Beeson Divinity Podcast



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  • Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy


    Timothy George talks with Eric Metaxas about the life and legacy of Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

  • The Wild Goose and the Hymnal


    Timothy George talks with hymnodist John Bell about the history of the Iona Community in Scotland, about music in community, and about how the Holy Spirit is like a wild goose.

  • Repentance That Sings


    Dr. Timothy George and Dr. Robert Smith, Jr. discuss Dr. Bryan Chapell's sermon "Repentance That Sings," which was preached at Southern Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY as a part of the E.Y. Mullins lectures on Biblical Preaching.

  • Christians at the Border

    24/05/2011 Duration: 28min

    Timothy George talks with Danny Carroll about how Christians should think about issues relating to immigration.

  • Literature and the Christian Imagination


    Timothy George talks with Dr. Ralph Wood about his spiritual and intellectual development and his passion for Christian Literature.

  • When the Church Must Stand Alone


    Timothy George talks with Dr. Erwin Lutzer about his childhood growing up in a German family in Canada, about his interest in German history, and about the pressing cultural crises facing the church.

  • What Do the Baptists Stand For?


    Timothy George talks with David Coffey about religious liberty, Baptists and Christian unity, about and Coffey's involvement in the Keswick movement.

  • Running on Empty


    Dr. Timothy George and Dr. Robert Smith, Jr., discuss Doug Webster's sermon "Running on Empty," which was part of the chapel series "The Faith We Confess." The full sermon follows their discussion.

  • Holy Week and the Cross


    Timothy George talks with Dr. Carl Beckwith about the meaning of Holy Week, Martin Luther's Theology of the Cross, and how the Cross should influence our ecclesiology.

  • Lent and the Life of Prayer


    Timothy George talks with Vickie Gaston about the meaning of Lent, its place in the Church Year, and the worth of prayer in the Christian life.

  • Barmen and the Baptists


    Timothy George talks with Albert Mohler about the Baptist response to Nazi Germany, the history of social engagement in the church, and both the purpose and the perils of political involvement.

  • A Thorn in the Flesh


    Dr. Timothy George and Dr. Robert Smith, Jr., discuss James Earl Massey's sermon "A Thorn in the Flesh," which they consider an excellent example of the use of personal illustration in preaching. The full sermon follows their discussion.

  • Defending Life


    Timothy George talks with Dr. Francis Beckwith about what the prolife movement has achieved and what must be accomplished in the future in order to overturn Roe v. Wade.

  • Sophie Scholl and the Crucible of Suffering


    Timothy George talks with Dr. Annemarie Kidder about the life and death of Sophie Scholl, a young girl who whose Christian convictions led her to join the resistance against Nazi Germany.

  • Presbyterians, Pentecostals, and the Power of the Holy Spirit


    Timothy George talks with Dale Bruner about Bruner's relationship with Bible-teacher Henrietta Mears, his dissertation on the Holy Spirit, teaching systematic theology through the gospels, and why we need Martin Luther.

  • Francis Schaeffer and the Shaping of Evangelicals


    A conversation with Timothy George and Barry Hankins about 20th-century thinker and author Francis Schaeffer.

  • What Will Last


    In this the second of the series "Great Preachers, Past and Present," Dean Timothy George and Dr. Robert Smith, Jr., discuss the message "What Will Last," preached by Dr. Howard Edington just a week after the tragic accidental death of his only son. The message in its entirety follows their discussion.

  • The Call to Joy and Pain


    A conversation with Timothy George and Ajith Fernando.

  • Putting Faith into Words


    A conversation with Timothy George and Kathleen Nielson.

  • A Culture of the Cross


    A conversation with Timothy George and Bruce Winter.

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