Skeptics With A K



Skeptics with a K is the podcast for science, reason and critical thinking from the Merseyside Skeptics Society.


  • Episode #028


    Psychics, pets, infertility, vodka, caramel slices and Bisphenol A. Plus Vesuvius, Red Rum, swastikas and the world’s best ampersand joke. Featuring guest hosts Al and Harris! QED.

  • Episode #027


    More homeopathy (!), treating impotence, victimising Bosnians and permanent gastric fistulas. Diagnosed by passages from the Koran, it’s Skeptics with a K.

  • Episode #026


    Malaria condoms, Michael Jackson, Dastardly & Mutley and the Million Ghost March. Plus, psychics seeking privacy, the accidental serial killer and Rick Moranis. Ruining the case for the defence, it’s Skeptics with a K.

  • Special #005


    From the archives! Back in February, Marsh visited Radio 5 Live to talk about homeopathy shortly before the publication of Evidence Check 2: Homeopathy; and during the aftermath of our own 10:23 Campaign.

  • Episode #025


    Extended episode! Blasphemy in Pakistan, Jenkins in the Guardian, and homeopathy in parliament. Plus, Schrödinger’s Christ, Nelson’s Column, Marilyn Manson and woo in the workplace.

  • Episode #024


    “Don’t breathe on shit”; “I was addicted to pornography”; “He procured of the Devil a girdle”; “His head was given to a fish”; “The town of Cornwall, in England”; “He has to grow new feet”; “I’m angling for some free Pepsi”

  • Episode #023


    Acupuncture in Vietnam, ghosts and homeopathy, psychic pet detectives and the Man with the Golden Nose. Plus the horrors of the Evian factory, Ice Cream Man Lawyers and the Blessed Virgin Mary.

  • Special #004


    Marsh from ‘Skeptics with a K’ calls into BBC Radio Oxford to talk about psychics and psychic healers - including an encounter with “Energy Worker” Adrian Pengelly.

  • Episode #022


    Mice and the Mail; Voyager and Vista; Foxes and Fleas and; Homeopathy and Healing IBS.

  • Episode #021


    Batman and the Health Ranger; Iron Man and Wheatgrass Juice; the Pope and the Civil Service; Scotland and Cannibals; and Fizzy Drinks and Old Age.

  • Episode #020


    The Skeptics with a K discuss CRIMINON, skeptical limericks and speaking German aftera coma. Plus Pet Sematary, osteopaths and free falling from 18,000 ft.

  • Episode #019


    Sausages, bacon, black pudding, pig’s blood, swine flu and Peppa Pig. Plus wanding what ails you, frozen sea captains and an uncle named Olaf… Of course it’s Skeptics with a K!

  • Special #003 - Skeptics with a C


    Mike, Marsh and Colin return to talk about arrogant Darwinists, the Moral Compass and green children. Plus dolphin chi, matter transmitters and contacting Jesus - what else but Skeptics with a C?

  • Episode #018


    Abraham Lincoln, John F Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, Susan Miller, Patricia Martin, Peter Fisher, Edzard Ernst, Robert Mathie and Barabbas. All these people, plus Mike, Marsh, Colin and the British Hirsute Andrews - it’s Skeptics with a K!

  • Episode #017


    Homéopathes Français, Flat Earthers and the Old, Old, Very Old Man. With testicles both large and sound, it is Skeptics with a K.

  • Episode #016


    In this special episode of Skeptics with a K, recorded in front of a live audience at Liverpool Skeptics in the Pub, Mike, Marsh and Colin discuss the Liverpool Mind/Body/Spirit festival, Otto Von Bismark, dinner party guests and shooing away broken bones. Plus, a special bonus lecture from Marsh on PR and the Media.

  • Episode #015


    Clueless men, the scent of a woman, Gandhi’s glasses and logical fallacies. With two big mistakes to correct from last episode (whoops!) the guys return with a new episode of Skeptics with a K.

  • Episode #014


    The Health Ranger vs the Shorty Awards; electrohypersensitivity revisited, dinosaur names and flying to the moon using only water. Find out what the skeptics really believe in episode 14 of Skeptics with a K.

  • Episode #013


    Welcome to 2010. Mike, Marsh and Colin return to talk about Project Pterosaur, EFT, Ear Candling and the Man in the Iron Mask. Also, the latest news from the 10:23 Campaign.

  • Episode #012


    Mike looks back at some of the unused stories we recorded for Skeptics with a K this year. Featuring the LHC Sabotaging itself from the future, Guy the Space Clown and the film which claims homeopathy can cure autism.

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