Im Network



Illuminations Media (IM) Network is dedicated to inspire its audience to make the most of every moment of life! Perspectives of our ever changing world are all considered.


  • The Scars of Eden: with Paul Anthony Wallis

    16/06/2021 Duration: 59min

    *Warning: Get ready to get your mind blown wide open enough to inspire you to do your own research! This is the second fascinating trip down the rabbit hole with author Paul Wallis. Our first interview was about his groundbreaking book Escaping from Eden, entitled The Bible, ET and US. This time our conversation is about his new book The Scars of Eden, we discuss the uncomfortable reality that many world religions may be based in cargo cult worship (workship); formed around E.T. Astronauts perpetrating as gods in our ancient past. Paul insightfully identifies how the teachings of Yeshua (also known as the Christ) were hijacked, politicized and turned into a slave religion for the state. We also discuss his research into what happens to consciousness after death, the meaning of life and the deeper, yet often misunderstood wisdom within the teachings of the apostle Paul, and Plato. Peace & Blessings, Tamara

  • True American History with Kurimeo

    09/06/2021 Duration: 58min

    In this interview Kurimeo and I discuss the hidden history of America: The importance of genealogy, who Americans really are, the true identity of Black Americans, the Slave trade that went both ways, the hidden identity of the Portuguese and Spanish Jews and Moors, how ancient America set up colonies around the globe and the European people who help colonized the world, and the Biblical landscape of America. I also discuss the importance of understanding our ancestry beyond the historical aspect. But, with the understanding that in order to heal the deeply programmed wounds inherited from our ancestral DNA, we must learn about their struggles and triumphs. I believe if we get a handle on who we really are, as a blended people of many backgrounds we can heal the isms that keep us divided. Think of the trauma experienced in the body and mind of the slave who was brutalizes by another human being. I see this equally as traumatizing to the psyche of the one who perpetrated the brutality against another human

  • The Secret Power of KRST Consciousness: The Father Son Within You

    02/06/2021 Duration: 13min

    Enjoy this interesting deep dive into the redeeming KRST power within you. No mediator needed just you and the Divine Source of All Creation who loves you! Peace & Blessings, Tamara    

  • The Pruning Shears Technique: Deliberate Future Creation

    26/05/2021 Duration: 10min

    Let go of fear and doubt! The best way to predict your future is to create it! This is one of the best deliberate creation techniques powered by that wonderful KRST Consciousness operating within you! Pruning Shears Visualization Technique in 4 easy steps 1. Analyze your day.  2. Edit out each thing you wish had happened differently.  3. Replace it with a scenario that you would prefer.  4. Rehearse until it feels natural. The more natural your revisions feel and the more you rehearse them into the subconscious mind, the sooner you release limiting interference patterns; such as fear, doubt, regret etc. about yourself the world and your ability to be your best! * Note this is not about relinquishing responsibility, or ignoring the truth about personal mistakes and injustices in the world. This is about True personal repentance for mis-steps as well as true forgiveness of the mis-steps of others. Allowing you to remove negative Energy that can keep you stuck in the past. Adapted from Neville Goddard

  • Visualization the key to making the right choice everytime!

    19/05/2021 Duration: 18min

    In this episode, I share a download that speaks to the times we're in. Not only do I reveal my choice to embrace my silver crown, but I also discuss one of our most important powers; How to use visualization to activate your Divine nature and make the right choice every time!  Peace & Blessings,  Tamara

  • Beware of 7 Attitudes that Sabotage Hypnotherapy Success

    12/05/2021 Duration: 14min

    Listen and learn how to get the best results in your Hypnotherapy sessions by avoiding the 7 common attitudes that sabotage your success. Best tip! Let go and enjoy the ride! Hypnosis is meant to be fun! The most important benefits are learning how to focus your attention, creatively visualizing your achieved outcome (already done), rehearsing the experience until it feels natural, living your life as you will when it is done and feeling good about it. Peace & Blessings, Tamara

  • The Truth about Hypnosis and why you should be using it in your life

    05/05/2021 Duration: 32min

    In this episode, you'll learn the truth about Hypnosis: Why it has been used for thousands of years, why successful people use it today, and how you can change your life with its power. Hypnosis reduces stress, increases emotional well-being, decreases depression and anxiety, enhance self-esteem, improve concentration, focus, and learning, increases memory, increases self-awareness , elevates mood and increases happiness , slows down aging, strengthens the immune system, reduces inflammation, and improves pain management. Peace & Blessings, Tamara  

  • E.T. the Bible and US with Paul Anthony Wallis

    28/04/2021 Duration: 48min

    *Content Advisory* if you’re not ready to look at perhaps some of your most cherished beliefs with a critical lens, you may not want to hear this interview. It could upset you, just saying.* My guest is Paul Anthony Wallis is a popular speaker, researcher, and author of books on spirituality and mysticism. His work probes the world's mythologies for their insight into human origins and human potential. Paul is also a healing practitioner and has worked as a theological educator, training pastors in the interpretation of texts, and as an Archdeacon for the Anglican (Episcopal) church in Australia. Paul's books include "My Dinner with Anton" (2010 & 2000) "The New Monastic" (2009) "Be Thou My Breastplate" (2009) and "Men Behaving Boldly" (1998).  He is a regular contributor to The Paranormal Chronicles magazine and The 5th Kind TV in collaboration with GAIA TV. He grew up in England, studied in the UK, Italy, and Brazil, had a home for ten years in Canada, and now lives with his young family in Canberra,

  • Busting the Chemical Imbalance Myth with Dr. Jerry Marzinsky

    10/01/2019 Duration: 30min

    Our guest Dr.Jerry Marzinsky has spent thirty years practicing Psychiatry in the Hospital and Prison Systems. We discuss the theory known as The Chemical Imbalance associated with Depression, Schizophrenia, and other so-called mental disorders, the barbaric history of Psychiatry, and the erroneous theories responsible for unnecessary pain and suffering of countless men, women, and children worldwide. Learn more about Jerry’s work at Contact Host Tamara at http;// Listen to our previous interview at Are Your Thoughts Being Hacked? with Jerry Marzinsky Watch the entire interview at http;//

  • Learn the Art and Science of Sound Healing

    03/01/2019 Duration: 30min

    This is the first half of a fascinating, in-depth interview with my colleague Leigh Spusta. Leigh is an accomplished Hypnotherapist and talented sound engineer.  We chat about the various aspects of sound healing; Bi-neural beats, Solfeggio, vibrational resonance, brainwave technology, the history and science behind sound, as well as ways you can benefit your mind, body, and spirit with tonal music. Watch the interview in its entirety on my YouTube channel; Contact: Leigh Spusta Tamara Westwood

  • Who Are You Being?

    25/11/2018 Duration: 07min

      This is the first in my Deep Download Series of short to the point commentaries exploring simple yet overlooked aspects of living a full and satisfying life. YOUR LIFE IS A MIRROR REFLECTION OF WHO YOU BELIEVE YOU ARE! The success and or satisfaction of any goal or endeavor is completely and totally dependent upon who you are being at the time. All endeavors can only reflect who you are... Simply because your vibrational frequency is all over it. Your subconscious mind and the law of attraction can only demonstrate the measure of who you are in any given moment. Peace & Blessings, Tamara  

  • Let's Go Beyond Hypnosis with Tamara Westwood CHt.

    01/11/2018 Duration: 33min

    In this interview, Psychic Jason Zuke interviews me, Tamara Westwood about Beyond Hypnosis and the Law of Attraction. It was fun to take the hot seat for a change and get interviewed about my life mission as a change agent, Hypnotherapist and Spiritual life coach. Topics Discussed: Let’s face it, we all face challenges in our day to day lives, and it can be hard to cope. Many turn to scripture, social activities, and politics for answers, while others turn to substances in order to just escape life's problems. But, the truth is, the answer to all life's troubles is nearer than your hands and feet, in fact, it’s right within you. Your own mind, which consists of your, thoughts, beliefs, emotions and the feelings you hold about yourself and your environment. In this interview, I point to the Law and the Promise that is hidden in every spiritual text known to man.   1.   The Law and the promise 2.   Connection between the Subconscious and  the Law of Attraction 3.   The Steps of Manifestation  4.   Interf

  • Death is Nothing To Fear: News From The Otherside with Psychic Jason Zuke

    25/10/2018 Duration: 33min

    Listen to this uplifting interview with Hypnotherapist  Tamara Westwood and Intuitive Psychic Medium Jason M. Ciofalo d/b/a Jason Zuk. Jason adopted the pseudonym "Jason Zuk" in honor of his grandfather whose death inspired him on his spiritual path.   When Jason's grandfather passed away in August 2004, he developed his intuitive abilities and realized that he possesses the ability to communicate with the other side.  Since that time, Jason has read for hundreds of people and he has learned that our deceased loved ones tend to remain with us after they cross over to the other side.   Common Jason Shares about death : (1) Time does not exist on the other side. (2) Death itself represents a peaceful process wherein the body creates a protective energy "cocoon" around the soul which safeguards the soul on its journey to the spiritual realm. (3) Most people do not realize that they have passed on until a close relative of theirs who has predeceased them greets them on the other side for the first time. (4)

  • Becoming The Light with Vivianne Nantel

    18/10/2018 Duration: 01h23min

     Listen to this inspiring interview with Vivianne Nantel, a 21st century mystic and spiritual guide who overcame an abusive childhood, deep depression, advanced cancer and even a brush with death by harnessing the power of yoga and her own spiritual energy. She’s studied with Sadhguru, the Dalai Lama, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and Yogiraj Gurunath, and became a gifted teacher on her own. Her new book, Becoming the Light: Realize Your True Enlightenment Nature (Greenleaf Book Group Press, August 2018), chronicles her incredible story. Based in California, she’s also a  humanitarian, speaker, animal advocate, vocalist and also has appeared on various television talk shows, including Earth Advocate and Bridging Heaven and Earth. Watch the entire interview at Peace & Blessings, Tamara Westwood your host Learn more: Vivianne Nantel (Devi) at  Tamara Westwood at  

  • How We Lie to Ourselves and How to Stop with Dr. Ellen Kenner

    20/09/2018 Duration: 29min

    The Rational Basis of Happiness® with Dr. Ellen Kenner. Dr. Ellen is a clinical psychologist and co-author of the selfish path to romance. Each week Dr. Ellen answers questions from listeners on a range of personal issues (e.g., family, parenting, work issues) This week's topics: How to stop lying to yourself and change your lifeCognitive therapy for substance abuse - A short interview with Dr. Cory NewmanThe art of Compromise without losing yourself Contact Dr. Ellen: (877) DRKENNER

  • Freedom is Your Birthright with Dr. Dravon James

    13/09/2018 Duration: 31min

      According to motivational speaker, Dr. Dravon James the most effective tool for transforming, creating and building a spectacular life is tapping into Everyday Peace. In this soulful interview with Dr. James, you will learn strategies for taking your freedom back through Everyday Peace found in her new book Freedom Is Your Birthright. Engage in honest, bare-naked introspection for the clarity to find your way out of the emotional mess you’re in. Relinquish your right to be bitter. Lean into conflict to strengthen your relationships. Explore new ways to experience happiness without the other. Break Free of Perfectionism Become sensitive to the internal signals that seek to keep us on the path of freedom. Embrace the social awkwardness of making the choice to give up negative talking and attract people that inspired you. Contact: Guest: Dr. Dravon James- Host: Tamara Westwood-  

  • Return of the Golden Age and the Bible with Edward Malkowski

    30/08/2018 Duration: 34min

    This is an interesting conversation with Edward F. Malkowski author of  Return of the Golden Age: Ancient History and the Key to Our Collective Future with a special interest in the rise of civilization, philosophy, and the development of ancient religious beliefs. We consider the idea that ancient biblical stories in Genesis were based on historical events, during the late 1990's Edward began investigating the possible archeological and historical evidence that inspired the earliest mythologies found in the biblical Genesis. This led to his first book Sons of God - Daughters of Men: Genesis, a Clash of Cultures, which inspired interest in the megalithic monuments of Egypt's Old Kingdom, and the philosophical influence Egyptian culture exerted on the ancient world. Two more books were the result: Before the Pharaohs: Egypt’s Mysterious Prehistory, and The Spiritual Technology of Ancient Egypt: Sacred Science and the Mystery of Consciousness.  From his travels in Egypt his fourth book, Ancient Egypt 39,000 BC

  • Pt 2. The Law and the Promise: The Ancient Technology of Prayer

    23/08/2018 Duration: 31min

    Pt 2. The Law and the Promise: The Ancient Technology of Prayer  Imagine a world that works for everyone: Understanding the law of attraction according to scripture and applying it in your life.  In this series of episodes host and executive producer Tamara shares an inspiring spiritual download that may clarify some confusion about the Law of Attraction and how to apply it in everyday life. This download has resulted from years of study analysis of the teachings of Neville Goddard, Ernest Holmes, Rev, Micheal Beckwith and more recently Rev Ike. It is Tamara's earnest hope that this sharing inspires each and everyone who listens, to find a renewed appreciation for the Bible, as well as the revered texts of other spiritual traditions. Truths hidden in plain sight are being revealed now as we become ready to use them with wisdom. Peace & Blessings, The Illuminations Media Network Contact Tamara at  

  • Pt 1. The Law and the Promise: The Ancient Technology of Prayer

    16/08/2018 Duration: 27min

    Pt 1. The Law and the Promise: The Ancient Technology of Prayer Imagine a world that works for everyone: Understanding the  law of attraction according to scripture and applying it in your life.  In this series of episodes host and executive producer Tamara shares an inspiring spiritual download that may clarify some confusion about the Law of Attraction and how to apply it in everyday life. This download has resulted from years of study analysis of the teachings of Neville Goddard, Ernest Holmes, Rev, Micheal Beckwith and more recently Rev Ike. It is Tamara's earnest hope that this sharing inspires each and everyone who listens, to find a renewed appreciation for the Bible, as well as the revered texts of other spiritual traditions. Truths hidden in plain sight are being revealed now as we become ready to use them with wisdom. Peace & Blessings, The Illuminations Media Network Contact Tamara at    

  • Big Sex Lies, Parenting and Infidelity Fixes with Dr. Ellen Kenner

    07/08/2018 Duration: 14min

    The Rational Basis of Happiness® with Dr. Ellen Kenner. Dr. Ellen is a clinical psychologist and co-author of the selfish path to romance. Each week Dr. Ellen answers questions from listeners on a range of personal issues (e.g., family, parenting, work issues) This week's topics: Parenting, Romance, Abuse 1-It's never too late to fix parenting mistakes. 2-Why most sex problems are relationship problems. 3-Signs of abuse. Repairing Infidelity How to rebuild your relationship if you discover your partner has had an affair - a short interview with Dr. Tiffany Kisler  Contact Dr. Ellen: (877) DRKENNER

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