Grace Timonium



The weekly feed of weekend messages from Grace Fellowship Church, Timonium, MD


  • Focus


    Scripture: Nehemiah 6:1-3, Galatians 6:9, Zechariah 4:10, Proverbs 16:9, Knowing what you’re called to do and saying no to ALL other distractions. Stay focused!

  • All In


    Scripture: Joshua 1:1-3,5-6,9, Exodus 33:7,11, Phil 4:6b-7, Joshua 1:10 -11, Numbers 13:28,31-33, Hebrews 4:2, Joshua 3:2-4a, Joshua 3:7a-13, Isaiah 55:8-9, Joshua 3:15-17, James 5:17 , Do you ever wonder is there more to life? Maybe even more to the Christian life than I am experiencing. What is the key to living the "more" life? This week: what its like to be ALL IN? What would happen if we had an ALL IN attitude with God?

  • Recognize the Situation


    Scripture: Nehemiah 1:2-4, Nehemiah 1: 6-7, Psalm 32, Nehemiah 1: 7-9, 2 Corinthians 1:20, Lamentations 3:22-23, The first step to restoration is to assess the damage and to own it. Once you do that, you’re ready to rebuild. Sometimes it’s not the devil, it’s the decision. Confession. Taking an honest look at the wreckage and confessing your part -- personal and generational.

  • It's Still Easter


    Scripture: John 20:19, Psalm 62:1 - 2, Romans 10:8, Are you living a life of adventure? A life free from fear? Jesus came so that we could have that life here and now - and Heaven thrown in! The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is living in us!

  • Greater Love


    Scripture: John 15:13, 1 Corinthians 13:4 - 8, 1 John 4:8, 1 Corinthians 13, Matthew 28:5, John 3:16, Have you ever loved someone so much that you were willing to literally give your life for theirs if it came to that? Jesus did that for us. Join us this Easter to see what a Greater Love he had -- and still has -- for us.

  • Last Words


    Good Friday 2019

  • Significant Sunday


    Scripture: Matthew 21:1-11, This Sunday, we observe an exceedingly significant moment as Jesus enters Jerusalem in what has become known as the Triumphal Entry; a humble scene as the savior arrives on the back of a donkey. There will be many more significant moments as things shift from jubilant praise to chants of "crucify Him!" as we see Jesus fulfill prophecies on his way to the cross.

  • Walking in Relationships


    Scripture: John 17:21, Luke 15:1-2, John 1:14, Romans 2:4, Luke 15:2, Revelation 3:20, Luke 15:3-7, Jesus’ life and ministry were built on relationships. He didn’t rent large synagogues, put on a special program, and invite people to come hear Him preach. His whole strategy of impact was rooted in entering into people’s real-world lives. He was constantly going where the people were, meeting their needs, and investing in them. What would it look like for us to do the same thing? Our world would change!

  • Jesus and the Word of God


    Scripture: Hebrews 4:12, Deuteronomy 6:6-9, Psalm 1:1-3,6, Psalm 88:3-5,13, Jesus attitude toward the word of God was evident - He studied, trusted, learned from, submitted to, and used the scriptures to fulfill his destiny. His respect for, Knowledge of, and dependence on the Word of God was evident at every turn in his life. What would it look like for us to approach God’s word the very same way?

  • Exalting the Father


    Scripture: Isaiah 2:12,17, John 17:4, John 14:9, Luke 18:19, 1 Peter 5:6-7, Jesus did not say that life revolves around His own was about the Father and His desires. In the same way, living a life worth pursuing is not about us, nor does the world revolve around our desires. When we make it all about us, then we feel pressure to live up to other people’s expectations. But when we exalt the Father as the source of all the good we do, we live in genuine humility and peace comes our way. It’s not about us, it’s about Him. This is how Jesus Lived.

  • Walking in Obedience


    Scripture: Matthew 4:1-10, Hebrews 4:15-16, Proverbs 23:7, “Yes” is the word of Obedience. And obedience is God’s love language! Jesus always and only obeyed His Father’s desires. He knew that the question was not, “What do I want to do?” but, “What does My Father want me to do?” Jesus knew that life presents two choices. We can follow either the world’s agenda, which involves living for ourselves; or we can choose to always and only follow the Father’s Kingdom agenda (John 5:30). He knew that His life revolved not around His desires but around the Father’s greater plan and story and He invites us all to live the same way.

  • Praying Like Jesus Prayed


    Scripture: Luke 5:16, Luke 6:12-13, James 1:5, Matthew 26: 38-39, The prayer life of Jesus was key to his ability to minister powerfully into people’s lives. The Scriptures record thirty-three different instances in which Jesus takes time to pray. Prayer was a way that he renewed his energy and and determined his next step. Prioritizing prayer the way that Jesus did will lead to life changing results that change the future!

  • Walking Like Jesus Walked


    Scripture: John 1:43, Philippians 2:5, What if, for one day and night, Jesus lived your life with his heart? Your Heart got the day off and your life was led by the heart of Christ? What would change if His priorities governed your actions, His passions drove your decisions and His love directed your behavior? The Life of Jesus is the aim of every follower of Christ. Not just to think like him but to act like him!

  • Are You Ready? (Armor of God)


    When you feel like you are in a battle in life, do you know you have access to weapons through God? This week we dive into Ephesians 6 where Paul tells us about the armor that God and how we, as believers, are equipped to handle the spiritual battles of life.

  • Re-brand Launch


    Scripture: Luke 5:33-39, Revelation 21:2, Revelation 3:12, Revelation 2:17, Revelation 21:5, As a church we are not a museum of religious artifacts, or a preservation society of how things used to be. The church of Jesus is a growing, fluid, dynamic, changing body of believers that are attempting to work out this surprising, yet life changing idea that Jesus has risen from the dead and that means something for our context, in our day and in our time! Join us this week as we reveal our New Logo and how this pertains to us in what the Lord has laid out for us as a congregation and people.

  • Baptism Weekend and Rebrand Launch


    Scripture: John 10, Psalm 23:1 - 6, Grace Fellowship Church is nearing the one-year anniversary of Make+Multiply; Life Worth Pursuing. This week, we take stock as a church body and celebrate all that God has done in our midst in such a short time and worship as a community with a special in-service baptism.

  • Comparison


    Do you ever compare yourself to others? Your kids, abilities, home, car, job, struggles? Sizing things up and wondering where you fit and how you define your value? Why do we so easily fall prey to comparing ourselves to others? God can free us from the bondage of comparison.

  • Stinkin' Thinkin'


    Scripture: Matthew 11:28, As we continue in our series Baggage Claim, this week we take a look at what its like to carry around our 'Stinkin Thinkin '. How does the way you think of yourself, your job and relationships effect you as a whole? What if God has given us tools on how to change our thinking and bring more Joy to our lives? Let's replace our thinking of anxiety for peace and our thinking of negativity for positivity.

  • Bad Habits


    Scripture: Matthew 11:28, Romans 7:14-21, 2 Corinthians 12:8-9, Hebrews 8:12, Romans 6:1- 2, Galatians 5:1, Philippians 3:12 - 14, Are you consumed by your habitual bad habits? We often revert to bad habits out of comfort, out of protection and out of just knowing we will safe. This is a falsehood. Jesus wants to teach us that our bad habits don't define us and are certainly not things we need to keep going to. He is the answer and will provide all-in comfort, provision and protection.

  • Regrets


    Scripture: Matthew 11:28 - 30, John 21:8 - 17, 1 John 1:9, We all carry "baggage" with us; things that hamper our relationship with others and with God. Over the coming weeks, we'll "unpack" our baggage in a series of messages where we'll learn how God has already made a way for us to check our baggage with Him and live a life of freedom in Christ.

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