Pastor Scott Henry Sermons



Pastor Scott Henry Sermons


  • Faith Promise - Invoking the Power of Jesus - Audio

    31/07/2012 Duration: 2623h00s

    Special Speaker Rev. Mark Hoobler-Missionary to Africa preaches a powerful sermon on invoking (acting in faith) with the Power of Jesus and not our own. He was our "Faith Promise" speaker and you will enjoy him. Back to "The Connection Series" next week. BTGLW! James 4:15.

  • THe Connection Series-Honor Parents/Daily Bread - Audio

    22/07/2012 Duration: 1879h00s

    Latest sermon in The Connection Series exploring the connection between the 10 Commandments and the Lord's Prayer. Sermon 7 - Step 5 a- Step 5 will be 2 parts. This sermon deals with connection between the command "honor your father & mother" & "give us this day our daily bread."

  • Remember the Sabbath / Thy Kingdom come - Audio

    08/07/2012 Duration: 2858h00s

    The Connection Series continues exploring the connection between the 10 Commandments & The Lord's Prayer. This is Sermon 6-Step 4- Dealing with the 4th command Remember the Sabbath to keep it holy & "Thy Kingdom come...Thy will be done...."

  • The Connection Series Step 3- Honor His Name - Audio

    01/07/2012 Duration: 2528h00s

    Step 3 (Sermon 5) of the Connection Series. Exaiming the connection between The 10 Commandments & the Lord's Prayer. Not take Lord's Name in vain & Hallowed be Thy Name. The importance of honoring God's Name is looked at.

  • In the Heavens- No graven images - Audio

    24/06/2012 Duration: 2587h00s

    The Connection Series between the 10 commandments & the Lord's Prayer. This is the 4th sermon in the series and it deals with the phrase "Who art in Heaven & No graven Images". It deals with how very close God is at all times to His children.

  • No other gods before Me/Our Father - The Connection Sermon 3 - Audio

    17/06/2012 Duration: 2056h00s

    No other gods before Me & Our Father. Sermon 3 in the "Connection" Series that explores the connection between the 10 commandments & the Lord's prayer. This is step 1 Looking at the first commandment & Our Father.

  • Lord, teach us to pray - Audio

    10/06/2012 Duration: 2326h00s

    2nd sermon in the Series the Connection (between the 10 commandments & the Lord's Prayer). General overview of what it takes for success in prayer life. The Priority, Pattern, Persistance, & Power of Prayer.

  • The Wedding at Sinai - Introduction to the Connection - Audio

    03/06/2012 Duration: 2203h00s

    The launch sermon of the New Series "The Connection". Exploring the Divine Connection between the 10 Commandments & The Lord's Prayer. I beleive the Lord's Prayer reflects the 10 Commandments in prayer form. This sermon shows how the 10 Commandments are wedding vows (such as the Jewish Wedding Ketubah) and not just a bunch of "do's & don'ts".

  • "As They Went" - Audio

    20/05/2012 Duration: 1788h00s

    A sermon about how God honors our faith and then we must put it into action and of course this leads to praise to Our Heavenly Father.

  • The Weight/Wait of Glory-Sermon 2-"Wait" of Glory - Audio

    06/05/2012 Duration: 2534h00s

    Sermon #2 of the 2 part "Weight/Wait" of Glory Series. Waiting for Heaven is not always easy. What makes waiting hard and what shall we do "while we wait"?

  • The Weight/Wait of Glory - Audio

    29/04/2012 Duration: 2335h00s

    A sermon on the "weighty" glory of the Lord and our response to it. We can reflect it or run from it. Many have tried to take it for themselves but at great cost! Sermon next week will be: "The Wait" of Glory...

  • Remembering Jo Pulsifer - Audio

    25/04/2012 Duration: 4042h00s

    Archive sermon. Close to the 6th Anniversary of the death of good friend Jo Pulsifer, LaMoure, ND. Here recorded from 2006 a Sunday Morning Tribute Service where several from LaMoure COTN share their memories about Jo. Pastor Scott says a few words. Miss you Jo!

  • You can't go home- David's well at Bethlehem - Audio

    15/04/2012 Duration: 2290h00s

    Reflections on a recent trip I made "home" to Tennessee. David's mighty men that got him a drink from the well in Bethlehem, spoke of David longing to have things be the way they used to be - simple. We struggle with this sometimes too.

  • Son of Man - Audio

    01/04/2012 Duration: 2475h00s

    Palm Sunday Sermon. "Hosanna" has different implications than one might have heard. How Jesus is the new "Ben-Adam"- "Son of Man" and He requires us to accept His forgiveness and also to forgive others.

  • Praise the Name-Baruch HaShem - Audio

    25/03/2012 Duration: 1552h00s

    I've been gone for 2 Sundays on vacation. Back now. Sorry. This sermon is about the power of the Name of God. How it still has power to heal both physically & more important spiritually.

  • Moving the Ancient Landmarks Sermon 3 - Government - Audio

    26/02/2012 Duration: 3426h00s

    Sermon 3 of "Moving Ancient LandMarks" focusing on how the Government has moved many of the border stones that our Founders had put into place for good reason.

  • Moving Ancient Landmarks & Boundary Markers Sermon 2- The Church - Audio

    19/02/2012 Duration: 2469h00s

    Second Sermon Series of "Moving the Ancient Landmarks" Here we look at how the Church has at times been guility of trying to move the landmarks, the biggest of which is integrity to God's Word.

  • Moving the Ancient Landmarks & Border Stones - Audio

    12/02/2012 Duration: 3422h00s

    Recent events signal the need for the raised awareness of the fact that several institutions are trying to change what has been a good and even Godly standard over the years- much to our nations peril. Sermon #1 of this Series concerning marriage and when life begins.

  • Fire and Flood I am with you - Audio

    05/02/2012 Duration: 2566h00s

    These are troublesome times. As believers in Jesus Christ we need to be reminded that Jesus is with us all the time. Through whatever is going on He will be with us...through "Fire" & "Flood" as a matter of fact, He calls us to them!

  • Loving & Giving Part 2 - Seed & Bread - Audio

    22/01/2012 Duration: 3056h00s

    Part 2 Series "Loving & Giving" Paul in 2 Cor. 9 gives instuctions on how God blesses us and how to use it.

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