Sofa King Podcast



comedy, entertainment, pop culture, and topics we want to talk about


  • Episode 673: Chowchilla Kidnapping: 26 Kids, 28 Hours, 1 School Bus

    28/07/2022 Duration: 01h19min

    On this episode of the Sofa King Podcast, we talk about a strange case of True Crime known as the Chowchilla Bus Kidnapping. In 1976, three men (Frederick Woods, James Schoenfeld, and Richard Schoenfeld) did the unthinkable. As bus driver Ed Ray was driving 26 children back from a pool outing, the kidnappers boarded their school bus and held them at gunpoint. Then, the children and Ray were forced to endure an 11 hour claustrophobic bus ride and were dumped into a buried moving truck for 16 hours. Everyone from the media to the FBI swarmed the town. So, what did it take for them to escape? Were any of them harmed? How did all the victims end up in a prison? Why weren’t the kidnappers ever able to ask for their ransom demand? Listen, laugh, learn.   Visit Our Sources:

  • Episode 672: Solar Flares: The Sun’s 11 Year Itch

    22/07/2022 Duration: 01h21min

    On this episode of the Sofa King Podcast, we turn our eyes to the heavens and talk about Solar Flares. These nasty little critters blast off of the sun in eleven year cycles and can wreak havoc with high tech equipment. In the past, people didn’t care much about this phenomenon. For one, they didn’t have telescopes to see them, and even once they did, they just didn’t matter. But now, living in a world of satellites, GPS, cell phones and radio waves, these bursts of electromagnetic energy could really do some damage to our tech and even society at large. What was the biggest solar flare ever detected? Do people on earth die due to the Solar Flares? How much money did a Solar Flare cost Elon Musk when his Starlink satellite program got slammed by a flare? What is the real danger of them, and do you need to become a prepper? Listen, laugh, learn?   Visit Our Sources:

  • Episode 671: I Want My MTV!

    15/07/2022 Duration: 01h46min

    On this episode of the Sofa King Podcast, we look at MTV. This little upstart cable channel first aired in 1981with very little content but a big dream. It fulfilled those dreams and then some. There would be no 1980s culture without MTV. The music, the fashion, the videos, all of it was first seen here. It low-key launched the careers of people like Adam Sandler, Ben Stiller, Spike Jonez, and John Stewart. It gave us Madonna’s sexy lace, Prince’s swagger, hair metal, music news, and Beavis and Butthead. This one will be a walk down memory lane and an exploration of one of the greatest cultural juggernauts of the past forty years.   Visit Our Sources: https://en.wikipedia

  • Episode 670: Burt Reynolds: King of the Car Chase

    12/07/2022 Duration: 01h47min

    On this episode of the world famous Sofa King Podcast, we talk about the king of the chase scene, Burt Reynolds. Reynolds gave us classic movies such as Smokey and the Bandit, Cannonball Run, and Hooper and became an icon and sex symbol for decades. From the disturbing Deliverance to the porn-heavy Boogie Nights, he ended having a wide range as an actor. He fell off the scene for a while and had a resurgence and Oscar nomination in the late 90s. What director did he hate working with? What did Marlon Brando say about Burt Reynolds? Why did he turn down the role of James Bond when Sean Connery quit the franchise? Listen, laugh, learn.   Visit Our Sources:

  • Episode 669: Christopher Lee: Spy, Sauron, and Star Wars!

    08/07/2022 Duration: 01h36min

    On this episode of The Sofa King Podcast, we talk about one of the greatest actors of all time, Christopher Lee. This legend played Dracula and was in little known film series such as James Bond, Lord of the Rings, and Star Wars. What’s more impressive is that in WWII he became a spy, a Nazi hunter, and a member of the infamous SOE—The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare. After he mastered spy craft and acting, he also mastered thrash metal music, becoming the oldest musician to ever break the Billboard Top Twenty with his song “Jingle Hell.” You know his face and his rolls, but you don’t know Christopher Lee and his crazy back story.   Visit Our Sources:

  • Episode 668: Berlin Wall: The Rise and Fall of Soviet Tyranny

    06/07/2022 Duration: 01h31min

    On this episode of the world famous Sofa King Podcast, we talk about the rise and fall of the Berlin Wall. This wall was both a symbolic and physical barrier between Soviet and Western ideals for over 30 years. After WWII, Germany was divided into four parts, each run by a different nation. Berlin was divided as well, and it served as the most important border-crossing and battle ground for the Cold War. After thousands of citizens fled the Soviet-let East, they built The Berlin Wall which divided the city in two. Hundreds were killed as guards had orders to shoot to kill, but eventually, the wall came down. What accidental press conference helped destroy the wall? Who was Harald Jager, and what part did he play? What does a mine field, archery, and fake planes have to do with one family’s escape? Listen, laugh, learn.   Visit Our Sources: History Channel’s Take https://en.wi

  • Episode 667: The Wonderful World of Ants!

    01/07/2022 Duration: 01h09min

    On this episode of the Sofa King Podcast, we look at the wonderful world of ants. Experts suggest that there are up to ten quadrillion ants alive on the planet, roughly 25% of all life on earth. They are highly organized, intelligent, social, and…creepy. They talk to each other via sound and pheromones. Ants grow crops, they go to war, and they even farm aphids to milk them for honeydew. Their size, scale, venom, and strength is wildly divergent. Their nests and colonies are so complex that they baffle architects, so they are sure to baffle the three of us. If you want to hear if Brent thinks they are machines, give this one a listen!   Visit Our Sources: Aphids and Honeydew Ant Colony in Cement A

  • Episode 666: Satan: Nuff Said!

    01/07/2022 Duration: 01h24min

    On this episode of the world famous Sofa King Podcast, we talk about Satan. It only made logical sense for our 666th episode to talk about Lucifer, the Prince of Lies. So where do his origins begin? As with most Christian beliefs, he starts pre-Christianity as a series of malevolent gods and human adversaries who merge to one supernatural baddie. He is never physically described in the Bible, and he is not even said to be the actual snake that tempts Adam and Eve. The modern idea of a giant red, horned beast with a tale comes from centuries of Christian evolution, not much of which is canonical. But he remains one of the most important beings in human mythology, a figure of evil and deceit, bent to topple god and destroy all that’s good. And he’s not even running for president…   Visit Our Sources:

  • A Sofa King Classic: The Roswell Incident

    24/06/2022 Duration: 01h32min

    This is one of the largest public government retractions and alleged cover-ups that exist in the realm of conspiracy theory. The actual facts are that a press release came out from the US Air Force on July 8, 1947, claiming a “flying saucer” crashed thirty miles outside of Roswell. Then, on July 9, the Air Force changed their story and infamously said it was a weather balloon. The story pretty much died down from there until 1978 when UFOlogist and author, Stanton Fieldman, reopened the case and gave it national attention. So what really happened on the sheep ranch outside of Roswell? Was it as the first witness William “Mac” Brazel claimed with his simple description of a debris field? Was it what the later alleged witnesses claimed—wild stories of metal with memory, substances that couldn’t be broken or burned, and a mysterious light-weight I-Beam that had purple unidentified glyphs scrawled on it? Why did the Air force change their story? What is Project Mogul, and why might the Air Force have made up a s

  • A Sofa King Classic: Hunter S. Thompson

    21/06/2022 Duration: 01h34min

    On this episode of the Sofa King Podcast, we look at the truly gonzo life of the one and only Hunter S Thompson. Thompson was a journalist who became famous for his crazed drug-fueled antics and anti-authority stance. Born in Louisville, Kentucky to a middle class family, his father died while he was a teenager, and his mother was left very poor and became an alcoholic. During this time, Thompson started writing, and he had such a skill for it, he was allowed to join an elite writing group normally left for the wealthy. He also fell in with a bad crowd and started experimenting with drugs and started committing crimes ranging from shoplifting to vandalism to robbery. The robbery landed him in jail, and the judge said he could go to prison or join the military. Thompson decided on the Air Force. He career there was short, and he was discharged in two years for lack of discipline and subordinating other airmen. Once out, he began his career as a journalist, working as a copy boy for Time Magazine. Eventually,

  • Episode 665: Sputnik: Start of the Space Race

    17/06/2022 Duration: 01h33min

    On this episode of the world famous Sofa King Podcast, we talk about Sputnik. Sputnik was the first man-made satellite to ever orbit the earth, and it started the Space Race and made the Cold War grow even hotter. It was designed by the Soviet Union using a system of interlocking governmental agencies. Sputnik was far ahead of its time, and it freaked America (and the rest of the world) out. The response was the formation of NASA and DARPA and the race to the moon. Why was public reaction positive, even for most Americans? How did a dog turn the tide on the Soviet win? What impact did it have on the world? Listen, laugh, learn.   Visit Our Sources: Cool Sputnik Video

  • Episode 664: David Bowie: Grandfather of Glam

    14/06/2022 Duration: 01h44min

    On this episode of The Sofa King Podcast, we talk about the Grandfather of Glam, David Bowie. He was hands down one of the most important artists of his life time, experimenting with every new style of music and instrument out there. He was one of the main influencers on the androgyny of the 1980s, and his most famous persona, Ziggy Stardust, was a creature that made fun of itself. He was an often obsessed artists who would create a bizarre musical character and inhabit it on and off stage (even hiding his urine from wizards at one point. Honestly.). Listen to this one as we talk about one of the greatest singer songwriters of all time.   Visit Our Sources: Bowie and

  • Episode 663: The Kursk: Russia’s Epic Fail

    10/06/2022 Duration: 01h39min

    On this episode of the Sofa King Podcast, we look at the sinking of The Kursk. The Kursk was a Russian nuclear sub and was declared “unsinkable.” However, a constantly declining military budget let their navy start to fall apart. On Aug 12, 2000, during a massive fleet-wide training exercise, the ship fell silent. Well, not exactly silent since seismographs on the other side of the world reported two explosions, one equaling a 4.2 on the Richter Scale. What followed was an epic failure in the Russian Navy’s response, the government’s inactivity, and Vladimir Putin’s callous nature. Everyone on The Kursk died, and their corpses were only discovered by foreign divers since the Russians couldn’t do it themselves. This is a sad story of a government and bureaucracy that left its sailors to die.   Visit Our Sources:

  • Episode 662: The Sphinx: The Ultimate Egyptian Enigma

    07/06/2022 Duration: 01h28min

    On this episode of the world famous Sofa King Podcast, we talk about one of the most famous structures on planet earth—The Great Sphinx of Giza. The Sphinx is old. It is really old, but nobody knows exactly how ancient it is. Popular beliefs put it at 4500 years old, built by the Pharaoh Khafre. Others say it was built by that pharaoh’s father, Khufu. Yet others claim it was discovered by Khufu and is centuries older than either of them. This monument has been subject to vandalism, erosion, and centuries buried under the sand. Was there any truth to Edgar Cayce’s predictions about hidden Atlantean artifacts? What is the water erosion theory, and how does that potentially change the age of the Sphinx? How far is it from the nearest Pizza Hut? Listen, laugh, learn?   Visit Our Sources:

  • Episode 661: James Strang: The King of Beaver Island!

    03/06/2022 Duration: 01h41min

    On this episode of the world famous Sofa King Podcast, we talk about one or the boldest cult leaders to ever live—James Strang. He proclaimed himself the King of Beaver Island in Lake Michigan, and from there, he ran an empire of lumber theft, polygamy, and even piracy across The Great Lakes. He wrote diaries in a made up language (that took a century to decode), forged documents and holy artifacts to help take power within the Mormon Church, and even became a member of the House of Representatives. Oh, and there was that one time he hid his second wife by dressing her as a boy and saying she was his cousin. If you like cults, this one has it all!   Visit Our Sources:

  • Episode 660: Henry Rollins: Temper, Tattoos, and Timbre

    02/06/2022 Duration: 01h39min

    On this episode of the Sofa King Podcast, we talk about one of the loudest voices of Generation X, Henry Rollins. He was the front man for the epic punk band Black Flag and later the front man for the Rollins Band. He was in icon of the 80s and 90s, known for his temper, tattoos, and timbre. Henry Rollins sang against the establishment and fought against what was corrupt in society; he fought against his fans at concerts, too, leading to a reputation as a hot head. He became equally famous for his spoken word and lectures as his music, and he helped voice the rage and frustration of his generation with an eloquence that few possessed.   Visit Our Sources:

  • A Sofa King Classic: Fluoride

    20/05/2022 Duration: 01h16min

    Daves not here man ... Classic This episode peels back the lid on the very popular conspiracy theory involving the use of fluoride in municipal drinking water. The common conspiracy theories get pretty crazy and talk about Communist plots and argue that Nazis used sodium fluoride to keep prisoners of war and concentration camp victims docile. We talk about those theories and whether they have been debunked or not, but we also look at more credible historical and scientific facts. One fact is that fluoride is a byproduct of enriching uranium and making aluminum, and it is a highly corrosive and toxic substance in concentration. Evidence obviously indicates that in very, very small amounts it helps prevent tooth decay. But in moderate to large amounts, it is a poison. (So much so that just after 9/11 the NSA expressed concern about terrorists hijacking unprotected fluoride trucks and using them to poison entire towns). How much is too much fluoride? How much is in the water you drink? How can you filter it ou

  • A Sofa King Classic: Jimmy Savile

    16/05/2022 Duration: 01h21min

    Daves not here man..... On this episode of The Sofa King Podcast, we look at a guy who may be the worst Brit to ever live, Jimmy Savile. Jimmy Savile was a media personality and radio host (think Ryan Seacrest or Dick Clark in the States). He had a hit-maker radio and tv show that every musician wanted to be on. He also had a BBC television series that made the dream of ill children come true. He was knighted by the Queen of England and the Pope. That all sounds pretty awesome, right? Well, he was also a serial rapist, pedophile, and necropheliac. A year after he died in 2011, over 500 victims came forward to discuss their trauma. They ranged from 5 to 75 years old at the time of the crime. Most of them were physically or mentally ill at the time of the abuse. There were dozens of rapes. Oh, and most people think none of this ever came to light because of a cover up that may have gone as high up as the Prime Minister or the Royal family, both of whom he was close to. So how did a crappy meta-celebrity beco

  • Episode 659: Russel Simmons: Mogul or Monster?

    13/05/2022 Duration: 01h42min

    On this episode of the world famous Sofa King Podcast, we look at the achievements, impacts, and allegations against the original Hip-Hop mogul, Russell Simmons. A young Simmons fell in love the new art form of rap and immediately took charge of the genre’s future. He signed Kurtis Blow from his dorm room on to a label that didn’t exist, and he hustled every DJ in New York until he got him a record deal. From there, he created Def Jam records and was architect to the success of acts such as Run-DMC, The Beastie Boys, Public Enemy, and LL Cool J. He produced movies, reinvented stand up, created a fashion line, and put poetry slams on the map. In 2018, he stepped down from all of his corporate ties due to multiple sexual assault claims. Even under that dark shadow, Simmons stands out as a cultural titan that every rap mogul since has imitated.   Visit Our Sources:

  • Episode 658: Phobias: On Fear, Anxiety, and Madness

    10/05/2022 Duration: 01h47min

    On this episode of the Sofa King Podcast, we talk about phobias. Everyone is afraid of something, but that doesn’t make it a phobia. A phobia is technically a form of anxiety disorder that lasts more than 6 months. These can be common and reasonable things like snakes or spiders, or truly bizarre things like a fear of belly buttons or a fear of long words. What causes Phobias to exist? How many people suffer from Phobias? Is there a genetic component? How do we cure them? What are the most ridiculous Phobias we came across? Listen, laugh, learn.   Visit Our Sources:

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