Real Estate Sales Show with Danny Morel



The Real Estate Sales show is for Real Estate Sales People and Entrepreneurs that are committed to reaching their true potential. Every week, you will be exposed to the exact systems, skill sets and belief patterns necessary to push you to increase production, efficiency and profitability. As a real Estate professional the Shows host Danny Morel was able to sell 150 homes in one year while only working 4.5 days a week on average. This was with no REOs or Short Sales.... And very little if any spent on advertising. In less than 5 years he personally founded a company that started with less than $2,000 and just 5 short years later became an Inc500 company and one of the fastest growing privately owned residential brokerages in the country. This show will show you how to accomplish financial and time freedom in Real Estate. It will do so by interviewing some of the countries top Residential Sales People , and by sharing the insights and strategies needed to succeed week in and week out!


  • 048 You Chose Your Mother and Father in This Lifetime For a Purpose

    06/07/2022 Duration: 15min

    In this episode, Danny gives us another sneak peek into his student sessions. Danny reminds us that nothing is an accident; we chose our mother and father. Everything is part of a journey. Our mother is the feminine representation of love. It creates a story around the possible and impossible for you. Danny also points out that children have two characteristics. One is ego-centered, and the second is that they're completely helpless. To attract the right one, you must first become one. Join Us At Awaken, Dec 1-3 – ( Apply For Danny's Inner Circle – ( Connect with Danny: Website | ( Instagram | ( ) LinkedIn | ( ) Facebook | https://www.facebook.

  • 047 Energy, Health, Vitality & Longevity Determine Your Revenue & Profitability

    29/06/2022 Duration: 09min

    In this episode, Danny gives us another sneak peek into his student sessions, staring with a clarity question from Eddy. Then José shares his experience of what Danny has taught him to develop his game plan and gain clarity. His realization is that it takes time to get that clarity, but it's worth the effort. It is part of the journey. Get some clarity. Make a plan, sort everything out, and hire the right people on your team to make everything perfect. Join Us At Awaken, Dec 1-3 – ( Apply For Danny's Inner Circle – ( Connect with Danny: Website | ( Instagram | ( ) LinkedIn | ( ) Facebook | (https://www.

  • 046 The Key To Achieving Your Heart's Desire Is In You

    22/06/2022 Duration: 04min

    In this episode, Danny shares a moment towards the end of a powerful meeting with his tribe about making better choices in life. God gave us the power to choose to create whatever we want to make. We can either live from lack, doubt, fear and worry or bring it in from love and abundance. We can choose to focus all our energy and effort on something else, which helps us step up and live the life of our dreams. Danny explains that if our actions don't meet our desires, that will never happen. Join Us At Awaken, Dec 1-3 – ( Apply For Danny's Inner Circle – ( Connect with Danny: Website | ( Instagram | ( ) LinkedIn | ( ) Facebook | https://www.face

  • 045 Love Will Never Arrive If You Keep Lowering Your Standards

    15/06/2022 Duration: 08min

    In this episode, Danny provides another peek into one of his tribe’s powerful 1:1 sessions. Viewers and listeners are reminded of the importance of getting out of victim mode. We are creating our own stories every day and you will never find the space to love someone else if you don’t have the courage to maintain your standards, period.

  • 044 Sarah Dandashy - Travel As a Spiritual Experience and Opportunity For Growth

    09/06/2022 Duration: 29min

    In this episode, Sarah shares the valuable lessons she has learned from her travels to numerous countries, each providing their own teaching. She reminds us of humans inherent desire to deeply connect with each other, regardless of where we live, what language we speak, or what our political and religious beliefs are. At the end of the day, we are are all human beings having a spiritual experience. The experience of connecting with our Higher Self is expanded when we visit other parts of the world, and she reminds us to not remain stuck in our comfort zone. Let's use this opportunity to always be exploring and willing to try new things!

  • 043 Garrain Jones - You Can't See the Picture While You're In the Frame

    01/06/2022 Duration: 32min

    In this episode Danny welcomes Garrain Jones. He is a Transformation Coach and Author of the #1 Best Seller “Change Your Mindset Change Your Life”. His mission is to create a safe space for people to discover the gifts that already live inside of them, so they can use those gifts to produce extraordinary results in their lives. This is an extraordinary story of growth and potential. Garrain talks about how leaders like Jim Rohn and Tony Robbins have influence him to exponential wins. LINKS: Garrain Website - ( Garrain Facebook - ( Garrain Instagram - ( Garrain Linkedin - ( Garrain Twitter - ( Garrain Youtube -

  • 042 Your Business is Failing Because Your Standards are Weak

    25/05/2022 Duration: 28min

    In this episode, Danny opens up the curtains and provides a view into his private membership group session. I'm this powerful teaching, he emphasizes how money is not the goal of an awakened entrepreneur, Freedom is. Happiness comes and will only ever be found in the one place that most human beings never look, and that is within yourself. We only want money for one reason only and that is Freedom. Freedom to do what we want, how we want, when we want. When you haven't found yourself, you live in a state of default. He reminds us that we get to choose how we interact with people, and who we choose to interact with. We are the creators of our own lives. This session is a wake up call for those who need to hear this message.

  • 041 Never Settle for Mediocrity, You Deserve More

    19/05/2022 Duration: 11min

    In this episode, Danny focuses on why human beings consciously or unconsciously make the decision to settle. The reality is that as human beings we’re programmed to live in a default world and default mindset of scarcity and fear. But despite this, you should have it your way and not conform to your old self. You should travel wherever you want as this is your one life. This is your opportunity to really go for it and accept the best. Do not live in the energy of fear and never settle for mediocrity.

  • 040 Michelle Sorro - Finding the Courage to Surrender & Unravel Your Fear

    11/05/2022 Duration: 52min

    In this episode, Danny speaks with Michelle Sorro about their journey towards alignment. Michelle shares that her purpose evolves every day and grows as time goes by. Danny discusses the importance of unravelling all of those fears and barriers and why it's important to develop the ability to surrender. When you are in love with yourself, when you're in love with life, you're in love with the present moment. When you are always looking for something else, you will never be enough for yourself. This is exactly why we have to come back to ourselves, awaken and heal. It takes courage to do that.

  • 039 The Magic of Awakened Feminine Energy

    05/05/2022 Duration: 18min

    In this episode, a group of women shared how they were able to experience a kind of self love that they never had before. They spoke about how their life changed and how they had become more empowered through the awakening process. Danny shares a story about how women have been perceived and how it has changed over time. The more you are awakened, empowered, and healed, the more you'll be able to empower others and change their life too. It's a powerful version of magic that you get to experience and share!

  • 038 Feminine vs. Masculine Energies and the Healing Power of Real Love with Cara McCarron

    28/04/2022 Duration: 57min

    In this episode, Cara and Danny have a conversation about the importance of remaining in our hearts. She shares how the world can be cured with love. Together, they talk about how their lives have changed through healing and being instruments to others as well. We alone decide on our boundaries, no one else. The masculine is the mind, the heart is the feminine. Love can heal, love can hurt, love can wound you, love can love you. Love can do a lot of things. Love is the heart.

  • 037 Tribe Session - Personal 10-year Vision

    20/04/2022 Duration: 41min

    In this episode, people are given the opportunity to express and think of their personal 10-year visions of themselves. It can be implied that If you can honestly get clear with your 10-year vision, the energy of it, words behind it, the power of it will definitely change your life already. One's plan should be centered around 3 areas of life: health, relationships, and finances. All true manifestation comes from you receiving, envisioning, then declaring even if the world teaches you the opposite. Energy is a real thing. We should protect our own energy and when you are healing, you are removing the blockages in your life that stops you from revealing who you really are.

  • 036 The Importance of Harmonizing Feminine and Masculine Energies with Sima Shamash

    13/04/2022 Duration: 01h11min

    In this episode, Sima shares how she was able to both be aware of, and awaken from her suppressed feminine self. She discovered how an awakened masculine can allow a feminine to heal. She cites her personal thoughts, experiences, and learnings about the community's mentality that feminine normally means submissive and subtle. So much came up to the conversation and it shows that when the masculine can show up in a way of holding space for a woman to feel protected and provided, that woman blossoms. And when a woman blossoms, that wisdom, love and nourishment in turn blossoms a man. Understanding better what needs to be healed makes the process becomes enjoyable. The truth is we live in this world of many differences, and the test for us will be how we learn how to get to love and grow out of those differences.

  • 035 Seeking Real Happiness with Jenna Banks

    06/04/2022 Duration: 46min

    In this episode Danny shares his guest appearance on Jenna Banks' podcast. He talks about his personal journey towards seeking genuine happiness. He reflects on how being honest with oneself helps significantly during the awakening process and allows you to genuinely heal through your heart.

  • 034 Discovering Our Path to Healing and Growth - Gustavo & Ani Rojas

    30/03/2022 Duration: 29min

    In this episode, we hear the healing experiences of Gustavo & Ani in different aspects of their lives. They noted how important it is to trust yourself and that you are enough and worthy. Healing oneself is the first step and everything outside follows: relationship, health, body, and money. And of course, it would also be helpful to have the courage to find somebody who can help you.

  • 033 My Journey of Healing and Transformation

    23/03/2022 Duration: 46min

    In this episode, Danny shares his appearance on Matt LeBris’ Decoding Success podcast. He talks about his life experience and how he was able to cope with the challenges in his life. He shares how connecting to your heart helps in the healing process and how he was finally able to awaken, heal, and finally transform his life into what it is today, a life of abundance.

  • 032 Exchanging a 9-5 Job For a Transformational Life

    16/03/2022 Duration: 30min

    In this episode, Danny speaks to Ryan Stawasz, a student who has incorporated all the lessons from our programs to completely transform his life and create an entirely new future for him and his new family. He discusses working through some initial mindset challenges and how he is on track to do $50M in deals this year!

  • 031 An Inside Peek at Our Tribe Community

    09/03/2022 Duration: 09min

    In this episode, Danny provides a sneak peek into one of the coaching calls with 130 members of his new program called The Tribe, a coaching program just launched at the last Awaken. It's for people who want to grow their life, grow their business, grow as an entrepreneur, get financial freedom, become debt free, and create wealth. All while becoming healthier and unraveling their spiritual side and connecting to their Higher Self. The session, while short, is a beautiful mix of meditation, breath work, entrepreneurism, finances and health. Enrollment is closed now but will be re-opening soon, so stay tuned to Danny's Instagram for more updates.

  • 030 Morning Routine to Empower Your Day

    02/03/2022 Duration: 10min

    In this episode, Danny shares his usual morning routine and some ways that it could help improve everyone's health, awareness, overall energy and well being. With intense energy, he unravel his thoughts on breaking the usual demands of the body to get the best outcome anyone would wish.

  • 029 Awaken Q&A - Going Within To Remove Your Internal Blocks About Money

    23/02/2022 Duration: 34min

    In this episode, Danny shares a recent Instagram Q&A where he answers listeners questions about the upcoming Awaken event. He takes the listener through a powerful grounding exercise and reminds us all of the importance of doing the work to remove any and all blockages that prevent us from living our most abundant and powerful lives.

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