American Family Farmer

Melissa Tashjain on Composting



Melissa Tashjain is an 1cOrganics Diversion Enthusiast. 1d When she was young, she would travel from Chicago to her parent 19s house in the suburbs, so that she could recycle cans and bottles. Today, with her diplomas from high school and 1cThe School of Hard Knocks, 1d she is the owner of Compost Crusader, LLC, in Milwaukee, WIShe used funds from a planned kitchen rebuild to purchase a front-loading dump truck to expand the business. COMPOST CRUSADER, LLC BEGAN IN 2009, WITH THE GOAL OF HELPING BUSINESSES, ORGANIZATIONS, SCHOOLS, AND MUNICIPALITIES CONTRIBUTE TO THE HEALING OF OUR PLANET. THEIR MISSION IS TO HELP CREATE A CULTURE OF SUSTAINABILITY THROUGHOUT MILWAUKEE COUNTY.