Bent - Arts, Film, Books, Tv, Games, Awesome.



[CANCELLED] Kevin and Trevor riff on film, TV, games, and entertainment news. Archived for your enjoyment by spillway(radio)!


  • DrunkCast

    14/09/2010 Duration: 01h30min

    LATE. The boys drink up, talk about ComicCon, and review Inception.

  • A Quiver-full of Bad Ideas

    13/06/2010 Duration: 01h16min

    What do James McAvoy, Megan Fox, and Spider-Man all have in common? There isn't a single good idea amongst them. Oh, and Trevor reviews Robin Hood.

  • Minus Lovable Smart

    22/05/2010 Duration: 01h10min

    Trevor chimes in on Spartacus, the boys take a can opener to Iron Man 2, and give early impressions of Fallout: New Vegas.

  • Blood, Sand, and Boobies

    02/05/2010 Duration: 45min

    The boys settle in to rag on Apple and how it's freaking everywhere. They also discuss the new season of Spike's Deadliest Warrior, and give a quick review of Spartacus: Blood and Sand. They also run through their playlists and ask the pointed question, "what the hell is a triangle?"

  • Enough With Johnny Depp Already

    02/05/2010 Duration: 31min

    After eons sailing the cosmos, Kev and Trevor return to tear down Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland with extreme prejudice. Also, Kevin reviews Kick-Ass and is threatened with ass-kickery if he offers spoilers.

  • Shirtless Dog Boys

    15/01/2010 Duration: 01h09min

    In this most excellent return, Kev sacks up to see Twilight: New Moon, and Trevor loses his mind in a battle with Atari over Ghostbusters: The Video Game. Also: New Format! New Website! Awesomeness!

  • Harry Potter and the Magical Contraceptive

    10/08/2009 Duration: 46min

    Originally recorded July 20, 2009. It's all about the witches and switches as we review Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Now, what would these shag-happy young wizards use for contraceptives? Magical sheaths? Certainly not Trojans. Send us your ideas at or post them up on

  • Torchwood: Children of Earth and Prince of Persia

    10/08/2009 Duration: 38min

    Originally recorded July 20, 2009. Honestly, what is up with British television? Torchwood: Children of Earth gives us yet another reason to want Russel T. Davies to step in front of a bus. Or at least stop writing for television. Also, we wonder whether or not Prince of Persia will break the trend of shitty video game adaptations. Our thoughts: no.

  • Funny People and Orphan reviewed!

    10/08/2009 Duration: 41min

    We're on time again! This week, we review Judd Apatow's latest comedy Funny People and the horror-slasher-flick Orphan.

  • Entourage season 6, Green Lantern, and Thor

    28/07/2009 Duration: 40min

    Entourage returns to wow us with celebrity lifestyle stuff. Real-world celebrities Ryan Reynolds, Natalie Portman, and Kenneth Branagh get in deep with superhero movies as Trevor geeks out about the recent Green Lantern announcement. This episode was recorded a while ago and we've been slack in getting it up.

  • Comic-con roundup, Matrix Online goes offline, and postapocalyptic gets popular

    28/07/2009 Duration: 46min

    We run amok with news from Comic-con! We talk about the Iron Man 2 panel, Avatar, and The Book of Eli. Sony Online closes the Matrix Online, but a whole bunch of MMOs are ready to take its place! Also, post-apocalyptic seems to be the name of the game in movies and games with titles like Fury Road, Borderlands, Fallen Earth, Fallout: New Vegas, and STALKER: Call of Pripyat.

  • GameDamage and Transformers 2 review

    21/07/2009 Duration: 40min

    Transformers 2 delivers stompy robots and Bayhem, but also racism and disappointment. We also retrospectively review the GameDamage pilot and talk about this upcoming Australian series' future.

  • Hung, True Blood, and games get physical

    21/07/2009 Duration: 44min

    A show about bitey nekkid Southern vampires and one about a guy with a massive dong. Kev tries to vice-grip Anna Paquin's teeth together, Trevor threatens electricity and spikes on Southern accents, and we throw back to our E3 podcast to keep talking about game controllers. Is the future in Microsoft's Natal, Nintendo's Wii, or Sony's bastard lovechild of the two? Also, our listeners gave us some ideas about what to do with all those dead bears.

  • The Hangover, Year One, and nine dead bears

    25/06/2009 Duration: 30min

    Our heroes review two new comedies this week, Year One (Jack Black and Michael Cera) and the Hangover. They also get attacked by many, many black bears. What should we do with nine dead bears? Let us know at, in our CBox at or on Facebook.

  • Up 3D, Through Black Spruce, and Terminator: Salvation

    20/06/2009 Duration: 57min

    We get together once again to talk about Pixar's Up and 3D in general. Trevor reviews a book in which a dude makes friends with a bear (amongst other things). Finally, we talk about Terminator: Salvation and how Sam Worthingtom totally showed up Christian Bale and Moon Bloodgood's tits showed up everyone.

  • Star Trek review, Duke Nukem bullshit, and other silliness

    23/05/2009 Duration: 59min

    In our first Skyped podcast, veteran Trekker Chris joins us to review JJ Abrams' Star Trek. We also discuss the $12M lawsuit against 3D Realms, make buttsex jokes about the new Fallout DLC Mothership Zeta, and recap what has actually been cancelled for the new TV season. Castle's back, so Trevor is happy. Be warned: this episode runs a little long.

  • Unusuals, Star Trek: Countdown, and legal shit goes bananas

    18/04/2009 Duration: 44min

    The boys get their Trek on and review the Countdown trade paperback, arguing about writing, canon, and the next movie. We spool through the legal bananas of Sweden convicting the Pirate Bay founders, Bethesda suing Interplay over their license to the Fallout intellectual property, and YouTube partnering with movie studios to provide free streaming movies while Viacom sues the crap out of them. Visit the website at! Email us at or check us out on Facebook.

  • Chuck finale and Being On the Bubble

    18/04/2009 Duration: 54min

    What shows are going to get cancelled? Which shows are going to get renewed? And which ones are we going to bitchslap? We talk about the Sarah Conner Chronicles, Chuck, Dollhouse, Unusuals, Castle, Cold Squad/Case, and Southland. Almost like a season recap, isn't it? Also, we sample some censorship and take a look at the Chuck season finale in order to make some predictions about where it's going next season.

  • Wolverine psychic review, Star Trek eats cake, and the Gaming Renaissance

    04/04/2009 Duration: 43min

    Kevin has become a psychic and psychically reviews the newly leaked Wolverine movie. Psychically. He didn't watch it or anything like that. Trevor goes back on his word to stop reading what rabid fans write about Star Trek XI online and discusses the studio's attempt to do too much. Finally, we watch Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw's closing speech at last year's GCAP and talk about the idea of a gaming renaissance and video games as art. Check out all the additional content at! You can also email Bent at

  • I Love You Man, Castle, Stargate: Universe, and some games

    27/03/2009 Duration: 45min

    This week, we get our game on and talk about Max Payne 3 and Fallout 3's DLC expansion "The Pit." Then it's on to TV with Castle, starring Nathan Fillion, ragging on BSG, and the upcoming Stargate: Universe. Finally, we round it out with a slice of movie pie and dish up a review of I Love You, Man. We're calling for audience participation: Why is Kevin a dick? Come up with something awesome and hit us at, on Facebook, or at

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