Bent - Arts, Film, Books, Tv, Games, Awesome.



[CANCELLED] Kevin and Trevor riff on film, TV, games, and entertainment news. Archived for your enjoyment by spillway(radio)!


  • Watchmen review, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Terminator Salvation, and Star Trek

    07/03/2009 Duration: 41min

    Like the critical bastards they are, Kevin and Trevor went to the Watchmen midnight show on Friday and have reviewed the hell out of it. With May coming soon and bringing with it Terminator, Wolverine, and Star Trek, they discuss the new trailers for all three movies and make predictions about them. Kevin renames Malin Akerman ol' Tits-for-eyes, Trevor tells Internet hype to shove it, and both of them scream like girls. Respond to us at Next time: something awesome.

  • South Park returns, L Word ends, Dollhouse, Iron Man 2 and Riddick 3

    07/03/2009 Duration: 36min

    This week held lots of new stuff: Iron Man casting news, new info on Vin Diesel's Riddick franchise, the South Park season 13 premiere, the end of the series The L Word, and the overuse of the phrase "suck a bag of dicks." Also, the new Joss Whedon series Dollhouse is reviewed. And Sandy draws a bag of dicks. And a bagia o' labia. It's horrific. Email us at or chat on the website at

  • Oscar recap, Haruki Murakami, retconning, reductionism, and the Watchmen

    04/03/2009 Duration: 37min

    In this shorter episode of Bent, Kevin and Trevor recap the Oscars and bitch about--I mean, make informed critiques of--the mistakes the Academy made this year. Trevor talks about Japanese author Haruki Murakami, they reminisce about Firefly and talk about Serenity's retroactive continuity, and talk a bit about reductionism in adapting film from literature--all the while getting excited for Watchmen. Next time: Watchmen review.

  • Slither, Christopher Moore, Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter, and Oscar prebuzz

    13/02/2009 Duration: 48min

    In Bent's first episode, Trevor and Kevin riff on 2006's Slither, Christopher Moore books, Ottawa-based independent cult film Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter, and whether or not the Oscars matter. Next time: Firefly, Serenity, and retconning; Murakami novels; Watchmen, reductionism and film adaptations.

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