Meditation And Visualizations With Dr Kathy Gruver



Relax and heal with meditation and guided visualizations led by Dr Kathy Gruver, PhD, health and wellness expert. Go deep into a state of relaxation for pain reduction, immune boosting, stress busting and general relaxation. Enjoy beautiful music by Rick Reifenstein.These are not meant to take the place of medical care and there is no implied curing or diagnosing of illness. Please consult your physician before starting or stopping any medication or physical program.


  • E186 Sustain Your Game with Alan Stein Jr.

    05/08/2022 Duration: 33min

    On today's episode of #fireandearth we have Alan Stein Jr. to share with us his brand new book "Sustain Your Game"!  For quite a number of years Alan has been a Basketball Performance Coach for a lot of the biggest names in the NBA. Having worked with these amazing athletes over the years Alan has taken a lot of lessons he has learned in that field and has applied it to the world of business and becoming a key note speaker. Kobe Bryant, LeBron James or Steph Curry may be peak performers in their craft, but anyone has the ability to be at the top of their game in their chosen crafts.  Alan's book "Sustain Your Game" as well as his first book "Raise Your Game" share the methods that the greats use to become the best that they can be, and shows you how those methods and teachings can be applied to your life to make you great at whatever avenues in life that you want to pursue! Learn more about Alan, his book, or what services he provides at:

  • E185 Mayonnaise and Ant Spray

    05/08/2022 Duration: 15min

    In today's episode we discuss the question "Do you think everyone should have a back-up plan?"  For a lot of situations back up plans can be good, however life can also bring situations where a back-up plan can be detrimental. Listen in today to hear our opinions on what situations do and don't merit a plan-B. 

  • E184 What's Your Favorite Cartoon Character?

    05/08/2022 Duration: 15min

    Sometimes it's nice to spend some stress free time getting in touch with our younger selves. One great way to do that is to revisit the old cartoons that we used to enjoy watching so much! In today's episode Kathy and Jason discuss their favorite cartoons and what their takeaways were from them. 

  • E183 Are You Wearing Socks?

    05/08/2022 Duration: 17min

    What kind of socks do you wear... If any at all? For an item that seems so irrelevant, socks are a great way to express yourself! Believe it or not a lot of social constructs revolve around the socks we wear as a part of our entire outfit. Wear a suit... Wear a tie... A lot of these dress codes tend to stifle our own creative expression, and today we discuss how you can show your unique side through SOCKS! 

  • E182 Are You Seeking Contentment or Excitement?

    05/08/2022 Duration: 13min

    Today we discuss the difference between contentment and excitement. Contentment can be nice because we can enter into a relaxed state, but is there a point where we get TOO content? Conversely excitement can be fun, but at what point can excitement seeking become detrimental?  Like many things balance is incredibly important, and in this episode we discuss finding that balance, and what that may look like. 

  • E181 Awakening Your Sense of Awe Through Magic with Mike Pisciotta

    05/08/2022 Duration: 31min

    If you haven't noticed yet, we love MAGIC here on the podcast! Today we have Mike Pisciotta on the podcast to share his story of how he became a magician and finding your bliss!  Mike Pisciotta is an acclaimed performer based in Los Angeles, CA and serves as the resident magician for the world famous Magic Castle in Hollywood. Mike creates powerful, beautiful moments of mystery, and his performances leave the viewer with a profound sense of wonder. Mike is recognized by his peers as one of the greatest performing magicians today, and is a two time winner of the prestigious "Close-Up Magician of the Year" award for the Academy of Magical Arts. Connect with Mike at:

  • E180 What Was Your First Childhood Memory?

    05/08/2022 Duration: 13min

    Like last week's episode we are going to tap into our childhood selves and delve into our first memories! Just like what we wanted to be when we grew up shapes who we become, our first moments do exactly the same. Kathy and Jason share with us all what those moments were for them, and we encourage you to recollect your memories and take the time to introspect on yourselves!

  • E179 What Did You Want to Be When You Grew Up?

    05/08/2022 Duration: 13min

    Today we discuss what we were like as children and how those older dreams and ideas helped to shape the people that we became. We all may not have become exactly what we thought we would, but regardless of that outcome, there are probably many ways in which those experiences shaped you just as it had us.  

  • E178 Active Listening and Asking Powerful Questions with Corey Blake

    05/08/2022 Duration: 28min

    When people talk, do you actively listen without judgement? Are you asking questions because you are curious? We are excited to have Corey Blake back with us to discuss how those two things can really make a huge difference in your relationships and your own growth. As with all #fireandearthpodcast episodes we go some places you might not be expecting: pain creates growth, how sometimes the questions we ask are judgmental and how to phrase it differently so others feel psychologically safe to share and be vulnerable. Learn more about Corey and the cool things Round Table Companies are doing at: And sign up for their free workshop "My Powerful Purpose:"

  • E177 What Makes a Good Friend?

    05/08/2022 Duration: 14min

    In today's episode we discuss the best qualities and traits that make for a good friend.  We have a lot of acquaintances in life, but the friends that we have are the people that surpass that level in our social lives.  So who are these friends, and what makes them different from the other people in our lives? 

  • E175 Why Are You Sick, Fat and Tired with Dr. Pat Boulogne

    05/08/2022 Duration: 29min

    Today we have Dr. Pat Boulogne on the show to talk with us about some additions to her book: "Why Are You Sick, Fat and Tired?", and to discuss with us why she came out of retirement to continue helping other people improve their lives.  With a background in chiropractic medicine, lifestyle medicine, rehabilitation, nutrition and functional medicine, Dr. Pat can shed quite a lot of light on why you may be feeling less energetic or less happy and help you build toward a much healthier lifestyle! Reach out to Dr. Pat through LinkedIn and on her website: and get her revised book "Why Are You Sick, Fat and Tired" on Amazon at:

  • E173 The Great Resignation with Dennis Ford

    02/06/2022 Duration: 34min

    In 2021 50 MILLION people left their jobs under their own volition. One of the largest movements of employees in the history of the U.S. With 87% of the U.S. workforce claiming that they are unengaged and unhappy with their work situation, it is no surprise that we have seen so many resignations over the course of the last year. In today's episode we meet with Dennis Ford to learn about why these people are leaving, and what may need to change in order to improve our working situations in the future.  Reach out to Dennis on his website: and get his book "Monetize Your Culture: Create a Passionate, Committed Workforce that Actually Increases Your Bottom Line...and Costs You Nothing" on Amazon at:

  • E168 Interior Design Tips with Megan Warren

    02/06/2022 Duration: 27min

    A lot of positive energy can come from the layout and details of the home you live in.  Interior designers specialize in making a house a home and today we have one of these specialists here to speak with us!  In today's episode we meet with Megan Warren, who is here to discuss interior design, why she loves it, as well as the story of how she got to where she is! Learn more and connect with Megan at: and on Instagram

  • E167 Be Your Own Hero with Corey Blake

    02/06/2022 Duration: 33min

    We all love a good hero's journey story... in fact the movies and books you love are typically based on this story type, and who doesn't love a good hero. You may be afraid to share your authentic story from your heart because you are scared your vulnerability will lead to judgement. But, what if vulnerability is sexy and the only way to connect with others. You are probably afraid they will step back when they see the real you, but what usually happens is people lean in and love you more. So much good stuff in this episode where we discuss things like: the board of directors in your head, finding a sense of safety and belonging, sharing both your light and dark, understanding your own kryptonite, and how to be your own hero. Corey Blake began his storytelling career as an actor. Today, Corey is the founder and CEO of Round Table Companies (RTC), the publisher of Conscious Capitalism Press, and a speaker, artist, and storyteller.  Learn more and connect with Corey at: and

  • E171 Coaching is Way Different than Therapy

    02/06/2022 Duration: 26min

    With a lot of our talk lately being about therapy as well as coaching, we wanted to swing back and cover the difference between the two.  Either service is a great investment, but it is certainly important to know what each option will bring to you.  If you are on the fence between which service is for you, give this episode a listen!

  • E165 You Don't Lose Weight Jumping to Conclusions

    02/06/2022 Duration: 26min

    Our most popular new years resolution won't get solved by jumping to conclusions. Not only that... Nothing will get solved by jumping to conclusions!  Often times we become so invested in our first impressions of a situation, we never stop and think about what else could be going on.  In today's episode we discuss being curious and considering all the other options in a given situation.  give it a listen to learn more! 

  • E164 You're Confusing What is Happening in Your Brain with Reality

    02/06/2022 Duration: 20min

    Believe it or not, our brains aren't exactly the best tools for relaying a proper picture of reality to us.  Often times our brain can paint our perspective of reality with other circumstances that color things in a certain way.  Instances like this could be positive... or detrimental.  Tune in to learn more! 

  • E163 Life is Not a Transaction with Ally Edwards

    02/06/2022 Duration: 27min

    For any real estate aficionados, this episode is for you!  Today we have Ally Edwards on the show to discuss her career change to real estate agent and how to find a good realtor.  It is known that most people don't use the same real estate agent on consecutive home purchases/sales. A lot of that is entirely due to people not fostering good relationships. Whether you are a realtor, or any other business professional, fostering relationships with your clients are incredibly important and can lead to repeat service!  So let's get past the transactional nature of work, and get to know one another!  Reach out the Ally on Instagram @allysonedwardsre and at:

  • It's A Practice, Not a Perfect with Holly Duckworth

    02/06/2022 Duration: 29min

    Today we are being visited by Holly Duckworth to discuss bringing mindfulness into the workplace.  Holly has been dedicated to making mindfulness a much more accepted practice in the world of business, along with promoting a message of being the "you, you know".  Reach out to Holly on LinkedIn and at: 

  • Change the World by Focusing on Relationships

    02/06/2022 Duration: 24min

    Despite wherever you're trying to go in life, believe it or not, cultivating healthy relationships are one of the most important factors in achieving your goals. Hearing this may have you thinking that in order to build relationships you need to focus on other people. However this couldn't be further from the truth. A lot of the time it comes down to us, in that we choose who to be around. The way we attract others comes from within, and in today's episode we discuss how you can put yourself in healthier relationships by having you focus on YOU!

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