Battles Of The First World War Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 126:42:46
  • More information



The Battles of the First World War Podcast is a new podcast that looks to go in-depth into the battles of the Great War of 1914-1918. The goal is to really go into the details of how and why these battles unfolded and happened as they did. In telling the narrative of these clashes we can revisit some of the stories of the men and women who lived, fought, and died during the first titanic struggle of the 20th Century, for these people have stories that deserve to be told.


  • Verdun - The Trench of Bayonets

    04/06/2018 Duration: 14min

    The story of the Trench of Bayonets.   The BFWWP is now on Patreon:   Any questions, comments or concerns please contact me through the website, or the Battles of the First World War Podcast page on FaceBook. We're also on Twitter! Follow us at @WW1podcast. Not into social media? Email me directly at Please consider reviewing the Battles of the consider reviewing the Battles of the First World War Podcast on iTunes. Thank you so much for taking the time to listen.

  • Verdun - Fury in the Desert

    28/05/2018 Duration: 38min

    With terrible losses and plummeting morale, the French 2nd Army strains to hold the Right Bank after the fall of Fort Vaux. The German 5th Army continues its attacks, focusing on the Ouvrage de Thaiumont - Fleury - Fort Souville ridge line just three miles northeast of Verdun.   In the blazing heat of June, the French and Germans fight desperately in the artillery-plowed lunar landscape. The French fight to hold the line. The Germans fight to break it.   The BFWWP is now on Patreon:   Any questions, comments or concerns please contact me through the website, or the Battles of the First World War Podcast page on FaceBook. We're also on Twitter! Follow us at @WW1podcast. Not into social media? Email me directly at Please consider reviewing the Battles of the consider reviewing the Battles of the First World War Podcast on iTunes. Thank you so much for taking the time to listen.

  • Verdun - Vaux

    21/05/2018 Duration: 26min

    With a new attack on the Right Bank at Verdun, the Germans surround and lay siege to Fort Vaux. But this fort, commanded by the tenacious Major Raynal, will not be surrendered as easily as Fort Douaumont. Raynal and the other poilus trapped inside the fort will put up an epic defense that will last five days.   The BFWWP is now on Patreon:   Any questions, comments or concerns please contact me through the website, or the Battles of the First World War Podcast page on FaceBook. We're also on Twitter! Follow us at @WW1podcast. Not into social media? Email me directly at Please consider reviewing the Battles of the consider reviewing the Battles of the First World War Podcast on iTunes. Thank you so much for taking the time to listen.

  • Verdun - Dogfights Over Death Ground

    13/05/2018 Duration: 26min

    While the Battle of Verdun raged on the ground, it raged in the sky as well. Control of the airspace over the battlefield shifted hands several times during the course of the fighting.   All of the famous pilots met and fought at Verdun: the great Guynemer, Navarre, Nungesser, the Lafayette Escadrille on the French side and  and the magnificent Oswald Boelcke as well. Planes dived, clashed and shot at each other over the trenches as the German and French air services fought for control of the skies.   The BFWWP is now on Patreon:   Any questions, comments or concerns please contact me through the website, or the Battles of the First World War Podcast page on FaceBook. We're also on Twitter! Follow us at @WW1podcast. Not into social media? Email me directly at Please consider reviewing the Battles of the consider reviewing the Battles of the First World War Podcast on iTunes. Thank you so much for ta

  • An Interview with 8000ft Media

    06/05/2018 Duration: 38min

    What an opportunity! Last week Mr. Ross Barnwell and Mr. Andy Robertshaw came on to the BFWWP to speak about their short film project, Beaumont-Hamel, and WW1 topics in general. What a conversation! Sadly the last three minutes were lost, which has put your host in a funk. Sigh.   Ross Barnwell is one of the two young entrepreneurs behind 8000ft Media, a media company that specializes in factually accurate historical storytelling. 8000ft Media also focuses on film and photography, creating virtual reality, audio, video gaming, Facebook Live talks & lectures, and Facebook advertising. Ross and his business partner Daniel Gandolfi are currently working on a short film titled Beaumont-Hamel, named after the infamous village on the 1916 Somme battlefield. The film will focus on the wartime cinematographer Geoffrey Malins’ experiences as he took 8,000ft of frontline footage on the Somme, the most famous of which is the explosion of the Hawthorn Ridge mine on the morning of the 1st of July, 1916.   Andrew Rober

  • Verdun - Back to the Right Bank

    29/04/2018 Duration: 37min

    With the capture of Hill 304 and le Mort Homme on the Left Bank, the Battle of Verdun shifts back to the Right Bank with a disastrous French attempt to retake Fort Douaumont and ensuing German attacks on the lines there. GEN Petain is promoted in order to have a more ideologically favorable General Robert Nivelle take over French efforts at Verdun. After the attempt to retake Douaumont by the French fails, the Crown Prince and his 5th Army press on with new attacks aimed at breaking through French lines. Fort Vaux is surrounded and cut off by the Germans.   The BFWWP is now on Patreon:   Any questions, comments or concerns please contact me through the website, or the Battles of the First World War Podcast page on FaceBook. We're also on Twitter! Follow us at @WW1podcast. Not into social media? Email me directly at Please consider reviewing the Battles of the consider reviewing the Battles of the Fi

  • Seicheprey - Cherry Blossoms in Spring

    15/04/2018 Duration: 48min

    Seicheprey is a little hamlet in the Woëvre, and in April of 1918 it was the scene of the first clash between the newly-arrived American Doughboys and the battle-hardened German soldier.   The Germans set out to teach the Americans a lesson: that they shouldn’t hope to tangle with the German soldier. In return the Americans, despite having a lot to learn, would teach a lesson or two of their own.   Having been overshadowed by titanic clashes elsewhere on the Western Front at the time, the Battle of Seicheprey was a stark and brutal introduction to the American Expeditionary Force of what modern industrial warfare was truly like.     The BFWWP is on Patreon:   Any questions, comments or concerns please contact me through the website, or the Battles of the First World War Podcast page on FaceBook. We're also on Twitter! Follow us at @WW1podcast. Not into social media? Email me directly at Please consi

  • Verdun - Firepower Kills

    15/04/2018 Duration: 31min

    The Battle of Verdun widens as the Germans now launch attacks on the Left Bank of the River Meuse.   The battles for le Mort Homme and Hill 304 rage as the French and Germans fight bitterly for every inch of ground.   The BFWWP is now on Patreon:   Any questions, comments or concerns please contact me through the website, or the Battles of the First World War Podcast page on FaceBook. We're also on Twitter! Follow us at @WW1podcast. Not into social media? Email me directly at Please consider reviewing the Battles of the consider reviewing the Battles of the First World War Podcast on iTunes. Thank you so much for taking the time to listen.

  • Seicheprey - Doughboys in the Woëvre

    08/04/2018 Duration: 28min

    In April of 1917 the United States of America formally entered the Great War on the Allied side.    As American Doughboys arrived in France, they would need training and mentoring to prepare for warfare on a scale hitherto unseen. American leadership was adamant however that they remain their own separate army with their own sector of the Western Front. In January 1918, the Americans took over part of the St. Mihiel Salient in the Woëvre, and the stage was set for the first encounter between the Germans and the Americans.   The BFWWP is on Patreon:   Any questions, comments or concerns please contact me through the website, or the Battles of the First World War Podcast page on FaceBook. We're also on Twitter! Follow us at @WW1podcast. Not into social media? Email me directly at Please consider reviewing the Battles of the First World War Podcast on iTunes.

  • Verdun - Metastasis

    01/04/2018 Duration: 32min

    The Battle of Verdun grinds forward as the Germans press their attack on broken French lines following the capture of Fort Douaumont. French Army leadership determines that the lines at Verdun will be held whatever the cost.     General Philippe Petain comes in as commander of French forces and resistance stiffens. The battlefield spreads as the Germans realize they will now need to attack the Left Bank of the Verdun Salient in order to secure their hard-won gains on the Right Bank.   The BFWWP is now on Patreon:   Any questions, comments or concerns please contact me through the website, or the Battles of the First World War Podcast page on FaceBook. We're also on Twitter! Follow us at @WW1podcast. Not into social media? Email me directly at Please consider reviewing the Battles of the consider reviewing the Battles of the First World War Podcast on iTunes. Thank you so much for taking the time to

  • Verdun - Durchbruch und Douaumont

    25/03/2018 Duration: 30min

    The Battle of Verdun of World War One opens in earnest. The German 5th Army pressed its offensive on the French Right Bank of the Verdun Salient following the opening barrage unleashed on  February 21st. Attacking steadily and overrunning French battle lines in the face of desperate but confused resistance, the Germans pushed the French back some two to three miles in the first week of the battle.   Disaster loomed for the French Army if their trench lines were to break. Then they did just that. And to make matters worse, the biggest fortress on the Western Front, Fort Douaumont, was captured by the Germans.   The BFWWP is now on Patreon:   Any questions, comments or concerns please contact me through the website, or the Battles of the First World War Podcast page on FaceBook. We're also on Twitter! Follow us at @WW1podcast. Not into social media? Email me directly at Please consider reviewing the B

  • Verdun - Judgment on the Meuse

    11/03/2018 Duration: 46min

    In this episode we’ll cover the first two days of the battle, from the barrage on the 21st through the defense of the Boise des Caures by LTC Emile Driant and his 56th and 59th Chasseurs a Pied.   On February 21st, 1916, nine days past schedule, the Germans opened their attack on Verdun on World War I’s Western Front with a massive artillery barrage of 1,200 guns. The bombardment pounded French Army positions within the Verdun Salient for eight hours before Crown Prince Wilhelm’s 5th Army launched its infantry attack on the Right Bank. Operation “Gericht”, and the Battle of Verdun, had begun.   The BFWWP is now on Patreon:   Any questions, comments or concerns please contact me through the website, or the Battles of the First World War Podcast page on FaceBook. We're also on Twitter! Follow us at @WW1podcast. Not into social media? Email me directly at Please consider reviewing the Battles of the co

  • Verdun - The Background and the Plan

    01/03/2018 Duration: 01h08min

    The Battle of Verdun has been likened to a “microcosm of the entire First World War in itself:” in 1916 over 10 months on an approximately 125-square mile battlefield the French and German armies poured in some 40,000,000 artillery shells in order for the Germans to push the frontline in 6 miles and for the French to later push it back 6 miles. The casualty count topped 700,000. At the end of the battle, like at the end of the war itself two years later, both the attacker and the defender were exhausted with no clear victory won or lost.   In this first episode we will explore the background and lead up to the battle, from the opening battles on the Western Front in 1914 to the bloody stalemate trench battles of 1915 and development of the German plan to attack the French at Verdun.   The BFWWP is now on Patreon:   Any questions, comments or concerns please contact me through the website, or the Battles of the First World W

  • Battle of Verdun Episodes Transfer Notice

    20/02/2018 Duration: 02min

    With the Battle of the Somme now complete, the Battle of Verdun Podcast will be shut down and all Verdun episodes will transfer over to the BFWWP. More admin details inside.   Any questions, comments or concerns please contact me through the website, or the Battles of the First World War Podcast page on FaceBook. We're also on Twitter! Follow us at @WW1podcast. Not into social media? Email me directly at Please consider reviewing the Battles of the First World War Podcast on iTunes.

  • Somme - The Aftermath

    12/02/2018 Duration: 32min

    What was the Battle of the Somme about? Was it worth it? In this final episode on the Somme, we’ll take a look at what was lost and what was gained in the mammoth clash of arms in Picardy in 1916.   We’ll also talk about future plans: mainly the next battle to be covered. Thank you so much for taking the time to listen, and we’ll be back in the trenches soon.   The BFWWP is now on Patreon:   Any questions, comments or concerns please contact me through the website, or the Battles of the First World War Podcast page on FaceBook. We're also on Twitter! Follow us at @WW1podcast. Not into social media? Email me directly at Please consider reviewing the Battles of the First World War Podcast on iTunes.

  • Somme - Adieu la Somme

    05/02/2018 Duration: 52min

    November 1916 saw the inevitable downshift and closing of operations by the Allies on the Somme. Local struggles continued, and the British still launched large attacks at Butte de Warlencourt and along the River Ancre. Only the onset of winter weather finally brought the titanic clash of arms to an end.   The BFWWP is now on Patreon:   Any questions, comments or concerns please contact me through the website, or the Battles of the First World War Podcast page on FaceBook. We're also on Twitter! Follow us at @WW1podcast. Not into social media? Email me directly at Please consider reviewing the Battles of the consider reviewing the Battles of the First World War Podcast on iTunes. Thank you so much for taking the time to listen.

  • Somme - October Slog

    25/01/2018 Duration: 55min

    October on the Somme saw four Allied field armies attacking the Germans in a sea of mud. Despite the efforts the battles that took place would be local ones with little territorial gain.   The BFWWP is now on Patreon:   Any questions, comments or concerns please contact me through the website, or the Battles of the First World War Podcast page on FaceBook. We're also on Twitter! Follow us at @WW1podcast. Not into social media? Email me directly at Please consider reviewing the Battles of the consider reviewing the Battles of the First World War Podcast on iTunes. Thank you so much for taking the time to listen.

  • Somme - Pirouettes over Picardy

    30/11/2017 Duration: 42min

    The air battle over the Somme in 1916 was as important as the massive struggle taking place on the shattered ground below, with the potential of the airplane ever expanding.   The BFWWP is now on Patreon:   Any questions, comments or concerns please contact me through the website, or the Battles of the First World War Podcast page on FaceBook. We're also on Twitter! Follow us at @WW1podcast. Not into social media? Email me directly at Please consider reviewing the Battles of the consider reviewing the Battles of the First World War Podcast on iTunes. Thank you so much for taking the time to listen.

  • Somme - A Tale of Two Vals, Part 2: Thiepval

    31/10/2017 Duration: 32min

    On September 26th, the final assault on Thiepval was carried out by the British Reserve Army. Mighty Fortress Thiepval fell, dealing a brutal blow to the German Army.   The BFWWP is now on Patreon:   Any questions, comments or concerns please contact me through the website, or the Battles of the First World War Podcast page on FaceBook. We're also on Twitter! Follow us at @WW1podcast. Not into social media? Email me directly at Please consider reviewing the Battles of the consider reviewing the Battles of the First World War Podcast on iTunes. Thank you so much for taking the time to listen.

  • Somme - A Tale of Two Vals, Part 1: Morval

    05/10/2017 Duration: 32min

    The village of Morval is the next domino to fall to the BEF on the Somme in the autumn of 1916. Lesboeufs, Combles, and Gueudecourt follow.   The BFWWP is now on Patreon:   Any questions, comments or concerns please contact me through the website, or the Battles of the First World War Podcast page on FaceBook. We're also on Twitter! Follow us at @WW1podcast. Not into social media? Email me directly at Please consider reviewing the Battles of the consider reviewing the Battles of the First World War Podcast on iTunes. Thank you so much for taking the time to listen.

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