Transcendental Transformation

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 95:18:00
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Miss Raina, a Spirit Guide and Soul Sage, has spent a lifetime of guiding others to transcend into a higher vibration of personal truth. Recognized as a spiritual master of emotion, Miss Raina teaches people the applicable tools of living without falsehoods and social conditioning and offers the power of truth so that your soul can achieve deep soul evolution.


  • An Inspirational Journey down the Path of Pure BodyLove

    25/08/2015 Duration: 57min

    Have you always wanted to see yourself in beauty and love? How would your life be different if you actually enjoyed the person whom you are? Melissa Binkley offers Soulistic solutions for women. Her overture is to inspire women to love the bodies they are in and breakthrough the perfectionist paralysis and procrastination. Her motto of "The INSPIRATION comes from the inside, the DEDICATION from the heart, the WILL from the mind, the BODY from the hard work and the LOVE and SUPPORT from my family and friends" catapults women into confidence and self love! Join us, Tuesday August 25, 2015 at 7:00 pm Est Usa, as Transfromational expert Melissa Binkley joins Transcendental Transformation for a wonderful journey to PureBody Love!   Contact Melissa Binkley: ;  or Email: Call Miss Raina and speak Live: 310-861-2341

  • To Heal your Life with the Power of Positivity

    18/08/2015 Duration: 58min

    Have you ever wondered how being positive can heal your life? Do you think you're a positive person but cannot seem to move forward in life? Join Miss Raina Tuesday August 18th, 2015 at 7:00 pm Est Usa, for a powerful show of positivity! We often believe that we live a positive lifestyle, but if our lives seem to be stuck in the same spot, are we really living a positive mindset? This week Miss Raina will teach us how the Power of Positivity can not only change our life, but heal it as well! Call Miss Raina and speak Live: 310-861-2341

  • What would it feel like... To Be Free

    04/08/2015 Duration: 57min

    Join us, Tuesday August 4th, 2015 at 7:00 pm Est Usa, for a show that tests the resitrictions of your life and challages your soul to true freedom.                      Many of us go through life thinking that we live our lives in freedom. Yet if we are so free, than why do so many of us not have the life we want? Have you always wanted to just break free from the restrictions of your own mind and live life the way you wanted?                  If you're finally tired of making excuses and being bounded by lifes confinements in the name of responsbility, then it's time to make a change! Miss Raina will expand our minds and help you shatter your own personal inhibitions so you WILL know how it feels... To Be Free! Call Miss Raina and Speak Live: (310) 861-2341

  • The Conscious Energies of the Law of Attraction

    28/07/2015 Duration: 57min

    Does the Law of Attraction work in your favor? How exactly, if at all, does the law of Attraction work? Why do we put so much emphasis on this way of thinking?  Join us, Tuesday July 28th, 2015 at 7:00 pm Est Usa, as Miss Raina breaks down one of today's most popular cultural ideas, the Law of Attraction! This concept has been around since civilization first settled, though only a small part of the population have a small grasp on it. Although, the Law of Attraction has some simple concepts, many whom practice it can't seem to get it right!  The Law of Attraction can bless your life if you understand a few simple ideas that some of the most popluar marketing concepts don't touch on.  Call Miss Raina and Speak Live (310) 861-2341

  • Our Lives are Meant to Live in Truth

    22/07/2015 Duration: 54min

    Join us Tuesday July 21, 2015 at 7:00 pm Est Usa, for an episode of Truth!  What is being truthful? What is living in your truth? Is the being truthful vital to our happiness in our lives? Do we understand what living our lives in truth mean? This week Miss Raina is going to get truthful about the truths of our lives! Often,our world speaks of truth, however it seems to have many different perspectives to everyone.  Tune in this week to learn how living in truth will bring us the life we desire! Call Miss Raina and Speak live: 310-861-2341

  • A Step Forward in Universal Consciousness?

    07/07/2015 Duration: 54min

    Join us Tuesday July 7th, 2015 at 7:00pm Est Usa, as we discover the journey into Universal Consciousness. All over todays world we hear the word Universal Consciousness. As a race we are taught to bond together, share compassion and raise our collective awareness. As we watch the world of today we notice the back and forth tug of war between the people.  With so much struggle, are we truly making any progress in our world today? Miss Raina will share her knowledge about the idea of Universal Consciousness so that you can do your part to make sure we live in a better world. Call Miss Raina and speak live: 310-861-2341

  • The Importance of our Mental Health Part II

    23/06/2015 Duration: 57min

    Join us, Tuesday June 23th, 2015 at 7:00 pm Est Usa, for Part II of The Importance of Mental Health. As a continuation from our show on mental health, Miss Raina will dig deeper into our mental challenges. Social Anxiety can be debilitating leading to the development of personal fears which allows massive restriction on our lives.  Most of us live our daily lives with Social Anxiety without being aware of it. For many, it is the simple act of trying to be someone that you're not just to fit into social norms. For others Social Anxiety can create great phobias which effect the way we interact with the world.  Call Miss Raina and speak Live: 310-861-2341

  • The Pursuit of Liberty for the LGBTQ Part II

    09/06/2015 Duration: 57min

    Join us, Tuesday June 9th, 2015 at 7:00 pm Est Usa, for part II of The Pursuit of Liberty for the LGBTQ. Special guest Heather Wright returns to Transcendental Transformation!  In part I of The Pursuit of Liberty for the LGBTQ, Miss Raina and Heather touched on a few very crucial civil rights issues pertaining to the Transgender community. With such a pivital stage in the civil rights movement, the LGBTQ community pushes harder than ever for equallity. This movement requires great sacrifice and determination from all people to bring balance to humanity.    Call Miss Raina and speak Live: 310-861-2341

  • The Importance of our Mental Health

    02/06/2015 Duration: 58min

    Join Miss Raina, Tuesday June 2, 2015 at 7:00pm Est Usa, as she reaches out to those people whom suffer from mental heatlh challenges. Since May was Mental Health Awareness month, Miss Raina will reach out to those whom struggle with Anxiety, Depression, Panic attacks and other such challenges. It is tough to live a normal life trying to interact with the people of the world while dealing with any form of disruption in mental heatlh. Our challanges can cripple us leaving us feeling hopeless which isolates any such individual.   Call Miss Raina and speak Live: 310-861-2341 ** This show is not to replace any professional and medicial advice given to any persons. Any Herbs mentioned are not a subsitute for any prescribed medications and should only be used under a professional supervision. If you feel that you suffer from any major mental challenge, please seek professional help immediately!

  • The Many Loves and Relationships of Polyamory

    19/05/2015 Duration: 01h03min

    Join us Tuesday May 19, 2015 at 7:00pm Est Usa for an indepth look into the lifestyle of Polyamory. Miss Raina invites  Special guests and long time Polyamory lifestylers Sugandha and Lenny to the show! Polyamory is the practice, desire, and acceptance of intimate relationships that are not exclusive with respect to other sexual or intimate relationships, with knowledge and consent of everyone involved. The bonds of this unique lifestyle creates great strength in each relationship which allows those who practice polyamory to share their special love with their partners. Call Miss Raina and speak live: 310-861-2341

  • In the Pursuit of Liberty for the LGBTQ

    12/05/2015 Duration: 55min

    Join us May 12th at 7:00pm Est Usa as Miss Raina brings special guest Heather Wright to the show!  Heather is a local activist in the South Florida area for the LGBTQ community who serves to make great changes in our society. Currently, she is the administrator of the Palm Beach County Gender Support Group that reaches out to the people of the Transgender community. Heather has served as communications director on the Board of United SAGA and is the Communications Director at N.O.W.  Her commitment to furthering women's and LGBTQ civil rights has recently won her an award, in South Florida Gay News, as one of the top fifty people who are changing our society! Tune in this Tuesday as Miss Raina and Heather discuss the troubling issues that surround the LGBTQ community and society today! Call Miss Raina and speak live: 310-861-2190

  • A Tribute to the Greatest Mothers in the World

    05/05/2015 Duration: 52min

    Join us May 05 2015 at 7:00pm Est Usa as Miss Raina returns and gives graditude to all mothers!   In lieu of Mothers Day, we will pay tribute to mom's everywhere!  Moms carry one of the greatest and toughest jobs in the world. A mothers job is a 24 hour shift that never ends. They sacrifice everything they have for their family without question and yet it is probably one of the most thankless positions. That's why we will say a much deserved thank you to all wonderful mothers who make the world a better place! If you would like to call in and share a story of how your mother has had a positive influence on you call in during the show!   Call Miss Raina 310-861-2341 and speak Live!

  • Dyslexia... The Intelligence Trouble Despite Reading a Normal

    24/03/2015 Duration: 59min

    Join us, Tuesday March 24th, 2015 at 7:00pm Est Usa, as Miss Raina discusses Dyslexia. Dyslexia is a semi-common neurobiological issue among many people today.  The cause of Dyslexia may be due to abnormal development of the visual nerve cells. For those with Dyslexia, many every day functions such as academics, reading and job tasks can pose a difficulty which lowers the self-esteem and confidence in the individual. With Evidence pointing to the corelation of Dyslexia and ADHD, could their be a common link to this challenge?  Call Miss Raina and speak live: 310-861-2341

  • Adoption, A Beautiful Expression of Love from Unfamiliar People

    17/03/2015 Duration: 58min

    Join us, Tuesday March 17th, 2015 at 7:00 pm Est Usa, as Miss Raina reaches out to the souls and families of adoption.  Adoption is a beautiful expression of love from a set of unfamiliar people to an infant baby of whom would be without family and a decent start in life. For many adults, adoption is about giving a child love, a home, a family and a true chance at life. Even as a family gives their adopted child the essence of what they need, still many adopted children go through life with displacement and emptiness.  A common batch of uneasy feelings race through the minds of many adopted children which leave them feeling unloved, unaccepted and isolated evening in a loving world.  Miss Raina will reach out to those adopted children and their families whom have struggle with the struggle of emptiness Call Miss Raina and speak live: (310) 861-2341    

  • The Great Debate of Vaccines.. Harmful or Helpful?

    10/03/2015 Duration: 58min

    Tune in this Tuesday March 10, 2015 at 7:00 pm Est USA, as we get vaccinated! Just kidding! ;) In todays world vaccines have become a big part of our society. We are conditioned to believe that vaccines will help us with disease and possibly even cure it.  The great battle of vaccines wages war. Are they good for us or do the people who say they are harmful know something we don't? Miss Raina will discuss the controversal topic of vaccines. Learn what makes up a vaccine and if they are helpful or harmful to us. This show will be based on medical research, studies and facts. No opinion will be a part of this show! Call Miss Raina at (310) 861-2341

  • A Wonderful Little Mineral Named Salt

    04/03/2015 Duration: 59min

    Join us March 3, 2015 at 7:00 pm Est USA as we stroll into the pleasant month of March with salt! Throughout our western culture we are taught the negative effects of consuming too much salt. However, what if salt is actually good for us? There are many benefits of consuming salt on a daily basis. Miss Raina shares the many health benefits of salt! Learn how this wonderful little mineral can change your health and your life! Learn what the mainstream culture does not want you to know about your health! We will also be adding the health benefits of Diatomaceous Earth!   Call Miss Raina and speak live: 310-861-2341

  • The Untamed Fire of Crohn's Disease

    25/02/2015 Duration: 55min

    Join us Tuesday, February 24th 2015 at 7:00 pm Est USA, as we regain our digestive health in dealing with Crohn's Disease. Crohn's Disease is becoming a popular disorder within the american culture. Millions of people now suffer daily with the crippling symptoms of this disease. With an untamed bout of inflammation running rampant within the digestive system, Crohn's Disease causes serious issues within the human body.  Miss Raina shares the knowledge of this destructive and possibly deadly disease. Learn how to correct this disease by changing your lifestyle!   Call Miss Raina 310-861-2341

  • The Unity of One.. A Collection of our Soul

    11/02/2015 Duration: 54min

    Join us, Tuesday February 10, 2015 at 7:00 pm Est Usa, as we dig deep into our past lives to collect the bits and pieces of our soul! Miss Raina digs deep into our past and teaches us about Soul Retrieval. We often here about Karmic debt, as well as Dharma, but why are these bonds so strong? As we grow in spiritual age, we are often exhausted by our bonds of the past.  We will learn what Soul Retrieval is and how to use it to become whole again!   Call Miss Raina: 310-861-2341

  • The Steps to Mastering Oneself...

    04/02/2015 Duration: 52min

    In Honor of February being International Boost Self-Esteem month, we decided to dedicate an episode to those who have realized that they are all they need to build a better them! Join us Tuesday, February 3rd, 2015 at 7:00pm Est Usa, for a show to the mastery of oneself!  So many of us try hard to be a confident and secure person and, for some, our interactions with others leave us down in the dumps. Miss Raina will teach us techniques on how to build and strengthen our healthy boundaries so that we can be the person we've always wanted to be.   Call Miss Raina: 310-861-2341

  • The Wonderful Art of Sex.......

    28/01/2015 Duration: 58min

    This Tuesday January 27th at 7:00 pm Est Usa, find the much wilder side of our show!   Miss Raina discusses the art of sexual pleasure! She will share information on the chemical reactions in our body, the many types of lifestyles of sex and our thought processes behind our sexual comfort! For many societies sex is an unspoken or taboo topic. There is no need for this in our world today! Our bodies are meant to love, feel and enjoy the energies of other beings! We hope you will tune in, have an open-mind and most importantly have fun! Call to speck to Miss Raina live:  310-861-2341

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