This is the gaming podcast for Frontline Gaming hosted by Frankie and Reece. Where we discuss rumors, gaming news, tactics and of course bad jokes. Find out more information at:
Signals from the Frontline #507: FLG Mats are Now Available!
17/02/2017 Duration: 45minBig News! We have a limited supply of our FLG Mats now available! Jump in there and grab one that looks cool to you. Oh and that rattling you hear is the roof of our building not handling the storm of the decade very well.
The Ninth Realm Episode #31
16/02/2017 Duration: 32minThis week we discuss the upcoming Battletome: Stormcast Eternals release! Jason and Scott try to hold it together as Reece is out sick & we will be coordinating with the batting coach next door and make sure that this is the only episode with that noise =)
Signals From The From The Frontline #506
13/02/2017 Duration: 46minEveryone is still recovering from the LVO but its day one of the 2017-2018 FLG, The Horus Heresy Book 7: Inferno will be available this weekend, and awesome stuff on the way it seems for the gathering storm in relationship to the Eldar.
The Ninth Realm Episode #30 Ft. Rob and Eddie from The Warhammer Community Team!
09/02/2017 Duration: 52minTalk about special guests! This week we have Rob and Eddie from the Warhammer Community Team in the studio.
Signals from the Frontline #504: #LVOReady
30/01/2017 Duration: 22minWe’re almost there! Use the hashtag #LVOReady or #LVO2017 when you post pictures of your finished armies and they might be featured on stream!
Signals from the Frontline #503: One Week and Counting to the LVO!
28/01/2017 Duration: 45minWe’re putting out the call for any and all terrain volunteers to help us finish off this mammoth project! last weekend we got so much done and had a lot of fun, too. Anyone that can come by and help, please do. We will feed you. We get rolling around 9:00am Saturday and Sunday, feel free to drop by any time you can, it is greatly appreciated. The effort though, is going to be well worth it. These new tables look awesome.
The Ninth Realm Episode #29
27/01/2017 Duration: 36minTzeench Battletome Quick Review or Las Vegas Open IMMINENCE
Signals from the Frontline #502 Eldar Incoming
23/01/2017 Duration: 44minWe have a guest in the studio today to talk about the new Eldar! They represent a big change in the story of the Eldar as they indicate a big move forward for them. Also we had some problems with our audio in the middle of the stream, sorry about that but it should be fixed for next time!
Signals from the Frontline #501: Two Weeks to the LVO!
20/01/2017 Duration: 41minWe’re almost there, and the excitement is building. We can’t wait to see everyone there!
Signals from the Frontline #500!
16/01/2017 Duration: 30minSeriously thank you all so much, if you didn't listen we would still talk endlessly about war games but it wouldn't be nearly as fun. Reece and Frankie are feeling the love (and a slight hangover from the weekend) and are ready to tell you about the latest news.
Signals from the Frontline #499: LVO 40k Format is Locked Down!
13/01/2017 Duration: 31minThe LVO 40k events are now locked in place in regards to FAQ, format, etc. We were waiting for the GW final draft codex FAQs, but they are not forthcoming so we need to set things in place so our attendees know what to expect coming in to the event!
Signals from the Frontline #498: Plastic Lord of Change
09/01/2017 Duration: 50minWe've got news on The Fall of Cadia, and the new plastic Lord of change looks incredible! It is said to be as big or bigger than Bloodthrister and makes Fateweaver, too.