Lady Business Radio With Jessica Kupferman



An exclusive podcast for women entrepreneurs, covering both the business and the lifestyle of being a lady business owner. Jessica Kupferman interviews today's most knowledgeable and successful (and fascinating!) lady business owners. Topics include anything - business, technology, parenting, success, money, press, health, and leisure time. Check out the podcast for inspiration, encouragement, entrepreneurial advice or just a good laugh. Also for show notes, links learn more about the show and/or our guests or just a general good time, check out And as always: keep taking care of your Lady Business.


  • Jenny Shih - Chock-full of Organized, Diligent Goodness

    16/08/2013 Duration: 39min

    OH, MAMA! I knew Jenny Shih was full of great information but I had no idea that I would get so much goodness in one hour! Girlfriend is my model when it comes to consistent and creative content and in this episode she shares some of her best secrets and tips to keep yourself blissfully systemized and scheduled.

  • Dana Lynch - Balance Fantasies and Sex Fantasies

    14/08/2013 Duration: 57min

    Yeah - this one got a little....analogical, if that's the right word. Mobile marketing guru Dana Lynch and I pretty much talked about everything under the sun in this episode...EXCEPT mobile marketing. Oops. What you will find is some thought about work/life balance, Dana's shortcut to success, business partners and much more. 2 chicks - boundaries = this interview. Heh. 

  • Rachel Luna - Confidence Through Reality TV

    09/08/2013 Duration: 01h02min

    Interviewing one of my BEST Business BFFs was a lot harder than I thought it would be - mostly because I kept thinking of things to talk to her about that had nothing to do with interviewing her. Nevertheless, we stayed the course and as a result, delivered an episode CHOCK full of tips and tricks for staying positive, delivering hard truths and being comfortable enough to be yourself no matter what. Bonus: Bella and Nina Luna pop in and say hello!

  • Anne Samoilov - Leaving a Team and Starting A Team

    07/08/2013 Duration: 01h04min

    The first time I interviewed this lady, I got a lot of comments on how hilarious we are together. I think when women are comfortable with their dorky sides, it's a fun conversation! Anne Samoilov is the Goddess of the Launch. After spending the last three years running launches for Laura Roeder's LKR, she's (finally) branching out on her own, kicking butt and taking names. 

  • Tena Pettis - Building a Tribe

    02/08/2013 Duration: 01h01s

    Tena Pettis has built her social media and design company into a full fledged agency in the last 4 years, all while growing her family and a name for herself in the speaking world as well. In this episode, Tena shares with us what it takes to really build a tribe, as well as riffs a little about what Google is doing to kill our tribe building efforts. 

  • Marissa Bishop - Getting It On The Side

    31/07/2013 Duration: 55min

    Marissa Bishop is the VP of a top NYC marketing firm, has a marketing consultancy of her own AND is beginning a new venture to help the rest of us start our own side businesses while working full time. In this episode she offers us the key to getting it ALL done as well as how to turn off the brain as well. Served with a side of Long Island charm.

  • Victoria Prozan - Does Your Brand FEEL Good?

    26/07/2013 Duration: 01h08min

    In my very first voice to voice convo with Victoria Prozan, I learned SO much about how much we're alike! But more importantly, we discuss the most important elements of a tagline, whether it's better to be clear or clever, and how a failed business helped Victoria learn the true secret to success. New Business BFF? I hope so! 

  • Lisa Byrne - College or Therapy - You Choose

    24/07/2013 Duration: 01h09min

    Have you ever actually LISTENED to a hug? That's what it's like to talk to Lisa Byrne of Well Grounded Life. In this episode, discuss how to control and manage your inner stress response, how to turn your barriers into bridges and how to listen to your body to achieve your ideal working schedule. Grab a cup of herbal tea, sit back and enjoy her soothing voice. 

  • Jo-Na Williams - Astrology, Sycophants, and Protecting Your Business

    19/07/2013 Duration: 01h28min

    In this episode, artistic, bubbly and super fun lawyer (yep she's all 3) talks about the planetary influence on our summer so far as well as the top three things that we as entrepreneurs need to protect. Bonus: How to really deal with haters. 

  • Liz DiAlto - Meyers Briggs, Salsa Dancing, and Dating Us Entrepreneurs

    17/07/2013 Duration: 59min

    In this spicy episode, Liz DiAlto discusses how the Meyers-Briggs test can really help us play to our strengths, as well as gives us tips for LEAVING THE HOUSE and what really holds us back from our health goals. Bonus: Liz divulges how she and James met! 

  • Stephanie Pollock - Surviving the Pivot and Knowing Whether You're Running a Hobby

    12/07/2013 Duration: 01h08min

    Uber-smart business coach Stephanie Pollock has been through a lot lately, what with her hometown being mostly underwater. Still, her sunny disposition prevails and in this episode, we discuss how we both have pivoted multiple times, as well as how to know when your business isn't REALLY a business. Bonus: Steph gets very hot under the collar about sales and marketing! I like this side of her.

  • Elsie Escobar - The Podcasting Bandwagon and Essential Self Care

    10/07/2013 Duration: 01h01min

    Why does it seem like everyone and their mom just started a podcast? In this episode, Podcasting Yogini Elsie Escobar and I discuss whether or not it's the thing you HAVE to do to boost your business as well as the one essential item most people are missing from their self care. Bonus: Elsie's daughter decides she's had enough of the interview and does a drum solo. This is after the other one screams bloody murder. But hey, what can you do? 

  • Arnie Jensky - The Brooklyn Tough Guy Approach to Fear


    Therapist. Martial Artist. Physical Trainer. Brooklyn-born, Philadelphia-dwelling Arnold Jensky (Arnie) is a family friend of mine and a damn good addiction counselor and family therapist. So good, in fact, that I invited him to be on the show and really tell us, no-holds-barred, why the hell so many entrepreneurs are marred by fear: fear of success, fear of failure, fear of being seen, fear of being invisible. Not only does he deliver, he in turn reveals his own battle with being less than proficient in technology, aka the fear of being left behind while everyone moves ahead and makes more money than you. Bonus: While on the Skype call, Arnie's wife comes into the kitchen, says hello and proceeds to do the dishes during the interview. Because Arnie ain't nothing but the real thing. 

  • Kerrie Blazek - How To Make Everything WAY More Fun

    03/07/2013 Duration: 01h08min

    Kerrie does have a way of bring fun and light to everything she does. In this episode, she gives her tips for dealing with Negative Nellys plus her three necessities for keeping things so positive. 

  • Yvette Syversen - Two Magazine Whores Discuss The Best Online Tools Ever

    28/06/2013 Duration: 01h20min

    Such a fun conversation with Yvette Syversen! She is a HUGE wealth of information from all the best magazines to what online tools are great for streamlining workflow. Also sprinkled in: the perils of being tall and how to talk to your kids about sex. We cover it ALL. 

  • Shenee Howard - Sex, Bread, and Being Afraid of Conferences

    26/06/2013 Duration: 54min

    HEY Shenee! In this episode, I meet a friend I've known for a while online. Three years and this is our first convo! Shenee is a branding superstar and (slightly) fresh out of college - she just decided to screw the interview and go for the gold. 

  • Racheal Cook - How to Grow Your Business AND Your Family

    21/06/2013 Duration: 01h01min

    Friday Funday! In this episode, Racheal and I talk about binge watching TV, fabulous beauty blogs and client gift sites as well as her rise to the top and her choice to leave it. We also discuss how she doubled her business 3 years in a row, all while having 3 children under 4. She's Superwoman! 

  • Tracy Matthews - Facebook Ads, Public Shaming, and as always, Online Dating

    19/06/2013 Duration: 44min

    I'm not sure WHY I always end up talking about online dating with Tracy, but I do. I think it's because she is Entrepreneur Sex In the City and I'm totes jealous. Regardless, we cover that as well as Facebook advertising and whether or not you should shame someone publicly for doing a crappy job. All this and more for WTF Wednesday!!

  • Sue Ann Gleason - Unplugging at the Beach and Balance Three Businesses

    14/06/2013 Duration: 01h04min

    In this episode, Sue Ann and Jessica talk about whether or not it's possible to TOTALLY unplug while on vacation as well as how Sue Ann grew her community so quickly (hint: the hey here is by having FUN) and how to show your services without being too sales-y. 

  • Pace Smith - Peaceful Productivity and Productive Communication

    12/06/2013 Duration: 01h11min

    In this episode, Pace and Jessica cover everything under the sun, including leaving a cushy job to do what you love, how to know when the time is right, how to communicate effectively with your partner whether they're your BUSINESS partner or not, and how to be the CEO and employee of your own business. Best part of the podcast: learning the word "monogamish."

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