In My Father's House



This show will discuss kingdom principles. How to live in God's kingdom and obtain freedom, love, and peace. God loves you!


  • Be Made Whole - Ariel Reading Chapters Repair and Rejected

    19/02/2015 Duration: 19min

    Ariel continues reading from her autobiography "Be Made Whole" 

  • Be Made Whole - Excerpts - Chapter 1

    18/02/2015 Duration: 15min

    Ariel will be reading from her book - Be Made Whole.  Each day she will read a chapter and welcomes comments.

  • It's Not About YOU! Latest book from Ariel

    11/02/2014 Duration: 35min

    This is part 1 of a three part show about Ariel's latest book the Lord asked her to write.  It is her continued journey with God.  Today she will read a chapter from her book on her time at the Economic Union and what the Lord had her do while she was in Brussels.  Her journey is supernatural in that she is seeing the miraculous - gold flecks, feathers, "walking through crowds" unnoticed, etc.  From heads of countries to the homeless Jesus is ministering to people around the world.  As we obey Him we shall do as he did - she the miraculous.    

  • Parables

    09/12/2013 Duration: 32min

    Jesus used parables to teach.  What are they and does he use them today and in what way? Does he want us to teach in parables? Why? Join Ariel as she talks about parables.


    02/12/2013 Duration: 31min

    Ariel will discuss why it is important for the children of God to write.   The time is now!  More important than ever. Ariel will share when the Lord called her to write, what the writing will do in His kingdom and how we have to be obedient...lives are at stake. Get Ready, Get Ready, Get Ready!

  • Update from Ariel

    10/09/2013 Duration: 30min

    Join Ariel as she shares a brief update.

  • Lost Angels - God orchestrated short film 2012

    25/02/2013 Duration: 18min

                              NEWS Update!!!   1)  Watch Youtube video trailer for Lost Angels - here is the link 2)  Watch testimony of "Lost Angels"   3)  Go to our Facebook page and leave a comment after seeing trailers - thanks!! Listen to Ariel as she discusses the short film that the Lord asked her to make. She had no film training! The movie"Los Angels" was produced and directed by Ariel. Learn how she "supernaturally" produced this project. Note: It was selected for two film festivals and even one an award in the professional low budget category!  

  • Be Made Whole cont'd - Miracles

    19/02/2013 Duration: 27min

    This week Ariel will talk about various aspects of her life. She will discuss the miraculous power of God. How he has and still is transforming her into the image of his son Jesus. Angelic visitations, supernatural provision, supernatural in with your prayer requests or just to ask Ariel questions and let's see what my God can do to all that come and ask of him!

  • Be Made Whole cont'd - "The Personalities" - recognizing how God wired you! -

    15/02/2013 Duration: 22min

    "with everything get understanding" "If it me until to me, let me be a peace with all men" Heard those scriptures learn how to partake of a teaching given to Ariel years ago. Whether you work in an office, a school, a hospital or even at home, you probably come into contact with people who don’t see things your way. Through the powerful concepts of “The Personalities,” marriages have been saved and relationships restored. “The Visible Pieces of the Puzzle” will teach you how to identify the personality style of others simply by observing their clothing body language and workspace. “The Various Pieces” will help you understand each personality type’s natural gifts and abilities while “The Valuable Pieces” will show you how to meet the emotional needs of the people at work. Many people have discovered their true personality and as a result, were able to change careers or start a new business more suited to their natural areas of strength and abilities. You will learn to appreciate, celebrate and ma

  • Be Made Whole: One Woman's Journey Towards Wholeness

    14/02/2013 Duration: 19min

    Encompassing depression, phobias, suicide, sickness, abuse, loneliness, rejection, and divorce, Ariels firsthand account of hell on earth shows how God led her through these difficult experiences to tell others the truth behind many misconceptions about God.   She draws deep satisfaction in teaching, encouraging, and motivating others to expand their dreams and goals in Christ. “I can relate to those who have lost hope.”   

  • Single Mom - Missionary of the Lord

    08/02/2013 Duration: 58min

    Join Ariel as she talks with a single mom whom the Lord is using in such a powerful way. My guest  says "My heart is to minister to those who are oppressed especially women and children. However, my heart is to see men's eyes open to see the truth and not the lies they have bought into. How can this be done? Only through a "Culture of Love". No matter what the circumstance are or what one faces even on the other side of the world, love changes hearts. What I have encounter with cultures is a heart of love and honor for Americans. Much more than we even realize ; my life is dedicated to bringing the Breath of Love, Jesus Christ, into lives of others so that life can be breathe back into them.  Join Ariel and "her guest" as they share their love of Christ with the world.    Single Parents "You are Not Forgotten!"   

  • Signs and Wonders - Interview with John Loewen

    31/01/2013 Duration: 01h02min

    NEW TIME - 12 NOON TODAY!!!! Sorry for the difficulties but we have the victory!!! Join Ariel as she and John Loewen discuss signs and wonders of God.   Signs and Wonders are indications of God's handiwork among us. When Jesus was born, for example, a star over Bethlehem indicated the location of His birth - it was a sign from God. A sign is something which occurs naturally, such as a shining star.  It might be some other naturally occuring event in life which points to God.  A "Wonder," on the other hand, while also pointing to God, does not occur naturally in the world around us. Wonders cause you to stop and ponder the greatness of God. An example of a Wonder would be some of the gold particles from Heaven that John Loewen has seen appear around him on numerous occasions.  During the upcoming broadcast, we will address both signs and wonders, as we delve into the mysteries of God.

  • Interview with Author Katie Griffin - Sons of El Elyon

    25/01/2013 Duration: 01h21min

    Join Ariel as she interview Author - Katie Sue Griffin.  It will be a most enlighting, engaging time.  God is revealing truth to the world. NOTE:  Distractive noises in the beginning of interview and at other times due to warfare...BUT WE GET THE VICTORY in Christ! Jesus!   In the beginning El Elyon created a world of perfection and gave man authority and dominion over all that He had made. Man disobeyed the instructions of the Most High God and thus relinquished his place of authority. It is my goal to take the series of "The Sons of El Elyon," from the fall of the one we call Satan, to the establishing of David of King of Israel.  As mankind sought to fulfill their lusts, rebellious angels rose up against El Elyon and betrayed Him. They took the daughters of men unto themselves, corrupting the seed of woman. This union produced a soulless and evil offspring called Nephilim, who were determined to pollute all that El Elyon had created. El Elyon found one man who was undefiled, whose se

  • Interview with John Loewen - Prophet to France!

    17/01/2013 Duration: 01h33min

    Join Ariel as she interviews a minister whom God has placed supernaturally in her life.  We will be talking about the hit movie Les Miserables and how it plays into today's now word for France. John Loewen was born in the Democratic Republic of the Congo to missionary parents, John was saved at the age of five.  John has served the Body of Christ in many capacities over the last twenty plus years, including working as a missionary in France, Germany, Benin, Guatemala, Haiti, and several other nations.  During his most recent missionary outreach to the nation of France, John saw over 40 people give their lives to the Lord, and planted a church in the city of Chantilly.  He served as Managing Editor of the Christian Event Journal, a Christian Newspaper in the Washington, D.C. area.   John serves the Lord in a variety of capacities, he operates in the gifts of faith, healing, prophecy and the words of knowledge and wisdom.  He is a published author and has ghost written and edited books for other known authors

  • Santa Catalina - 20 miles in the ocean and still in LA!!

    11/01/2013 Duration: 31min

    Join Ariel as she updates the listeners on what has been going on in her life since she was sovereignly sent to Catalina Island. She is still in Los Angeles the region the Father sent her to and now she is on an island! Call in for ministry or just to ask her questions.  

  • Immanuel - God Is With Us - Sonya brings forth God's Word

    04/01/2013 Duration: 58min

    Sonya P. Brundidge is a conference host, speaker, and Bible teacher.  Sonya is a Religion Guest Columnist for the Daily Press, where she is given the opportunity to openly share the Gospel with those who may not otherwise hear it. Sonya often hosts and co-hosts a weekly radio program with her pastor on the Oasis network, which is a network that broadcasts nationally. Sonya’s passion for God is joined by a deep compassion for people. Through her own brokenne  

  • Lost Angels

    21/07/2012 Duration: 18min

    Listen to Ariel as she discusses the short film that the Lord asked her to make.  She had no film training! The movie"Los Angels"  was produced and directed by Ariel. Learn how she "supernaturally" produced  this project.    Note:  It was selected for two film festivals and even one an award in the professional low budget category!      

  • A Voice for the Voiceless

    12/03/2012 Duration: 30min

       "A Voice for the Voiceless",     My mentor Apostle Esi will be bringing a vital piece of information to the body of Christ.  She will be sharing the heart of God on behalf of the thousands of young people in the prison system.

  • In My Father's House- New Year's Day (go to 7 min into show)

    01/01/2012 Duration: 28min

    Note:  TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES - Show did come through after roughly 7 minutes into broadcast!   Ariel will share on this important year of the Lord.

  • O Holy Night

    23/12/2011 Duration: 30min

    Ariel will talk about the feasts of the Lord, Hanukah, and Christmas. Learn how  all these "holidays"  all point to Jesus - the "gift" given by God to mankind!

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