered there in 2005 by Dr. Sam Osmanagic, PhD.  This is her second trip to Bosnia, last summer being the first. Today she will give some back ground on the pyramids.   Lois' website is Hot Pink Lotus  If you want to read her travel blog with more detail on what's going on: Travel Blog YES. Lois is still doing remote healing sessions and Akashic Records readings while travelling. :>) To read more about the Bosnian Pyramids click on this link. Lois invites you to sign up for her free newsletter at the Hot Pink Lotus link above, join her on Facebook by typing her name in the FB search engine, and/or following her on Twitter (HPLotus).  YES. She is still going remote healing sessions and Akashic Records readings while travelling. :>)

  • Pyramids, Pyramids Everywhere on Earth!

    27/07/2012 Duration: 48min

    Today I will be talking about the fact that we are beginning to realize that there are pyramids on every continent.  One of the ways we know this is from geologists studying the Earth's crust, and another way is from satellite imaging.  Most of them have been covered for thousands and thousands of years by soil and other vegetation, including trees.  There is clearly a lot of resistance to open disclosure of these pyramids, especially by the governments of the world and the established academic organizations. The question is WHY? We know there are pyramids in Egypt as well as in Mexico and Central America, but there is an enormous resistance to acceptance of pyramids elsewhere on the planet. Today we will talk about that. Host Lois Wetzel, MFA, authored two books thusfar, "Akashic Records: Case Studies of Past Lives," and "EDINA: Energy Medicine from the Stars!" Available on Amazon/Kindle  

  • Sacred Space, Sacred Sites on the Earth

    20/07/2012 Duration: 49min

    Today's subject is sacred space and sacred sites on the Earth. Why some locations are especially sacred, and how to create sacred space for yourself in your own home or office.  

  • Lois Talks with Melissa Lockwood

    06/07/2012 Duration: 01h03min

    Today Lois will be talking with her friend Melissa Lockwood, who teaches astrology and Tarot. Melissa, who has been reading Tarot for 30+ years, also does most of Lois' personal;Tarot readings.   We will talk about current astrological trends, plus  Melissa's short and sweet astrological weekely forecast newsletter.We will also talk about the importance of finding your own "tribe."  About Melissa: Melissa has had the near-death experience required of any true shaman, and has emerged with a deepened and pure, powerful ability to see that which is "unseen" to the average person.  She is a truly gifted healer, using her knowledge of Tarot and numerology along with her life experience as her healing tools. Melissa's readings are both informative and compassionate.   MelissasTarot.blogspot.com Melissa's clients report that she is very accurate. Often your spiritual Guides and Angelswill appear to Melissa with messages for you, whether the reading is in person or on the phone. Her ability to be a conduit to the

  • Lois Wetzel does the Talking!

    29/06/2012 Duration: 01h00s

    Show host Lois J Wetzel, MFA, mystic, author, shaman, energy medicine healer and teacher has decided after having had a long chat with Dr. Peebles as channeled by world class trance channel Summer Bacon, that it is high time to do some of the talking herself.  Today it will be stream of consciousness - and it will go wherever it goes. Lois is really into following Guidance, as you will know if you listened to the last show. Lois Wetzel has been consciously walking the Spiritual Path in this lifetime since the mid-1980s, and definitely has a lot of wisdom to share. Books: "Akashic Records: Case Studies," and "EDINA: Energy Medicine from the Stars!" Primary Website: Hot Pink Lotus Lois still does Akashic Records readings.  Contact her at lois@hotpinklotus.com On Facebook: Lois Wetzel in Houston, Texas On Twitter: HPLotus          

  • Chat with Lois Wetzel

    15/06/2012 Duration: 01h07min

    Website: Hot Pink Lotus Lois Wetzel, MFA, artist, author, and Delphi Class Mystic (according to astrologer and psychiatrist, Mitchell Gibson, MD) who is the host of this show, hardly ever just talks about herself.  Today will be an exception.  No telling what will come up. We will definitely talk about following guidance, since that is "up" for so many people right now, Lois included... Lois' Books: "Akashic Records: Case Studies of Past Lives" and  "EDINA: Energy Medicine from the Stars!" Both books are available on Kindle and "Akashic Records" is available in paperback. Lois still does past life readings.  Go to the Hot Pink Lotus website to learn more about these. She also offers consultations. Lois occasionally publishes articles in "Sedona Journal" under the pen name "Lotus Fire"  In these articles she has channeled Archangel Gabriel.  

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