Publish Position Profit With John Tighe



The business and marketing podcast for entrepreneurs with each show featuring an amazing expert or entrepreneur who is crushing it in business. Join me 3 days a week to hear their stories: the obstacles they overcame on their way to success, the lessons they learned on their journey and what motivates them to succeed now.Discover how they are using the incredible publishing opportunities now available to all of us to reach their target audience, build relationships, position themselves as leaders in their field and profit from doing something they love!


  • Using major media to become #1 in your market | Nick Nanton | Episode 27

    20/10/2014 Duration: 35min

    Nick Nanton talks about how you can use Celebrity Branding to position yourself as the leader in your market, charge more for what you do and make connections with amazing people. And Nick should know – he’s a 3-Time Emmy Award winning director, producer and filmmaker. He's also an expert in personal branding, media, marketing and PR and is known as the Top Agent to Celebrity Experts around the world. He is the CEO of The Dicks + Nanton Celebrity Branding Agency whose clients include Steve Forbes, Brian Tracy, Jack Canfield, Michael Gerber, Tom Hopkins and Dan Kennedy. He’s recognized as a top thought-leader in the business world speaking on major stages internationally and having co-authored 34 best-selling books, including the Wall Street Journal bestseller, StorySelling. He has been in USA Today, The Wall St. Journal, Newsweek, BusinessWeek, Inc. Magazine, The New York Times, Entrepreneur Magazine, Forbes and FastCompany… and has appeared on ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, E!, CNN, FOX News, CNBC, MSNBC and… he hosts

  • John Lee Dumas: $200,000 a month through podcasting | John Lee Dumas | Episode 26

    15/10/2014 Duration: 28min

    John Lee Dumas is the host of EntrepreneurOnFire, a hugely successful entrepreneur and a legend in the podcasting community. When John launched EntrepreneurOnFire he was the first person to do a seven day a week podcast – at a time when all the experts were saying it couldn’t be done.Well, John proved the doubters wrong and the show has gone on to become a phenomenal success. Following its September 2012 launch EntrepreneurOnFire won “Best of iTunes 2013”. Within just six months EntrepreneurOnFire became a six figure a year business and it now generates well over $200,000 a month!Last month alone EntrepreneurOnFire generated 975,000 unique listens and the numbers are still growing so it’ll be great to see John hit the 1 million a month mark – probably this month! John is also the founder of the #1 Podcasting community in the world – Podcasters' Paradise – where over 1400 podcasters learn how to create, grow, and monetize their podcasts.

  • Grow your business faster and easier with branding | Re Perez | Episode 25

    06/10/2014 Duration: 47min

    Grow your business faster and easier with Brand Strategist and founder of the highly successful branding agency “Branding for the People” Re Perez. The right branding aligns you with your business and helps you attract your ideal clients – which means you get to have more fun while charging more for what you do!In this show Re explains why branding is so important and goes step by step through how to successfully brand your business to make these benefits a reality. And Re should know: he’s worked on branding projects for a host of Fortune 500 companies as well as with some of the most successful leaders, influencers, and visionaries in the entrepreneurial space such as Suzanne Evans, Pamela Bruner, Maria Andros and Nick Unsworth to name a few.Discover how branding can help you increase your profits, make a bigger impact, position you as a leader in your industry and create a legacy.

  • Develop a powerful online presence and rapidly grow your business | Amber Ludwig | Episode 24

    03/10/2014 Duration: 46min

    Amber Ludwig is an online business mentor who helps authors, speakers and coaches to establish a powerful online presence that gets them results and empowers them to make a difference in their industry. She does this through her multi-six-figure company NGNG Enterprises… that stands for No Guts No Glory BTW!Amber has worked with thousands of entrepreneurs and is the launch manager behind several #1 bestselling books including those for such famous authors as Mark Victor Hansen, Brendon Burchard, Lisa Nichols and Les Brown.In this show Amber shares powerful strategies that will help you dominate in your online space and rapidly grow your business.

  • Lifestyle design, incredible health and building a 6 figure business | Maria Whalen | Episode 23

    01/10/2014 Duration: 39min

    Maria Whalen is a personal friend and an outstanding business woman who has overcome incredible odds to be where she is today. Her story of how she healed herself is both inspirational and very moving. And it was this journey of learning and recovery that made it possible for Maria to do what she does today: inspiring and healing thousands of others with her “Invincible Wellness System”.Maria’s business generates multiple six figures with very low overheads and yet it allows her tremendous freedom – after a lot of hard work she is truly able to live life and do business on her own terms. Way to go Maria!In this show Maria shares how she did this and talks about some of the key strategies she uses such as high-level networking, working with high value clients and building powerful JV (joint venture) relationships.

  • Outsourcing, lifestyle creation and being a New York Times bestselling author | Daven Michaels | Episode 22

    29/09/2014 Duration: 45min

    Daven Michaels is the New York Times bestselling author of “Outsource Smart” and the founder and CEO of outsourcing company 123Employee. An entrepreneur since he was 15, Daven is also a music and television producer and an acclaimed international speaker.As Daven explains, however, he’s not so much in the outsourcing business – he’s in the lifestyle creation business, helping entrepreneurs to both get their time back and grow their businesses.In this show Daven talks about the power of outsourcing, the power of becoming a published author and how easy that now is with all the amazing publishing options available to us today!

  • The online marketing expert the “gurus” go to for help! | Laura Betterly | Episode 21

    26/09/2014 Duration: 52min

    Laura Betterly is the online marketing expert the "gurus" go to for help! The famous Internet Marketers she’s worked with read like a "Hall of Fame" list and include Frank Kern, Ryan Deiss, Andy Jenkins and Mike Filsaime. Her marketing exploits have seen Laura featured in The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Newsday and on CNN. Laura is a former punk guitarist, she’s taken a company public and she has two twenty-something sons.In this show Laura shares some great stories from the early days of Internet marketing as well as what’s working today – great resources and best practices for growing your business fast.

  • From zero to 1 million podcast downloads in 4 months! | David Ralph | Episode 20

    24/09/2014 Duration: 01h04min

    Fellow Brit David Ralph hit 1 million downloads only 4 months after launching his “Join Up Dots” daily podcast – in case you’re in any doubt, these are insane numbers for anyone starting out without an existing platform!In this show David talks about his meteoric rise as a podcaster, using Twitter and Facebook to drive downloads, finding something he loves to do and thinking big… really big!BTW, David hit the 1 million mark five days before we did this interview. And in those five days he’s added another 181,347 downloads… to put it another way, his success is accelerating. In this show David shares his recipe for creating such rapid success.

  • Brand Yourself as a Celebrity to Boost Your Business | Katrina Starzhynskaya | Episode 19

    22/09/2014 Duration: 43min

    Katrina is a bestselling author, founder of Health Mastery Retreat, public speaker and serial entrepreneur. Katrina is also a yoga and fitness instructor, tennis player, and model.Katrina helps experts to create celebrity branding for themselves by publishing a book and becoming a bestselling author, getting celebrity endorsements and and getting into major media – just the way Katrina has done to build her Health Mastery Retreat brand.Katrina’s books are endorsed by the likes of Sir Richard Branson, Robert Kiyosaki, Loral Langemeier and many others.

  • How to 16 X your business in 4 months with email | Tim Paige | Episode 18

    19/09/2014 Duration: 45min

    How do you double your business 4 months in a row?! That's one of the things Tim Paige, the “conversion educator” at LeadPages, talks about on this show. And he should know - because that's exactly what LeadPages did with their own business using the strategies Tim talks about.LeadPages is the platform used by most top Internet marketers to build their email optin pages. In this show Tim talks about the power of building a list and how you can supercharge your email lead capture and use it to create huge amounts of new business.And guess what – the successful templates they used to do that are the exact same templates that we are able to access through LeadPages for our own businesses!

  • Grow your business fast with Webinars | Steven Essa | Episode 17

    17/09/2014 Duration: 57min

    My friend Steven Essa is known internationally as the “Make Money with Webinars Expert”. He’s also been voted “best speaker” at several Internet marketing events and has trained thousands of people around the world to leverage the power of Webinars to rapidly grow their businesses. Steve’s clients regularly generate 4, 5 and even 6 figures with a single Webinar. In this show Steve takes us through the exact steps he uses with his $75,000 clients. He also explains the “medical center model” that allows him to make $30,000 a month from one of his businesses… working just 2 hours a month!

  • 44,306 YouTube subscribers and 4.4 million views in 18 months | David Walsh | Episode 16

    15/09/2014 Duration: 54min

    My friend David Walsh is a YouTube marketing expert who has built his YouTube Channel to 44,306 subscribers in just 18 months! His videos have had 4.4 million views and are bringing thousands of leads into David’s business.In this show David talks about how he’s created this success and powerfully positioned himself by adding just one short video per week – and explains how you can do the same. He’s certainly got me fired up to build my YouTube Channel!

  • Lifestyle design and international real estate investing | Taylor White | Episode 15

    12/09/2014 Duration: 34min

    Taylor White is an entrepreneur, lifestyle designer, international real estate investor and host of the #1 rated Overseas Property Insider Podcast with listeners in over 80 countries. Since the age of 27 Taylor has been living overseas full time in true Tim Ferriss “4-Hour Workweek” spirit. He has bought and sold real estate in 5 countries having started with less than no money and the understanding that hard work trumps secrets any day of the week!

  • How to make $20,000 a month working 5 hours a week | Erlend Bakke | Episode 14

    08/09/2014 Duration: 42min

    In 2010 Erlend Bakke thought he was about to die when he collapsed on a London tube train due to stress from overwork. Today Erlend is happy, healthy, relaxed and doing better than most people ever dream of. He is the owner and CEO of three companies, which together bring him a disposable income of $20,000 a month and growing. Yet despite this he only spends 5 hours a week working on his businesses, thanks to his mastery of “ethical outsourcing”.Erlend is one of the very few entrepreneurs I know who is truly living Tim Ferriss’ 4 hour work week – give or take an hour!

  • Launch and Monetize a Business in 90 Days or Less | AJ Amyx | Episode 13

    05/09/2014 Duration: 49min

    AJ Amyx is the host of AMYX TV and founder of the Passionpreneur Academy. He trains entrepreneurs all over the world who are authors, speakers and coaches on how to attract new clients, how to create high-end programs and how to automate their marketing and sales so they get paid well! He runs a specialist program that helps people launch and monetize a business in 90 days or less.AJ is a business coach, marketer, consultant and free spirit. But at his core, he just wants to help people get paid for their passions and make a difference in the world – since that is what he gets to do every day!

  • 2,000% business growth in less than 12 months! | Joey Kissimmee | Episode 12

    03/09/2014 Duration: 40min

    Joey Kissimmee has been making money online since 2000. He is a multi-talented online entrepreneur, podcaster, pro blogger, iPhone app developer and premium Wordpress theme developer. In fact, the website is actually based on one of Joey’s themes – thanks for that Joey! Joey’s Appendipity Wordpress theme business has grown by an incredible 2,000% in less than 12 months and so right now that is his main focus. In this interview Joey shares his success secrets and how he was able to build a sustainable business that earns money for him and his family even when he’s not there – allowing him to take December and January off completely, every year!

  • $60,000 in 1 month from Kindle publishing! | Steve Scott | Episode 11

    01/09/2014 Duration: 40min

    In May 2014 Steve Scott’s Kindle royalties jumped to $60,000 in just 1 month! (They were already at an impressive average of $20,000 a month.) Steve has also been ranked as the #1 business author on Amazon multiple times – and every single one of his books is self-published.In this episode Steve takes you through exactly how he built his Kindle Empire – from starting out making a few dollars a month just 2 years ago to having a $500,000+ business today!

  • How to get 57,000 YouTube subscribers | Lane Fournerat | Episode 10

    29/08/2014 Duration: 44min

    Lane Fournerat is a YouTube channel expert who has built his LaneVids YouTube channel to an amazing 57,000 subscribers! Or at least that was the number just two weeks ago when we did the interview… today, as I write this, it’s up another 2,000 to 59,086. That’s 1,000 per week – way to go Lane!!!Clearly Lane is a man who knows what he’s talking about when it comes to building a platform on YouTube. In this interview he’ll explain how he does it and the different ways you can monetize your channel and use it to grow your business.

  • 1 million downloads and $250,000 of revenue in 10 months | Michael O’Neal | Episode 9

    25/08/2014 Duration: 01h03min

    Michael O’Neal hosts “The Solopreneur Hour” – a Stitcher Award nominated podcast that recently hit the 1 million download mark just 10 months after launching. It also happens to have generated a $250,000 revenue stream in that same 10 month time frame! Michael has been “proudly unemployable” since 2005 and now he helps other solopreneurs follow that same road. Michael shares a ton of great information on today’s show including the steps he followed to build such a $250,000 revenue stream in less than a year!

  • Building a 6 figure business in 2 years with expert positioning | Keith Shannon | Episode 8

    22/08/2014 Duration: 38min

    Keith Shannon is an inspirational entrepreneur who recently built a business that hit high six figures in only its second year!!! How did he do this so quickly? Simple – he expertly positioned himself from the get-go and he’ll explain exactly how he did that in this episode. One of the things I love about Keith is that he’s a super high energy guy so it’s always fun talking to him and I think you’re going to love this show. When he’s not making money as an entrepreneur Keith rocks it out as Nikki Sixx in the Mötley Crüe tribute band Mötley 2.0.

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