Success Smackdown Live With Kat

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 294:14:50
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Katrina Ruth (formerly Kat Loterzo) will help you overcome the obstacles to your dreams through the Success Smackdown Live podcast. Katrina helps women entrepreneurs and leaders to find alignment and create the business and life of their dreams by taking action NOW! She is a best-selling author, speaker and entrepreneur, and founder of The Katrina Ruth Show! LETS CONNECT!Pinterest @thekatrinaruthshowInstagram @thekatrinaruthshowYouTube @thekatrinaruthshowLinkedIn @thekatrinaruthshowSnapchat @katloterzo + @katrinaruthshowAmazon eBooks: booksforkickasswomen.comP.S If you're not part of my High Vibe Mastermind community of total BADASS CREATORS then head to now and check out why this is THE place to be! Start unleashing your message and creating money online by being YOU!


  • This Is Why The Money Ain't Flowing {Podcast 83}

    14/12/2015 Duration: 04min

    IN TODAY’S PODCAST....If you’re a creator, you need to FUCKING CREATE. If you’re stuck in the mindset of “I’m not where I wanna be” – SNAP THE FUCK OUTTA IT. Get back to YOU. Get back to CREATING. Let your creativity FLOW. If you look back on all the stuff that works, it’s all because you ALLOWED YOURSELF to create. The more you give yourself space to create, the more creativity will flow from you.REALITY:How can you tap back into your creative core? How can you show up each day, fully aligned? Let out what needs to come out of you: DAILY.  Today's ASSKICKERY Action Task:When can you SCHEDULE in your daily creativity? What can you do TODAY to start letting your creativity flow?  If you enjoyed this episode of ERTV, you can sign up here ( and receive my FREE book: Multi-Passionate Woman: FOR THE DRIVEN WOMAN WHO WANTS TO BE, DO AND HAVE IT ALL, IN BUSINESS AND LIFE!

  • Train Your Brain For Success! {Podcast 82}

    02/12/2015 Duration: 07min

    The cool thing about being a super high achiever and wanting to get A LOT of shit done, you can REALLY play fun tricks on yourself.Make it easy – make money. Make it easy – get hard rock abs. Don’t get me wrong, this ALL takes SERIOUSLY HARD WORK. It’s not about WHAT you need to do to get what you want, it’s about WHO you are.If you’re someone who takes care of themselves, working out will be EASY for you. If you’re someone who knows 100% what they want, working will be EASY!So the best thing to do if we want to achieve massive amounts of success – and rather than making MASSIVE fucking to-do lists, of all this stuff “we’ve gotta do,” start to IMPLEMENT some daily activities into your life.Daily sales, admin, emails, social media, anything DAILY.. make it a habit. If you ask “how can I make this automated,” your life will become SO MUCH EASIER.I struggle sometimes, I have my resistance, but it’s SO MUCH EASIER because I’ve TRAINED myself to make everything automated. It still takes time and effort,• When you

  • How To Show Up For Success If Nobody's Watching {Podcast 81}

    02/12/2015 Duration: 06min

    I’m disciplined with my training. I do it regardless if people are around or not. And I like being seen as successful (who doesn’t?)!This discipline I’ve created started when my first born was just a baby – no one was around, my husband Enzo was off working, and I couldn’t get to the gym. I used a swing set in a backyard, and a kettlebell.. and I STILL worked my ass off.Why?BECAUSE I WANTED THE RESULT.As a solo entrepreneur – I have to DO the work to get the SUCCESS I want. There’s no boss who has to tell me what to do. It’s just massive DISCIPLINE and an AMAZING support network around me.I’m proud to say I can do the work regardless if people are around me or not.• Are you tapped into your “Why”?• If you’re not connected to your vision EVERY DAY, then why are you doing this?• No one is forcing you to do anything. So CHOOSE what you want to do!EXERCISE:If you’re struggling to show up and do the work, then maybe just take some time and REMIND yourself of your goals. WHY do they matter to you?Find a journal, an

  • You Get What You Pay For {Podcast 80}

    02/12/2015 Duration: 07min

    I’m at a hotel here in Bali, I ALWAYS stay at the W. This time, though, I had a gift voucher to use for another hotel. It was expiring soon, so I figured I’d use it.It’s a pretty good hotel. But I’m not over the moon about it.. and it’s interesting: You get what you pay for! The small little things are REALLY pissing me off here: the wifi wouldn’t work. The feel of the hotel isn’t the 5-star feel I’m used to. There were no sweat towels in the gym. It was all these little things that I’m not used to.The hotel isn’t the W. It’s not what I’m ACCUSTOMED to.It’s just so noticeable: you get what you pay for. If I want to feel luxurious, I have to PAY for it. It’s the same in business.Anything that matters to you, if you go for the cheaper option, you’ll probably notice the difference.• You don’t always have to pay for the most expensive thing• Have a think about what outcome you want• Is it worth upgrading to the luxury option?EXERCISE:Think about the last time you went for the less-expensive option of something in

  • Are you speaking in a language your clients are listening to? {Podcast 79}

    02/12/2015 Duration: 07min

    I recently had a new client come into my 12-month mastermind, and she wasn’t getting the response she so desperately wanted from her branding. So I gave her some tips and suggestions on how she could repackage her offers.Since then, she’s made 4 new sales already! And it was just like, wow – it’s SO important to speak in a language your clients listen to. See the way she was branding her packages – she wasn’t speaking her audience’s language. That’s exactly why there were NO sales.One of my recent blog posts was about getting from where you are now to where you want to be. I called it “Stop trying to fuck on the first date!”Had I called it “How to get from where you are to where you want to be” – NO ONE would’ve cared. I was SPEAKING the language that my tribe - my AUDIENCE – speaks.Allow your audience to learn what they need to learn. And remember, don’t try to change how your audience speaks. You just have to change how YOU speak. Don’t speak Japanese to someone who only speaks English!• Don’t try to change

  • Do you have the COURAGE to admit what you really want {Podcast 78}

    26/11/2015 Duration: 05min

    There are SO many people who live AMAZING lives, and create AMAZING businesses… but there are SO MANY PEOPLE who don’t ever admit to themselves what they TRULY desire.I truly believe we can have it all – but we HAVE to define what that means. To me, I’ve wanted to be location free, having a multi-million dollar business, changing millions of people’s lives – BUT that’s just what I want.With everything I’ve ever created, it’s a result of being honest with myself and ADMITTING what I want.Because that can be SCARY. Maybe you’ve been through uni, and have this degree but deep down you want to do something COMPLETELY courageous.If that’s you – if you want to do something COMPLETELY different – admit to yourself EXACTLY what you want.Because the time to be honest to yourself isn’t tomorrow, or a year from now, it’s today.• Be honest with yourself with what you want• What does “having it all” mean to you?• How can you get everything you’ve EVER wanted?EXERCISEWrite down the question “If I were completely courageous

  • How To Be LIMITLESS!! {Podcast 77}

    26/11/2015 Duration: 05min

    I was on an interesting call with a client today – her branding is around empowerment. And she wanted some help with some of her mental blocks: “What are people going to think?”Here’s the thing: people are ALWAYS going to think something of you. You CANNOT allow your dreams to be limited by someone else’s judgements.You NEED to believe in your dreams and put yourself out there, or you might as well just GIVE UP NOW. We need to go ALL IN.The big thing when it comes to other people’s opinions is we’re SCARED they’ll see our downfalls.. my slogan is “life is now, press play” – and if someone asked if I ‘press play’ in ALL areas of my business and life, I’d say NO! BUT.WE’RE HUMAN. We have pitfalls. We ALL have fears. Look at your true, deep desire, and FIGURE OUT how to get your desire. OTHERWISE you’ll just be saying “I can have it all,” but if you’re not LISTENING to your heart, you probably won’t be able to get it.• Start to be aware about what you say you believe, vs. what you DO believe • Listen to your inn

  • Express Yourself or Die! {Podcast 76}

    26/11/2015 Duration: 11min

    If you’re a creative type, a high level creator, someone who has a lot of ideas, then it’s CRITICAL and vital you give yourself time and space to create. Lately, I’ve been having this tug of war with myself between giving myself space to plan, and ALLOWING myself to be a mad-crazy creator. Sometimes though, being a mad creator clashes with needing to plan. I’ve built a million dollar business on just CREATING and hustling. But lately, I haven’t given myself permission to EXPRESS what I need to. Sure, I’ve been writing posts and blogging, but what’s missing for me has been a few pockets of space where there’s no agenda – just me, my journal, a coffee (duh), and allowing myself to just… express. I wasn’t letting myself just MEANDER. And as a creator, creators ‘gotta meander. Walk around, visit each bookstore, go to a cafe – just letting life flow. Revolutionaries, leaders, creators just need the space to BE creative! • Allow yourself to have creative expression• Give yourself a few times a week where you don’t

  • Purposeful Pain {Podcast 75}

    26/11/2015 Duration: 07min

    I consider myself a little bit of a masochist. Don’t worry! It’s PURPOSEFUL PAIN. I love pain that comes with a sense of purpose – doing things that are for the greater good.Now I talk a lot about purpose, passion and flow. Flow is critical. I don’t do stuff that I don’t wanna do. BUT I do a lot of stuff that hurts. Stuff that pulls me physically, mentally, emotionally, it’s in the CORE of my DNA.Sometimes I’m in a ball, on the floor crying. Sometimes I get TWO HOURS of sleep. And sometimes I do shit that SCARES THE FUCK OUTTA ME.I push myself in ways most people don’t. See, I race against myself – I work my freaking ASS OFF. I BLEED FOR MY DREAMS. I’d rather feeling that burn, pain and struggle, rather than sit around.. not going all out. Like COME ON!Purposeful pain is TERRIFYING. Most people are lazy, and let fears control them. See it’s not a bad thing to go out of your comfort zone. It’s not. It’s not even a bad thing to crash and burn.Go into the your day to STRETCH, to PUSH, and to GROW. And remember…

  • Creators: Less Is Not More! More Is More! {Podcast 74}

    19/11/2015 Duration: 07min

    I want to have a bit of a chat about less being not more. It's AGAINST what everyone thinks about. What if you're like me and wanting to expand more, to be multi-passionate, to DO MORE? What if your messages means expressing it in multiple ways? What I'm realising lately is that something's missing. I worked out, I worked on the projects for my business, I wrote more of my book – and it was only 4pm. I was by the pool, and thought: my social life is missing. I'm in Bali right now, so most of my friends are stuck out of Bali with this ash cloud. I thought... when was the last time I had something random, exciting, terrifying and NEW to work on? Back when I was a personal trainer, I used to have idea storming meetings, or CREATION MEETINGS with friends – let's create a chocolate company! let's open a gym! – and even though most of the ideas didn't come to fruition, the purpose was unleashing the energy of being CREATIVE and DARING. Most people say relax, and slow down – I

  • The Best Way to Handle Crazy Ass Stressful Situations! {Podcast 73}

    19/11/2015 Duration: 08min

    Some people feel that this is the most ANNOYING thing I can do – but it is the BEST stress reliever… in business when something falls through, when your reputation feels threatened, in travel when you think you’re going to miss a flight, when stuff happens in your personal life (your kids break something), or just in general, when shit happens, I say to myself: “It is what it is. I can’t do anything about it.”And it drives my husband CRAZY. A week ago, my husband and kids were supposed to leave Bali – but they didn’t. They missed the flight because of the ginormous ash cloud. And all I could think was “it is what it is.” There’s no point me losing stressing over “what if.” “What if we miss the flight?” “What if the flight gets cancelled again?” In business, when I start to feel “what ifs,” coming – I say to myself “it is what it is.” In ANY entrepreneur’s toolbox, it’s a CRITICAL tool to have in your toolbox. See sometimes, shit just happens regardless. And if you can accept whatever happens – it is what it i

  • This Would Make Biz So Much Easier! {Podcast 72}

    19/11/2015 Duration: 04min

    What if you JUST DID THIS?!I’ve just had an AMAZING three day retreat with some of my amazing clients. What came up today was.. what if you just ASK for what you want? We could save SO MUCH ENERGY in ALL areas of our life if we JUST asked for what we want! I love all the ins-and-outs of online marketing, it all makes a difference, but in some ways, it just COMPLICATES things in an unnecessary way. Sometimes it’s a lot more effective if you just straight up tell people what you want them to do, and why they should do it! The countless time, money and energy you’d save is COUNTLESS!Food for thought. • Stop trying to place it sneaky. • Just say the outcome you want, and what you’re willing to give in return• Go through the discomfort of asking what you want• Don’t feel selfish asking! EXERCISE: What is the last thing you wanted to ASK for, but you didn’t, because of how UNCOMFORTABLE it felt? Right now, what’s ONE thing you want – and what can you do to ask for it? Write that down, and take action!

  • I've been lying about how much I work {Podcast 71}

    18/11/2015 Duration: 11min

    I've realized I've been lying about how much I work. I say I work 4 hours a day – 25 hours a week. But really, is that true? I won't say I've been lying, but with everything I do – admin, emails, sales activities, content creation, I DO work about 4 hours a day. But a few years ago, I decided and started to believe that I COULD make A LOT of money and a helluva impact through doing what I love – writing, speaking, putting myself out there. And that belief has come TRUE. A lot of the stuff I do you could classify as "work," but to me – it's more than that. It's a ritual.I don't remember half of the "work" I do! When I get up – I spent 30 mins as journalling. But that's not "work," right? Then there's my writing – I spend AT LEAST 1- 2 horus a day on writing. So that's at least 6 and a half hours a day "working." For me, my writing is how I grow my tribe – if I don't write, I DON'T SELL! Then there's filming

  • The Thing You're Resisting is the Thing You Need Most {Podcast 70}

    18/11/2015 Duration: 06min

    Today, I'm talking about taking action.Sometimes, there are things we have to do – or want to do – in life and business that we RESIST doing. We just put it off. We procrastinate. We don't work out. We avoid that phone call. But the thing is – WHY are you resisting?Generally the things we resist are WHAT WE NEED to do the most – for our soul, our business, our life – our heart is literally SCREAMING at you to do what you're resisting.There's always an underlying reason why we resist.If you're resisting working out – is it because you don't think you can look as good as you want to? If you're resisting making a sales call – is it because you're unprepared, unclear on your goals? If you're resisting pushing out of your comfort zone – are you scared?• When you dive within, you'll ALWAYS find out WHY you resist. • When we resist, we don't listen to our heart • Give your soul what it wants: stop resisting • Do you need to take more action?EXERCISE Right no

  • THE Success Secret!! {Podcast 69}

    12/11/2015 Duration: 10min

    I've been on calls all morning. And all morning there's been this theme in each call: the women have ALL been taking CONSISTENT APPLIED ACTION!! Actions that build their business, their relationships – THEIR LIFE. And it's an UNUSUAL THING!Why? Regardless of how much money someone makes, or where they're at in their business, the biggest block in people is they DON'T TAKE CONSISTENT FUCKING ACTION! Consistency is interesting. Because it's everything. Regardless of where everyone is in their life – the same struggles will sometimes appear.Now, regardless of the amount of action you take  – you can ALWAYS do more. DUH! It's life, honey. You can ALWAYS do more. Consistency is the ONLY THING that could "guarantee" success. Because CONSISTENCY IS YOU SHOWING UP. Here's the cool thing about taking consistent action: If I was looking at everything that's happening in my life at a day-to-day basis, I'd be a mess. Because some days... you don't make any

  • Your Opinion Matters ... Sorta! {Podcast 68}

    12/11/2015 Duration: 08min

    I did something that was what I thought was seriously obvious. I had posted my latest blog post in my free Facebook group, and we’ve been doing a free 30-day video series on content creation.I shared openly that the post just didn't FEEL right. I asked my Tribe what they thought. To me, it was an obvious question.. don’t be a perfectionist, right? I got a HEAP of comments – edit some text here, remove some capitals there – and not many people really got the joke to the post. The point of the post was publishing WITHOUT second guessing yourself. Get it?!See, your opinion about my work (or ANYONE’S work for that matter) matters. But not as much as my own. As a creator, an artist, that’s how it should be. For me, for YOU for ANY-FUCKING-ONE!On that particular post, there was 4 or 5 comments saying “well here’s how you could improve.” That’s people JUST WITHIN my own community. If I took them all deep to heart, I’d second guess EVERYTHING I do. But here’s the think: don’t give a fuck. Just PUT YOURSELF OUT T

  • Staying in Alignment When You're Moving Through Quicksand {Podcast 67}

    12/11/2015 Duration: 15min

    I’ve been struggling with resisting lately. It’s part of being an artist and creator. It’s interesting. Whenever I go through a phase of deeper resistance – it shows up in all my work. Usually I get fantastic feedback, but sometimes I get schooled: “oh, you’re not following your true path.” Thanks, but DUDE, SERIOUSLY! It’s part of life. I’m open about it. Not many people are. See, this is how I do life, business, EVERYTHING. I’m committed to showing up despite the daily resistance, fear, and doubt which comes as an unavoidable part of what we do, who we are, and how we choose to live.There are periods of my time where everything goes SO GREAT, and sometimes there are periods where everything is like “OH MY GOD, ARGH!” I’m in one of those periods. And for me, I just put it all out there. I feel it’s important to just put it out there. Regardless of how far down the road you go, it’s DAILY. Resistance is DAILY. Sometimes it’s like quicksand, and sometimes it’s just like swatting a fly aside. Sometimes it’s oka

  • I wish I could bottle this feeling {Podcast 66}

    10/11/2015 Duration: 07min

    I wish I could bottle this crazy bitch feeling. I was writing, and just felt FLAT. It was one of those "ARGHGHHHH!!!!!" moments!See, I'm pretty analytical about what I do and how I feel. I highly recommend that you QUESTION EVERYTHING YOU DO AND FEEL. I question why I do everything.Everything I produce – see, it's about 1% of what I can share. Because I create a LOT of content, I realised today that it's okay if people don't read EVERYTHING I send. It's okay. People will read what they want to read. They'll watch what they want to watch.I just produce the amount of content that I WANT to publish. The least true thing I can do for myself is to limit how much I can put out there.One of the biggest mistakes you can make is trying to structure what you say to EVERYONE. Trying to impress anyone and everyone is just going to SUCK. And it just won't work.You still allowed to create your deepest, darkest soul work – just DON'T LIMIT WHO YOU ARE!Challenge yourself – sh

  • Not Working is Soooooo Boring {Podcast 65}

    06/11/2015 Duration: 09min

    I LOVE MY WORK. I'm not entertained by things that used to give me mindless entertainment – chick novels, Oprah's interviews, Dr Phil, I'd scroll my Facebook feed. I'd JUST sit. But lately – I'm not interested in wasting time. For me, I need to be doing something that UPLIFTS my life in some way. Sitting around doing nothing, just sucks. IT'S BORING DOING NOTHING!I prefer to fill most of my time with work, or something that improves myself, my family, my business – DOING SOMETHING GOOD. I'm not saying that downtime is bad, by all means – let go and relax – I used to feel guilty when I did nothing. That was just me though. But now, most things that entertained me in the past don't entertain me anymore. I've learnt to fill your downtime with active relaxation, by doing things that uplift me. And that's MUCH more rewarding. What's made me so successful in business and life is because I do what makes me feel UPLIFTED. I spend my time where it matters most. •

  • You're Never Done and Never Good Enough! {Podcast 64}

    05/11/2015 Duration: 07min

    When you resist, when you feel overwhelm, or that you're not good enough, this shit will NEVER go away. It'll always come up. It's part of life. It's not about trying to never have it anymore – it's about UNDERSTANDING these thoughts. When I get into these thoughts, I become less and less effective. The emotion stops me from performing. I turn into this selfish bitch. I sabotage myself. Whilst everything is hard for everyone sometimes, I actively try to find ways to push through these thoughts: Take emotion out of it. Step back. How much time can you spend with what you're stressing about? Realistically? If you say to yourself "Okay, I'll spend an hour on this, and no more," you're ALLOWING yourself to ONLY spend an hour on what's stressing you, before you move on from the day and LET IT GO. When you let it go, you're letting the EMOTION go. You're stopping the emotion from taking charge!• Remember, having anxiety and overwhelm is apart of our s

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