American Family Farmer



A weekly look at trends in Family Farming and Healthy Eating.


  • Linley Dixon talks organics and Adobe House Farm

    22/06/2016 Duration: 36min

    In August of 2010, Peter and Linley Dixon moved to Durango with their daughter Raina to start an organic farm, Adobe House Farm, with the mission of providing year-round, pesticide free fruits and vegetables. With help from friends and family, they built a four-season greenhouse, installed fencing, irrigation, and two hoop houses. They sold produce at the Durango Farmers Market, wholesale, and offered a 13-member CSA. Throughout the 2011-2012 winter they grew greens in the greenhouse and tunnels and sold produce to 3 local restaurants, Durango Natural Food Co-op, and to families who scheduled weekly orders.In 2015, they had expanded to the point that they hired two more employees, and were able to offer a CSA to 110 families in Durango as well as greatly expanding offerings at the Durango Farmers 19 Market and to local restaurants.THE CORNUCOPIA INSTITUTE, through research and investigations on agricultural and food issues, provides needed information to family farmers, consumers and other stakeholders in t

  • Michael Harrison on creating the American Family Farmer

    22/06/2016 Duration: 35min

    Michael Harrison is the owner and publisher of Talkers Magazine, which was launched in Summer 1990. It 19 s headquarters is in Springfield, Massachusetts. He has been called a maverick in the world of radio broadcasting, in addition to being a weathered trade journalist, Michael has been at the center of many of radio 19s most exciting revolutions. Doug and Michael talk about creating the show together and discuss the importance of having a voice for farmers on the radio.

  • Melissa Tashjain on Composting

    14/06/2016 Duration: 34min

    Melissa Tashjain is an 1cOrganics Diversion Enthusiast. 1d When she was young, she would travel from Chicago to her parent 19s house in the suburbs, so that she could recycle cans and bottles. Today, with her diplomas from high school and 1cThe School of Hard Knocks, 1d she is the owner of Compost Crusader, LLC, in Milwaukee, WIShe used funds from a planned kitchen rebuild to purchase a front-loading dump truck to expand the business. COMPOST CRUSADER, LLC BEGAN IN 2009, WITH THE GOAL OF HELPING BUSINESSES, ORGANIZATIONS, SCHOOLS, AND MUNICIPALITIES CONTRIBUTE TO THE HEALING OF OUR PLANET. THEIR MISSION IS TO HELP CREATE A CULTURE OF SUSTAINABILITY THROUGHOUT MILWAUKEE COUNTY.

  • Brett Tolley on the connections between Family Fisherpeople and Family Farmers

    14/06/2016 Duration: 37min

    Brett Tolley is the Northwest Atlantic Marine Alliance 19s community organizer. He comes from a four-generation commercial fishing family out of Cape Cod, MA. He has worked in the fishing industry hanging nets, crewing boats of various gear-types, and commercially shellfishing.Bret says that 1cLocal fishermen and fishing communities are disproportionately left out of the policy decisions that impact their lives. This undermines our coastal communities, the health of the ocean, access to healthy food, and ensuring a fair price to fishermen. 1dHe envisions a future, where fishing families have a level playing field and are celebrated for their role in protecting the health of the ocean as well as their role in feeding people. The Northwest Atlantic Marine Alliance was born in 1995 by a group of fishermen and fishing community advocates to explore an alternative management structure. They believed there had to be a better approach to protecting our oceans and managing marine resources.

  • Ken Dunn talks Urban Composting, Recycling and Urban Farming in Chicago

    14/06/2016 Duration: 30min

    Since 1972, Ken Dunn has run a nonprofit organization called the Resource Center, and for 17 years one branch of the center held the contract for removing manure from the stables used by the Chicago Police Department. Dunn kept the contract for so long not because it paid off particularly well but because it helped bolster another of the Resource Center 19s main activities, making compost. The center uses restaurant kitchen trimmings, waste materials from landscaping companies, and other natural detritus to create organic growing material. He also started City Farm, which turns empty urban lots, like the ruins of Chicago 19s Cabrini Green projects, into productive urban farms.

  • Tom Driscoll on Conservation and Climate Change

    10/06/2016 Duration: 36min

    Tom Driscoll is the National Farmer 19s Union 19s director of conservation policy and education. He started with NFU as a government relations representative in August 2014, and assumed the role of director of conservation policy and education in April 2016. He works to ensure family farmers, beginning farmers and youth involved in the organization have the educational resources they need to succeed through market and environmental changes. He also represents their interests on energy, climate and environmental issues. Would you like to improve soil health, water and air quality, wildlife and pollinator habitat or energy efficiency on your land? The Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP), administered by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) offers farmers and ranchers technical and financial support to achieve these goals on working lands. And producers who have thought about CSP in the past may need to give the program another look; NRCS recently made changes that will make CSP work better for

  • Renee Randall talks Willow Ridge Organic Farm

    10/06/2016 Duration: 37min

    Renee Randall visited with us last year. She is a woman farmer (farmess is not a word). The earliest agriculturalists were women, and even now, in many parts of the world, women are the ones who plant, tend and harvest.She started out studying nutrition, and 1974, with three children in tow and help from her friends, she moved from the heart of Chicago and became Farmer Renee, farming organically for the past 41 years.Willow Ridge Organic Farm sits on top of a ridge, a thousand feet above sea level where the air is clean and the view is awe inspiring. It's just a stone's throw away from the Kickapoo and Wisconsin Rivers at Wauzeka in Southwestern Wisconsin, in the heart of Wisconsin's Driftless Region.

  • Lindsey Lusher Shute on the National Young Farmers Coalition

    23/05/2016 Duration: 38min

    Lindsey Lusher Shute is Executive Director of the National Young Farmers Coalition. She is a leading advocate for independent and sustainable farms. As a young farmer herself, she is acutely aware of the challenges that young and beginning farmers face. With a background in organizing and state policy, Lindsey co-founded NYFC. In its first five years, NYFC has engaged tens of thousands of farmers in policy action; galvanized the land trust community around farmland affordability; and organized 28 rural chapters. Lindsey regularly keynotes at farmer conferences and is quoted by national news outlets as an expert on the structural issues facing family farms. NYFC is a platform for young, progressive farmers to have a meaningful influence on the structural obstacles in the way of their success. NYFC represents, mobilizes, and engages young farmers to ensure their success. They support practices and policies that will sustain young, independent and prosperous farmers now and in the future.

  • Terry Spence on the Socially Responsible Agricultural Project

    23/05/2016 Duration: 38min

    Terry Spence is the second-generation owner and operator of the 400 acre family farm where he was born, raised, and then raised his own family. Since its inception, this northeast Missouri farm has been involved in poultry, swine, sheep, cattle, and dairy cow operations. These days, Terry and his family concentrate solely on beef cattle, a cow- calf operation. For the past 20 years, Terry has dedicated his free time to issues of importance to all family farmers. At the local level, Terry co-founded two grass roots organizations of which he is currently president, Family Farms for the Future (FFFF) and Citizens Legal Environmental Action Network (CLEAN).

  • Daniel Teague on the Mississippi Association of Cooperatives and Black Farmers Cooperatives

    23/05/2016 Duration: 38min

    Daniel Teague is a farmer and works in Agribusiness Management with the Mississippi Association of Cooperatives. THE MISSISSIPPI ASSOCIATION OF COOPERATIVES is a non-profit agency that provides support for cooperative businesses, family farmers, and rural people, which enables them to improve their lives and communities; and to maintain and support training and educational programs to enhance the quality of life for rural residents.Building from a tradition, steeped in the Civil Rights Movement, MAC provides technical assistance and advocates for the needs of its members in the areas of cooperative development and networking, sustainable production, marketing and community food security.

  • Marty Mesh talks FOG - Florida Organic Growers

    23/05/2016 Duration: 38min

    Marty Mesha is Executive Director of Florida Organic Growers. Florida Organic GRowers is a nonprofit corporation that was established in farmhouse kitchens and barns in1987. FOG operates two programs: Education & Outreach and Quality Certification Services.The Organic Food Production Act of 1990 required that the USDA develop national standards for organic products, and FOG was heavily involved in the development of the regulations governing organics. FOG is also active in developing and implementing Farm Bill programs.

  • Ellen Moyer on the DARK Act

    23/05/2016 Duration: 38min

    Ellen Moyer is a writer, speaker, engineer, and environmental advocate whose mission is to help restore the environment and promote a healthier way for us to inhabit the Earth. Moyer is a regular contributor to The Huffington Post and has authored two books. Her third, currently in progress, describes how our current environmental, health, and economic crises provide a grand opportunity for humans to evolve to the next level. Of the DARK Act, she says, 1cThe government 19s decision-making about GMOs has huge ramifications for our health, the environment, and our democracy. The U.S. government has refused to call for GMO labeling, unlike 64 other countries - including China - and is now considering overturning hard-won state laws that require GMO labeling. People deserve to know what is in their food. 1d

  • Betty Grotophorst on Defending Farmland

    23/05/2016 Duration: 38min

    Betty Grotophorst grew up on her family's 212 acre, multi - generational family farm in Honey Creek, Sauk County WI. Now retired, she's active on the Green County board, South West Badger RC&D as treasurer, and Badger Kennel club. She lives in the country, grows and preserves most of her food , enjoys experimenting growing heirloom flowers and vegetables in her garden. GREEN COUNTY DEFENDING OUR FARMLAND is a CAFO, which stands for Concentrated Animal Feeding. They are defending clean water, clean air, healthy soils and community for sustainable agriculture. They either depend on farming for a livelihood or support it directly and locally in action and word. They believe all people elected and appointed to public office must place people and their health over money.

  • Kristina Ralph on Organic Farms and CSA'S

    19/05/2016 Duration: 38min

    Kristina Ralph and her husband Robert started Lazy Daze Acres CSA in 2015. She was brought up on the farmstead and is a fifth generation farmer. Robert was completely green to farming, but passionate about learning more about the farming lifestyle. They raise over 40 different varities of USDA certified organic vegetables, including heirlooms and herbs. They also raise organic beef.

  • Chandler Goule on Country of Origin Labeling

    11/03/2016 Duration: 36min

    Chandler Goule began his career with NFU in November 2009 as the vice president of government relations. The World Trade Organization (WTO) has delivered a major setback to American consumers and producers earlier this year when it ruled against the U.S. Country-of-Origin Labeling (COOL) law, which requires muscle cuts of meat, and some fruits and vegetables, to be labeled with the country 19s name where it was produced. The good news is that the U.S. can both maintain the integrity of this label and at the same time comply with our WTO obligations with one quick fix. That fix 13 voluntary COOL - has already been introduced in the U.S. Senate.

  • Chris Prchal on Knowing Your Local Farmer

    11/03/2016 Duration: 36min

    Chris Prchal owns Trogg's Hollow Family Farm, located in Elgin, and Poplar Grove IL. Their mission is to provide people from the Chicago and Rockford area who want to know their farmer and be part of a farm family/community and are searching for natural and chemical-free food with naturally grown and raised, quality food and the opportunity to participate in a welcoming farm environment.

  • Renee Randall on Organic Farming at Willow Ridge Farm

    09/03/2016 Duration: 36min

    Renee Randall is a woman farmer. The earliest agriculturalists were women, and even now, in many parts of the world, women are the ones who plant, tend and harvest.She started out studying nutrition, and 1974, with three children in tow and help from her friends, she moved from the heart of Chicago and became Farmer Renee, farming organically for the past 41 years. Her children grew up on the farm and worked alongside her. They farmed with horses, plowed, made hay, milked cows, and then, when She began growing veggies in 1988, were there by her side again. Now, it's her visiting grandchildren that ride the transplanter, dig fingerling potatoes and eat cherry tomatoes off the vine. Her website is

  • Beth Osmond on Making A Living From Local Foods

    09/03/2016 Duration: 39min

    Beth Osmond and and her husband Jody are a second career family, that left the Chicago consultant world following the bursting of the 1ctech bubble 1d in the early 2000s.They created Illinoi 19s first meat CSA serving the Chicago area. They are activist farmers who speak out about policy issues and they have been involved in advocacy work. They helped form the Board of Farmers Chicagoland CSA Coalition. Jody & Beth are both experienced teachers and speakers, as well as very involved in a variety of food and farm related organizations.

  • Wes King on The National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition

    09/03/2016 Duration: 38min

    Wes King has worked on sustainability and food policy issues for the past 8 years. He staffs NSAC 19s Marketing, Food Systems and Rural Development Committee. He spent the past 6 years at NSAC member organization, Illinois Stewardship Alliance, working on food access, farmers markets and working-lands conservation policy; and leading efforts to create a more risk and scale appropriate regulatory environment for farms and local food businesses. The National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition is an alliance of grassroots organizations that advocates for federal policy reform to advance the sustainability of agriculture, food systems, natural resources, and rural communities.

  • Joel Salatin on the Polyface Farm

    09/03/2016 Duration: 38min

    Joel Salatin is a third generation full-time family farmer in Virginia 19s Shenandoah Valley. The farm services more than 5,000 families, 10 retail outlets, and 50 restaurants through on-farm sales and metropolitan buying clubs with salad bar beef, pastured poultry, eggmobile eggs, pigaerator pork, forage-based rabbits, pastured turkey and forestry products using relationship marketing.He holds a BA degree in English and writes extensively in magazines such as STOCKMAN GRASS FARMER, ACRES USA, and FOODSHED. The Polyface Farm has been featured in SMITHSONIAN MAGAZINE, NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC, GOURMET and countless other radio, television and print media.

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