This is the gaming podcast for Frontline Gaming hosted by Frankie and Reece. Where we discuss rumors, gaming news, tactics and of course bad jokes. Find out more information at:
The Ninth Realm -Seraphon Battletome Review
15/09/2016 Duration: 53minReece, Jason and Mariana talk about the Seraphon Battletome.
Signals from the Frontline #466: Traitor’s Hate!
12/09/2016 Duration: 34minJoin us for a discussion on the new Traitor’s Hate Chaos Space Marine supplement! Also we are referring to this book as the tater's hate, in the office.
Chapter Tactics #2: Matt Root and The Top Nova Lists
10/09/2016 Duration: 50minThe current #1 ranked ITC player Matt Root and PeteyPab go over War Convocation lists and rate the two winning NOVA lists from the open, and the invitational.
Signals from the Frontline #465: Chaos Levels Up!
09/09/2016 Duration: 57minFrankie and Reece talk about tournaments, chaos, and the news of the day. And also stay tuned for an interview with the ITC Scottish Open.
The Ninth Realm - Archaon and Battletome Everchosen
08/09/2016 Duration: 58minJason and Pablo steer the ship on this one and talk about the gore chosen and the Battletome Everchosen.
Chapter Tactics #1: Dealing with Alpha Strikes
03/09/2016 Duration: 44minChapter Tactics is a 40k podcast which focuses on promoting better tactical play and situational awareness across all variations of the game. This is a special weekend episode and we would love to get feedback on it.
Signals From The Frontline #464 We're back, baby!
02/09/2016 Duration: 30minReece and Frankie are back and even though they are beat from their trip they are exited to tell you all about it, as well as cover the important news stories of the day.
The Ninth Realm - Death Alliance ft. Brandon
31/08/2016 Duration: 56minSorry we keep changing the line up but this week its Jason, Pablo, and Brandon one of the top painters in our FLG paint studio. They are talking abut the death alliance and hobby time.
Signals From The Frontline #463 Deathwatch codex
29/08/2016 Duration: 48minJason and Pablo talk about Signals # 463: Metabusting Monday: Codex Deathwatch.
Signals From the Frontline #462 Special Interview with BattleHaven
26/08/2016 Duration: 29minStay tuned till the end to hear Frankie's interview with Rich from BattleHaven. Oh also Pablo and Jason are filling in for R&F while they know what? I'll just let them tell you when they get back.
The Ninth Realm - Stormcast Eternal Battletome
25/08/2016 Duration: 36minStill switching up the cast since we've got people out sick today. Its Jason, Mariana and special guest Frankie. Talking about the storm cast eternal. "The fact that I'm a noob is pretty evident in this episode but I'm learning!" -Mariana
Signals From the Frontline #461 Cruisehammer 2016
22/08/2016 Duration: 26minReece and Frankie are back from vacation and ready to hit the ground running, today they talk about Cruisehammer, rumors of a new Raven Guard focused mission for a solo operative, and more.
Signals From the Frontline #460 Necron Draft FAQ
20/08/2016 Duration: 23minJason and Reece catch up on some news and go over the Necron FAQ.
The Ninth Realm Ep.6 Beastclaw Raiders
18/08/2016 Duration: 48minToday on the podcast we have special guests, Jeff Sas and Pablo, as well as the ever present Jason! Talking about the battle tome Beastclaw Raiders. Sorry for the occasional clicking in the background, some of our podcasters were unaware that their mics were picking it up.
(ReUpload) Signals From The Frontline #459 Deathwatch, 8th Ed Rumors, and More
16/08/2016 Duration: 40minThe audio on the last version of this podcast was too low so here it is fixed. Pablo and Jason talk about the news and let some jokes go on for a little too long. Reece and Frankie are still off on their 5 year anniversary cruise haha aka cruise hammer and will be back...sometime...i think...
(ReUpload) Signals From The Frontline #458 End Time Rumors and more
15/08/2016 Duration: 38minHey everyone is a double signals today because the audio form Friday had some trouble uploading. (hurray random glitches) but were back on schedule for an epic week of streams and podcasts.
The Ninth Realm: An Age of Sigmar Podcast Ironjawz (Updated)
11/08/2016 Duration: 39minSo an unedited version of this podcast went up earlier, a lot of you downloaded it so sorry about that but to those of you who haven't heard it here is the real version! We talk about the Ironjawz battle tome, and news.
Signals From The Frontline #457 Back from Gen Con
08/08/2016 Duration: 32minThe guys nerd out about ten con and go over ITC Rankings, it was the start of the sumer of travel for Reece and Frankie so Pablo and Jason will be taking over the podcast for the next few episodes.
Signals From The frontline #456 Switching it up
05/08/2016 Duration: 19minPablo and Jason take over for some banter and the usual 40k news! Also as a side note sorry about the occasional loud noise, the building next to us is being renovated and the noise can be unpredictable.
The Ninth Realm: An Age of Sigmar Podcast Ep.4 Battletome: Bonesplitterz
04/08/2016 Duration: 47minWe go over the Season of War and the Battletome: Bonesplitterz.