City Church Orlando

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 596523:14:07
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City Church Orlando


  • Rocked My World

    21/02/2010 Duration: 2634h00s

    Today Lead Pastor Eugene Smith will be focusing on what you do when tradegy strikes. In the Story of Lazarus and Jesus, to everyone Jesus delayed in going to Lazarus but it Ultimately worked to GODs Glory.. Our scripture text comes from John Chapter 11 starting in verse 25.

  • Fasting for spiritual Breakthrough

    14/02/2010 Duration: 2127h00s

    Today will be focusing on Fasting.. So we fasted and petitioned our God about this, and he answered our prayer. When you sacrifice and Fast, it truly will bring Gods glory to protect you from the Evil one. Our scripture text comes from Ezra Chapter 8 starting in verse 23.

  • 7 Pillars Getting in Shape

    07/02/2010 Duration: 2721h00s

    Today Lead Pastor Eugene Smith will continue with our series called Fifty Days to Fitness Today we are talking about getting into shape Not just physical shape but How do we get into spiritual shape For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. Our scripture text comes from 1 Timothy Chapter 4 starting in verse 8

  • Soul Food

    31/01/2010 Duration: 2236h00s

    Today Lead Pastor Eugene Smith will continue with our series called Fifty Days to Fitness All of us deal with problems, we all have issues that come up in this life But Jesus came to Provide the answers God Brings us to a place not to leave us hanging But God wants to show himself strong on our behalf Our scripture text comes from Acts Chapter 9 starting in verse 3.

  • Sleeping Beauty

    24/01/2010 Duration: 2217h00s

    Today Lead Pastor Eugene Smith will continue with our series called Fifty Days to Fitness Are you tired Worn out Burned out on religion Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Today we will be learning how to take that real rest with Christ.. Our scripture text comes from Matthew Chapter 11 starting in verse 28

  • Water is Life

    17/01/2010 Duration: 2584h00s

    Today Lead Pastor Eugene Smith will continue with our series called Fifty Days to Fitness Again we are talking about focusing on how we can honor God with our bodies. Jesus said to her Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. Our scripture text comes from John Chapter 4 starting in verse 13.

  • All In The Family

    10/01/2010 Duration: 3033h00s

    Today Lead Pastor Eugene Smith will continue with our series called Fifty Days of Fitness Again we are talking about honoring God with your body. Our prayer for you today is discover GOD's Mission and GOD's Plan for every area of your life. Our scripture text comes from 1 Thessalonians chapter 5 starting in verse 23.

  • Destined to Win in 2010

    03/01/2010 Duration: 2393h00s

    Today Lead Pastor Eugene Smith will start out our new series called Fifty Days of Fitness Today we talking about honoring GOD with our body. Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body. Our scripture text comes from 1 Corinthians Chapter 6 starting in verse 19.

  • A New Year a New You

    27/12/2009 Duration: 2421h00s

    Today Outreach Pastor David Stewart will talking about the new year New Years resolutions, we all start them but do we follow through with them. This is the start of a new year New opportunities to serve GOD like never before. This new year of 2010 let share Jesus and change the world around us. Our scripture text comes from Philippians chapter 3 starting in verse 10.

  • Rewriting Your Christmas Story

    20/12/2009 Duration: 2378h00s

    Today Lead Pastor Eugene Smith will continue with our series called Humbug to Hallelujah.. We all make mistakes in our lives but Jesus came to give us hope Hope gives us courage and strength so we can get the most out of our Life. There is Hope and it is found only in Christ.. Our scripture text comes from Matthew chapter 2 starting in verse 1.

  • The Gift Money Cant Buy

    13/12/2009 Duration: 1436h00s

    Today Lead Pastor Eugene Smith will continue with our series called Humbug to Hallelujah.. Love What is Love? The Truth is that Love is giving sacrificially Love is Giving even when you do not feel like it. Investing into people or serving or loving people has a greatest reward ever. Our scripture text comes from Matthew chapter 1 starting in verse 18.

  • Awaken the Joy

    06/12/2009 Duration: 2238h00s

    Today Lead Pastor Eugene Smith will continue with our series called Humbug to Hallelujah.. In this time that we live in, things can easily Rob us of our Joy and Peace. This Christmas it is time for us to awaken the Joy of season.. Jesus.. Our scripture text comes from Luke chapter 1 starting in verse 39.

  • Breaking the Christmas Chains

    29/11/2009 Duration: 1938h00s

    Today Lead Pastor Eugene Smith will start out our new series called Humbug to Hallelujah. We all have chains that hinder or blind us from the truth GOD wants to release from those chains today. Our scripture text comes from Roman chapter 7 starting in verse 24.

  • The Blind Side

    22/11/2009 Duration: 2441h00s

    Today Lead Pastor Eugene Smith will continue with our series called Miracles of Jesus Again we will be discussing another miracle This time it is the story of when Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind. We all have a spiritual blindness where we simply can not see Jesus for who he really is Our savior. Amazing Grace.. I once was lost but now am found Was blind, but now I see.

  • A poolside Miracle Part1

    15/11/2009 Duration: 2307h00s

    Today Lead Pastor Eugene Smith will continue with our series called Miracles of Jesus Do You really want to be Healed? Most people today just want relief from the circumstances or problems but don't necessarily want to change there ways. But the thing to remember is that GOD is bigger than all your Circumstances or problems. Our scripture text comes from John chapter 5 starting in verse 1.

  • Light Houses

    08/11/2009 Duration: 1777h00s

    Today guest speaker Pastor Jack Louman will start out our new series called “Miracles of Jesus” In the book of Matthew it says let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. Our scripture text comes from Matthew chapter 5 starting in verse 14.

  • Tame Your Temper

    01/11/2009 Duration: 2421h00s

    Today Lead Pastor Eugene Smith will finish out our series called 40 Days of Love. Today we will be focusing on how Love can teach us to control and manage anger. Our scripture text comes from 1 Corinthians chapter 13 starting in verse 5.

  • Love Lets it Go

    18/10/2009 Duration: 2335h00s

    Today Youth Pastor Glen Wolf will continue with our series called 40 Days of Love. We will focusing on 4 types of people As of child of GOD we are called to respond in love with those who are sometimes difficult with us.

  • Love with Words

    11/10/2009 Duration: 2630h00s

    Today Lead Pastor Eugene will continue with our series called 40 Days of Love. Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen

  • A Convoy of Hope

    04/10/2009 Duration: 3023h00s

    Today our guest speaker is Rick Ryan from Convoy of Hope. Rick will continue with our series called 40 Days of Love. God wants to do something very special in your life Not only for you but thru you..

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