Earning Freedom With Michael Santos



Earning Freedom teaches strategies for those who want to lead more fulfilling, relevant lives. This show will motivate and inspire, teaching lessons that empowered Michael Santos through 26 years of imprisonment. While incarcerated he earned university degrees, published more than a dozen books, married and supported the love of his life, and emerged from prison as a taxpaying citizen. He shows how those strategies set him on track to earn a million dollars and how you can earn freedom, leading a richer, more fulfilling life by following the same strategies and principles.


  • 273: Conquering Life in Prison, Part 1

    29/10/2016 Duration: 30min

    In 1995, a federal judge sentenced Luis Rivera to a term of life in prison, plus 140 years. In this episode on Earning Freedom, Luis describes his early adjustment. From his appearance on the Earning Freedom podcast, we know that Luis was released from prison and he now lives as law abiding citizen. Learn how he got out after 30 years in prison.

  • 272: Drug Addiction to Prison to Success

    18/08/2016 Duration: 22min

    Derek Sauceda began using drugs when he was 10. His drug addictions led him into crime. His crime led him into a series of prison terms that kept him locked in cages for more than 24 years. Now he is a successful case manager with Fathers and Families of San Joaquin Valley. From Derek's story we see that a path exists to overcome struggle.

  • 271: Released after 20 Years in Pennsylvania Prisons

    15/08/2016 Duration: 23min

    Big D was drawn to the streets as a young man. He looked up to drug dealers and gangsters. Authorities arrested Big D and after his trial, he was sentenced to a term that required him to serve more than 20 years in Pennsylvania prisons. Big D said that he wasted his first 10 years of confinement. Instead of adjusting positively, he lived in prison just as he had been living on the streets. He used drugs and he was engaged in violence. In today's Earning Freedom episode, Big D talks about how he changed.

  • 270: From Violent Offender to Contributing Citizen

    03/08/2016 Duration: 30min

    Today I spoke with Billie Gomez, a man who shared a story about his transformation. Billie spoke about growing up in a violent neighborhood and being influenced by gangs. By the time he was 18, he went to prison with a five year sentence. His adjustment in prison led to his receiving additional time. Upon his release from prison, Billie reverted to criminal behavior. Billie picked up a gun within two weeks of being released, and he used the gun to commit more crimes. That behavior led to his receiving a new 18-year sentence for a violent offense. Listen to Billie talk about how he reformed while in prison. He returned to society with a commitment to live as a law-abiding, contributing citizen.   Contact Billie by email: BillieGomez71@gmail.com Website: www.fromignorance2freedom.com

  • 269: Earning Freedom for Corporate

    12/07/2016 Duration: 52min

    Lessons that powered me through 26 years of imprisonment apply to anyone. In today's podcast, I share those strategies with the sales force at Resort Advisory Group.

  • 268: Preparing Prisoners for Jobs

    17/06/2016 Duration: 28min

    Today's episode on Earning Freedom features an interview with Jeff Mould, founder of Second Chance Jobs for Felons. More than 60,000 people who returned to society after time in confinement rely upon his website each month. His website:   Second Chance Jobs For Felons   Focuses on helping people with criminal backgrounds. By adhering to his advice, people can overcome some of the challenges of transitioning into the labor market. I encourage others to rely upon his website as a resource for information. He offers guidance that will others overcome the stigma of a criminal conviction.  

  • 267: Prison to Successful Businessman

    07/06/2016 Duration: 37min

    Weldon Long made some bad decisions as a young man. He went to prison. While incarcerated he struggled until he found education. Once he discovered the power of education, he applied himself fully. Weldon earned an undergraduate in prison and he earned a master's degree in prison. Then, Weldon used his education to build extraordinarily successful businesses upon release.   Listen to Welson'd amazing story about success through prison and beyond on today's Earning Freedom podcast. 

  • 266: President Commutes Life Sentence

    27/05/2016 Duration: 39min

    President Obama commuted Israel Torres' sentence. A federal judge sentenced Mr. Torres to life in prison. While serving the life sentence, Mr. Torres kept hope alive and focused on steps he could take to prepare for success upon release--he always believed release would come. As a consequence of his successful adjustment, the President granted Israel liberty. He now lives as a contributing and productive member of society. Simultaneously, Israel works to for the brothers he left behind in prison: Michael Homes, James Ortega, and thousands of others who could live in society as law-abiding citizens if reforms were possible to release them.

  • 265: Sharing Stories From Prisoners

    22/05/2016 Duration: 30min

    Malik King offers more insight about people serving lengthy sentences in prison. He is an advocate who works to end mass incarceration. 

  • 264: Gambling Addiction Leads to Prison

    13/05/2016 Duration: 35min

    Donald Gridiron is on his way to prison. It's a big challenge for anyone, especially for a well educated man who didn't have any previous experience with the criminal justice system. In today's Earning Freedom episode, Donald describes how a gambling addiction led him into the criminal justice system. He also talks about help he received from Justin Paperny at White Collar Prison Advice.

  • 263: Preparing for Federal Prison

    08/05/2016 Duration: 31min

    Scott Clark had been a successful businessman. Some decisions he made regarding raising capital led him to the crosshairs of prosecutors. Soon after agreeing to plead guilty, Scott contacted Justin Paperny of White Collar Prison Advice. That call brought Scott hope. In today's Earning Freedom podcast, Scott speaks about the strategies he learned from Justin on preparing for prison.

  • 262: From Prostitution to Prison to Success

    08/05/2016 Duration: 16min

    Alexis shares her inspiring story on the Earning Freedom podcast. She describes being abused by a pimp as a young woman. After years of prostitution, authorities sentenced her to a lengthy prison term. Upon being separated from her family, she made a commitment to transform her life. While in a prison cell, Alexis stayed away from trouble and focused on ways to prepare for success. Her story reveals the power of the human spirit, showing how anyone can become more than past bad decisions. Follow her @leckiebutterfly

  • 261: Gang Member to Prison to Professional Actor

    08/05/2016 Duration: 24min

    Today's show on Earning Freedom podcast features an amazing success story. Richard Esteras (@RichardEsteras) got involved in crime as a young man. Bad decisions led him to prison. While in prison, he made a decision to change his life. In this episode, he describes how he found strength while locked inside of a solitary cell. Then, he used lessons from those experience to launch a successful career as an incredible actor. He stars in many films, including the following:    Year of the Snake Your Second Chance Drifted A Short Film About Execution School for Gods Hood And Many more. Check out his bio here: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm5612119/

  • 260: Malik King Inspires People in Prison

    24/04/2016 Duration: 22min

    I met Malik King at an event that celebrated FAMM's 25th anniversary in Washington DC. When I met Malik, I asked if he was formerly incarcerated. He told me that he had never been to prison, but he corresponded with more than 200 federal prisoners. He is an inspiration, showing people that even though they may have made bad decisions in the past, they can prepare for lives of success and meaning and relevance. He offers his biography and contact information below.   Malik King I was born in 1964 in Manhattan, New York; grew up in Queens and moved to Atlanta, Georgia in 1982 to attend College. I received a degree in Business Administration/Computer Science in 1987.   Growing up in New York, I had a diverse group of friends, some of whom friends got caught up in the street life and ended up in both state and/or federal prisons.   I started writing to prisoners when I moved to Atlanta and became passionate about helping disadvantaged people in numerous ways, such as donating clothing to the homeless, providing h

  • 259: From prison to Ph.D--Dr. Michael Endres

    04/04/2016 Duration: 38min

    Michael Endres is an amazing man. He went to prison as a young man without much in the way of direction. A violent crime resulted in his receiving a lengthy sentence. While incarcerated, however, Michael realized that he wanted to change his ways. He saw education as being the best opportunity to build a new life. Michael enrolled in school. He earned an bachelor's degree. Then he earned a master's degree. Then he earned a Ph.D. degree. Now Michael, or Dr. Endres, works to create programs that will help more incarcerated people prepare for success. 

  • 258: Returning to Society after Decades in Prison

    30/03/2016 Duration: 33min

    Today I interviewed Marcus White for the second time. He talks about his adjusting in society after decades in prison. Below is a brief bio he wrote. At nineteen years old the penal system had nearly captured the rest ofmy natural life for gang violence. Sitting in a jail cell paralyzedwith this gripping fear that i'd die in a prison I found myself onmany nights with tears in my eyes as I clung to hope for a secondchance. Fortunately for me that second chance came in the form of18yr. 9mon. prison plea agreement. Overwhelmed with a sense ofgratitude and a new zeal for life, I vowed to use these years tobetter myself. First by ridding myself of the gang infested mentalitythat had enslaved my mind and dictated my actions for so many years.Secondly pursuing personal growth relentlessly, taken advantaged ofall the programs DOC had to offer, and engaging myself in any andevery curriculum I could get my hands on. And sixteen and a half yearslater I returned home with this nagging ambition to execute the planthat I h

  • 257: John Thomas and Success after three times in prison

    29/03/2016 Duration: 32min

    Success After Three Times in Prison John Thomas started making bad decisions as a young man. He sold drugs and went to prison. While in prison, John continued making bad decisions. Those decisions resulted in his serving many years longer than he had to serve. He could’ve been released after five years. Yet his adjustment in prison resulted in his serving nine years. After he was released, John reverted to the type of behavior that got him into trouble the first time. Within 88 days, he returned to prison. Then he got out, again he returned to prison. In today’s podcast, John talks about what he learned through the experience. He also tells us what he wish he would’ve known at the start of his journey. Then he talks about how he built a business that has kept him crime free and living a much happier life as a self-employed entrepreneur. Learn from John Thomas’ success. He wrote the following open letter to describe more about his journey: My name is John Thomas early in my life I had a desire to help my famil

  • 256: Transformation from State Prison in New York

    29/03/2016 Duration: 37min

    Shakoure Char Carpenter grew up in a tough, New York environment. As a young boy, leaders from the streets influenced him. He got sucked into their lifestyle. The friends he chose led him into deeper problems than he could imagine. At 18, authorities arrested him for felony murder. A judge slammed Shakoure with a life sentence. He served 23 years in high-security prisons.   While incarcerated, Shakoure made a commitment to prepare for success. He educated himself. When resources dried up, eliminating funding for prisoners to study toward a university degree, he kept going. After 18 years in prison, he earned his first bachelors degree. Then he earned another, and eventually he earned a master’s degree.   Shakoure is a mastermind. Rather than being traumatized by life term in prison, he found strength from within. He rejected the criminal lifestyle and prepared for success. His podcast describes strategies that empowered him through the decades he served. Now that he’s free, Shakoure works to improve outcomes

  • 255: Conquering Prison to Become Success

    28/03/2016 Duration: 34min

    Conquering Prison Rodney White is a native of Richmond Virginia and served 15 years of an 18-year sentence for drugs and firearm charges. He tells his inspiring story on the Earning Freedom podcast. After release from prison, Rodney became an award winning sales person, motivational speaker, facilitator, community college academic adviser, and radio host.    Audiences are drawn to Rodney because of his unique ability to develop and deliver practical solutions to people in transition and growth. His strength is in providing simple strategies that enable individuals and organizations to pursue their goals with confidence and clarity. In his “R.E.A.D. to Succeed,” motivational program Rodney delivers a message that inspires and teaches a very simplistic way of problem solving. Drawing on skills honed as an inmate, salesperson, business owner, and speaker, Rodney has created and conducted training programs for groups ranging from trade associations to governmental agencies and educational institutions. Rodney’s

  • 254: Gang Leader Transforms in Prison, Becomes Author

    27/03/2016 Duration: 35min

    Gang Leader Transformation: Becoming Published Author I interviewed Abner Garcia, a remarkable young man who transformed his life while serving lengthy prison terms. He is an inspiration to anyone in prison, showing that at any time, a man can become more than past bad decisions. He grew up in a gang infested neighborhood and become a product of the streets that attracted him. While incarcerated, he chose a different path. Learn from his leadership. Below I include information about the career Abner created after decades in prison.     The Pastor’s Son – Back Cover Abner Garcia Falero, the sixth son of a renowned pastor, grew up in the shadow of his parents’ painful divorce. His life began to unravel at an escalating pace when as a young boy he realized that his broken family now lived a life of poverty and hardship. Confronted by constant struggle, juvenile delinquency, crime, violence, and an overwhelming feeling of hopelessness, Abner had to choose between life and death. It was the consequences of his dec

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