Derek Allen



Derek was the founding and lead pastor of Christ Centered Church in Miami, and he is currently serving as the campus pastor of Christ Fellowship North Miami. This podcast contains messages from Derek's ministry at Christ Centered Church and Christ Fellowship North Miami.


  • Episode 53: Atheism and Salvation

    30/08/2023 Duration: 46min

    In episode 52, Derek and Lindsay shared three things lost when someone embraces atheism. In this episode, they share a fourth thing--salvation. In doing so, they share the creation, fall, redemption, and restoration metanarrative as the story foundational to all stories.

  • Episode 52: Three Things You Lose When You Embrace Atheism

    21/08/2023 Duration: 41min

    Atheism is one of the fastest-growing worldviews in western culture. In this episode, Derek and Lindsay discuss three things people lose when they embrace atheism.

  • Episode 51: 20 Years Later

    03/08/2023 Duration: 35min

    This week, Derek and Lindsay celebrated their 20th anniversary by returning to the same resort where they honeymooned. As part of the celebration, they reflect on 20 things that are better than they were 20 years ago.

  • Episode 50: Adultolesence Part 2, Changing the Narrative

    21/07/2023 Duration: 39min

    As the space between childhood and full-fledged adulthood widens, Derek and Lindsay look closer at the reasons and problems of what some call Adultolescence. Part 1 identifies the dangers of young adults procrastinating responsibilities and parents preventing their children from becoming adults. In this episode, Derek and Lindsay offer some ideas for parents to help change the Adultolesence narrative.

  • Episode 49: Adultolescence Part 1, The Causes and Dangers of Delayed Adulthood

    10/07/2023 Duration: 45min

    As the space between childhood and full-fledged adulthood widens, Derek and Lindsay look closer at the reasons and problems of what some call Adultolescence. This episode identifies the dangers of young adults procrastinating responsibilities and parents preventing their children from becoming adults. In Part 2 Lindsay and Derek will offer some ideas for parents to help change the Adultolesence narrative.

  • Episode 48: What About Aliens?

    26/06/2023 Duration: 38min

    What do we do with stories of UFO's and space aliens? Is there intelligent life out there beyond our atmosphere? How do we answer some of the mysteries seen in the skies from a Christ-centered perspective.?

  • Episode 47: Maximize Your Family's Summer

    23/05/2023 Duration: 38min

    Summer is almost here, and there are so many great opportunities to disciple your family! In this episode, Derek and Lindsay discuss how to make the most of your summer as a family.

  • Episode 46: Are We Living in the End Times?

    02/05/2023 Duration: 54min

    It seems like the whole world is falling apart around us. Some people are even connecting biblical prophecies and signs of the end times to current events. So, are we living in the end times? Yes. We've been living in the end times, or last days, since Jesus ascended to Heaven. But are we living the end-end times? Should we expect the return of Jesus in our lifetimes? Yes! And no. Well, maybe not. We actually don't know! Listen in to this conversation as Derek and Lindsay provide context and bring clarity to this important and often confusing conversation.

  • Episode 45: The Discipline of Focus

    06/03/2023 Duration: 41min

    We have a problem--a big problem. Our attention is divided in so many different directions that sometimes it is impossible to focus on what's important. How can followers of Jesus focus in an age of so many distractions? Listen in as Derek and Lindsay discuss the discipline of focus.

  • Episode 44: The God of the Valley

    28/02/2023 Duration: 43min

    In this episode, Derek and Lindsay share a very personal account about a difficult season of life and ministry. It was a season where the goodness of God became especially real to them, and they share advice to those who are walking through similar seasons.

  • Episode 43: The Asbury Revival

    21/02/2023 Duration: 38min

    What should we do with/think/feel about the Asbury revival? Should we be excited? Should we be a little skeptical? How should this impact our lives and walk with Jesus? Listen as Derek and Lindsay discuss five ways to respond to the Asbury revival.

  • Episode 42: Children, Chores, and Family Business

    02/02/2023 Duration: 36min

    What responsibilities should children have around the home? Should they be paid for chores? What about allowances? Should children be allowed/encouraged to earn money through small, age-appropriate jobs? In this episode, Derek and Lindsay discuss chores and home-based family businesses.

  • Episode 41: Decision Making

    23/01/2023 Duration: 55min

    Life is filled with decisions. Should you take that job? Should you buy the house or car you've been looking at? What type of major should you pursue in college? Join Derek and Lindsay as they discuss a process for making God-honoring decisions on this episode of The Christ Centered Life.

  • Episode 40: The Beauty of Redemption in Marriage

    12/12/2022 Duration: 34min

    Every marriage is impacted by brokenness, but every marriage can be redeemed and restored through Jesus. Listen in as Derek and Lindsay offer advice for living out Christ-centered redemption in marriage.

  • Episode 39: The Brokenness of Marriage

    21/11/2022 Duration: 33min

    Marriage was created as a beautiful and intimate relationship between one man and one woman, but everything changed when sin entered the world. Marriage has been specifically and significantly impacted by sin, and in this episode, Derek and Lindsay talk through some of the impacts of sin on marriage.

  • Episode 38: God's Glory and Our Good through Marriage

    08/11/2022 Duration: 38min

    Your marriage is not about you. It's not even about your spouse. It's about God's glory. How does that change the way we live and love in marriage? Listen in as Derek and Lindsay discuss the creation of marriage.

  • Episode 37: WOW Moments at the Billy Graham Library

    26/10/2022 Duration: 27min

    Listen in as we relive WOW moments from a behind-the-scenes, sneak peek tour of the newly renovated Billy Graham Library in Charlotte, North Carolina.

  • Episode 36: The Genderbread Person

    17/10/2022 Duration: 37min

    With so much confusion in our culture about gender and sexuality, it is our responsibility to be aware of the concepts being taught to our children. Listen in as Derek and Lindsay discuss the 2020 national sex education standards from the Department of Education as well as one of the curriculum tools used to teach those standards--the Genderbread Person.

  • Episode 35: Christ Centered Gambling?

    10/10/2022 Duration: 47min

    Casinos, lotteries, online sports gambling--the 21st century has so many opportunities to participate in gambling. What is gambling? What does the Bible say about gambling? Is gambling a sin? Listen in and join the conversation on this episode of The C2 Life.

  • Episode 34: Happy Reformation Day!

    03/10/2022 Duration: 43min

    October 31st is one of the most controversial days in all of history. October 31, 1517 that is. Listen in as Derek and Lindsay share a brief history of the Reformation and discuss ways you can teach your children about it.

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