Cash Car Convert



Are you tired of auto debt. This podcast is dedicated to educating and inspiring people like you to drive cash cars and kick auto debt to the curb. Helping people invest in themselves, not things.


  • CCC043: The Question Behind the Question (QBQ) with John G. Miller

    15/09/2014 Duration: 36min

    John G. Miller is the author of QBQ! The Question Behind the Question, Flipping the Switch: Unleash the Power of Personal Accountability, Outstanding! 47 Ways to Make Your Organization Exceptional and co-author of Parenting the QBQ Way. He is founder of QBQ, Inc., an organizational development firm based in Colorado dedicated to “Helping Organizations Make Personal Accountability a Core Value.” A 1980 graduate of Cornell University, John has been involved in the training and speaking industry since 1986. He lives in Denver, Colorado with his wife, Karen. They have seven children and three grandchildren. What is “QBQ!”? Ever heard lousy questions like these? “Why do we have to go through all this change?”“When is someone going to train me?”“Why can’t we find good people?”“When will that department do its job right?”“Who dropped the ball?”“Why don’t they communicate better?”“Who’s going to solve the problem?” If so, then “Personal Accountability and the QBQ!” is right for your organization. The Question Behind

  • CCC042: Don't Fail the Test

    08/09/2014 Duration: 32min

    In this episode of the Cash Car Convert podcast I will recount a conversation I had with a business hardware leasing representative, review an instance commercial, and discuss the Stanford Marshmallow Test. I spoke to a leasing representative this week and talked to him about how he bought cars. It was an interesting discussion and I was surprised to find how he bought his cars. No, it wasn't leasing. He buys his cars by allowing dealers to respond to bid request. He started with 40 dealers. He finally got his car after much time and effort. He bought a $52,000 dollar car for $38,000. Saving him $14,000 in the process. The amount of work involved to do this leads me to believe it isn't something everyone can do or would do, but it worked for him. I was watching the Velocity Channel this past week and saw an interesting commercial. It was for Liberty Mutual Insurance. The car commercial started with a guy taking about buying a $40,000 car and it being t-boned by a minivan. He was $37,000 offered by insurance c

  • CCC041: Life Happens

    31/08/2014 Duration: 26min

    Life happens to all of us. Two weeks ago I attend a funeral for my wife's grandfather. This week, I became a grandfather. It can all happen fast. Many people live their lives as though nothing in their life was going to change. They have an expectation of perfection in their lives that just doesn't exist. A major life event will happen to all of us at some point in the future. Will it be in the next six months or 10 years. I don't know and neither do you. That is why it is so important for you to be prepared. Live on less than you make. Make sure you are putting money away for the future and not spending your future earnings on things you buy today. Prepare yourself for the future. You can't be prepared for everything, but to be prepared for nothing is asking for trouble. If you don't have an emergency fund, you will turn to credit cards, family and friends, and if those run out to pay day or title loan companies. This is happening to far too many people. Thousands lose their cars due to these types of loans.

  • CCC040 What's Your Legacy?

    23/08/2014 Duration: 34min

    Last week, I attended my wife's grandfather's funeral. Next week, I'm expecting my first grandson. It put me in mind to think about my legacy. I hope my legacy is that I will have created a cash car revolution. That my audience will grow. I will be covered by local and national media and my message spreads. I will give a TED talk, because I have an idea worth spreading. It also made me think about the legacy of my listeners. Are you leaving the legacy you want to? If not, what would you change? I would encourage you to dump debt and leave a legacy of living responsibly and the freedom that it brings. I took the ALS Ice Bucket challenge this past week. I challenged three of my friends to the challenge as well. Ellory Wells, Steve Stewart, and Jared Easly. I would entourage you to check out the cause and make your own donation big or small. Whatever you can afford. I also moderated a great panel on how to land amazing guests on your podcast at the Podcast Movement conference  this past weekend. The other paneli

  • CCC039: Be the Hero of Your Own Story

    08/08/2014 Duration: 48min

    I want you to be the hero of your own story. Why you ask? No one is coming to rescue you, that's why. Not the lottery, not a millionaire, not a family member, and not the government. In the last 5 years the economic down turn has caused most american families to feel less certain about their future. No only their future, but also that of their children. With the majority believing that their children will not have the same or better lifestyle then them. I encourage listeners to come and meet me at the Podcast Movement and Fincon 14. I also share information about Podertainment Podcast Magazine and my feature resulting in my being on the cover. Last but not least, I encourage listeners to vote for the Cash Car Convert podcast as the best personal finance podcast in 2014.

  • CCC038: Debt in America and The Real Unemployment Rate

    03/08/2014 Duration: 34min

    So many topics to cover this week. I apologize for missing a week on my podcast. A friend who lost their job had their car repossessed. The Urban Institute publishes a report on Debt in America. This report shows that 91 percent of the population in the United States has a credit score. Of those 35% have at least one account in collection. Seriously! Also discussed is the really unemployment number for the United States based on an article by Peter Morici in the Washington Times. While unemployment stands at 6.1% according to the Labor Department, based number of factors a case could be made for real unemployment being at least 18%. A relay the story of how proper savings has led one friend to smile continuously while discussion her retirement. I discuss how making a small change in your life can have a major impact. I encourage listeners to come and meet me at the Podcast Movement and Fincon 14. I also share information about Podertainment Podcast Magazine and my feature resulting in my being on the c

  • CCC037: Be a Person of Excellence

    18/07/2014 Duration: 29min

    This episode will be about being a person of excellence. Back in February on Cash Car Convert episode 12, I had some friends who were going to buy a newer car to get one that would have better gas milage and have a nice long warranty. I don’t know what the car payments would have been, but they decided not to buy the newer car after I offered to buy their old car for a little over the trade in amount they had been offered. Instead, they had their car repaired and have been driving it with no problem that I know of. Recently, the husband was laid off. I was very sad to hear of this happening, but I was thankful they hadn’t purchased that newer car and incurred the car payments that would have come with it. I’m pleased to know they have one less headache as he finds another job. Each week, I listen to lots of Podcasts. Some of these are sermons. I attend a local church, so I hear one sermon in person and the others via podcasts. I listen to Robert Morris in person at Gateway Church in Southlake, TX. Pastor Morr

  • CCC036: Update on a Listener's Question and How Growth Happens

    11/07/2014 Duration: 22min

    In this episode, I provide an update on a listener question, how growth happens in uncomfortable moments, my new podcast logo and why it is changing, my new book coming at the end of July, my current speaking schedule, and a PDF gift for subscribing to my website.

  • CCC035: Answering a Listener Question, Craigslist Changes and More

    04/07/2014 Duration: 27min

    In this episode, I discuss a listener question, Craigslist, CARFAX, my current speaking schedule, my new book coming at the end of July, and a PDF gift for subscribing to my website.

  • CCC034: Smart Money Smart Kids with Rachel Cruze

    27/06/2014 Duration: 35min

    Rachel Cruze is  a NY Times & Wall Street #1 bestselling author. Someone who has spent a great deal of the last 5 years touring college campuses large and small all around this great country of ours teaching the youth how to handle money. Rachel was only 6 months old when her dad Dave Ramsey lost everything in bankruptcy and started building back from the ground up. For years, she saw the sacrifices her parents made. It wasn’t always easy, but she learned early on how to save for the future, spend wisely, avoid debt, and give generously. They gave her a gift, and it’s one she can’t keep to herself. She wants to help you do the same for yourself and your family. It’s her passion to teach others what she has learned. That’s why she travels the country speaking to audiences large and small. It may seem overwhelming at times, but you really can put yourself in a position to win with money and teach your kids along the way! Smart Money Smart Kids In Smart Money Smart Kids, Rachel Cruze and her father best-sell

  • CCC033: Better Conversations with Derek and Carrie Olsen

    20/06/2014 Duration: 56min

    Derek and Carrie Olsen between engagement and “I do,” had all the tough conversations about money that most couples avoid for decades. If they ever have them! The first year of their marriage, financially speaking, was rough. They planned a wedding, a honeymoon, and a short sale on their house, all at the same time.  They had to hold on for dear life just to make it through the first few years. They came together and created a plan for their marriage and their money. Not so much because they wanted to, but because they had to. They grew and learned so much in the process as a result. This allowed them to grow from insecurity and discomfort to an awesome, healthy place in their relationship – and their finances. Now, they help others have better conversations, and let you in on theirs. They believe, you too can get on the same page with your money, marriage, and life.  

  • CCC032: Larry Winget - The Pitbull of Personal Development®

    13/06/2014 Duration: 42min

    Larry Winget is a 6 times New York Times/Wall Street Journal bestselling author who has been translated into 20 languages. He is a member of the International Speaker Hall Of Fame. He has starred in his own television series and appeared in national television commercials. Larry is also regular contributor on many news shows on the topics of money, personal success, parenting and business. Larry is also the trademarked Pitbull of Personal Development®.

  • CCC031: Generous Life Journey with Gunnar Johnson

    06/06/2014 Duration: 34min

    Gunnar Johnson is a gentleman who has served as the Executive Pastor of Financial Stewardship at Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas since 2006. He is a fan of cycling and an avid skate-boarder. His book, Generous Life Journey is the culmination of over 10 years of faith, struggles, and obedience to carry out a very clear and precise vision God gave him on how to build a stewardship ministry. It's the story of how his encounter with God forever changed his life course and taught him how you handle finances is an issue of your heart.  

  • CCC030: Eventual Millionaire with Jaime Tardy

    30/05/2014 Duration: 40min

    Todays guest is host of the wildly successful podcast the Eventual Millionaire. She has been featured in a number of news outlets such as CNNMoney, CNN Newsroom, and Fox Business. She has also been feature on or in Kiplinger’s, Yahoo! finance, Time, and Success. She has also authored, The Eventual Millionaire: How Anyone Can Be an Entrepreneur and Successfully Grow Their Startup. I have my work cut for me in this episode, as I’m turning the tables on one of the best interviewers in the podcasting business, Jaime Tardy.

  • CCC029: Rich Habits with Tom Corley

    23/05/2014 Duration: 55min

    In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald said "Let me tell you about the very rich. They are different from you and me." He went on to say some unkind things about the rich. The author I interviewed on this episode has a much different view of the rich. In his book, Rich Habits, Tom Corley shares a story of how 10 rich habits can change a persons life. Tom doesn't just speculate about the rich or the poor for that matter. Tom did 5 years of research to find out how the rich and poor differ, and they do. Tom explores differences that exist in our everyday lives that either bring us closer to being rich or keep us poor.

  • CCC028: Catching up with the Cash Car Convert

    16/05/2014 Duration: 27min

    My life has been a whirlwind the last 4 months and I wanted to take this episode to catch up on a few of the major things going on in my life.   Expanded job roll leading to more travel.   Spouse taking on new job.   Moving into a new home at the end of May.   Long weekend vacation.   Being interviewed on several podcasts.   Speaking at a couple of Podcast meetups.   What's changed in your life the last 4 months?   Please let me know!!  

  • CCC027: Five Reasons to Buy a New Car, NO!

    09/05/2014 Duration: 24min

    I was going to speak on something else this week, but I wanted to speak on an article that just made me shake my head. The article was published back in November of 2013 and is titled “Five Reasons to Buy a New Car” by Ravi Kumarr at I am concerned for the people who read this article and over 13,544 have, up from about 3,000 when I first discovered it. I am concerned because some will take its advice. Enough people already have the misguided notion that they “need” a new car without an article like this that does not serve up any verifiable facts. Everyday more and more people find themselves in car trouble. And, I don’t mean mechanical car problems either. They are underwater on their new car. I see articles indicating this more and more.   Articles like this are doing little more than leading animals to the slaughter.  

  • CCC026 - Interview with Beverly Vaughan, Strong People Cannot be Defeated

    02/05/2014 Duration: 58min

    My sister, Beverly Vaughan, was diagnosed with uterine cancer in 1988 when she was 28 years old. She was given 6 months to live. She thought she would never see her daughter be married or have children, but she did. How did she do it? Listen to today's show and find out.  I believe Beverly's story will let you know you can always fight back, you have that choice. You don't have to accept your current reality as your permeant reality. Changer your reality, Beverly did!

  • CCC025 - Interview with The Iron Jen

    23/04/2014 Duration: 34min

    Four year ago, Jen McDonough found her family hitting rock bottom when their son was diagnosed with a lifetime medical condition. They were devastated both financially and emotionally. During this very painful, embarrassing, and difficult time, They went through many obstacles in not only in their finances, but also in their relationships, health, and jobs. Using the strategies learned from being an athletic champion, they were able to create incredible outcomes. Their story would go on to reach people through local, national, and international media (including being featured in a German documentary film) Today, she assists in building stronger organizations, communities, and families by helping people learn how to leverage their advertises to become their strongest selves using her 20+ year experiences of becoming an: • Ironman triathlete after not being able to run, bike, or swim.• Eight-time national Olympic-style weightlifter after starting off with a broomstick.• Author of three Amazon Top 100 books in o

  • CCC024 - Interview with 48 Days' Dan Miller

    09/04/2014 Duration: 35min

    Dan Miller is the author of the New York Times best selling 48days to the Work You Love, No More Dreaded Mondays, and Wisdom meets Passion. He has been a guest on CBS’s The Early Show, MSNBC’s Hardball with Chris Mathews, Moody MidDay Connection, and the Dave Ramsey Show. He has spoken at the White House Christian Fellowship, and is in high demand at national conferences on changes in the workplace, and at universities and business conferences. Over 130,000 people have subscribed to his weekly newsletter, his 48DaysPodcast consistently ranks in the top 3 under Careers on iTunes, and the business community is viewed as an example around the world for those seeking to find - or create - work they love.  

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