Anders K Getting The Marketing Out There



Hi Anders Here, I have been in the background of my childhood friend Sven for a few years now in our business. I am doing this to put myself out there for all people like me who speak English with an accent and no training in recording themselves to get motivated and follow my example. I am one of those who have a degree (master in Chemical Engineering). and started online because the jobs they got were not what they planned, labwork is as dull as it sounds. I am also not very good at planning and consider setting goals and multitasking difficult. So if I can do it, so can you!


  • Speak English just like an American

    22/07/2019 Duration: 26s

    This is my results

  • Your choices in economy

    09/05/2019 Duration: 05min

    Today I am uploading my first edited episode. It has 3 stories. All of them start out in the same situation. The only difference how they are investing their time and money. 1st is the consumer. 2nd is the share holder. 3rd is the entrepreneur. I hope you enjoy the stories. Have a good one and remember that publishing is the way to be discovered if you are not yet known.

  • Learning English From Dino Crawley

    06/05/2019 Duration: 05min

    Hi, If you are like me starting out with a heavy accent. I got good News for you. Our client Dino Crawley is an American born English teacher working in Japan for many years. A few days ago I started using his product to learn how to speak English like an American. If you have listen to my early episodes yo will hear how bad my voice and accent were to start with. I will put out a link to his product as soon as it is launched here: Dino knows his stuff and he has a good voice. So if you like me are struggling with your accent and want to speak clearly, Dino is your man. Remember if I can start a podcast from nothing sounding really bad. (Listen to episode 1 if you do not believe me, it's a real shocker, I'm telling ya).

  • Become a master in time management

    03/05/2019 Duration: 07min

    The best way to master time is to find out what you are doing daily and improve it. I have studied business processes and leadership for 2 years so I know what I am talking about. So if you are looking for How to become more efficient this is the episode for you.

  • What’s your attitude to selling. What is marketing

    02/05/2019 Duration: 09min

    An introduction story that may change your view of sales. You will also get an Idea of basic marketing.

  • Marketing getting the whole picture instead of tactics

    02/05/2019 Duration: 07min

    In this episode I will tell you why it is so important to see the whole picture rather than just tools. Gurus are telling all about magic headlines and magic phrases that get the sales done. This is not the whole truth. The best headlines are focusing on results your audience want to have. If you want to do even better is the results without doing what they hate. Example loose weight without exercising and eating your favourite food. And a sales letter telling them it is possible and how to do this without too much details. Of course you need to be able to deliver these results or you will go out of business fast. If you want to succeed in business, you need to be seen. And the easiest way to be seen and learning how to make offers become profitable is by publishing. By publishing you will get the benefits of being seen and getting better on podcast video or blogging. 

  • Be a good leader not a lonewolf. If you do not publish you will stay unknown.

    01/05/2019 Duration: 06min

    Just because you are good or have a good Product will not make you succeed. If you are not publishing tou will remain in the shadow collecting dust. And I think that would be a shame.

  • You need to tell it the right way for them to listen.

    13/04/2019 Duration: 04min

    If you are like me, you are not yet getting through to people. The reason is lack of retorical skills and not being taught the right skills in school. If I can do this, so can you. You should also start publishing and learning to get across to people.

  • My marketing Journey

    10/04/2019 Duration: 07min

    Yes, I know that I should do this daily. What you learn from my mistake is Keep publishing or your voice and character will begin to go back to zero. If I can come back doing an embarrassing episode and publish it, you can start. I hope you follow my lead and to hear from you soon.

  • The importance of conquering fear

    04/04/2019 Duration: 06min

    Have you ever regretted not doing something that you really wanted to because of fear? I have, and let me tell you it made me feel small and unworthy. On the other hand I never regretted doing what I really wanted. Most of my best memories and decisions has been facing and overcoming my fears. Both the resultat and boost of confidence makes me feel great. Even if your first podcast would make you want to hide under the table in embaressment, people will respect you for your courage. And remember ”the mess you are in becomes your message” is what Stephen Larsen says and he is so right. So never let fear stop you...

  • You can create a time flow by publishing online, in the same way you can create a cashflow investing

    29/03/2019 Duration: 07min

    By putting your money in shares in the stockmarket,& by mailing the list that you build collecting emails before they see you offer... -you are making your money you are investing give you money back as commisions (shares) or in sales (mailing offers to your list). When it comes to time it works the same. -talking to someone is like spending money that you earn on consumption and result in that you can not use this time again. (I love talking to my friends, but I do not like explaining the same things 100 times over and over again). The solution is to create a timeflow which is basically publish a podcast, blogpost etc about it. Yes, by doing so you can point people asking this question to what you have published and save you the time explaining it. I hope this advice helps you take the decision to start putting yourself out there and follow my lead. Thank you and see you soon

  • You do not need to a webdesigner to succeed to start a thriving online business anymore...

    28/03/2019 Duration: 09min

    If you are sick of getting problems with your pages when the plug-in you are using upgrades. If you do not want to spend 1000:s on webdesigner. If you are a webdesigner who want to stay in business. Listen to this episode and find out How to best leverage your skills when techskills are no longer needed to make a website. Yes, you still have PS and your eye for design to work with, but How you work will change.

  • Going into marketing, do 1 business at the time.

    25/03/2019 Duration: 11min

    Do not try doing more than 1 business at the time. So when your first business gives you more money back than you put in you may create your next one. And last A warning for get rich quick, money for almost no work is called payed traffic. If you want it easier go to Vegas or Online casino (the odds are against you here big time at casinos though...)

  • Give back to the community

    22/03/2019 Duration: 05min

    I love helping others and seeing people succeed and learn give me great pleasure. I would be so proud and pleased if I one day saw one of my students surpass me and reach the absolute top. I hope to inspire you to go out of your comfort Zone and getting your message out there. Teaching and seeing your students learn is great. I have taught math as a homework helper and basic ju-jutsu before going online so I know. Remember if I can put myself out there so can you.

  • Making selling superfluous by applying marketing and having great offers.

    21/03/2019 Duration: 09min

    This episode is taken from a blogpost i did a while ago on Marketing with Sven. He will probably do a better more in depth recording of it soon. But until then I love sharing it with you. Remember if I can do this so can you, you just need to sign up and start making your own podcast.

  • What I have been doing since my last podcast

    18/03/2019 Duration: 03min

    Hi there, I have had 1 week with no podcasting, even though I promised 1 episode a day. I have a valid reason though. Since last episode I have recorded 13 modules of How to become successful online that is part 2 out of 3 in a Product that me and my businesspartner are doing. And that is why, even though I have no manuscript have improved my voice so much since last episode. Remember if I can do this so can you. I hope you enjoyed this episode and see you again tomorrow

  • It is possible to become world champion in Heptathlon with a twisted ankle, just do it!

    11/03/2019 Duration: 08min

    This episode is all about inspiration, it is about Heptathlon world championship 2005 in Helsinki and Carolina Klüft winning with a twisted ankle. I am so emotional about it because I am truely touched by this story. My message is just go out and reach for your goals, if my podcast and this story can make you reach for success it has been totally worth it. I hope that I will be helping you reaching your goals when you are ready. Thank you for listening

  • How A Visual Learner Can Become A Good Podcasters (I am not there yet though) -Below is the outline I used for today´s episode

    09/03/2019 Duration: 06min

    This mail I wrote today that I used as an outline for today´s episode: Are you also a visual learner, not sure if podcasting is for you.  I used to do so as well… Is everything coming out a mess when you try to explain things without pictures or paper. How is it possible to make presentations without screwing up? If you are podcasting it is easy. Write a mail like this one and use as a template for your next episode. All blogposts that you have made are prime material for a podcast. If you are performing live on Facebook or other platforms, have the outline of your material in a powerpoint/keynote or similar program at you screen while you are on camera. Have a mouse in your hand to change slides. And be close to the camera and look at your audience and you will be fine. Best part of it is, the outline makes sure that you never get lost. But to do so, you need to get yourself out there. The first few tries on podcasting will be horrible, but that is good. If you start out being to good it will

  • Tell Them What Got You Exited About It In The First Place, Not The Technical Stuff That You Learnt

    08/03/2019 Duration: 06min

    Tell them what got you exited about it i. The first place, not the technical stuff that you learnt from spending months reading about the subject to become an expert. I got exited about marketing when I saw How it can be used to help people get what they need by listening to what they want and asking good questions. I also found it cool that letting people try out things makes them decide by themselves to buy. It was also fascinating hearing How a brand even if it was not better can outsell someone else because of the name they have built. Eg Coke vs Pepsi and so on.

  • My Story, Told in a Marketers Way 1st Version

    07/03/2019 Duration: 13min

    This is my story of How I started marketing after an unsuccessful career in engineering, not getting where I wanted. I am studying half speed at distance quality- and leadership development to increase the value I can give people starting their business online. I hope that you start now and not wait 3 years like I did before putting yourselves out there. If I can help one person become successful following my example this podcast has been totally worth it...

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