Ocean Currents Radio Program

  • Author: Podcast
  • Narrator: Podcast
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 202:17:25
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Ocean Currents is hosted by Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary on KWMR, community radio for West Marin in Northern California. The show hosts ocean experts about research, management issues, natural history, and stewardship associated with marine environment, especially in our National Marine Sanctuaries.


  • Wave Energy

    06/04/2010 Duration: 55min

    Wave Energy in California: Can the ocean generate a sustainable source of energy for us? Learn about the local wave energy project on the Sonoma Coast and other projects that are being planned for in CA. Hear about the types of technology and what environmental impacts could exist.

  • Post Exxon Valdez Oil Spill

    03/03/2010 Duration: 54min

    Guest: Riki Ott, Marine Biologist/Author of Not One Drop: Betrayal and Courage in the Wake of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill. In 1989 the landscape and coastal communities of Alaska/Prince William Sound and beyond changed forever following the Exxon Valdex Oil Spill. What happened? How did this effect the communities along the coast? Why did the litigation process take 20 years and the compensation only pay 10 cents on the dollar for the losses?

  • West Coast Ecosystem Based Management

    02/02/2010 Duration: 50min

    West Coast Regional Director for the National Marine Sanctuary Program Bill Douros shares insight into how resource managers plan for multiple uses in a productive ecosystem like we have here on the west coast, a concept known as marine spatial planning, while keeping in mind the connections between land and sea and broad ecosystem connectivity.

  • Whats happening on the coast?

    07/01/2010 Duration: 19min

    Hear about the rocky intertidal docent program with the California Academy of Sciences and the Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary and find out how you can get involved in helping to educate tidepool visitors about minimizing impacts and hear about the winter Coho Salmon spawning events in the Lagunitas watershed in Marin County, California

  • National Marine Sanctuaries around the United States

    07/01/2010 Duration: 45min

    Learn about 3 different types of National Marine Sanctuaries in NOAA's National Marine Sanctuary Program. Learn about the USS Monitor, Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale, and Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuaries from the east coast to the Pacific Ocean. Learn about the history of the establishment of this National program.

  • Loggerhead Turtle Conservation work and Building Ocean Stewards Globally

    03/11/2009 Duration: 55min

    Ocean Revolutionary J. Nichols talks about his collaborative science and conservation work with Loggerhead Sea Turtles in Mexico and his education, inspiration, conservation work that he continues to build on nationally and internationally with communities everywhere. J is a co-founder of Ocean Revolution, an organization that works to build youth stewards internationally for the ocean.

  • Studying environmental change with deep water corals

    03/11/2009 Duration: 52min

    Deep-sea corals can live for hundreds of years, but have laid mostly undiscovered. Learn how and where these corals are found and how scientists are using them to understand our climate history on our planet. You may be surprised to find out where these corals are found!

  • Highlights from the National Marine Educators Association Conference: Marine Debris, Ocean Literacy, and Surfing!

    07/07/2009 Duration: 55min

    This show is a compilation of interviews from presenters at the annual National Marine Educators Association Conference in Monterey, CA. The show starts with an overview of NOAA's marine debris program, a live interview with staff from Algalita Marine Research Foundation, and moves towards ocean literacy with an interview with Craig Strang and Dr. Felicia Moore, and ending up with an overview of surfing at the infamous Mavericks, with filmmaker/surfer Grant Washburn.

  • Cordell Expeditions: The early explorations of Cordell Bank

    01/06/2009 Duration: 56h00s

    This intrepid group of divers dove SCUBA on Cordell Bank in the late 1970's and early 80's. Their explorations were instrumental in the designation of Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary in 1989. 2009 is the 20th anniversary of the sanctuary's designation. The founder and leader of the expeditions talks about the very beginning and how this expedition to Cordell Bank started.

  • Dan Bortolloti: Author of Wild Blue: A Natural History of the World's Largest Animal

    01/06/2009 Duration: 57min

    Dan writes about the historical whaling era where blue whales were nearly written off of the planet, then delves into their survival, their natural history, and what scientists have learned to help aid in their conservation and understand the wildness of this recovering species. Tune in to listen to Dan talk about this mysterious mammal.

  • Jaime Jahncke, PRBO Conservation Science and Lisa Etherington, Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary

    21/05/2009 Duration: 40min

    Monitoring oceanographic conditions in the Gulf of the Farallones and Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuaries. In 2009, PRBO and Cordell Bank NMS wil lbe collaborating to monitor ocean conditions in the national marine sanctuaries off the central CA coast. Find out more here.

  • Dr. John Hildebrand-Ambient Noise in the Ocean

    05/03/2009 Duration: 58min

    Human generated noise in the ocean has increased steadily in the last few decades. Scientist John Hildebrand talks about how animals use sound and how the increase in sound is another form of pollution that can threaten marine life.

  • Dr. Liz Alter-Studying historic Gray Whale populations

    10/02/2009 Duration: 40min

    Have Gray whales returned to their historic population numbers? Evidence from a genetic study indicates that Gray Whales were historically in numbers 5x as abundant than what we today consider a recovered population. Find out what this evidence indicates in regards to our changing ocean.

  • Leatherbacks in the Pacific

    08/01/2009 Duration: 52min

    The leatherback sea turtle has been on our planet for 70 million years, has survived huge changes on the planet, yet has met its worst enemy, us. In the past 30 years leatherbacks have plummeted to 95% of their original estimated population numbers. Hear from NOAA biologist Scott Benson who studies Leatherbacks and their large and small scale movements and Mike Milne from the Sea Turtle Restoration Project who is working to try to help protect turtles.

  • Roz Savage Rows the Pacific

    07/01/2009 Duration: 48s

    Roz Savage has completed the first part of her 3 phase mission.... to cross the Pacific Ocean in her rowboat. In September, 2008, Roz made it to Hawaii all the way from San Francisco. Tune in to hear about Roz's journey, the message she is trying to generate through her expedition, and where she's headed next.

  • Ocean Literacy-What do citizens need to know about the ocean?

    10/11/2008 Duration: 52h07min

    Guests: Rita Bell, Monterey Bay Aquarium and Meghan Marrero, US Satellite Lab. If over 70% of our planet is covered in ocean, why is it barely covered in the K-12 curriculum in the US? An ocean literate person is defined as one who clearly understands the influence the ocean has on you, and your influence on the ocean. Find out what these leading educators have to say about this important ocean conservation topic.

  • Ed Ueber-former Superintendent of Gulf of the Farallones and Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuaries

    05/08/2008 Duration: 52min

    Guest Ed Ueber, former superintendent of Gulf of the Farallones and Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuaries Ed has recently retired from a formidable career attached to the sea, and will share his perspectives and stories from his hard working career. What do some of his colleagues have to say? Tune in to hear from them as well.

  • Historic Ecology:Looking at the past to learn about the future.

    05/08/2008 Duration: 56min

    Guests: Hugo Selbie, CA Sea Grant Fellow, Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary and Catherine Marzin, Historical Ecology Program Manager, National Marine Sanctuary Program. How do we learn about our historic ecosystem health before we started collecting data? Learn how historical ecologists are probing into historic documents to learn about behavior modifications, shifting baselines, shifts in oceanographic productivity and more.

  • Historic Ecology: Looking at the past to learn about the future.

    08/07/2008 Duration: 53min

    How do we learn about our historic ecosystem health before we started collecting data? Learn how historical ecologists are probing into historic documents to learn about behavior modifications, shifting baselines, shifts in oceanographic productivity and more. Guests: Hugo Selbie, CA Sea Grant Fellow, Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary and Catherine Marzin, Historical Ecology Program Manager, National Marine Sanctuary Program

  • Randall Arauz-PRETOMA

    03/06/2008 Duration: 46min

    Randall Arauz is a Costa Rican biologist with Programa Restauracion de Tortugas Marinas (PRETOMA), a Costa Rican non-profit which is a marine conservation and research organization working to protect ocean resources and promote sustainable fisheries policies in Costa Rica and Central America. Randall works in partnership with the Sea Turtle Restoration Network based out of West Marin, CA. Randall will discuss leatherback turtle conservation efforts and behind the scenes of shark finning.

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