St Giles West Bridgford Podcast



Sermons and talks from St Giles Parish Church West Bridgford. For more details visit our website.


  • Sermon for Remembrance Day

    11/11/2012 Duration: 13min

    Rev Allan Brown - a former Army Chaplain with 22 years service in the Army talks about the significance of Remembrance Day for the nation and it' importance for him personally.

  • Anxiety - the Lord is near

    21/10/2012 Duration: 40min

    We live according the WH Auden in an 'Age of Anxiety' - St Paul offers advice to Christians living in such an age from Philippians 3 v 31-35.

  • George Snyman - Hands at Work

    18/10/2012 Duration: 33min

    George spoke recently at St Giles about the ministry of Hands at Work. Our recording of his talk failed but here is a similar inspirational talk he gave as part of the same series at Forge Community Church.

  • Christ took hold of Me

    14/10/2012 Duration: 24min

    Lessons from Philippians 3 v 12-21 - what is the Christian hope?

  • To Live is Christ to Die is Gain

    16/09/2012 Duration: 26min

    Learning from St Pauls exhortation to the church at Philippi of how he longs to serve Christ by sharing his Good News, but death would mean meeting Christ and be joyful too.

  • He who began a good work in you will complete it

    09/09/2012 Duration: 25min

    Lessons from Philippians 1 v 1-11. Paul writes from prison to a church that he loves assuring them that God will complete what he has begun in them, and thanking them for their partnership in the Gospel.

  • A Heart Matter

    19/08/2012 Duration: 19min

    In Luke chapter 18 Jesus tells one of his most memorable parables - the story of the tax collector and the pharisee, it reveals the one thing God is looking for in those who come to him in prayer. What is it?

  • Do not grieve the Holy Spirit

    12/08/2012 Duration: 24min

    You cannot accept the Lordship of Jesus Christ and be the same man or woman that you were before. How does the Holy Spirit lead us and change us, how can we respond to Him in our lives. Lessons from Ephesians 4.

  • The Spirit of Truth

    05/08/2012 Duration: 16min

    The centrality of the truth of the gospel in the life of the Church. and in the life of Christians. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth. Lessons from 1 John 4 v 1-6

  • You will have Joy

    29/07/2012 Duration: 32min

    What did Jesus promise his disciples about the nature of Joy? We look at his last words to the disciples in the farewell discourses of John's Gospel.

  • Love one Another

    22/07/2012 Duration: 24min

    Christians are people who have discovered the love of God revealed through Christ. They are to demonstrate that love in their relationships with one another. St Paul describes the nature of love in 1 Corinthians 13

  • Being a child of God

    15/07/2012 Duration: 23min

    What does it mean to be a child of God, how do we become a son or daughter of the living God? We discover the answers in Galatians Chapter 3

  • More than Gold

    15/07/2012 Duration: 20min

    In 1 Corinthians 9 the Apostle Paul describes the Christian life in terms of a runner and a boxer. We consider what it means to live Christian life in light of the Olympics 2012

  • Spirit of Holiness

    24/06/2012 Duration: 21min

    How does God change us into the people he wants us to be? Through us co-operating with the Holy Spirit at work in our lives. Thoughts from Romans 8 v 1-11

  • John the Baptist and Jesus

    17/06/2012 Duration: 17min

    A sermon for a service with baptisms. John the baptsit points to Jesus and declares. 'Behold the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world'. An exploration of what this means.

  • Who is the Holy Spirit?

    11/06/2012 Duration: 24min

    Drawing his teaching from John 14 and Ephesians Bishop Paul Butler teaches us about the role and person of the Holy Spirit and exhorts us to live Spirit filled lives.

  • There must be more than this - Pentecost

    27/05/2012 Duration: 27min

    A Sermon for Pentecost Sunday 2012 - The promise of Pentecost is that there is more of God available to any who would seek him.

  • Confirmation Address

    27/05/2012 Duration: 18min

    Bishop Paul Butler preaching at the West Bingham Confirmation from Isaiah 9 v 8-14.

  • Our story and the Bible's Story

    22/05/2012 Duration: 16min

    How our baptism links with the great story of the Bible. Luke 24 v 44 to the end.

  • Paul's Prayer for the Church

    21/05/2012 Duration: 32min

    Praying with St Paul for the church from Ephesians 3 v 14-21

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