This is the gaming podcast for Frontline Gaming hosted by Frankie and Reece. Where we discuss rumors, gaming news, tactics and of course bad jokes. Find out more information at:
Signals from the Frontline #572: Community News & Blood Angels Codex Chat
08/12/2017 Duration: 01h09minYou can find the show notes here:
Chapter Tactics #48: Who is the Best 8th Ed Faction Chaos or Imperium?
04/12/2017 Duration: 01h14min -
Signals from the Frontline #571: Chapter Approved Making Waves
01/12/2017 Duration: 01h06minYou can find the show notes here:
Signals from the Frontline #569: Tyranids Are Here!
10/11/2017 Duration: 55minThe Tyranid Codex is upon us! Make sure to grab yours at our sweet discount, here. The gang shares there thoughts on the dex. Link to the show notes…yranids-are-here/
Chapter Tactics #44: What We Learned About the 40k 8th Ed Meta from the Socal Open
06/11/2017 Duration: 01h26min -
Signals from the Frontline #568: Tyranids on the Way!
03/11/2017 Duration: 01h10minThe FLG League is about to kick off and we’re really excited for it. We will be starting November 4th, this coming Saturday, at FLG. Show notes:
Signals from the Frontline #567: SoCal Open Recap
27/10/2017 Duration: 01h14minYou can find the show notes here:
Signals from the Frontline #566: SoCal Open Cometh!
20/10/2017 Duration: 01h08minPlease upload your event over at when you can to avoid having a long line at registration at the event. Also, consider supporting them with a subscription to their service! Show notes:
Chapter Tactics #43: Pre-Socal Open Meta and Analyzing the New ITC Missions
16/10/2017 Duration: 01h31min -
Signals from the Frontline #565: New ITC Missions Available for Testing!
13/10/2017 Duration: 57minWe’ve got new ITC Champion’s Missions available to test out! We will be using these at the SoCal Open and can adjust them up until October 17th at which time we will lock them in place for that event. After that, we will open them back up for feedback and testing up until we get closer to the LVO. Let us know what you think and give us your feedback.
Chapter Tactics #42: Tournament Player Myths and my Iron Halo Experience
09/10/2017 Duration: 02h58min -
Signals from the Frontline #564: Codex Astra Militarum Review
06/10/2017 Duration: 01h43minStay tuned till the end there is a special interview Show notes can be found here:
Signals from the Frontline #563: Astra Militarum on the Way
29/09/2017 Duration: 59minYou can find the show notes here:
Chapter Tactics #41: Paint Scores in 40k and Fun List Building w/ MWG Matt
24/09/2017 Duration: 02h08min -
Signals from the Frontline #562: Adeptus Mechanicus Arrives!
22/09/2017 Duration: 01h13minShow notes can be found here:
Signals from the Frontline #561: Death Guard are Here!
15/09/2017 Duration: 01h04minYou can find the show notes here: